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Show KERRY . DRAKE t-- f While prake is ON VAQomoK, fl LJr MS PARTNER, V VOU WANT ME TO POSE AS A STUPENT AT COPE- LAND UNIVERSITY, CHIEF ..AND STUDY DR.TENNY-SON X. WEAVER.' JOHNNY COLT, HAS BEEN CALLED r EXACTLY, COLT.' I HE'S WHY -- y. AU. rV Bv ALFRED ANDIOLA ra ' 5U PROSPEROUS J AT ONCE CP COURSE.. SINCE THEY'VE HAD AN EPIDEMIC OF Af?MED ROPERIES RECENTLY.. AND THE PROFESSORS EXPLANATION WAS AUItU tt DIDN'T THE POLICE QUESTION 2CO HIM WHEN HE DEPOSITED IN BILLS WITH LISTED SERAL NUMBERS FROM A BANK MESSENGER. STICK-UP- ? 1 Tell Me Why By A. LEOKUM Win the Britannic a Junior v. Bv 3 i2JiJV:-'::- i fi . been introduced into all parts of Young canaries imitate the. notes of other birds, so the best the world. the wild In state, canaries, singers among the adult, birds which are finches, are about five are used to teach them. Canaries inches long and, are sometimes learn to sing much and one-ha-lf olive green in color, jstreaked like nightingales from listening with brown above and greenish to phonographic records of nighty J yellow beneath. Their song is ingale songs. remarkably clear and lovely. There are many interesting They were caged first in the 16th types of canaries that are bred century, and the tame birds of for other reasons than their singtoday differ considerably from ing. The "Belgian Humpbacks" the wild ones, because for many have huge shoulders and. small generations men Ihave bred them heads. Some are to bring out certain qualities and "giants," being "almost eight check others. inches long. Norwich canaries Some breeds are especially are famous for their beautiful noted for song, some for shape, plumage and sometimes have a and some for color. Roller can- crest.! aries, bred for their singing, are the most popular of all cage songFUN TIME birds. The breeding of roller The Chuckle Box canaries in America has been Californian; You say you quite successful. Birds from the caught a fish Harz Mountains in Germany are Texan: Yep, but it was too also famed as songsters. small to bother with, so I had a -- - 15-volu- encyclopedia for school and home. Send your question, name, age, address to "Tell Me Why !" care of this paper. In jbase of duplicate questions, the author will 'decide the winner. Today's winner is: Douglas Wirthlin, Verona, N. J. THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE j" . - WILSON SCRUGGS FRANTICALLY, PA7 'PXCWS 'MS?. MF. YOU BLWUfci urns... wmw rvi I .CMi-uis- y IF YOU DON'T LEAVE TOWN KtGHT AWAY, SOMETWU6 WILL UAfTEWTO r uuk. buy; yWJU i 600DBY 1 Where j Do W a hones ;:Corhe :'Frofti ? CAS- E- UNUSUAL 25,-196- "' "1 ON A VERY IN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER j S5. Every year about Thanksgiving time, ships arrive in American ports from England, Norway, and Germany, bringing thousands of young canary birds for the holiday trade in the United States. These birds have long been great favorite with almost all lovers of pets. Their natural home was the Canary and Ma deira' islands and the Azores. They get their name from the Canary islands where they were originally found. They have since of other guys help me throw it back in the water. couple Farmer: You must have plenty of nerve to come down in a parachute in a hundred mile gale like this. Strantrer: I didn't come down in a