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Show Drfy Utah Omekle, Friday, k t - Page Seventeen Wilson tells JMC students i.. he's leaning against taking Snow's job if it's offered to him mm SSI oWASHINGTON to pressure, has invited Bishop Desmond Tutu, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, to the White House Friday to explain rtJPIlw;,w his policies toward South Africa, administration officials said today. Previously the White House appeared reluctant to set up a meeting win Tutu, who has been vocally critical of Reagan administration policy of "constructive engagement, of quiet diplomacy in dealing with South Africa's apartheid question. ' Tutu has condemned the policy as "immoral, evil and totally Officials said the president wanted to "explain" his policies to Tutu, who will formally receive the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo next week-Tut- u has told members of Congress he wanted a personal meeting with Reagan to try to persuade him to change his South Africa policies. The series of protests staged at the South Afraican Embassy in Washington and ekehwere have put presure on the administration to take a stronger stand against the apartheid system. Rob Sims, deputy White House press secetary, said in a un-Christi- statement today, "We find it quite appropriate for members of Congress to express their views directly to the South African ambassador on this issue. They obviously feel strongly that continuation of progress toward internal change in South Africa is an all important issue for all and they represent a key body of opinion this country.' Americans, in EVENTS Please submit items for Events weekdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. two days before publication. Items should be typed or legibly written on white paper or on a form from the Chronicle office, Union 240. TODAY 3 Chronicle staff Salt Lake Gty Mayor Ted Wilson is leaning against accepting a University of Utah administrative position if it is offered to him. At an informal press conference held for U. of U. journalism students Thursday Wilson said he was interested in the position of vice president for university relations the office being vacated by R. J. Snow. "It is something I would like to do when I grow up," he said, "although I probably would have to grow up to do it." But reports that he would leave his post as mayor to take the job are premature. He said there is "less than meets the eye" concerning the prospects of his coming to the U. "We are at a very arms length process." Right now, the matter is in the hands of President Chase Peterson, who will decide if he even wants to offer the job to Wilson. And if he does? "At the present time, chances are that I would not do it. It would require adapting to a whole new type of institution and I'm not sure if I want to do that at this point in time," Wilson told the students. "I am committed to my present job, and I am committed to the Democratic party, which is not very organized right now." Concerning the Democratic party, the mayor agreed that it did offer the best possible selection of candidates this year, but he was disappointed with the candidates' on the balance issue. "As an issue, it is far too abstract for the average person," Wilson said. "It is a pervasive issue for opinion leaders and insiders, but the average guy doesn't care. It was too intellectual an issue for the average voter." He also said Utah Democrats were handicapped because "they were playing on a wet field." Noting a poll published in the Deseret News, he said Democrats start any over-relian- p.m. Philosophy Colloquium, "Why Is A Philosopher?" Hilary Putnam, Harvard, 334 OSH. Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar, "The Effects of Optical and Chemical Properties of Particle Additives on the Linear 3:30 p.m. Deflagration Rate of Composite Solid Propellants," Dale Tayler, 2078 MEB. 7 and 9 p.m. Sneak Preview Film, The Flamingo Kid, starring Matt Dillon, OSH Auditorium, free tickets at 245 Union. 7:02 p.m. KUED Channel 7, The Nutcracker with Mikhail Baryshnikov. p.m. Opera Scene Recital, University Opera Theatre, DGH, information --- by Jeff Arlington 8 581-676- 2. p.m. Festival of Lights, Newnuui Center. rlQ p.m. Holy Day Mass, Newman' Center, (also. Saturday at 12:10 p.m.) 10 Sclo Priced 5 I Brothers Self correcting Typewriter make the perfect gift for that student in the family. FuM 88 character office keyboard. Electric repeat keys. Power carraige return. Built in carrying case. AN of our Brother Typewriters are Sale Priced Now through Dec. 1st Free Parking Validation 3v Free om Wrap c 2 fcrwrsOTifc 260 So. Main PROFESSORS 04X For allowing us to serve you and your students. We hope to see you next quarter. n, n THE FUTURECOPY PLACE ce race for office 12 percentage points behind. To reverse that situation, he said, Democrats will have to stress the new issues being advanced by "bright, young Democrats like Bill Bradley and Gary Hart" and downplay "the liberal element of the party, which is not very popular in Utah." He said the state party needs to strengthen its organizational structure and work on polling and fundraising over the next two yean. He said the best news the party got out of the 1984 elections was that Ronald Reagan would not be running for president again. "I sec a real gutter-figdeveloping for 1988. There will be the George Bush faction, the Howard Baker faction, the Jack Kemp faction and others vying for the leadership of the Republican party. It will start looking like a zoo," Wilson said. "The president will have trouble with the deficit situation and I believe there will be a recession next year. It will be his recession, too; the last one he could easily blame on President Carter." Those factors could contribute to a national shift toward the Democratic party, which could in turn strengthen the party in Utah, he said. Like Gov. Scott Matheson, Wilson enjoys great popular support. Some have attributed that to a cozy relationship with the press. However, the mayor said, local reporters have been just as tough on him as anybody. "There is a difference in style among the Utah press, but not a difference in substance. The press and people are much more confrontive in other media markets. I get asked very tough questions. There is no lack of digging by the press here. We've got a lot of aggressive people out ht there." Wilson said he has not yet decided what his political, future will be. He said he is interested in the governorship but chose not to run this year because of his3 responsibilities as mayor. |