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Show The DOy Utah amide, Friday, Dcccabcr 7, Its Page VTA mu raadv aw Ckfktut cia 127 SMsfcard 277-83- 4C8-CS1-0. S28S feast after. Caa Steve ataeaaw.SSSar tzn 515247. ISaLLfeedSlS. altar 4ttN Man: 1B-3- vwtim. - p-- t--tt ttOay. SMCSa: 00k. Mdav. SIS at aaa flays anar ta M i ad is tana. wards M B $32-75- MM M ar 127 2. BSS3L km aatfWy awaaa Tarraca. ta U. Owaar aasaarata la sefL Fiae 1 fedna. ae aaty SStuCa CaB 488-3171277 UK a flUTc:.:oTiuc (was). n Ctftt mmt tlKOmm 6to 127 OBUKLASSSXSB n.TCatUiaL7BatWS3a.SMto St Dodaa runs parfact as dants. K3L (S3. S2& 71 It 363-148- fCBTBEB'S EABTB TRIRIS 531-150- 0. 127 Keainately tuned, pood cand arts. SaOetfar. . 46S-735- 127 INI TNYNTA CIMLU. sports coups. bsautiful car. $4850oWar. 127 4 cyl C900Oft. AMFM. . 55.000 BfflieaSt FP BUS with bindings. 203 cm., excellent condition. 127 $145pair. the incredible Ski Bench. You cn flat file, side file wax and do binding work. No vises or moving parts. Portable and solid 19 95. or VtUmt M. SUAE firaat in snow and good on gas. 11.000 or best offer. Evenings at 127 467-36- 521-211- 1. AM CALCULATOR. Olympus 0M-- 1 wlens. carrying bag $185. wmath pac $160. Call Eric 127 PH-41- C 113 PCSfflAC natSL excellent condition, low mileage. S4.5S9 or best offer. 582-027- 278-583- make the perfect gift. Hundreds of wonderful kites for year round fun. 20 to 40 student discount until Christmas. EJ.'s Kite Shop, new location. 416 E. 900 S. at Natures Way Sandwich 1277 Shop. KITES. KITES. 127 71 KNAULT IE CM. runs great $5,000 mHes. S1.500 or offer. 583-319- 0. 127 OlMtlEI BMW. eicellent or IBM BUBTM PEBFBSSEB SMW88A8S. good 127 277-525- 5. KITES 531-75- r. 532-336- 1 cond. SIOQorter. aron 2958156. 127 SKIS. Spalding 20St, Tyrolia2600 bindings. practicaHy new. $150 or best offer. Also, upright grand piano. $350 or best offer. Call 127 evenings. Carol or Dave DK1IUG CEMtt 8f UIAK1 Rf STAWART. lunch, ad fee. dinner. food, CARSN 154 1 200 Ss. belly-dancin- g. 127 364-408- 78-1- $80 plus 127 350-558- 9. PtSSSAB) camera and Tamron AE-- I 0 mm lens. Immaculate condition, seldom used. $350. 127 35-7- 464-814- 4. nEtlT FOR BTBS Your hour daily r Twenty-tou- lock-ke- access-securit- y. sized units. $8.50 up All y. LOOT G FOUND 127 383-311- 1. 272-275- 0. Near U. tennis, pools. $3ZOmontn. Tel. on 1129. Men's Casio 7 or 3630062. watch. Call John at LBST IN UBBABY 295-308- 127 8095. 127 IIUSE. 1076 E. 200 S. $170mo. including utilities, washer dryer. Manager 8 or 12 322-380- 355-712- 583-337- 2. present a workshop on surviving as a single parent father. Dec 17 in the Women's Resource Center from and participate! FUN BATINM Now 127 HAPPY HOLIDAYS. qualify to be a Travel Agent in 8 weeks. Exciting career opportunities, TRAVEL ASENT. internship gives valuable 127 training. Institute of Travel PERM SPECIAL Reg. $40, now $28. Includes cut. Long hair extra. On Wed., Fri., A Sat. only. Ask for Ann. Hairuts $10. 13th Street 466-798- 4. I RNM month, STUDIO, STUDIO APT., campus, 800 BETWEEB $240-295m521-830- 8. H utilities included, $130 127 near furnished, utilities, 0. female. $185. Call after 582-990- 2 MOM PATIENTS IT t "IT. 182 bdrm. 918 E. 200 So. Call 645 E. $300-340m- 359-425- 2, Share kitchen, laundry extra. $85-12- 5. Available Jan. 15, 1985. Call after 2 p.m. 127 261-138- 5. SR0WBIRB. Iron Blosam condo. sleeps 4. 