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Show Wednesday, December 7,1988 Chronicle - Page Twelve GIVE THE GIFT OF ENTERTAINMENT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON . Anne Murray Chronicle staff writer v PM SYMPHONY HALL 21-- 8 Tickets at Smithtix. Salt Palace Box Office. Cosmic Aeroplane and Smokies. LAR LUBOVITCH DANCE & Sat, January 20 21 "Dance so warm and sensuous and pretty, it seems to create a new category: Dance To Bask In!" -New York Times. future-oriented- SECOND CITY COMEDY STORE Friday, February 10 Improvisation has built Second City into a world capital of comedy, launching the careers of John Belushi, Bill Murray, John Candy and Elaine May, to name a VERY few.Truly a temple of satire." -- Time Magazine. KINGSBURY HALL, 8 PM Tickets available at Smithtix, Cosmic Aeroplane. Smokey's and Kingsbury Hall. For information 581 6866 LES BALLETS TROCKADERO Renowned All Male Satirical Dance Company World "A CURE FOR MIGRAINES OR LUNAR MELANCHOLIA. MADNESS." "TUTU FUNNY" Dance News -- NY Daily News CAPITOL THEATRE - SAT, FEB Waters said he never really wanted to be a police officer. In fact, when he was younger, he had a distinct 25-- 8 PM As a rookie for the U. police, Waters went to Berkeley to study how the police handled the People's Park riot. "They really screwed that one up," Waters remembered. 'They brought in choppers and a lot of cops and just made a mess of things." Waters came back and drew up some guidelines for situations. And how police should handle mass-arrewere before recommendations his it wasn't very long put to the test at the U. In May of 1971, 1,800 students marched on the Park Building and took it over. They promised there would be no problems if the U. police handled the situation. Two arrest teams of four or five officers moved among the students, offering them a chance to leave or be arrested. Over a period of five hours, the two groups of police arrested 85 students with no violence involved. "You need to send in a small amount of police officers, and there will be less violence," he said. "It shows , you respect their right to civil disobedience' Waters came to the U. because of work he did on campus as Salt Lake .City police department, where - st ... But College Bound, Inc. will! REBEL. Rested It's not a pill; it's not a powder. It's a unique new computerized service that provides almost every prospective college student with 5 to 25 sources of financial aid geared to his individual interests, " qualifications, and needs. . 1978. ; If you have a baby, you. can t be the baby anymore. . girl, her stifling Tunisian-Jewis- h immigrant family, and Paris in the 60's. This film by French filmmaker, Chariotte Stivers, received the George Sadoul Prize for Best First Feature Film by a new director, France, Cost is only $39.00. Results are guaranteed. Prospective vocational and technical school student are also eligible. College Bound, Inc. the service you can't afford not to use. 1 984. FRENCH WITH ENGLISH see "Waters" on page thirteen Always U This movie is a tender funny and beautiful portait of a rebellious young " . remember: December 1 0th, Saturday OSH Audit. 7:30 pm - i . . ! LOUISE THE Aspirin won't cure that high cost of college dislike for police. "I lived on 1782 S. State when I was young. I used to sit on the porch and watch the kids drag state in their xi ui 7U i uiiU) lie. oaiu. 1 uc muo ivuuiu 6 6 atJJ,JLl w llllllo uu uuu.1 6 and the police would pull them over right in front of our house," he continued. "They would say things like 'where's the fire?' 'or why are you going so fast?' I decided right then I didn't like police.'' But Waters did get into police work, and after a while he found a way he could really enjoy it. "I didn't write even a whole book of tickets during my first year," he smiled. "But then I realized maybe this was a way I could help people." Waters said when he began to think in terms of keeping people safe, instead of just punishing them, he really began to enjoy his work. And he hasn't looked back since. In 1967 he trained at the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and was the president of the FBI's national academy in -- , Tickets "available at the Salt Palace and all Smithtix locations. Phone orders AN SAI CONCERTS PRODUCTION headache officers." ." . ASUU WELCOMES 3 Things have changed a lot at the University of Utah since 1969. Clothes styles, hair styles, even the way students go about getting their education, has changed. One person who has seen a lot of this change is Capt. Dan Waters of the U. police department. On Feb. 2, Waters celebrates his 20th year as a U. police officer. And over the years he's seen a lot of interesting things happen on this campus. "When 1 started, it was a time when the culture started to change," Waters said. "It was becoming a psychedelic culture. Now students are more " ASUU AND ROT WELCOME Fri he started in 1958. "I was the first guy to ever work undercover in Salt Lake," he said. The U. had always been a place where dope had never been before. But we made some buys right here on campus, believe it or not." "Because of his experience working at the U., G. EIroy Jones, police chief at the time, asked Waters to come here. He accepted. When Waters started at the U., 30 officers worked in the department. Today there are 29. "I headed up the investigative unit when I started," Waters explained. .'There was me, a sergeant and two Darren Tucker By IN CONCERT SAT, JAN Helping people rewarding, U. cop says SUBTITLES. FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC This film is sponsored by: IMPACT and the MIDDLE EAST CENTER Mta d Lm itck iv Lmsg For free and complete details, fill out and mail the coupon. Please Send Free Information Name of Student Address State City Telephone Number, Year in School ' lCMVlW'lLXl Please send this coupon to: College Bound, Inc. P. 0. Box 1174 Sandy, UT 84091 801-572-00- 90 etc - i if i I gd nnt cr3 (099 DAU?xOMD EXTENDED WEAR Nw INCLUDING THZ EXAM! Spend a semester with the really important people of Massachusetts, CO KITT ACTS Patient Limit POUT WAIT! WHILE THEY LAST! CALL HOW!! CDVALE 26 West 7200 South OSSU 1353 South State Street naeo 22g8eoo : OGDl'l 3735 Wall Avenue On) |