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Show Chronicle Wednesday, December 7, 1988 Page Two IN BRIEF... Soviet leader arrives in talks with U.S. N.Y. for NEW YORK (UPI)-Sov- iet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife Raisa arrived in New York Hiesday for a three-da- y visit to the bustling hub of capitalism for a speech. to the United Nations and a summit with President Reagan and President-elec- t George Bush. . The Gorbachevs were met by Ambassador Selwa Roosevelt, the U.S. chief of protocol, and a host of U.S. and Soviet officials. In arrival remarks, the Soviet leader said he offered greetings "on behalf of the Soviet people" to the United Nations and expressed "feelings of profound respect for . the American people and for all New Yorkers." Gorbachev's stop in the United States is the first leg of a trip that will take him to Cuba and Britain and, with the summit and a speech to the United Nations Wednesday, is the start of a new diplomatic crusade by the Soviet leader. Gorbachev said his U.N. speech will be an opportunity to ensure the Soviet point of view is heard global- ; ly. "We are living in a world that is going through some crucial very changes and all nations have their own concerns and interests and we shall certainly share our concerns and interests," he said. Gorbachev said he was "very happy" to have another chance to meet with Reagan-t- he two men have held The four pervious summits. meeting and working lunch with Gorbachev, Reagan and Bush will occur The Gift Shop of the Utah Museum, lmUe$ Yp To Out i9ffi A N N U A ; Assembly. Soviet-America- ed discussion U.S.-Sovi- et federal takeover. unprecedented The election for a new executive board of Teamsters Local 560 is the first contested balloting in the local in more than two decades. Results were expected sometime Tuesday evening. At the top of the ballot, the brother of an alleged political heir of the reputed mobster and former local President Anthony "Tony Pro" Provenzano was running for local president, pitted against a veteran of dissident factions in the contested 1962 and 1965 elections. For the first time in a Local 560 election since the 1950s, no member of the Provenzano family was on the ballot. two-ye- ar citizens were able to view, a cultural the United States and the Soviet between exchange Union Tuesday on the "Role of the Libraries as (UPI)-Sov- iet National Cultural Repositories" on Moscow's Channel 1. USIA Worldnet and GOSTELERADIO, the Soviet television and radio service, participated in the live exchange via satellite Oct. 27. The dialogue was the first in a series of joint broadcasts between the U.S. and Russia designed to share and increase mutual knowledge .and understanding on a variety of : , fifH3 WWM I j I aft fPBWI V?rMaJ & K M Ci nAcAXfTl CMflWVWy nS l0rUKb---- 4 lCxrtb 'rl'l Wearables And tcW Wow j U V UVQJT i Shop Hours 10 am - 4 pm through Friday Z and Sunday pm - 5 pm nl jf ' and Yours P & f V N' "Then you pay only $19.00 a month ' No J ViadStB' OA 'TIL FEB. 1st, 1909 a ' PAYMENTS N retMrfl r g fg I $12.00 NOW TOWARD YOUR ONE YEAR MEMBERSHIP? PAY ONLY iW I I I Finance pharges fc ' No Interest - : MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES "... ' - - Jazzercise Nartilus Equipment, 0P Sauna " I Professional Jto Weights & Co-E- d . - Please Present Ad At --- ChMCart (nominal Whirlpool ' Staff v W fee) 12rJiE&k ttf 5 hZSSi Time Of Application B f Facility V . ,3640 Highland Orhn Hollad35 - MERRY CHRISTMA6 J' ? D n HMJIiliWIiW CO D ffl D D D D 0 U M&y 0 f J u r Da f t D i ( OROUMByB serv- Moscow TV broadcasts marshals stood guard ral mob-dominat- I' Tuesday Provenzano, a reputed Genovese mob soldier now ing life in prison for murder. rank-and-fi- le I Saturday (UPI)-Fede- that the local was under the effective control of as ballots were counted Tuesday in an election designed to return a formerly control after an Teamsters local to. I I Holiday Ornaments and Cards Ethtvfo Sterling Trtmnuags Goods Ceramics JeweJry $ Paper - Federal marshals watch N J. Teamsters election NEWARK, N.J. court-appointe- City-base- d 1 Through the Month of December Setectqd Qfite For Yoh local from a federal trusteethe since union run has 1986. that ship The federal takeover, the first of its kind under the civil provisions of federal racketeering law, was requested by the Justice Department to rid the local mob influence that the government claimed was maintained through intimidation, threats and even murder. The trusteeship was approved by U.S.- District Judge Harold Ackerman in 1984. It went into effect only after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Ackerman's decision The Soviet leader suggested the summit agenda is open, saying, "I believe the very fact that this meeting is going to take place says a great deal, particularly, in n discusterms of the active state of sions, and that is good. "We have not arranged any formal agenda, so either side can openly and frankly raise any issue that it wishes to," he said. L SALE Spedy rank-and-fi- le of fine Arts CHRISTMAS A The executive board elected by the was to take over control of the large and powerful Union d after the Soviet leader's address to the General iimiwmn PEC. 16, 17 My Ass! This has been my worst quarter ever, and with finals next week you want me to be thinking about Christmas? No way. But when it's all over I'm going to relax. I'm going to bury myself in the things I love. And I'm going to do it at The Pie. D THE PIE Q PIZZARIA . . 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