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Show hree - I earn Dogfight Shapes Up in Region 7 SEPTEMBER 25, 1961 Utah County, Utah MONDAY, S Pre-Seaso- n Standings Region Five W 3 Spanish Fork 3 ; Springville ;. 2 ;;.w.',' Payson 2 Carbon . ...... 1 Pfovo 0 Orem REGION SEVEN : ' . V great big line and a power packed backf ield as they rallied in the L Pet. second half to beat Union High 0 1.000 1 .750 .667 1 1 .667 .333 2 3 .000 L Pet. 3 0 1.000 American Fork ..... Lehi ....3 0 1.000 X Pleasant Grove 2 0 1.000 1 ,667 2 Brigham Young 0 lf .000 Uintah ....... " . . Union L. ... ........... 0 REGION NINE JJuab 1 .000 W L Pet. 2 .000 0 "incomplete iieports x One tie game East Weeks Results Springville 19, Union Carbon 33, Uintah 6 Lehi 26, Orem 7 Tooele 19, Provo 6 f 7 Payson 20, Delta 7 American Fork 20, Murray 7 Pleasant. Grove 59, Juab 0 Brigham Young 7, Clearfield 0 This Weeks Schedule (Friday) REGION FIVE Orem at Springville 3 p.m. Fork- at Carbon 7:30 p.m. Spanish ... ' jf ayson ai rovo ' REGION SEVEN Lehi ' at Pleasant Grove American Fork at Brigham - Young Union at Uintah By WENDELL RIGBY Herald Sports Writer Spanish Fork Dons look like, the' team to beat in Region Five as tne play for keeps games get under way, 'but indications are that it will be a dogfight from start to finish in hectic Region Seven competition. Springville, Payson, Carbon and Provo will definitely offer trouble to the Dons and in big doses, too, but: American Fork, Lehi, Plea sant Grove and possibly Union .look like standoffs as they prepare to begin the five week's grind to determine a Class B champion. American Fork turned back the powerful Murray Smelterites 20-- 7 that more than ever marked the Cavemen as one of the real power teams in Class B competition this year, nig Jim Moore is a one man wrecking crew and he is getting plenty of help from a full line of teammates. Turn Back Tigers Lehi" did not have too much trouble in turning back Orem Tigers 26-- 7 in a game that more and more Is tending to surprise even the most hopeful of Lehi supporters. The Pleasant Grove Vikings have gone their way without much fanfare but the two lopsided victories they have turned in after an 0 tie game in the opener, makes them a definite threat along with Lehi and American Fork. After their score lss tie with Wasatch37--they hand ed North Summit a 0 beating, then did everything but 'commit actual mayhem in beating Juab Wasps 59-. Give Indications Springville Red Devils gave indications that they are begin ning to make some use of their i 0-- 0. A. J 4 , 'V-r vodes eign in Conrer&nce N Of v. V, : School, under the lights in the V x Basin area. Carbon Dinosaurs ran rough shod over Uintah, 33-- 6 in a game played at Price last weekend. Spanish Fork paid little atten tion to the championship record of the 'Millard Eagles as they ewamped them 27-- 7 at Spanish Fork last Friday, night. Should Develop Provo looked good at times in spite of their 19-- 6 loss to the Tooele Buffs. A fumble that was turned into an opposing touch down,, and a few mistakes that can be ironed out would make a tremendous difference in this big Green and White team. Payson beat Delta Rabbits 20-- 7 for their second win in three starts to mark them a trouble some threat in spite of their green lineup Coach Jim Durrant is strong on fundamentals and his DAILY HERALD his mates the margin of victory. Second string fullback Wayne Linton scored the touchdown that tied the game at New Mexico lived up to preseason ratings by crushing arch rival isn't dead yet. . New Mexico tate behind the play Coach Bob Devaney's Cowboys, of quarterback Jim Croniartie and plaving one of the toughest sched- halfback Bobby Santiago. Santiago ules in the school's history, made scored twice, once on a it two in a row last Saturday by spring. 4 scoring a upset over touted Utah State went on its biggest-scorinNorth Carolina State. binge in 30 years in shellThe win was one of two scored ing weak Montana. Coach John e by Skyline teams in Ralston's Aggies exploded for four New Mexico scored touchdown? in the first period to competition. the other victory, completely demoralize the Grizblasting arch rival New Mexico zlies. The win snapped a State, 41-The gamc proved Ralston has State winning streak. of depth, particularly at Utah State was the only team plenty, and halfback. Terry involved in league warfare and quarterbacka transfer, gave a credthe Aggies moved into a tie for Cagaanen, itable performance for the Farmthe front spot with Wyoming and ers and showed Jie will push all; Utah by blasting hapless Montana conference halfback Tommy Lar- scheid for a starting berth. Utah, bidding for its first win Utah found Wisconsin's defenses pver a Big 10 rival, bowed to too tough to crack but still gave Wisconsin Other Skyline teams a good accountln its first Big 10 fared poorly in games. 