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Show Wednesday, December 7,1988 Chronicle - Page Fifteen Ufos Lady U.S.'s (defeats seed (oB'ih Bring In Competitors Ad And You Will See Our Prices Are Already Lady Ute tennis player Michelle Mras beat the d player in the country last Friday afternoon and advanced into the round of 16 at the National Clay Court Championships at Hilton Head, S.C. Mras, the top player on the Lady Utes' squad, defeated the University of Kentucky's Chris Karges. Mras won in straight sets, In the round of 16 bracket, Mras lost to the University of Georgia's Stacy Schefflin, ranked 19th in the country and the tourney's No. 3 seed, 68th-ranke- 6-- 4, &tLt:UTION! LOWER!! CHfflTMAS SALeH , 6-- 2. Loose lD52aintii3ii!s 6-- 1. 6-- 4, Lady Ute Coach John Tsumas said he was pleased with Mras' play, considering her lack of experience on a clay surface. "Michelle played very well considering that it was only the second time she's played on clay in about five years," Tsumas said. . Great REDUCED Clarity, Cutr Color Elegant Diamond Earrings SIZE COMP. VALUE FARR'S PRICE .10TW $150 $89.95 15TW $200 $119.95 : .20TW 1149.95 300 I I vim ii si r f A rs i All Diamond Earrings & Pendants S .500 ! : 40TW i 11390 ! .50TW SSO ! S950 j1 13 II I ALL hmMMSm Pipm SWting At Low At $4g95 VatMt tt S2S0.00 - a tfjjili Cfc V5S? rr mj OVER 250 WEDDING SETS -l mv lfgp s $4995 save : 14K i - f,r- MODELSw DISCOUNTED mm V Sapphire i tt Efeljjk & RING SPECIALS WntntiM feM 4 1 I B SnmUt laaSlf 1.1 -- Damondt .199.95 .249.95 1369.95 $495.00 Seiko Quartz. Sapphire 10K J .25TW .30TW & Diamonds 14kt WEDDING BANDS -- to WlWSOOC up Starting at... y Every Wednesday 60 E. 800 S. 533-034- 1 sZ DISCLAIMER- - FOR RENT NOTICE The Chronicle reserves the right to deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and propriety. Classified advertisements will not be taken after 4:00 p.m. workdays. Rales are as follows: words $2.7Sday or 16-3- 0 $IO.OOweek: wows $4.25day or $17.00 week. Classified ad deadline is 10 a.m. prior to the date the ad is to run. For information about classified ads call STUDENT SPECIAL STUDIO &1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS STARTING AT $195 Downtown location, 10 S. 300 E. FREE HEAT, WATER. GAS. NEW KITCHENS IN THIS RECENTLY RESTORED GROUP OF APT. BUILDINGS. Embassy. Embassy Arms. Downing and Pauline. Contact Don or drop by. 129 AUTOMOTIVE LIVE IN Victorian iuxury you thought you couldn't afford. Walking distance to U., large private bedrooms, utilities partly paid, share kitchen, bath, living, dining room. Cable TV. Close to '7 FORD A.M.F.M. at Todd 34 Ton 4X4 Truck. 4 Spd. Cassette. $1,700 or best offer. Call 1209 HARDTOP (REMOVABLE Call - 5 SPOTLESS 1 bdrm. $250 includes heat. $100 1209 security deposit. 718 E. 700 So. I in avenues. the QUIET AND Clean bdrm. 1209 $225.00. Includes all utilities. - ' TIRED OF nice I2P7 '78 BMW 530i. Looks super, runs great. Power windows, steering, sunroof. Auto, trans. $4,000. Can wrap for Christmas. I20H 11967 MUSTANG, 6 cyl.. auto, looks and runs or SKI 403 (weck- Krai, new paint. 2W-IJ6- 4 teisell. 7. 986 IM HONDA THE BEVERLY 45 S. 7th E. Two 2 bdrm apis on 3rd floor of sixplex. parking, coin ops. storage. HEAT PAID. Beautiful view. AIR CONDITIONING. New carpets. I new icebox. Graduate students preferred. $325.0012 month I2AW contract. 359-1- 3 17363-503- ..I.IVW. ACAM-F- jiwi bvniuiuun. living? Mobile Home in 1207 LARGE 1 bedroom. $225.00. Free cable. 726 486- So. 900 E, See manager C-' " 7855. 