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Show Around and About wry UTAH CQit By MILDRED B. HALL FR 3-85- or FR 63 Jerusalem, Like Berlin, Lives os Divided City WASHINGTON,. D. C. The spot-- . light on Berlin recalls another fa- - 3-05- 46 ujtviua ciiy, Jerusalem. to She her Here home returned .Arab and Jew Iceep an Payson. in Oakland Sunday. amidst the mon armistice uneasy uments of three great religions. Mrs. Orrin R. Baird, just re- Only rarely can humanitarian needs allow the to lower turned from Madison Wis., where their rifles and patrols open the barrishe visited her daughter, Kath- cade, says the National! Geograleen her husband, Roy V. Sned- phic Society. new daughdon, son Michael and Every year at Eastertime, Is" ter, Jannene, born Aug. 26. She rael's Samaritans some 140 also visited the Black Hills of men, women and children are South Dakota and saw the Allen allowed to pass into Jordan. There Bergins, former Provoans. A fare- they meet a hundred or so of their well party was given for them, fellows to celebrate the Passover who are now transferred to New as their ancestors have done for York City where he will be at thousands of years. in-- us Former Provo resident, Mrs. Delbert (Viola Thomsen) Jorgen-se- n from Fremont, Neb., is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Thelma Grover and friends in Provo. She is accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Ed (Rita Jean) Koval; also of Fremont. J i -- ; The Raymond Hardings, Vineyard, and Evin Wilbergs, Gremv have returned after an interesting week of travel to Moab and Mesa Verde, and Durango, Colo., ;Oortez, N.M., the Painted Desert, Petrified Forest, Sunset Crater Monument and Glen Canyon Dam. Columbia University. They "also visited Mr. ..and Mrsi Vern Harker, Orem, now serving Mr. and Mrs. Dale G. Larsen an LDS mission to the Apache and son, Glen, of Orem, with Miss Indians. Sharee Harwood, Orem, .reported a pleasant trip to the Northwest. iMrs.. Melissa Lewis was sur- At Moses Lake, Wash., they joined prised . by her nieces bringing a a son, Larry C. Larsen, just redinner and decor- leased from the Northwestern ated cake in her honor. Partici- States Mission. Together they pating were Mrs. Albert (Donna) traveled to Mt. Vernon" and McBeth, Mrs. Leo (Cecil) Cahoon Seattle, Wash., and Portland and and Mrs. Florence Argyle Mitch- Hood River in Oregon. ell, all Payson; Mrs! Lave (Nel-liBertleson, Springville, and sale St. Mary's rummage Par-risMrs, Olive Argyle Fernsten of at the 27, Sept. Wednesday, . Oakland, Calif. House, 50 W. 2nd N., 9 a.m. .Mrs. Olive Argyle Fernsten, for- to 9 p.m. (Adv.) " merly of Spanish Fork, now of Deseret Diamond Company Oakland, Calif., has been spending two .weeks visiting with her many sells, buys, appraises and" trades relatives and friends in Salt Lake diamonds. 285 N. 100 E., Provo. City Provo, Spanish Fork and FR post-birthd- ay e) " , h . - mmt - , AABATUCOTn WtTM WEATHER SATELLITES LIKE OUR. PROVIDING A BREAKTHROUGH IN SCIENTISTS WEATHER KNOWLEDGE, SOMEDAY BE ABLE TO CREATE Odd incidents occasionally add a touch of humor to the grim situation. Several years ago an elderly woman leaned out her window and accidentally dropped her false teeth into no man's land. Getting them returned required the joint efforts. of United Nations observers and liaison officers from Jordan and Israel. Gate Only Link The 1948 armistice closed off all connections between the two sectors save one, the Mandelbaum Gate. Only United Nations representatives, church leaders and diplomats can cross regularly and freely. But they must change, the license plates on their cars each time, for Jordan does not recognize Israel. The Old City of Jerusalem remained with Jordan after the partition. This densely packed third of a square mile contains some of Christianity's most sacred shrines. Christian Shrine in Jordan Here stands the old Crusader Church of the Holy Sepulcher, a magnet for many sects. Latin and Greek, Armenian and Copt, Syrian each claims a and Ethiopian share of the holy spot where Christ rose from the tomb. Recent agreement between the largest sects had led to large-scal- e renovations in the crumbling church. But nothing will be modernized. Throughout the Old City improvements can be made 'JT. noopn -- -- WAV WfcAlHtK... 