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Show Wednesday, December 7, 1988 Chronicle - Page Sixteen TYPINGWORD Processing. Good rates. Ask for Rebecca. .Classifieds begin on page 15 QUALITY TYPWGWORD PROCESSING. Reasonable rates. Accurate, fast. ck. spelling. Cad Laurie 272-7810112 Reasonable-487-086- 6. 359-78- Experienced, accurate, extra help avail-abl- e. evenings. 0113 FAST. ACCURATE typing. WP. True letter quality pro. Close to U. Call Diane 1209 printing. Silage. Sandi. U tr DONAHUE Editing and word processing. Fast, accurate service. Close to campus. OPEN LATE. GUITAR LESSONS gives by student of Robot FnppGuiur Craft. Contact Paul Richards 1207 01 A)3 m THE WRITE STUFF Professional word processing. 3 dollarspage. Free editing, pick-u- p eves. I2Q7 delivery. 467-77- TRAVEL ONE WAY AIRLINE TICKET. SALT LAKE ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS TOLEDO. DEC IS :4t AM TWA. $7f.M. CALL ASTY BEFORE 4:3PM. 466-4H71239 vtt ANY TYPING, any lime, by retired career typist 1209 service, Leon. 484-976- 9. Usually one-da- y PROOFREADINGCorrections. rates. Electronic office typewriter. eves, and weekends. I2r09 "1 R.T. AIR tickets for sale. SLC to Seattle via San Francisco. Lv. 121688. Ret 121988. Ph. after 6pm." 1207 Reasonable 6 Call 0123 - 1 . Great "QUALITY, fast word processingediting rates. Near IT. Resumes. Sherry Baltimore or Dec I9Jan 3. S25(VS225. Call Jerry ROUNDTRIP ticket for sale. . - EDITING ROUNDTRIP to LA. Lv. 1218 Rtn. 1230. $178.00. Call StefanLv. message at ROUNDTRIP airline ticket. SLC to NY. Leave 1223. return 1230. Call Andrea at noon 4:30. 1209 TYPING- . uAfle Nt KCm TELEPHONE SURVEYERS. Public relations firm hiring telephone surveyors and lead generators. Part-tim- e evenings. Hourly wage plus 0310 WORDS EXPRESS - Quality word processing 20 years experience, evening to morning 3. turnaround lime. 1209 bonuses. Call 266-629- 9 for appt. 1209 . CASH FOR used weslernlinemanengineer boots, p sneakers, dress shoes. Call 1208 AZTEC TYPING is your best word processing and typing choice for value and service. Also take conveadvantage of AZTEC COPY'S one-sto- p nience for quality reproduction. 21 1 E 300 So., 364-6801209 FEMALES, MALES wanted - all types, ages needed! Earn to $50 hour. Models, Actors. ' Extras. 1209 A It W COMPUTERIZED WORD PROCESSING. 26 years experience. Thesis, PEOPLE WANTED . Now Casting For TV.. Movies, Print Shows! No Experience. Excellent 583-132- 1209 Pay. SECRETARIAL WORK, part time, flexible Resumes, Cover Letters. Reports, Dissertations. 1209 PROFESSIONAL WORD ProcessingDesk-To- p Publishing. 10 Years Experience. Laser Printer. 9. Call Claudia Satisfaction guaranteed. 1209 hours. Engineering or earth sciences major. Also, position exists for civil, geological or-- mining engineering major in FORTRAN and BASIC Phone 0103 LASER NEW SERVICE AVAILABLE: PRINTING. Fast, accurate word processing. AIM MORTGAGE is currently expanding its e sales force. Only 10 positions available. Earn $200 a week, evenings and Saturdays, setting appointments for our FHA specialists. Call Ask for Bob or Rick. 1209 Resumes, papers, theses. Technical, scientific typing. Legal, medical, foreign language. Editing, revising, composing. Nielsen Computer 1209 Services. - $5.00 to $14.50 per hour guaranteed salary. Working at telephone order desk evenings andor weekends. No experience necessary, but you must be dependable, ambitious, and willing to learn. Call Mr. Scott 483-- 1 66 1. 1207 PART-TIM- E FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER editsword processes dissertations, reports, texts, manuscripts, resumes. Also editsrevises chun-ked-Word Perfect files. Foreigngraduate stustud-ie- s. dents welcome. Specialize in 1209 HOLIDAY HELP. Retail $9.25 to start. Flex, hrs. Noexp. nec. Good people skills. WORD PROCESSING, TYPING. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian, Campbell), etc. Mrs. Nelley. 467320. 