1215 thru 1222, reasonable rate, call 127 3594835. aftar 6. 3 BEDROOM, fireplace. 10 min. to "U", after STOP! WATT! & 127 359-508- HUBERT M8MII8 I0USE. 157 S. 8th E. 467-475- 8 paid $50 for 127 328-831- NEAB $400mo. Hair Co. 1674 E. 1300 So. 127 MWXT0WW, 1 A 2 bdrm. apt. 278 E. A 546 E. 100 So. Call 364-199- I love you. Merry Christmas. I love you. good luck on finals. I love you. you make me happy. I love you. you drink radiator water. I love you. 127 BECEMBEB 5th didn't compare with May 18th. DEAR MOM. 127 it's all over with B3 but definitely not with us. I love you 3D. Incurably yours. "The Kid" 127 you're so small, slide home on your small butt, and 111 be right behind you. See you on Christmas Day. Good luck on finals. Love, a small 127 fluttering bird (with rubber lips.) MBNEYI Yes you can go home for the Holidays. But bring those useles old baseball cards and comic books, and get real American dollars! Baseball Card Shop and comics too! 3169 Highland Dr. BEAR SMALL CRAWUM TURTLE, 466-398- 127 TB THE BUYS W THE WEKNT BSNL 127 7. Donl lose it over the Holidays! See ya next quarter. Love ya, the girl in the pink sweats and her 127 roommate. BBEAKtM UP WITHOUT BBEAKIM MWN. A Psychologist lectures on coping wthe breakup of relationships. Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Jewish Community Center. $5.00 127 FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 127 OF U6HTS" Advent celebration with music, drama and dance. Tonight, 10:00 p.m. Newman Center. 1327 L 200 S. REEDED hr. Call 583-950- 9. 127 for study. Adults 127 277-939- 2. Ill bake that bread for you. Great home baking, for specialty breads. 127 please call 485-317- 8. - UNEMPLOYMENT INSUBANCE PROBLEMS? Denied benefits by Job Service? Unfair treatment by employer? consultation. 350-867- PORTRAITS PAINTED. Give 583-634- FEMALE TB SSASE MMSE with month $200 per ta b. included 4843375. SNARE BEAUTIFUL 127 with 3 AVE N8XE LOS girls, own room. 145mo. includes utiMes. at Call Linda 581-676- ar 9 468-944- 4. 1277 FEMALE BtmSTE MANTES te share with same. $130 par month plus 13 uttrhes 8 phone. Must be responsible 8 dean. Please call Karri or Michaus. 127 531-70- finer diamond for less! The Salt Lake Jewelry Company guarantees the lowest prices on quality diamonds, BUY A LAMER, engagement rings, wedding bands and invitations. Call for appointment at 127 4846880. Lange ZR boots, men's 8 new $150. Lange XLT boots, men's 8 $100; Lange XLR boots ladies 6 $85; Spaulding 430 slolom wTyrolia 380, 205 cm. $110; Pre 1200 SP wTyrolia 360, 195 cm. $175. All equipment in excellent or new 127 condition. Call SKI EQUIPMEBT SALE! hour free 116 the gift that lasts, oils, pastels, drawings. From $50. Call 127 Jerry. AQUARIUMS MAKE SREAT SIFTS at 15 off for Christmas. 10 gallon sets $39.99 complete. Zebras. Neons, White Clouds Noses $14.99, Electric Catfish $30. Salt Lake 127 Aquarium. 4689 S. 2300 E. SKIERS: live in Park City. Take winter off, ski, help with two children, Suarter license required. Position starts Jan. 2. Salary, room and board, plus ski 12 pass. Call DOWN QUILTS. Perfect for Queen 127 $107, king $117. Order now. 582-147- 2. RESUMES on Wednesday! Happy 20th Sorry there are no surprises, but wait until next year! (wocka, wocka) Love 8 kisses, your tall, gorgeous acquaintance with the 127 short, brown hair. S6& Good luck with finals and have a terrific Christmas vacation. Love, Allison. 