1961 DAILY HERALD Utah County, Utah 14-D- ay 14-da- Third generation steelmaker James Vi Mazurie III, will keep a long family tradition alive this month when he joins the management organization at Columbia-Genev- a Steel's Geneva Works as a turn foreman in the machine shop. His promotion was announced Saturday by M. E. Strate, division superintendent of maintenance and utilities. With his appointment, Mr. Mazurie joins a "U.S. Steel tradition started before the turn of the century by his grandfather, who retired as general superintendent of National Tube Division's Gary Works in Indiana. His father, J. V. Mazurie Jr., now serves as division superintendent of rolling mills at Geneva. Born in Gary, Mr. Mazurie attended school there before joining U.S. Steel in 1943 as a machine helper at National Tube's Gary Works. After working for three s; ASC Slates r Drought Aid Signup Dates It was sponsored entirely by I; rlT or 1961, or such acrewill as ages bring the total diverted acreage to 10 acres, may sign applications beginning Sept. 25 through Dec. 1. i a ment gave neither financial port nor endorsement to the .1011111 sup- Dries in n . ;' DfJJVERY SERVICE m DRUGS By IVAN 104 W. CENTER FR 3-16- 'MBHnMMHaBakMBm n J' ": At Only If 2, A L- -f Weekly! T" NO MONEY ,,,DOWNV' I )7AV LJ 3 62 WEST CENTER PROVO SAJfT LAKE OGDEN TIL 9 P.M. 72 -- faster OPEN MONDAY'S CLOSED ON SUNDAYS . hair ond nails 50 Completely portable (weighs 4y2 pounds) Signal light, and push button controls Vinyl hood and flexible hose "Spacious compartment for combs, brushes, etc. case Handsome luggage-typ- e Removable mirror in lid "We Appreciate Your HALL mmmwrnitmimmmm " t'ww4 Patronage" Randy Stevens, instructor funds and the federal govern- e 1959, 1960, Classes begin 8 p. m., Tues. or Thurs., this week GRA 2025 Nf 12th L A Square Dance pri-at- e BOSTON ar Ber-line- rs New York City, in 1853, was the site of the first international exposition held in the United States. Provo Physician : Completes Course In Boston Hospital; Dr. Fred D. Kartell-n- er, E., Provo, was-on51 enrolled in an of years at Homestead Works in intensive physicians postgraduate course in. Pennsylvania, he was transferred gynaecology being offered at thc! to Geneva in 1950, where he comVincent Memorial Hospital: pleted a four-yeapprentice through the Harvard Medical training course as a machinist. School. " . He served in this capacity, until For two weeks, Sept. 11 through his management appointment this 22, Dr. Kartchner and colSept. month. leagues engaged in a thorough re- Mr. Mazurie is a member of the view of the present theories, prinAssociation of Iron and Steel En- ciples and management of com-- 1 gineers, He and his wife, June, mon gynaecological conditionsr and two children reside at 372 S. and participated in .clinical con3rd E., in American Fork. ferences. ( EARLY EXPOSITION 5 Mazurie Family Contributes 3rd Generation SteeKvorlcer Rodger E. Johnson, seaman apprentice, U.S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs "Ellis Johnson of 471 W. only If they harmonize with its 3rd S., Payson, is home on y ancient style. recruit leave from the Naval Center in San Diego, Training Temple of Solomon Calif. Another sacred spot to Jew, Upon his return to duty, Rodger Christian and Moslem is the Dome will report to the Naval Training of the Rock. Here Solomon built Great Lakes, 111., for Center, the'great temple; Christ cast out training as a gunners mate techand Moham- nician the med asceded to heaven from his weapons.specializing