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Show Wednesday, December 7,1988 -- Chronicle - Page Thirteen Waters mm from page twelve He was the president of the Utah Peace Officer's Association in 1980,: and also served as the president of the Utah Society for Industrial Security. Waters currently teaches at the Utah Police Academy, and has been there longer than any other teacher. His wife helps him teach there. "The call me 'Dirty Dan, and my wife (Eileen) 'Clean Leen,'" he said. Waters said the culture at the time he started at the U. was a lot different than it is now. He said it was really interesting to do undercover narcotics work in the ft Capt. Dan Waters said during his 20 years as a university police officer, campus life has changed drastically. "It used to be that if you could carry a club and were a big brute, you could be a cop. But that's not the same any more. '60s. had some real experiences" Waters said. The kids at the time had their own culture. They had good causes things like freedom of speech and the environment" "I eye-openi- ng people were involved in drugs. And that's one thing he said hasn't changed much. But other things have changed, accord-in- g to Waters. Waters said he sees a big trend away from marijuana and LSD, but he is afraid of the growing use of cocaine. But he y!r CrJyfhci n softer ccn U. Hospital's psychiatric ward. She called the police wanting to help make, some arrests. "It resulted in some of the biggest said cocaine use is even beginning to slack off. He believes soon only criminals will be using the drug. "With a lot of education, responsible people are starting to get away from it," he said; "It used to be that we got bad public relations every time we made a drug bust. People wanted us to catch crooks, not drug users. But Now people want users and dealers put behind bars." Waters also said police work has changed a lot since he became a member of the force. He said the focus is now more on investigative kinds of work rather than on patrolling and tickets. K Cops now have to be good at PR. They have to be good 'people' people," he said. Waters said he enjoys his work at the police academy, and he likes to see "raw officers" learn to work well with people and become "good cops." Another thing Waters likes about his work is helping people. He tells the story of a prostitute addicted to heroine, who found herself in the They were a loving and caring group," he added. "But to them, there was nothing wrong with stealing, free love, drugs and absolutely filthy living conditions." Waters said at the time even prominent that's-changed- "x 1 arrests we ever made," Waters said. "But even more important, 'we were able to help straighten her out, and she became a good member of society That's the best people thing about police work-helphe smiled. over time," change "And I still like to get out and do back up for the officers every now and then," he said with a twinkle in his eye. Waters said he'll be around at the U. , for at least six or seven more years. He wants to end his career right here. "I feel like I've had a very successful career. My wife and Wayne (Shepherd) have really helped me in that. I want it to continue," he said. ing . - ''ci,,,,-- - - mi liiiiiiiiiiai.. mil i iifliiiiiani 'iiMLiiii si iii 1. auw()isu.cn moot, Take time to S etaiew ss 'to irh ty -- and a new . . . nriMm 9 t-sh- irt LOGO 14" Take a quick break between classes and come by the University Bookstore and view a brief demonstration of one of the new IBM PS2 Nothing to buy, just a computers and get a colorful, zippy new look to a the at take few minutes of your time great new IBM PS2 computers. There are models to fit every need and pocketbook. Just present the coupon below to the sales assistant when you come in. T-shi- rt. (I Bring this coupon with you to the University Bookstore Student name Name of collegeuniversity Collegeresidence address , - City , State Phone Zip Student Signature yr.ofgrad. The following persoml computer systems were demonstrated: O Personal System2 Model 30 286' O Personal Systeni2 Model 50Z ' : Other ' ; . ' ; - Authorized signature , Campus Computer Sates mc |