127 TO ALL THOSE SREAT KAPPA 306-pa-ge catalog-15.- with your thesis BAVINS PBBBLEMS dissertation? Perhaps I can help. Consultation, editing, data analysis. Or. M Pett. 127 581-827- 8. and computer ELECTBBNK EIUIPMENT repair. 25 aft for students. For information. caB Ariafrcfc more 127 483-107- 4. for professional lectures or dan presentations. Choice of four films produce great slides, color or BW. Low after price. For more info call Brad 5 p.m. 1117 SLICE CBPYWNK p, SOS E. 2100 So. Satt Lake City 406-42- 61 LOW PRICES FAST SERVICE QUALITY COPIES 503-340- 0 Reasonable 484-782- 8 (Moved tram Laird Ave.) 127 an EXCEPTIONAL TVPiMS INAUTV IBM of typestytes. Disserta- ce eiecUomc-ho- tions, theses, reports, vanscriptiaa. Fast (t20 BVPM). accurate (work guaranteed). 20 years experience. Quaity English. German. Spanish. 4900 So. 8 8 Redwood Rd. Carol t27 TVPIMS HL CaH Jawette. B8NE at heme IBM Correcting Joan Boru MA PROCESS) 268-957- 5- 363-996- 7. FREE EBfTtM of minor glitches comes with expert typing. Reasonable rates. Ouick turnaround. Sandra 127 466-315- PMFESSatNAL TYPISTS. Theses, reports, resumes, etc. Pickupdelivery available. Susan 127 Kathy 967-254- 0. 277-253- FN EXAMS and pass. Easy to study plan. Read in 5 minutes. Send S.A.S E. to Jon Rey. 6375 Brixon CT. SLC. UT. 84102. 1277 BUCK AM EASY CHRISTMAS 6IFT? Portrait by expert photographer. You choose 278O306. 127 setting. Dray IMPRDVEMENTI QUICK Success in speed reading, incentive 8 self definition training, Reasonable reading appraisal. rates. 125 581-729- 3, 484-504- 9. 262-451- 562-529- with skylights and tree lighting. Two blocks from Univ. 127 $195mo. NEE0ED for Avenues TWO ROOMMATES house. $135 and $107.50 plus $75 deposit. RESTORED VICTORIAN HOME 364-152- 5. Call 127 533-965- 8. fresh air. blue skies. $175 plus deposit and 13 utilities. Call 1277 London 582-668- WANTED 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT in large house 50 yards from U. Includes living room, storage, bath, private entrance. Share kitchen. Prefer grad student. $160mo. 127 15 utilities. 583-725- 1. : IM 4i ti-tei- vi 200 SO. 272-120- 127 PUT TMM BABYMTTEB ASSISTANT CMLB THERAPIST for for 3 8 7 yr olds Flexible hours Avenues wcahon 3214062 J27 mm-pro- private agency located near University Hospital to work under supervision with emotionally distrubed preschooleres. Hours 11 0 Start date 1285. Monday through Friday 4 Call Helen at 582-553- 127 clerical research work HELP WABTEB. study students, up to $5 hr Behavioral 14 Medicine. x8076 NEED mU MORE f FBI CHttSTBUS? We buy used records, top dollar paid, bring em to Smokey at Smokey's Records: 1515 South 15th East 4888709 127 WABTEB: WORK STUBY PBSTMM AVAtLABLE. part time case worker for juveniles Related 1 jducation. experience preferred 487-576- EARN MONEY. The Law EXTRA and ski 127 A SBeVAi: School Selection Service needs a campus representative. Earning potential great. Work around your schedule. For additional information call collect (303) 127 TRAVEL 467-151- 2. 534-783- 1. . i J0B8 Summer year around. Europe. S. Ameri.. Australia. Asia. All BVEBSEAS TB JACKSIH BBIE and stay downtown at the Rawhide Motel. 3 days2 nights. $49, cable TV. phones, easy access to ski areas. Lift ticket discounts available. Call or write P.O. Box 3289. Jackson. WY 83001. 