1207 Black. $l800o.b.o. Civic Wagon iniiv.iibi QIP3 AUDI 5000S. ' 5 snd. ll $1 JOO.OO Jennifer 553 E, 700 So. Studio, fully carpeted, miniblinds. clean, convenient to U. and Downtown. $IK5mo. with utilities paid. Half off first month's rent. 1207 ENTERTAINMEN- T1B PLUS is a new Dance and DJ System in Sail We can do any size dance for you and we'll take. any Drice Grnl fnr rhrimman Panin1 Sn .328-- 2 5 for more information. I2AN N 345 E. 1330 So. 2 bedroom, quiet neighborhood. $310, utilities paid. 12 off first month's rent. I2A17 ' BEDR(X)M Apt.. $275.00 includes all utilities. 1207 Holladay area. I NICE DUPLEX apts. Roomy I bdrm. new carpet. $225mo. plus util. Classy 2 bdrm with washdryer $28Smo. plus util. Both clean and recently painted. . 5 min. from U. Call now! 1209 SUBLET MY apartment for 3 months, starting in December. Furnished. Call Deborah at ' 1207 1 1 HOUSE NEAR U. 1 166 E. 4th South. 2 rooms, back porch, fully winterized. $340. 1207 PARK CITY Holiday Week. Sweetwater Ski 5. sleeps 6. Great deal. Lodge. 30 Dec.-Ja1209 bed- ' FORSALE- Guaranteed lowest prices in Salt Lake. Large selection, high quality. Goldwork 1209 and settings. 486-352- HOUSE TO Share: Owner of 2 bedroom hath East Liberty Park house looking for pleasant, responsible housemate. Patio. Fireplace. Extra study. $275 includes utilities, washerdryer, and local phone. 596--1 836 days and message service. 4 evenings. 1208 DIAMONDS AT lowest prices with a graduate 210 gemologist appraisal. Call Tim MEXICAN RED LEG Tarantula. 3 years old. Tcrranium included.' Call Mark. healthy. Best offer. The perfect gift for loved ones. 1209 1208 : DIAMONDS: 10 DISCOUNT during December! Utah Museum of Fine Arts Gift Shop. Sterling Silver. Designer Gift Wrap. Paper and Stationary. Native f. and more. T-Crafts. I0am4pm. Utah Museum of Fine Arts 2pm-5p- ' "2 BEDROOM house, appliances, carpets, drapes, hook-up- East. yard. $400. 915 South 1900 -1208 FURNISHED Home upper avenues available disCHRISTMAS BOOK SALE IO-7- 0 9 a.m. In 5 p.m. University of count. Dec. Utah Press. 101 ISB (west of the Huntsman Center). Cash, checks. Visa, MasterCard. 1209 ' . 2 BEDROOM $260. Clean, excellent cond. parking. 947 E. 400 So. 16. 1209 ENGLISH $15: YOU CAN BE in this cute studio apt by Christmas. We are 12 block from the U and close lo everything else. Clean, private and quiet. Call alter five for an appointment. Sorry 1209 ' rooms, unfurnished. $250.00, hent paid. mates wanted. $135.00 per bedroom. y407.v pi03 2 bedRoom: BUDGIE Parakeets. 2 months old. 1209 DORM CONTRACT. $75.(K) dcfKtsil Chuck eves. 1209 1 PAIR Dynastar Course GS 207 cm I year old 9. with Marker M40 MRR bindings. $200. ' 1209 LOUIS VU1TTON authentic products factory direct 5(Wr off. Call 0103 TWO OUTSTANDING basketball tickets now available. Center lower section under press box. Going on sabbatical will sell at face value for this 3 season only. Call for specifics. 1209 Call . bedroom Walk professionals. for yourself instead Call Now. Carolvn CONIK) ' 1 Perfect lor young everywhere. Why rent? Buy of someone else. $32.90(1. in town. Really World Cushing. 1208 HP82I06A Memory Modules $5.00. Tl Silent 700 Phone Link Data Terminal And Thermal Paper - Very Cheap! Call Alan At ' 12m , BW PORTRAITS. Starving students requiring Christmas cash offer professional portraits at rales. All sizes up to 1x14 and packages available. Satisfaction unconditionally guaranteed. 4. Call leave message. 1209 TAKE OFF YOUR Clothes - Unbearable Cinema Shop. Lightness of Being limited 63l5Hiehland. 0103 UNIVERSITY of Utah Track Ski Day at Solitude Nordic Center 9 A.M. lo 4 P.M. Call Outdoor 1207 Program. ROOMMATES- FEMALE is needed to share three bedroom apt. with female and male. Sugarhouse. Roommates are platonic. Swimming pool. $165.00 with free Leave a message. 