in nuclear borse. Every day before dawn the cry of the muezzin calling the faithful to prayer from the Dome of the Rock echoes throughout the city. To cross from Old Jerusalem into the Israeli sector Is to enter a different world. Narrow streets crowded with camels and vendors give way to broad avenues, bumper - to - bumper traffic, and modern buildings. NEPHI Signup dates for Inhabitants from some 70 nafeed were released drought of new the grain tions give the part the Stabilitoday by Agricultural city a cosmopolitan atmosphere. zation and Conservation office lanin Shops post signs listing the Nephi. guages spoken within. One pharLivestock producers interested macy boasts J.0. in obtaining drought grain may Between Two Worlds now make application at the ASC county office, according to Thad Between the two sectors is a no M. Nebeker, office manager. man's land, controlled by neither The authorized period has been side. Here Israel and Jordan are designated as Sept. 7, 1961 to May still technically at war, and sol- 31, 1962. diers will shoot anyone who tresThere will be two rates passes. They pass time slinging on approved livestock price feed. One stones at each other across the rate will be for livefoundation barricade. stock and another for livestock on full grain ration. Except in special cases, where Mr. Nebeker also announced people are allowed to cross for urgent personal reasons, there are that farmers interested in earning few contacts between east and payments by reducing their west. wheat acreage up to an additional In one suburb, barbed wire sep- 30 per cent of the farm allotarates neighbors, friends and fam- ment, or, for small farms (farms ilies. But they can wave and talk with allotments of 13.5 acres or less), 30 per cent of the smaller to one another just as of 13.5 acres or the highest wheat the over have been doing there. acreage planted on the farm in recently erected barricade money-changer- SEPTEMBER 23, MONDAY, Payson Man Home On Lcavo 'JtmmmmmmammmmummmmmmmmmmmummmKBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. 1 1 FIFTHS MMf success has already Partial ACHIEVED IN CREATING RAIN BEEN BY "SEEDING" CLOUDS WITH SODIUM IOP1DE CRYSTALS. . : SZT"' W- , ' A- - -- A- 4- - ; tTROS WEATHER -', , , Watch for Grand Opening Kiddleville 7 ':' SATELLITE --Ar -- A- PREPARE TO ENJOY AMERICA'S AMAZING-FUTURINVESTING NOW N Q O Prices Effective MONDAY thru Toys 272 No. Univ. Ave. Free prizes. S " 1 ' LEAN WEDNESDAY E and MEATY U.S. SAVINGS BONDS WiTH THEIR INCREASED INTEREST RATE, SAVINGS FUTURE BONDS WILL STRENGTHEN VOUR FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTE TO AMERICA'S PROGRESS M Announcing Stndebaker's Newest Dealer u(UJ Chunk n. 265 South 1st West Studebaker Sales, and Service Center cordially invites you to see, lour newest " the car you want, the truck you need price and test-drid line from our complete ve -- if value-packe- MSN f-- . R iJ (S J jrv Oleo cans "w iff 'ft I I Canned1! tlj i it II (MIC (T i&l J 0) (f , SALAD DRESSING DUTCH MILL -- ..c.,.., imi iu3 Jtl I FOOD ..M.,unr-r-- VVV..V.VVV.V DAXTOJ&L America's New Action Car Sportsman Styling, bucket seats, gear optional shift 0 to 60 in under 10 seconds!. floor-mount- ed - CTS'ZJn L i..iii Packages- FOR v J Morrell's - if ::::::::::::: 00 II larae 'H Loaves U; MEK Big Car Comfort at Compact Prices! New Fine-lin- e styling. As much inside room as the most expensive luxury cars made with compact economy, compact price. Provo Studebaker Co., CM&m rvanx HAND ?S TONTRUCES America's Lowest Priced Pickup-B- ar None! Plus a full line of Studebaker trucks from 5,000 to 23,000 GVW including a new 2 ton Studebaker Diesel. 263 paJ, QuartcD Swan$downFO?.C CHOP FOR VALUE DURING OUR ANNOUNCEMENT CELEDRATION f Thenew'eaLarkCanAfsoBeJSeenat VETS -- South 1st West is TFaDMTTODISS YOSEMlTE tio. 2V2 cans p3 spaghetti MACARONI cans $H 00 or 4 J.9i ri vV PROVO'S ECONOMY FOOD STORE i |