127 ESCAPE FN airfares. Atlanta BOSS ROME Best roundtrip $389. Las Vegas $108. Phoenix $180. Chicago $300. Los Angeles $128. San Francisco $128. Dallas $289. Miami $439, Seattle $210. Denver $100. New York $320. Washington D C. $320. Houston $270. Orlando $389. Portland $199. Call Classic today 127 CXMSTMAS? fields. monthly. Sightseening. Free into. Write IX PO BX Corona Pel Mar. CA 92625. 12 S500-S120- ft girls needed during month of December to pack chocolates. On 9 p.m. Shift dally. Call Neal 127 PACK EM 4-- 355-532- Begin Jan. 2. afternoons. $4hr. Kids 6 8 15. Must have car and references. Male or female. 5834474. Near U. Light housekeeping. M8MSTU0ERT REEDS 127 972-129- 6. SALT LAKE CITY TO T8KVB round trip, November to May $794.50, June to October $847.70. Salt Lake City to Hong Kong, Manila, Seoul, Taipei. September to May $900.90. June to Aug. $978.60. For other special low fares contact Roy 322-120- 5. 127 need2 TYPING Authentic Mexican Food 3325 So. 900 E. 485-01- 72 A little part of Mexico. Expert typing word processing. Reports, papers, resumes, theses, dissertations. 211 East 300 So. 3646806. 127 AZTEC TVPINB. 127 484-815- A W COMPUTERIZED SALAZAtVS HELP. laboratory Assistant Q 't O : COMPLETE VIDEO SALES AND RENTALS! WORD PROCESSING 583-639- 9. 127 PROFESSIONAL TYPIHfi, 90Cpg. 12 U typing experience. Jan 272-595- yrs. U of 127 10 YEARS LE6AL SECRETARIAL EXPERIENCE. 2 blocks from "U", word processor 8 IBM Selectric. 5834)786. Sl.OOpg. 3. 127 COMPUTER WORD PROCESSINB. Resumes, cover letters, term papers etc. Call Lynn (13th So. between 487-284- Saw 6 Man) 1 1800 S. W. Temple, Suite 400 Joan Southam, 487-5411 127 466-760- Part time (15 to 25 hours week) with flexible hours to (it your schedule each quarter. Full time during summer. Learn powder metallurgy processing and mechanical testing of ceramics. Must be dependable, independent worker and have basic knowledge of chemistry. To apply please contact Ceramatec, Inc. 40 E. 1300 So., Salt Lake TVPINB. Wang word processing. Spell, merge. Pickup, $1.00 double, $2.00 single. 127 966-111- 4. WANTED Free pickup and delivery. After 5 or weekends, TYPINB. WOBO PROCESSUS. 295-264- 127 iy UE BflBE mm Do your rrz Christmas shopping early! Books, Dinosaurs Educational Toys Stuffed Animals Games, Indian Jewelry Christmas Cards Minerals, Shells rts film, TAJLtM 486-275- 1 at Group or individual. Single $29.90 mo; Husband 8 wife $59.75 mo; Family $81.90 mo. Maternity included. 127 People over 30. to room with one other female in quaint apartment with a view in the avenues. Vt util. Call Ask $185mo. 127 Santa Claus pictures Shopping Center Afternoons and evenings 5 or thru 1224 $4.501 Mi supervisors wanted Contact Barb Timper OVERSEAS JDDS. Summer, yr. round. Europe. S. Amer.. Australis. Asia. All fields. $900-200- 0 mo. Sightseeing, Free info Write IJC. PO Bx Corona Del Mar. CA 92625. 127 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED for Bob Coe. 127 ASSIST HEALTH INSURANCE: 969-939- EMIGRATION CANYON, FM. 127 Experienced, fast, efficient, reasonable Keri rates. Marsha 2 FEMALE M0MMATES WANTE0 over 21. No smokers or drinking in the house. South East location. $190mo. 13 utilities. 1 or 127 listen to the Global Town Meeting Sunday. December 9m 730 pm en KJCL 91 PEACE, YOUTH BASKETBALL CfJORMNATORS 127 NOW TO STUDY (8-1- 127 487-413- 8. your thesis, papers, reports, resumes, etc. Call Reasonable rales. 