parachute, I went up in a tent. ' THE PUZZLE BOX canaries , ... . : Jacoby On Bridge This picture represents a geographical location. Can you out what it is? See tomorrow's paper for the answer. Win the Britannica World At By KARL GURBERT THE BERRYS II T"l 11 J OKAY WISE GUY NOW I'LL BET YOU A NICKEL I CAN Tl IPM A GLASS OF WATER UPSIDE DOWN WITHOUT j-SPILLING A DROPj (hem A (JACKIE THAT J 7' VJSTOP Y T 1000 FOR. - A V YOU ACR.E5 WASTING YOUR TIME 51 R AND MINE! iTKFFT irAfcier? tie VLLHNtN nt N0TE5 WITH Ml A PALTRY HJDOO.OOO A5 5L1M TALK.5 WILDFRED rgfHx ( . 7 It' I - f ARE .... y WHY, THE TIMBER ALONE.1. HOW'S THAT? 'YOU ARE INTERESTED ONLY IN THE k RIGHTS $&Z fWM A HMMJ." IN THAT CASE PERHAPS WE COULD GET TOGETHER ASSUMING YOUR OFFER IS FLY OVER. ONLY A FEELER.I ) HERE TOMORRO- W- AROUND WELC MINERAL) ysssswi' Bid That Puts 'Heat' On I he Foes an effort to crowd the bidding Written for against his vulnerable ppponents. This type of jump bid is in full Newpaper Enterprise Assn. Each East player in the team accord with modern strategy game jumped to three hearts in which is to make it hard for your opponents to bid scientifically and at each table it forced South to 25 NORTH make the overbid of four clubs. AKJ10 32 Neither South was going to pass! Each North player proceeded 4J7-62to make a fine decision. He look4 K6 at his two kings and two jacks ed EAST WEST but he also looked at his singleton AA85 A9764 and decided to leapto five heart VA10962 VKQJ54 3 109 diamonds. 4 Q 95 Q83 As you can see, five diamonds SOUTH (D) makes easily. No matter what AQ the defense doe$ South will get V73 the lead and lay down the ace 4AK854 of diamonds. The queen will drop, AJ1072 North and South vulnerable whereupon he will draw the rest of the trumps; concede a trick to South West North East ace of spades and get rid of the 3 V IV 14 his Pass 4 Pass 5 4 losing clubs on the rest of the Pass Pass spade suit. Strangely enough, the board did Opening lead V K not wind up as a tie. At one table By OSWALD JACOBY By KEN ALLEN MARY WORTH BE- LflfHEY I r V THE LOSE.- -. I OWE YOU A NICKEL ITS A BET T TQ I V fiJkg T East overtook his partner's king of hearts with the ace. and led a trump. South drew three rounds of trumps, stopping in dummy and led a low spade. East played low, whereupon South made his back to dumsingleton queen,-gomy by ruffing his last heart, ruffed out East's ace of spades and made an bvertrick. 5ATI5FACTIDN IMPRESSED.' Send your riddles, jokes to: Riddles, Jokes, "Tell Me Why!" Today's winner is: Charles Boltwood, 12, Richmond, Va. Today In History t I" M bidding bas been: West South East ? Pass Q---T- he North 2V You, South, hold: t J954 432 VK965 4Q43 What do you do? A Bid three hearts. You have good heart support and six high card points. t TODAY'S QUESTION U THAT GENE 15 HIGHLY las or Yearbook of Events. Your partner continues with a bid of four clubs. What do you uo now? Answer Tomorrow , THE ALMANAC By United Press International Today is Monday, Sept. 25, the 268th day of ..the year with 97 to follow in 1961. The moon is approaching iti last quarter. The morning star is Venus. The evening sstars are Jupiter and Saturn. On this day in history: In 1789, the first Congress of the United States, meeting in New York, adopted 12 amendments to the Constitution and submitted them to the states for ratification. The first 10, the Bill of Rights, were ratified. The other two were . rejected. THE JACKSON TWINS " STEVE ROPER IE 3 Tm 7 4 BYSTANDER WHO CLAMS TO BE AN f, ATTORNEY, HAS STUNG MRS. NOWAK'S PRIDE . WITH A PAPA THATf HA YOLHF HE imwrwr " - and WOGGON By SAUNDER SURPRISED COULD SHOW WANTED T- OTHAT WE HAVE MUCH MORE THAN IS IN THAT PACKAGEJ YOUNG MAN SO WE DO NOT WHICH MONEY V Nir, "T'X l'.7 i T U'l. . 