1209 WORDPROCESSING: WordPerfect, IBM XT. Binding: spiral or veio. Same Day Copying; Service. Lynn 1209 before P.M. I 1209 custodians needed for early mornOffice, ing shifts. $4.05 hr. Apply Part-Tim- e Personnel, Annex Bldg.." Equal Opportunity "PART-TIM-E Employer- - 1209 NANNY NEEDED, bright children ages I and 4. Near NYC. Contact Roxanne after 5pm EDIT-IN- G WORDPROCESSING TYPING IBM Computer, Word Perfect, Letter Quality Printing. Dissertations Theses Resumes Equations Forms -Manuscripts Tables. 25 years experience. B.S. Biological Sciences. Fast, professional service. Diana Fox (272058), 0124 M7 Try a little of this steak. It 1-- FOUR L MALE GYMNASTICS Instructor for boysgirls 7 beg. to inlermed. plus tumbling. Call after 3:30p.m. 1209 . research proposal and report preparation. Macintosh and Word necessary. Call Protein 9 Solutions. Inc.. evenings. 1209 Part time accounting Assistant. CLERICAL year around, 19 positions on campus, M-hweek. Experience helpful. Apply in person in Personnel Part Time hiring, 1030 Annex. Phone ' 1209 AlITO DETAILER wanted no experience neces-sarHours flexible until winter quarter starts, M-- F 7:00am-12:30pduring winter quarter hours are: and every other Saturday 8:00am -4:30pm. $4.50hr. Ming Auto Beauty Center. ' ' 1208 IMS PH0T0GRAPV BE DINING ROOM help needed. Flexible hours, good pay: Fort Douglas Country Club, 2 Medical Drive. 1208 ' LET US DO your wordprocessing, convenient " IS J I" 1209 FULL I I Ml w V DESSERTS Up to $4000 a year. Just enroll in Army e in the ROTC at college and serve Army Reserve or National Guard. preferred. 5 days per week including weekends and Holidays, 3:30 pm to 7 pm rotating shifts. For immediate consideration contact: UNIIVERSITY OF UTAH HEALTHSCIENCES CENTER S PERSONNEL SERVICES 50 North Medical Drive SLC, Utah 84132 Phone 581-23- Price base4 on inJiwl'MU' $t"me''' posts 25X7 color prints Largest library ol information mu.i.ail subjects . WIS COO 351 mCalil -- PACKING 292-166- 6 LOADING UNLOADING INSURANCE . 1-80- 0-9 Equal Opportunity Employer .1 0222 LOW COST TOLL FREE 9 3 9-3- 09 FREE ESTIMATES COO WE ARRANGE FOR A TRUCK AND DRIVER CALL US FOR YOUR OUT OF STATE MOVE 12131 Or. rush $2.00 to: Research Information Los Angeles. CA 90025 11322 Idaho Ave. 206-A- . 6. ' SALT LAKE I For more information, contact Lawrence Sansone at " d Order Catalog Today with VisaMC or part-tim- ""' "FACULTY-STAFF-STUDENT- S .'. ESPRESSOS THE MORE YOU USE YOUR HEAD, THE MORE MONEY YOU CAN GET FOIt COLLEGE. SERVICES AVAILABLE PHONOGRAPHIC - University of Utah Health Sciencess Center is currently accepting applications for part itme Nutrition Care Technicians. We are looking for dynamic individuals whose education and work experience Include a background of medical dietetics A degree in Food and Nutrition is 52 52 ft.. mskzkizahok-jQQo- OFFICERS' TRMHIMG CORPS Main363 5300 1 MENU PART TIME Call for mere details and appointment' IMS PHOTOGRAPHY 207 MBH 581-63- t 271 So. 581-63- NUTRITION CARE TECHNICIANS Numerous print packages available starting at $18.50 NIGHTS! 1 HILTON BENNI0N HALL INDIVIDUALS-COUPLES-FAMILIE- to 2 zm I afternoon help wanted with preschool age children. For more information call 0103 . PART-TIM- E STUDIO PORTRAITS Thurs, Fri, Sat. THE OLD SALT Lake City Jail Restaurant is hiring for all positions. Part time, days & nights. Apply in person. 1207 t FULL COLOR PROFESSIONAL OPEN 9pm 1207 . GOOD MONEY for teams of 2 to "clean Park Husbandwife teams- - Tine. City condos. Additional benefits. Call Barbara, SOS TEMPORARIES. No fee. We pay salary. ' 0103 SOCIAL ..NUMErL'S WANTED: Talented women and minorities to serve their country in the US Air Force, one of the leading equal opportunity employers. Your future is unlimited: Air Force ROTC is the key. Call us 6 or stop by room 2009, Annex bldg at for details. 1209 . 207 OItM TEMP. XMAS sales and phone help needed. Please come in and fill out application. Brown " Floral 4685 HoHaday Blvd. 1209 NANNY WANTED for 2 children, references 0 7 or (Linda). 