1tt BUM JNS: Professional typing, word processing, quality printing. Marilyn 127 WNS PBSCESSMMl Theses, manuscripts, resumes, correspondence, legal documents, financial statements. Business or 130 personal. CaH Carolyn at sports 8 exercise performance; habit change; exam taking. 363-601- 9. 285-059- 869-061- HYPftSaS: weight control; 583-132- 3, ilia if ' lt NAMLFT Alva Reproductions Gift Memberships and Other Ideas. Reason 3 flfniliitsitii- - FOR SALE E. PBNF8EASaStfr"ffTMI rates. Sugarheuse area. Judy 583-504- 4 A WANTED. Liberal, serious student. Nice house near U. $160 Vt util. 466-357- 9. 127 Hassles 1320 278 38 477-822- 6. FEMALE ROOMMATE 485-875- 4. Salt Lake's Adult Dancing Experience. Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday night 127 ru TYPE IWBN topics! Rush $200. Research. 11322 Idaho. 206848. Los Angeles 90025. (213) Marilyn noonr.iATES 582-73- 272-281- 2. at 901384 277-074- PAPERS! RESEARCH UNOA: No Commuting blue, stretch style, women's size 10 (38). Make 127 offer. Lynette. 2 SNOW TIRES SISt Used sofa & chair $150. 127 10 speed bike $75. $650, your cost $200 or best offer. Call Don 127 at 8264 before 4 or after 5 PfBHSSMMAL TYPIST wM type year papers. Sandy ana. Cad Wamty Selectric GEDUICES 277-487- 9. Hit navy 30sch stereo system. Lafeyette tuner-amSanyo cassette, Glenburn turntable 8 Ultralinear speakers. Originally EXIfBalam Accurate, neat work. 649-716- 363-726- NEW PAIS OF EUROPE AH SKI 487-432- 3- EXPEBIENCEB 272-407- 2. FOR SALE 3225 South. Mrs 1277 127 with 350 members. The 322-535- 127 485-833- 5. aice5adna. y home, w0, 5 atia. nam U. fireplace. $170 4MV3S1 127 15 ubMies. 0. N FESAU stadaat died sates te businesses- - Ftcubw hours wiM i average pay at $10 phis ae hour. of M hours reeumd ear weak. 8 CaH before 1080 am. weekdays tar appaifim 127 WAMTEfc Someone te do typing, maawg 8 other Heats part time. CaH Chris 48S92l 1 127 p ) MALE East 272-612- satisfaction. We guarantee dates. Office: 369 East 900 South. SLC. Call 127 13 $233 non-smok- haaty. t27 RULE BSSSAnBaunES-Ver- for accurate, fast, or dependable typing call Cathey High LAME BOUSE TO SHARE, view, fireplaces, 0owg428S6. C M TYPING SPECIALISTS University staff and students. Low cost. 127 HEAR UNIVEISITY, one bedroom $250m. 243 So. 800 East Call after 6 p.m. 127 utilities. 127 of fairmindodness a group of conscientious supporters of the University feel that Chuck Stobbart should be named as the new Athletic Coach, no contract just a handshake for a fuH year. All those interested in this proposal should call and give a yes or no vote. Professional Matchmaker caters to 359-238- 9. f liberal, mature, p.m. Come noon-- 2 AS A BEPBESENTATIVE 534-159- 3 K0B00M HOME with fireplace. 1528 E. Michigan Avi. (950 So.) $475. QUIET. ATTENTION SIMLE PABENTS: Students, staff, faculty. Ron Coleman. Ph.D.. will PERSONAL $225mo. Earthtone redecorated, new appliance, new carpet, . 13 CLASSIC LB. STUDIO. TYPCSVXTHI New address: 758 583-804- "FESTIVAL WEMIM BAM in HPER . 127 approx. 1115. Howard. TMM WALLET MAB8M WBEI0E lost in or around 0SH. Please return to Union main desk. 125 1 IVY 467-926- maybe in or near 0SH on 1126. Call 12 Please call. LBST. PLAN MLB TUB. only $250 KSSU m. air, a BEWABB. LBST. MAN'S WEBBIN8 BANB. 328-189- tennis courts $ pools for month for a 1 bdrm. apartment. One months free rent when you sign a year lease Vk month free rent with a 6 month 127 lease. Call Trolley Village. NT EMMY DIE saUTIES. MawFemale, arad ar enoararaa. cmaa ajmot environment, caa 972-120- 0- Holyday Masses, 10:00 p.m., Friday. December 7 and 12:10 p.m., Saturday, December 8. Newman Center, 1327 E. 200 S. Student rates. Near "U". YNUB STUFF. 