1208 utilities. MF TO SHARE Foothill house. $160mo. plus No smokers. Cable plus wd. 485-2591208 $67. dep. SERIOUS LOST: WALLET (Maybe in OSH Building.) If found please call. 584467 . 1209 Why not? I visit $3.00. $25.00. 677 So. 7th Easi. Ph. HOUSEMATE. Share house near Sugarhouse with grad. student. Laundry, fireplace, yard, own bedrmbalhrm. No smokers, no pets. Prefer grad. PERSON TO share nice duplex, 2 bdr.. 2 bath, carpet. 5 min to U. $200mn. plus 12 util. Please call Rob 0103 visits 1207 10 MELLOW FEMALE. Large 2 bedroom. 160 So. 1300 E. SI75mo plus 12 elect plus phone. Paula 53 0828. 0103 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 0130 487-839- climer, skiier needs $202.50 student or professional. $225.00 plus utilities. Available now, 1209 PERSONAL STA-TA- STUDENT, roommate to share 2 br apt close to U. 3 utilities included. eves. 1209 LOST & FOUND ARTPHOTO studio for rent. rKiid. SOMMA MATTRESS Series 221 (Cylinder" Waterbed Mattress). Full Size. $150.00. Call AskforAsly. I2AW COZY 2 BEDROOM apt with fireplace, stow, refrigerator, hookups, some furniture. $280. 3 BEDROOMS, lurnMwd. V05.H1. of Medical 1209 January 17 to April 1. 1989. $$600.00 p.m. plus utilities. Ideal temporary accomodation university 1208 professor. Phone 3 BEDRM House, aves.. 7 12 rms.. fireplace, after ft. 0103 8 yards. $450. Collection 1209 Illustrations. MUST SELL dorm contract. Malefemale. Forfeited $75.00 deposit plus $25.00 extra. Call 1209 -- SUBLET ONE bedroom avenues apt. $l50mo. includes utilities. Dec. 17 Mar. I. Maureen ALPINE: Dinastar Slalom w Tyrolia-20- 3 cm. San Marco boots --size 10. Nordic: new Fabiano boots-size double shell 10. Fisher skateglide skiis-20- 0 cm. Solomon ankle high touring shoes -10. size Offers: Martin. 1209 SET OF CIBA BEDROOM, $285. $25 off for yard work, 9. No smokers, pets. 0104 2 BDR. BASEMENT apt. Completely finished 15th S. 3rd E. No pets, children. $250.00 per I2A month. Utilities included. park. Telephone: 250- - 1209 79 TOYOTA Celiea GT. Punroof. Only 72.000 miles. - lt NEAR U OF U 3 bedroom I balh OKShome. $400 648 East Completely remodeled. 1209 Browning Ave. (14th So.) OFFICERETAIL. Newly remodeled, hardwood floors. High visability. $225 - heat paid. 1305 So. 900 E. 537-- 1 530. 1209 187 VW GTI 16 valve, red. sunroof, air. Alpine pereo. 29.000 mi. $l0.000besl offer. Mission. ' WALK TO U! I and 2 bdrm. apis, start at $235. New carpet, dishwasher, covd. pig., laundry. 250 1209 South 900 East. , 4. aueropm, 1207 t 73' FORD Bronco 4X4 Full Cage Roll Bar. AMFM Cassette. Excell. Cond. Must See!! fejfcy) .3. WE HAVE 5 different styles of I bedroom apartments. $165 to $245 to qualified party. All nice . locations. 1209 0106 laundry, stores, for MG Midget. eveningsand DATSUN 200 SX. Excellent condition, snow 179' stereo w cassette. $1.275.. Call 553 E. 700 So. One bedroom, carpeted, miniblinds. $195 withutilties paid, or free rent in exchange for cleaning, painting, yard work at other - apartments. 1207 ' FARB BETTER SAVINGS IFIED CLA ' CXY FARR BETTER SERVICE MortfRi 1209 MIGHT BE PREGNANT? Find out with a free prcenancy lest. Complete privacy. Birthright, EMIGRATION Canyon. Share house $250. No smoking. Grad student or professional. 583-607- 6 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. 01,04 students want to talk Ihe same things'.' ROOMMATE wanted to share 3 bedroom house in Sugarhouse. WD, garage. $225.00 plus 13 ' Util. 1209 0119 with others experiencing 1209 . SELL YOUR computer products at the Computer Swap-MeDec. 10th (8169 S. State). Call 1208 HOW IK) YOl say "Want lo see my" etchings'." in Italian? I mil out in DCE's "Conversational Italian." Mams Tuesdays. 7:15-9:17. in OSH 101. Dial ' I2AW 5 0 p.m., Jan. to register. Classifieds end on page 16 |