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Show MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, Utah County, t Utah DAP V ,UWALU' 1 6 'Dr. jfl 0 5 19G1 Sets O IT r 6 a premiere 1 Interne's Career Threatened In First Episode of Series bid by young interne Dr. A Kil- dare (Richard Chamberlain) to study under famed Dr. Gillespie (Raymond Massey) hinges on his handling of a hysterical alcoholic "star Beverly Garland) in (guest TwentyFour Hours," 'premiere episode of the "Dr. Kildare" aeries on Channel 2 Thursday, Sept 28, at 9 p.m. Appearing as. regulars in support of series stars Chamberlain and Massey are seasoned charac DO 017 Taylor as Dr Eddie Ryder and Thomas Gerson as Dr. Simon Agurski. Roth are fellcw internes of Dr. Kildare at big Blair Hospital, the series' homebase locale. Also to be seen in subsequent episodes is pretty Joan Patrick as hospital receptionist Susan Deigh. .' Among the guest players, Jack Weston is featured as Doctor Justin Muntag, immediate superior ' of Dr. Kildare ter actors Jud . I J i ft FLOWING PLAT Distinctive Calibrated Col- or for beauty and harmony. Exceptional icrubbability for long life and economy.. Eaay to apply. No painty -- f - Q QSZESSj , '"SGtfJ hrf-Vt-a- sVm" h As a new 'DR. KILDARE' series on Channel. 2 "Dr. Kildare" stars Richard Chamberlain (right) in the title role and Raymond Massey Oeft). as Dr. Gillespie. The Thursday night program, showing intimate full-ho- .24 HOUR ll Sj I HEATING j ANO j ur behind-the-scen- SERVICE I'itlff? e a city hospital, concentrates on authenticity of plot, setting and character and Save for Reference DAY OR NIGHT CALLS i'i 1 W$ I mliw Automatic Control Specialists for I CI.s?4 LjJLggjgP ll y I ... U, Hennesey Gets New Reputation Minneapolis-Honeywe- ll General Controls White and Rogers aril X O 'tZ I I FLOOR VARNISH Roll it on standing up or brush it. Looks beautiful ' and wears remarkably well. j Easy to care for. Never need Clear waxing. VV- Gloss, Satin or Dull. - y IloJ.;l mmg"ri MITCHELL 1702 S. STATE PHONE AC FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5.-0-0 29, 1961 8:00 5:15 1 Bozo the Clovv 4 Matty's Funday I unnies 5:45 6:Ca Weather Weatnei 4 Jim Baccus 5 Father of the Bride 7 Agriculture in an Uneasy World 7 She . 4 5 4 Evening Report 6:33 International Showtime - Amos 'a 4 5 Earrlgan ano Son 5 Rawhide '7:30 Earp 4 The FHnston$ 6 Route 68 - ' " f Ccuipturc The Law and Mr. Jones Eyewitness to History "I Remember News, Weather, Sports News, Weather, Sports News, WeatherSports 10:30 4 5 Main Event PROUDIY ADVERTISES OUR GUARANTEED 2 4 Jack Paar (C) SERVICE " Dayton ABeo Z'4 1 fo C5 - SEE OUR LOT FOR TRAILER SALES It's NEW! WE FEATURE: KENSKILL TRAVEL TRAILERS Uwcs(0)Wg) AND AAANY OTHER LINES See Solas Manager MAYBSW ORTON 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday - HU 737 L 4th SOUTH UviJ V-sV- '" CALL W'r as USD R V HOME P Late Show m Will Is Your. Protection 2 Frank McGee Children's Corner t-T- 7yatt Our Hugo Investament . v in! & nn to Conquer 10:00 2 Andy ilrs. "G" Goes to College 7:00, T Stoop 9:30 6:15 5- nn Target: The Corrupters - - 9:15 herlain was soon appearing on TV programs in featured parts. :Iis first major role swas on "i ir,i tt later annparpd Hitchcock Presents," on "Alfred "Thriller," "Deput y," "Mr. Lucky" and other popular shows. The voung actor was inter viewed for a new comedy- se ries, but the producer thought he would be much better in the title role of "Dr. Kildare," and anrjarentlv so did the series' producers, since he was selected without any additional tests. (He on the "Dr. Kildare" series with Kaymona Massey, who has the role of Dr. Gilles Minded - Assignment Underwater Casals Master Ylass -- Nw, News. t4 61 ... ... 9:00 4 2 Our Gang 5 Douglas Edwards S 5 7 Weather 5 News 5-04- OREM 8:2ft 5:SD 2 Bugs Bunny - If youTre Mechanically Inclined and Economy BRING YOUR YOU CAN SAVE that Service Call Charge. DO YOUR SHOPPING . . . PICK YOUR SET UP SET IN REPAIRED AND READY TO GO . . . Neighborhood Theater 4 77 Sunset Strip 5 The Twilight Zone 7 Two for Physics Superman Cham-- . 3-&- 000 2 Dick Tracy 4 Captain K. G 5 FR PROVO Center E. arranged an audition and blue-eye- Sheet Metal Works 83 ur co-sta- rs ; iSS - Several months ago actor Richard Chamberlain was an averto age layman when it came now hospitals and medicine. But that he has been filming episodes "Dr. 'Kildare" for the series on Channel 2, the handsome actor has become aware ot medical practice in a totally, different way. "Ynu can't go through hos- unis. watch operations and see even a movie version of a hospital without being changed,", he says. In order to make himselfbelievable in the part, cnamDerain has sDent time m hospitals, with doctors in their work and earned many of the actions a a doctor goes through. ' Chamberlain was majoring in painting in Pomona College, but in his last year found mmseii dramatics more absorbed with ; than fine arts. He played in anumber of productions in colp?p. and felt that acting was really his career, and painting became an avocation. An agent the typewriter have built him an unearned reputation as a. Broadway playwright around the Navy base when "Hennesey ' opens its pie).. actor d The blond, third season Monday, Sept. 25, a in 8 bachelor m. 5 apartment lives at on Channel p. Hennesey. unable to tfuneture in Hollywood. He keeps his six his own exaggerated reputation foot one athletic frame in trim as a writer, is trapped into at with swimming, tennis and horsetending a literary tea held by back riding whenever his busy Mrs. Maddox, the base com studio schedule permits, mis spe mander's wife, and he faces an cial ambition is to sing profesembarrassing showdown there sionally (he has a fine bassto combine with a nationally known literary baritone voice), and it with acting. critic. COMPLETE RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SHEET METAL VORK I Tpsassss i Non-slipper- F ""T J ;; Jackie Cooper, starring as Dr Chick Hennesey, discovers that his late hours pecking away at Robertshaw f es of glimpses Clip cnameL.either The long-lifCIossorEggshell,inthesama glamorous colors m ' Lyt-aFlowing Flat.Bru9.hei flows smoothly. Chipeasily, Chamberlain Jakes Lead As Kildare full-ho- ff CTGCIL sfoX! L J i .ivftfiPaO, LYT-AL- 1 9-46- 21 Clot a Your Phon V , ,. , . ';.!C. t7;GVIU3 LUY, SEIi OR TRADE ON EASY TERMS DULLOCll SALES AND SERVICE MZ2 Ktrfii Shim Orwa |