1277 Best Earepean ENNPEAN CSSFNTEBS. 488-510- 8. TVS BASAL SStW TISES RH rn tm 298-435- 5. CAMERA 282-075- 7. SALE: 127 457-937- 6. 73 AUtl I89LS. $700. New tires, good 127 Interior, runs dean. Fll ASS tWI BUS with TUBE VttfB 71 2002. AC. condition, 1974 AMFM stereo, must see. Call evenings 487-973- 1. 588-724- 127 488-139- AS ATSSC milts. 521-053- 4. natural fibers including 364-769- 571-10- 71 BttSTAO. 4 spd.. specializes in sweaters, poncho's, hats, gloves and scarves. Choose from Kimono's and Happi coats far man and women, silk ski underwear ar jewelry of hand painted enamel, garnets, amettfyst or amber for that special Christmas giving Mother's Earth Things, 875 E. 900 S. Open Mon. thru Sat 11 am. to 6 pm. 127 12 Kli just Cnese treat LA. te Sen Diego . Experience the areattawabv includes shews, ship? Dec. 17th-22airfare? Subject ta change. Call Morris Travel 127 SEVAN FN fCVBSMATRN about vehicle that M RX-- 7 ii ME8 parkMig Wads. 1126 FCCa S343. S-- 3, 355-326- 0. 14 BATXS3I 127 468-583- 3. 195 cm. with Sotemon SgS, Roisignol 1277 .$158. CaH flYM. BOTEN. low aulas, runs David aftar $30 pat. BLR great SSSL Leaded, tike S11JS8. 417-115- 5. 127 m ackup. tins, 544-12- 8 beats size 11. aB like new. ased 3 times. tm aparaciata. loadtd. $1.400. 127 STAR M-4- aa aWar. child 582-12- 51 ram SL 207 ce Marker K0a RacMg feiadiogs. Nerdica Polaris aaaaaa. aaw Bras, aav Brakas, aaw struts, Altar AO p..4t4-tC- t 1277 sr. hraenLaaaimvaluslxa aift far a at raaiarac! 1Z7 .5838169. ATTtSCaEPUBUrtlUniv.Sa Assoc Family Holiday Party: Thursday. Decembai 20th. 5 p.at Far more information can 581 7047 or 1277 2. JCN SAYLEY CSSEST. Reggae Cam bean Rock. Park City Cowboy Bar. Friday. December 7. 30 ta 138 Tickets M Cosmic Aeroptano. Waking Owl or at door. 127 CBAM II PEACE: Listen to Global Town Masting Sun. Dec 9th 730p.m. KRCL91 FM. 127 t27 571-10- (days) ask Stt-I- cherished aift. Reasonable prices. design. Feather and down. American sizes. size SSS. twin size $47. crib size $29. Brrtnc Qewa Imports. 127 Nice BUL classic, BESSNSi FSSSMTNBE. Qaeea size feed. e Make offer. fSKSt mkt Batatas iavaMat Caal fcaaa. SUSU Ovar S4JBS9 A ad $15. ae aatas ara as Ram sitting ar photograph. Twtitj-Thr- tt Mention this r for 20 ad discount TB' UTAH MUSEUM Check our stock of Cliffs Notes for the help you need in understanding difficult nov- OF NATURAL HISTORY UofU Campus Non-Sa- t Sunday Undergraduate Business, Law, Engineering or Economics student to work part-timpreparing studies and contracts for the sale and transmission of hydroelectric power. Work hours flexible. Vacation, holiday and sick- e leave benefits. Salary range '530 to $595 per hour, j Must meet low-incom- e criteria. Millions of students use GET CLIFFS NOTES HERE: University Bookstore j For additional information j ! call Susan Hammond at 524-637- 3. Western Area Power Administration An Equal Opportunity Employer 9:30-5:3- 0 12:00-5:0- 0 els, plays and poems. them to earn better grades in literature. J A CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED AD, Dec. 6, said Mike Parker was forming a gay encounter group. Mr. Parker did not place the ad and is not associated with any gay encounter group. Chronicle apologizes for the error. The 127 mm |