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Show Wednesday, December 7,1988 Chronicle - Page Three searches for election registrar to supervise races ASUU By Sarrr Stone Chronicle ASUU reporter GHR ISTMA S LIST " 1 Although autumn quarter has not come to an end, ASUU is already gearing up for the upcoming student 640Kb RAM 720K 3.5" disk body elections. ASUU is currently accepting applications for the 1989-9- 0 election registrar. All applications must be submitted by Friday. ASUU President Mike Kaly will make the appointment. The election registrar is responsible for the coordination of all ASUU election activities, such as supervising filing, campaigning and voting procedures. The registrar is also responsible for appointing at least eight students to the Elections Committee, which helps the registrar run the election. The registrar deter-- , mines the location of the polls, as well as the opening and closing times. Ernie Gamonal, a member of the ASUU Public Affairs drive, 20 Mb hard drive, enhanced keyboard mouse 12" 12" clock MCGA graphics Board, said the election registrar post is a very autonomous and influential position. 'The person must be honest, have integrity and not be afraid to stand clockcalendar 3 expansion slots DOS 4.0 behind an issue or stand," Gamonal said. Gamonal . said the chaos that has plagued many past ASUU elections is the fault of former registrars. "For example, in last year's election, half of the ballots were printed to say 'vote for two candidates' and the other naif said Vote for one candidate.' The result was some students voting twice in the primary, causing the placement of all five candidates "on the final ballot," Gamonal said. If a candidate feels he or she has a legitimate complaint against ASUU election policies and procedures, the candidate must first appeal to the registrar. If the party is not satisfied with trie registrar's decision, the ASUU Supreme Court can review the case. Students interested in running for ASUU president and vice president can file applications beginning on the fourth Friday of winter quarter. The primary election will be held, on the seventh Wednesday and Thursday of winter quarter and the final elections during the eighth week of winter quarter. Gamonal encourages students interested in the election registrar position to apply at the ASUU offices in the Union Building. ; ; , ; v v Oi Microsoft Word 4.0, Windows 2.1 full year warranty local service proven quality V IBM Personal System2 Model 30 ON SALE NOW ' and available while supplies last at the University Bookstore , Price to Qualified Buyers Color Monitor $1935.00 List Price: 3679.00 . Ifhfk monochrome or color monitor m. if! The Bigger Picture lull time status) and current matriculated sludmts (graduate student minimum 3 credit tmrs, undergraduate minimum 9 credit UNIVERSITY POLICY Restrictions: Available only I0U0IU departments, faculty or stall (75 hours). Valid UotU identification card is required. UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE INFORMATION Prices: Subject to change (add applicable sales tax). . . Payment: IBM will accept money orders, cashier 's or certilied checks make payable to IBM tor the exact amount of the sales Visa, MasterCard, Diner's Club, American Express or IBM credit cards are accepted without a surcharge . . .Departments: Present a campus order with authortied signatures). .. Add 4 (handling fee). IBM and Personal System2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. , , - AN IMPORTANT Bengt J. Jonsson, MESSAGE d.d.s. and Associates GENERAL DENTISTRY FOR ALL FACULTY AND STAFF ENROLLED IN U OF U DENTAL INSURANCE PROGRAMS Emergency After Hours Dental Care " . other insurance programs and welcome students for regular also-acce- pt most and emergency care JJMt JM' "" V jt.-- JHiy i. a -- Convenient Downtown Veneers And Bonding For a Consultation, No Charge. No Obligation 328-316- We 'F!' Implants For Bridgework, Partial Or Complete Dentures providers. Quality dental care in a beautiful and convenient location near the University is now available at fees certified by your insurance program. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (328-316- 8) Restorative Dentistry, Crowns, Bridgework, Complete And Partial Dentures Cosmetic And Reconstructive Dentistry Preventive Recall Program We are pleased to announce that we have recently become Blue Cross, Blue Shield Mon. thru Fri. 7 take Special Note: The end of the calendar year is a special time to advantage of insurance benefits for patients requiring extensive work as January 1st represents the beginning of an entirely new year of benefits! " DENTAL INSURANCE PLANS WELCOME FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS AVAILABLE LAB AND SKILLED TECHNICIAN ON PREMISES EMERGENCY AND NEW PATIENTS WELCOME 370 East South Temple Suitel 350. Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 328-316- . 7 Member American Dental . Association , Utah Dental Association California Dental , - -- Association Salt Lake District Dental Society |