34 years. The Badgers West Texas State bombed Brig- game in ham Y4ung 55-- 8 and Arizona down- scored in the first period and made the lead stand. ed Colorado State 28-Quarterback Eddie Wilson passUtah State's win moved the Agtie with Utah ed for a pair1 of touchdowns and gies into a three-wa- y and Wyoming for the Skyline lead. scrred another in leading Arizona Senior Chuck Lamson, Wyoming, to victory It was Colorado State's dependable quarterback, display- second loss of the season. ed great running skill in leading BYU, its hopes buoyed by a the Cowboys to victory. And it sparkling opening performance, was Lamson's successful conver- ran into a buzzsaw West Texas sion in the final quarter that gave State outfit at Canyon, Tex. The By STEVE SMILAXlCII United Press International Wyoming, whose reign in Sky-- : line Conference football was supposed to have ended when Jerry Ilill and Mark Smolinski depared, 9 if 14-1- 4. 71-yar- 15-1- inter-leajgu- i Buffaloes rolled to a Notre Dame squad goes through practice drills in South Bend. The Irish must be ready to open strongly against Oklahoma on Sept. 30. A king-siz- e Brigham Young Wildcats scor ed in the closing minutes of the game to beat a young but coming Clearfield Eleven. They had pre viously beaten Wasatch Academy while losing to Springville Red, Devils. Fans are still inclined to think that Orem Tigers are not as 3 weak as their standings would indicate. They have played some tough teams, probably more tough than they will meet in their own league. Winners vs. Losers Even though winners are sche duled to meet losers somewhat in League competition this weekend, some definitely featured games are in prospect. The Spanish Fork at Carbon game should be a natural. Carbon split with two Colorado teams and beat Uintah, while the Dons are undefeated against East Carbon, North Summit and Millard. It should be a real struggle. Payson at Provo should give some hints as to relative strength of the two schools. Both lack experience but both are potentially strong, and with big Jim Morten-se- n on the line and Kent Oborn in the backfield Payson must not be underestimated. At the same time Provo has a big and rugged line if it can jell and break Terry AndreWs and his mates ill bw If let u 'mm fm 6 0-- - ii.a mm wsi ars Pnem 3-B- mi RICHFIELD (UPD A group of landowners in Sevier County will set up a group to ask the Fish aiad Game Commission to return the area to a three-da- y ' pheasant hunting section. Farmers in the area have com hunt is too plained the nine-da- y loi-said They damage from hunters and the necessity to pro tect animals during the hunt are the reason for their objections. S. 16-ga- Bowling News Mullett Jewelry Team 10 Mary's College of Beauty 4. Team 3 Team 4 Team 9 Berntsen Pharmacy 8. Team 12 5. 6. 7. loose. Orem at Springville will not be a pushover. The Red Devils are big but they have no one to compare with the speed of Gary Thacker and Rod Jorgensen in the Tiger backfield. : 9. Coca Cola 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 .4 Wyoming and Utah appear to have the biggest tasks next weekend The Utcs hoM Oregon, a! 51-- 0 victor over Idaho while Wyoming tangles with Kansas of tiir Big Eifdit. Utah State movies its scoring machine !o Spokape where the Aggies meet offensive minded Washington State. BYU returns to Texas to meet Northj Texas State. New Mexico and ifantona Imeet at. Missoula in thp only league ELKO Skyline club, in ue i IV All j BYU Colo - l o .. Utah State Wyoming Utah New Mexico , ;- l o 1 oo. .1.0 no.. St. .0 2 oi. . Montana .0 2 o 2 0.2 Last week's reuUs Wvominp 15, North Carolina iState ' 14 Wisconsin 7, Utah 0 Utah State 54, .Montana 6 New Mexico 41 New Mexico State j fm I West Texas tato :.f, BYU 8 Arizona 20. Colorado State 6 Tlii week's schedule Oregon at Utah Wyoming at Kansas t Utah State at Washington State BYU at North Texas State New Mexico at Montana Arizona State at Colorado State. ' WWM hi r l . fcU ! 