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Show . - Wednesday, December 7,1988 -- Chronicle - Page Five police; from page one crime rate can be contained and even reduced in that area, he said. If the U. community is informed of a particular crime that is prevalent or reoccurring on campus, it can keep its eyes open and inform U. police of circumstances that appear suspicious, he explained. An informed community can also modify its actions to prevent the crime from occurring. For example, now that the end of the quarter approaches, many dorm students will start loading their cars with their belongings the night before they leave to spend the holidays at home, Shepherd said. 'The thieves know these things," he said, and many automobiles-b- ut will try to break in to the luggage-packe- d not if students are informed that this happens and modify their method of preparing for travel. Ctanp, Ctanop9 Qkomp v to the tough 'n tooth. You can Smile with them. them. with eat Whistle with them. Grit them. If you're so inclined, you can even lie through them. But there's one thing you can't do: Ignore them. If you do, they'll go away. All you have to do to keep your teeth terrific is brush and floss daily. And get a check-u- p and professional cleaning on a regular basis. Of course, if you don't want to do these things, you'll still be able to eat apples. . You'll find them at the store. In the Gerber's display. For more information about preventive dentistry, call for a free consultation. Here's PHI ALPHA THETA Honor Society in History announces a . DISCUSSION OF REVOLUTION EH LATIN AND CENTRAL AMERICA . with Professor Rebecca Horn, a ill specialist in the field, and Lt. Colonel James Ausitn who's had first hand experience in the region. FAMILY DENTISTRY JAMES Call Wednesday December 7, 12:00 in Union 319 -- Everyone Welcome! 363-565- TV Thu ii dM E. RUSSON - D.D.S. 311 So State Suite 218 (Brighton Bank Buildma) 2 FREE linkup I 'rnuiT Thf ihlvritirmem i'.rpv iiniqi nnm u n OFF STREET PARKING JruMijui,m W FREE DENTAL CHECK UP -- Including 2 Good for the whole family X-ra-ys SPRING IS HERE! (until January 3, 1989) Good One Time Only You dorit need your paints' money to buyaMadntosh ;"' their signatuit 'Vjust been difficult for students convince their parents of the need for a Macintosh computer There's no collateral. No need to prove financial hardship. No application fee. Best of all, the loan payments can be spread over at school. Persuading them to write the check, however, is as many as 10 years. another thing altogether. WhichiswhyAppleaeatedtheStudentLoan-to-Ow- that makes Program. An ingenious loan program buying a Macintosh as easy as using one. If they qualify, they'll receive a check Fsn n Simply pick up an application at the location Ali your parents listed below, or call need to do is fill it out, sign it, and send it. Which gives you and your parents plenty of time to decide just who pays for it all. foryou in just a few weeks. v It's never gf ' ' i v IntroducingApple's Student Program Loan-to-Ow- n TIE ' .' UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE UNIVERSITY MWHP 1:00 am : pm. Ti l:M CAMPUS UTAH OF am 7:M pm, ML Wt mm 9:9 , 19SS Apple Computer. Inc. Apple, the Apple logo, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer. Inc. |