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Show Wednesday, December 7, 1988 Chronicle - Page Four U. Senate OKs health education admission requirements By Christian Aggeler Chronicle staff writer University of Utah students planning on a major in health education may be surprised to learn that more stringent admission requirements could prevent the door of the department from swinging open to them in the future. On Monday night, the department of health education's proposal for undergraduate admission leaped its final hurale by being approved by the U.'s Academic Senate. The changes, wnich go into effect next fall, include more stringent requirements. The department had been employing an "open admission" policy prior to the proposed changes. According to the department's proposal, the changes "pre-majo-r" T 4 for Seminars F I f National Commission "pre-major- -- Til ." pre-maj- fl PI StiidentS . - d-rate, a , Engineering Clinics, Student Career Guidance Study Skills, Academic Advising . Utah Department of Employment, titled "Utah Workforce 2000," states Utah's 16- - to will make the share same of the labor, force up in the year 2000 as in 1986. . The study says state jobs requiring the most educational preparation are e expected to increase at an college. According to the study, filed by the Commission on Youth and America's Future, people who do not attend college have a harder time finding jobs than those who do. '. The report does not deal with findrate in the future. Jobs which ing careers after graduation; rather, it require the least amount of educational simply states those who are in college background are projected to grow have an advantage when it comes to slowly or even decline in availability. However, Jim Evans, program speemployment. The study said employers tend to cialist with the State Office of Job look more favorably toward college Training for Economic Development, students than students of said all the studies he has read reveal the same age. findings similar to those made by the Harold Howe LT, former U.S. comCommission on Youth and America's missioner of education, headed the' Future and the Utah Department of . commission. He told the College Employment Security. v - simply because they do not attend college." However, a study conducted by the "Stay in college" is the message combeing delivered by a mission which conducted a study of 16-- . to who do not go to 19-mem- Policies on Admission, Withdrawals, Grading, Student Behavior and Leaves of Absense," Financial Aids above-averag- 1 Careers in Electrical Engineering Careers in Chemical Engineering Careers in Civil Engineering Careers in Mechanical Engineering Careers in Computer Science " non-colle- ge in Materials Science and Engineering For more information call the Dean's Office Merrill Engineering Building mm p" Press Service, 'Too often we think of the forgotten half as failures, as secon- By Vic Garcia Every Thursday during Winter Quarter - 11 a.m. Engineering & Mines Classroom Bldg. 102 SEMINAR TOPICS , Introduction to the College of Engineering and its Facilities 2202 or Chronicle staff writer TIME: PLACE: Careers "lock-and-ste- College students have head start in job hunt, report says Provide guidelines for academic "survival" in engineering Computer Graphics autumn quarter. The program would then concentrate on specific courses of study offered in a sequential order during the students' junior and senior years. The new admissions procedures would not actually alter the number of health education graduates each year !L Acquaint you with opportunities for enrichment of your academic ' and engineering careeer Cooperative Education Education nt Introduce you to the profession of Engineering . for Health Education Undergraduate Admission meet annually to rank applicants would Committee GPAs and other admission criteria. according to their From the applicants, the committee would select the students who would be admitted during the following A Health Credentialing. program "Management of such a competency-base- d canxmly be accomplished by improving the faculty-studeratio and enhancing the cohesiveness'of the majors admitted each year," the proposal said. Undergraduate students interested in health education can declare the intention to be a major and be student can then coded as a The after a as for admission fulfilling certain major apply A SUPPLEMENTARY SERIES OF SEMINARS DESIGNED TO: : requirements. These requirements include at least 30 hours of liberal education, Math 101, Health Education 101 and 305 and minimum competency with microcomputers. were necessary for "a more equitable student-teache- r ratio (in the department)" and to "provide an improved curriculum." According to Glenn Richardson, chairman of health education, an additional catalyst for the change was needed for the department to be accredited by the 581-691- 1 It took Galileo 16 years to master the emiiverse, have QflLemght It seems unfair. The genius had all that time. While you have a few short hours to learn your sun spots from your satellites before the dreaded astronomy exam. 7 On the other hand, Vivarin gives you the definite advantage. It helps keep you awake and mentally alert for hours. Safely and conveniendy. So even when the subject matter's dull, your mind will stay razor sharp. If Galileo had used Vivarin, maybe he could have mastered the solar Reviw with vivarin: UttMdimttd. ContairacinetnecqulvakMrflwDaipialcanec. C Beedum Inc. 1988 |