4 4 .ft Ann .A "I. . n A 'V. i i rnw Sherwin Williams 11 Team 11 ; 1 12. Thrift City Go Long Ways FIRST WEEK The Lehi at Pleasant Grove HTG Mary's game Will go long way toward 577 College of Beauty one strong Region HTS Mary's eliminating Seven contender. Opinion, gener 1646 College of ally, rides with the Pioneers but HIG Ruth Lyon Beauty 183 (Mary's) everyone can tell better when the HISNina McEwan 455 (Mary's) game is over SECOND WEEK Brigham Young does not seem 614 No 3 to have the horses to stop the HTS 1653 Mullett rush of the American Fork Cave- HIG Norma P.Jewelry Wright men. Speed and aggressiveness 189 4) (Team may provide the Wildcats with a HIS Nina McEwan (Mary's) 442 threat even against the great American Fork team. ' Union Cougars rate the nod ANGLERS' ALBUM Earliest known fishing book against Uintah at Vernal this weekend. At ends and in the in English is the "Treaty se of backfield they seem to be Fyshynge Wyth an Angle." Printed in 1496, at Westminster, England, especially strong The Juab schedule has not been the book lists 12 fly patterns of which 10 still are in use. reported. Hunters! Truckers! Super Tire MerfceS's low, Ipw prices on these rugged truck tires makes this an offer you just can't pass up. The wide, flat tread proper- Hons put more gripping surface in con-tact with the road. Get exceptional service both on and opcr- ations. Buy now and save! 'if T t13 n m iii"U ofT-the-rc- f U ' A f ,JHr-w.- .. j V f E3 V ad V i WC V Bengals Flatten Mines 50 to 6 V; By United Press International s Undermanned Idaho suffered a 51-loss at the hands of powerful Oregon this weekend as collegians ushered in the 1961 football sea son, while Idaho State College flattened out Colorado Mines 50-- 6 Meantime, Boise Junior College 0 exploded for an impressive over Camino El of Cali victory fornia and College of Idaho open ed the year with a 144) win over 0 t I 70-2- w . f ! I 1 VY it'-h- ' 1 Eastern Oregon. In other action, Carroll College of Montana slipped ahead of Ricks . g iron battle, 'in an afternoon grid 7-- 0. walkers The Oregon Ducks had too much of everything for the University of Idaho Vandals at Eugene. They rambled away in the second half wth six touchdowns against the Moscow team The Idaho State .Bengals rolled .wcut ioKtmi ''. K . i td an easy victory . as they threw iT Anfitwt 1.AM1l auu4 ' sevuic uuycucu cuiuc ucuiu backs against th6 eral 41--- W. NYL0M WT- -. 8-YEAR-- , Orediggers. The Bengals gained. 435 yards on the ground to the visitors. 134 yards in offensive play. i . 'tr tt T A "0" ,wyi"Tri"Tri i i- - v DELUXE place injured quarterback Johnny Green on the roster. Day, a played last season with the St. Louis cardinals of the National Football League 6-- 2, SALE PRICE OLD BILLS SIGN GUARD OfBUFFALO, N Y. (UPD fensive guard Tom Day has been signed by the Buffalo Bills of the American Football League . to re- ust rrJCE SIZE ...s fleet-foote- d mellow perfection. ,S 46.20 6.50x16 56.50 j I. j f the exact moment of 245-pound- er, 6.00x1 6 ' 7.00x15 60.05 .... jj2 S2F' - T9- A 302 So. 5th West PR0V0--F- R 4-29- . A RADIATORS REPAIRED Auto Glass Installed Specialized Work -- 7,00x16 PLUS TAXES AND EXCHANGE AHLANDERS 439 So. Univ. Avenue 7 60.30 straight mmn nun 8 tears old es.b prssf 53 ' :: ALSO "AVAILABLE SALT LAKE and ii til, il ' ., '" AT ' PRICE STORES 1 AIL TIRES MOUNTED mm v.alklr s sons inc., hmx, Illinois A l hi .fSvJll 5 : . rM- - PAY NOTHING DOVM EASY DUDGET "PAY-DA- Y" TERMS'. FREE o U l o.. n f i f3l V League 1 6. y y -- ' SKYLINE i'OOTBAI.L 7-- 0. non-leag- two-da- - game 54-6- . 3 2 2 10 HTG--Tea- VOPrIU!i PROVO LEAGUE MORNING GLORY LEAGUE 1. 2. 3. G Honors in the (UPD tournament at Ruby golf View course here went to Bob Peay and Max Eggertson, both of Provo, Sunday. In the championship flight the pair had a 133 total with a 63 final-dascore Herb Pollock and Walter Cosgriff, both of Salt Lake City, had a tie for second in the championship flight. Casanova said his backfield definitely will be fast when the Ducks come to Salt Lake City Saturday night but the defense got no test at all against the Vandals, who were utterly overwhelmed in their opening game. Casanova indicated he expects a much tougher test against the EUGENE, Ore. (UPD Oregon coach Len Casanova said today the 51-- 0 drubbing his team gave Idaho Saturday didn't give him much of an idea of how it will fare against Utah. ; fx hali'time 41-- 0 7. Sports Briefs teams show it. n advantage. non-conferen- ce THROUGH THE ROPES 9 1 |