0103 required. WAITERS NEEDED part time. Must be 21 years old, beer bar. Must be hard working. Apply after 6' p.m. Weds. --Sat. The Bar & Grill 60 East 1209 800 So. DONATIONS NEEDED: Food, clothes, toys, painting supplies: Mexico Service Project World Student Service Corp. Call Maria or leave message 57V30 13. 1208 CAR POOL to and from Orem Provo area. Call 1208 Jerry MALE & FEMALE model for bronze sculpture. Grecian physique. body, Must be Experience with able to transcribe tapes. Call Job Service WANTED: COURTESY help, mornings and afternoons. Dan's Foods. 2100 So. 2300 E. 10-2-0 hrsweek, flexible, close to U. Contact Bill Terry 484-5260103 1209 SPORADIC secretarial help for technical WANTED SOFTWARE Testers. Hours: M-$5.00hr. Applicants must be alert, reliable and have a curious attitude. Must be familiar with using IBM PCs and basic DOS commands. Job involves working with programmers in testing functionality of a Data Collection 266-3531209 System. Contact: Gregg Sirrine WINTER JOBS in Park City Utah. 649-84- 5 or Part lime: Must be 21 DOORMANBouncer years old. Clean cut, hard working. Apply after 6 p.m. Weds. Sal, The Bar & Grill 60 East 800 So. 1209 children seeking nanny. 40 hrswk. 30 miles from Boston. Musi like to take walks, sing songs, eat peanut butter and jelly. Jackie Bannister, 380 Winter Su N. Andover. MA 01845. or call ' companionship for a handicapped teen. Must have own transportation. References required. Call evenings. 1207 AFTER-SCHOO- ' 1207 PfopJ "Go ahead, Mary Lou! can't hurt you! AAHAHAHAHAf!" TRAINING TABLE has positions available for counter and bus people. Apply in person at restaurant. ei Food ProctueVi! ns -- 1207 ALPHA OMEGA Services. English M.A. 80 cents page. Free Former Teacher-Typ- es Corrections. 0104 581-671- Hee4.' BARTENDING CLASSES. Be ready for holiday opportunities. Small Tues. Thurs. evening classes. Bartenders Incredible 487-8261209 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Word processing edit 12 years legal experience. SI a page. Call Diane, RESERVE y I" " com ... NoW qive Call H A WANTED- - and delivery. Call 9Ja 'II yvw 1 WE EDIT SCHOLARLY MANUSCRIPTS, textbooks k dissertations for logic, style k conti-jurt- y. Window's. 582-2021209 1209 pick-u- p . 5 EATING DISORDERS Free fafomatioa ses-tio- a Call Margaret Tuesdays ml 1:00 ThompconSalt Lake Child k Family Therapy 1 Clrrac: 52 5068 far mformMicw VIO PRECISION HAIR Styling, penra k color. student discount Call Paula 36M247. 1209 Yes, Friends.. COMPUTER TYPING: SIOV-S- 5 00 minimum. Rough draft A final. Jean or 0112 WORDPROCESSING, W.P. 4.2 or 5. 17th So. 2nd E-1209 - Overnight WPTyping. LQ CALL lift 12KX 0. TYPE RIGHT! Let as lake me panic oat of your quarter. CaB mom for imanediaic ptck-n- a. quick turnaround. ctean copy, and no mistakes. 564V25H. 12W ACCENT MODIFICATION limme yarn mumcatioa dulls and confidence. Leam backs of America English pmwunmo. Beverly 272-?'- Chicago. or 12)09 SERVICES- - .374-855- 7. Fast eflicieaL 977-072- 4 laSaY Planned Ftenthood ARMY ROTC 8 CONFIDENTIAL AND AFFORDABLE WOMEN'S HEALTH CARE SERVICES 70 South 900 East (Suite 13), Salt Lake City, UT 322-557- 1 TEE SMARTEST COLLEGE COURSE TCU UN TAXL i ATTENTION THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY Vou are invited to review and comment on proposed revisions to the STUDENT CODE bringing it into compliance with Speech University Regulations PPM Regulations. t&0. i Presents A , complete preparation for the Copies of the proposed amendments are available to be reviewed in the ASUU Offices-23- 4 Olpin Union Office of the Dean for Student Affairs and Scrvices-20- 8 Park Student Involvement Center-27Olpin Union Comments and views are encouraged. They must be submitted to Virginia Peterson, Executive Secretary for the Committee on Student Affairs, Student Involvement Center, 270 Union, 0 by January 20, 1989 TREAT YOURSELF This Saturday and Sunday to our famous 39C Hamburger No coupon needed THE HUNGRY GUY 273 S. 1300 E. CLASSES BEGIN Jan. 3rd 1987 Register now and receive $10.00 off. For more information call 355-620- 1 - |