'Tr jf WE RETIRED By DICK CAVALLI MOHVY, MEEKLE - REALLY THAT TH 15 FOR LOOkTING on Ey , . TH V5 FIRTOF WB'LL&eGLADTOePUT ) . FIFTY-FIFT- JJ.I AND HONORABLE PROFE65lON WITH YOU Y FOSDICK, BECAUSE HE'S 65 .7 the cd$t of livings making a fe MOCkERVOFAN ANCIENT you" find anything J Nei By AL CAPP THAT'S J so WHV VOU NEVER L, J WHY, WHENEVER TURNED THE LIGHTS LOW 7UU IN I CJ TTY J MM , 6b r0' J TAKE UP THE: NANCY , ;. I'LL NANCY BB OUT ALL "' (iwiJ HI J A LITTLE ljaRD TO FOLLOW WW OkAY.gUT 1 I Pi AA ("(( J r I M J7JVriWAS YER. GiSTJX1 TO BED V f I!AA PLEASE TAKE WOVER . ' lili o usauum. BUT IT'S A -- , P JW I lTw "FTEaT?rTt2i I Bv ERNIE BUSHMTT.T.ER THIS SEEMS Yf m UHB A GOOD k TV SHOW M M W .Pplf is i tl; ft MISS I M PIMPLETON-WH- EN 3B AGAIN hl vr fx W TJ i f t fULPI) IT'S elmpc I msTX , V HS MI6MT AS Vi'ELL KILL TWO BIRPS MJ WALK M' IM HIS 5LEEP... HE'S CaWCUTSWEf HI w ' r ir Do your f 1 n W 5 5l 111 I l!?:! If EPT.7?f i FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS I HEN JFYOURE GOING TO UT FRECKLES j y gcMihwf.ipfc,,pgy 1 )OKMV DRiVEJ KLEAb PONT HIM AR.OHNP fe&g&jfe T -- "t SOc!UMPY . THE WORLDS ANIMAL fWE HUMANS ARE POPULATION IS CLOSE 1 biro IZ B!LLlONJr-- 1 m.HOLUrHOCK.'j Y&Sm J LISTEN X t p.t. off. m. by AL VERMEEH PRISCILLA'S POP By BLOSSER VOW ME FOR.BE1M6 I t DANCING.' BUGS BUWST rr TOLD ME YOU WERE. 559 I'LL REMEMBER. THIS. A MAN OF TIME OF A GIRL, r-OF4-l.- r WANTED TOGO E NSTEAD OF INTO ARMS' HOW DARE I i REPFUGERATDR -I- MY 1 umjms NOW ABNEB I )( STAKT.A l&Wi S ft H Wfi THAT'S didvou forget It1 - If vou'RBNor A A UP AGAINST A J jGOT GOOZ? STAKT J CHAMPION J MXJfy N GOT A SLOW V MISS SCORNFUL I ME'S JUSTT NO. ME oM-OMWir- Xl NO WAIT. f REMARK- -" I J IF THEY DON'T WANT SUIT YOURSELVES BUT, LEGALLY YOU AND THIS GIRL THEIR SHARE, I'LL ARE ENTITLED TO 1,250 A TAKE THE ENTIRE NEED 15 mTI f4--'w-i-j ZJ rr re. trot t sTMEl EUM-OF- F BETWEEN THE COMES yjEEFTJ?5,,fcMACM WIF"FIE UP TO I Q" LOOS kHMP OF , TWO TOP CAES LJtrrptr J VOZIT' .thinOS P" VlNUMlf?Fr WQ V could do . Vani?i ''K " DAN'L HALE GO THAT WAY OR KNIFE TALKS Scout of )iVvA--- J - v JZf the Old Frontier J THS COORDS OPEN-- ? 7 j v r?; V r- 1961 HERE'S MY 9 SH2 KH'ST: CUTSIDJ, , y WEA. Inc. M. Bog. U.S. Pm. THE IhUUNS HAVE MAVJ Ml Jk. bf SUDDENiy U1ETED OH. J i3v NORMAN MARSH I'M GOJMQ AFTFR ALLEY ' LI AS PROFESSORS OF PALEOfsnOLOGT A WHEE A GO, IT WOULD YOU'LL GO ALONG WITH THATS SURE! OF AM TOLP MY SURE PUTMDU WHAT I WHAT I IDEM I WHY IN A CLASS n I THOUGHT STUDENTS ABOLTT r-BY DURSELFJ V, PROPUCING A SURE V NOTJft - . - --if - By HilMBLIN OOP ITS ( I VI- - s I I OaTHATU.1 j NOT iF YOU THE TtME MACHINE'S EE NO DON'T GET I CAPACITY IS OKAY. TO CORRAL ( CHORE.' ONE TOO V UMITEP, VDJ s--A JUST A THE CRITTER BIG TO KNOW Pup; OP COURSE OURSELFy Tl enough uve YSriiW xPyZT" ( VOU'LL HAVE --- y Vnr J f fS fi HMlDLELr L Itl1 ' --- ir (T V3V3 . PN fH- v BS-- L Mtmwi. raw f -'V ' j! iL L. ; BiJV'i ' '."i - .ii i.i . - i'u V |