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Show THE JORDAN ili:ili§Biiffif§ffi!ililli:Th1ill!Ii~~~ .. .' - A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION· OUR 676-STORE nne POWER SAVES YOU MONEY 0. INC. DEPARTMENT STORES MAK.£SI IT~ SATISFYING ~ OUR SP lNG WHITE WEEK Featuring Our Own Brands of Muslins, Sheetings and All Household Necessities Materials for Lingerie Pleasing Patterns In White and Col&-a There's "Honor'' In Muslin Our Own Quaiity BraDd Choose vour materials-and start the teW'illc of your cool, pretty Summer underthings. We have prepared an unusually attractive assortment of Lin· gerie Fabrics. Our own "Honot'" Muslin ia all that the name impliea l It is the onl7 Mulia that thous~nu o f housewives will t~se, tor it wean and looks extremely weU I J Enjoy Our Savings, Too Why not take advantage of our savings) You will find these material&-in dimity • voile. ~ sook, etc., priced much lower here. In White and Colora l9cto 39c lSc The Yard PENGO'S BEST Sheets and Sheeting Ready-made sheets in our Reliable Nation-Wide fabrie! For real wear. Sheeting, 2 yards wide bleached or 2 ~ Wlbleached. PENGO SHEETS Double Bed Size .$1.19 81 in. by 90 in. size, each, BATH TOWELS Here Are Big Savings BELLE ISLE Our Own Muslin 59c 72 in. by 90 in, size, each, Buy a supply of these for Summer Needs! Each, I A value which fairly shines -bleached Mush:n or extra unbleached-36 in, wide, our own brand! You can't do better. The yard, 10c RAMONA CLOTH Long Wearing 12!/zc Our own linen-finish Fabric -for countless uses. Yard, Splendid finish! Assuring faithful wear. Each, $1.29 $1.59 PILLOW CASES 29c JERSEY CLOTH For Lingerie PILLOW SLIPS "Penco" Nation-Wide Brand . For great savings, we recommend "Nation-Wide!" If you want the best, want our "Penco" cases! 33c 1I Sprina White Week! GOOD SHEETS Our Nation-Wide Brand you TURKISH TOWELS Priced Low You, too can have dainty underclothing! Yara, 39c You'll be 'pleased with the firm, heavy weave! Priced pr., 33c and 39c .. -- Mrs. R. A. Pallanch will entertain Thursday at a luncheon h~noring .Mr::;. Curtis Pigott of Murray wrho will leave soon to make her home in Leadville, Colo. Monday evening at her home, Miss Cora Goff was hostess to the University Girls club of which she is a member. Eight out-of~town guests were present. Music, games and refreshments were features of the entertainment. Mrs. Henry Vincent of Salt Lake and Mrs. W. T. Vincent of Sandy were guests Monday of Mrs. H. P. Miller. Mrs. Alex Beckstead and son, Farol of Soldier Summit ::;pent last weekend in Midvale. The program of the M. I. ·A. Conjoint meeting held Sunday was furnished by members of the Crescent SATURDAY, ONLY ward. On the occasion of the sixth birtlh- ~ day anniversary of her daughter, ~ Mary, 11-irs. A. W. Bowen entertained ~ at a children's pal'ty l::>atuniay ui la;;t week. The guests numbered eight. M11s. J. Hollis Aylett and baby, Carolyn returned early in the week from a visit with relatives in California. Wednesday evening at the Waters home on East Center Street, a din~ ' ner was given honoring Mrs. H. P. Miller and Mrs. W. W. O'Brien who will leave soon to spend the summer at the coast. Covers were laid Comedy and Green Archer !or eighteen. Bridge followed the <.!inner. In honor of Mrs. Harry J. Bowen of Ea;;t Midvale, a recent bride, Mrs. Leo Anderson gave a miscellaneous :J1ower Tuesday evening fu last week. 1\i1e guest::; numbere<.l fourteen. Mrs. H. K Nelson spent last week<.!nd with relatives in Ogden. A social was given at the M. E. C..:ommunity Church Tues<.lay evening wr officers and teachers of the SunJay ;;chool. Mr. and Mrs. Rollin A. Pallanch an<.! daughter, Mary were guests Sunday oi Mr. an<.! ;.\Irs. Arthur Webb of Lehi. A one o'clock Bridge luncheon will ue given uy Mrs. E. '1'. Brown 'l'hun;uay at her home on Hanson Avenue. lnvitationti havt! been i::;sued to llO guests. 10M TYt..E'R. w1th hit~ in • Wlt..:O 'I"O GO • Miss Laveade Stokes of Bingham Mack Sennett Comedy and Pathe News spent last week-end with relatives here. • At her home, Monday evening, Mrs. :MONDAY AND TUESDAY G. Alma Pearson assisted by .!Hiss " DRIFTING THROUGH" Laura Bateman entertained 1or the rlee Hive giris of the M. I. A. Games Featuring Hary Carey and refre~'l.ments were enjoyed by "Drifting Dan'' was just a happy, lovable hobo until he t.wenty-eight. looked into the blue eyes of a girl who believed 'in him . .'1-Ir. and Mrs. F. M. Ruse of Salt New tluills and heart throbs in a rarin', tearin' Western Lake were dinner guests Sumlay at. especially suited to intrepid Carey. Lhe home ot Dr. and .Mrs. R. W. Quick. i.Vlr::;. A. A. Larson entertained the WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY members or her club '1 uesuay evenmg at her home on Locu,;t l::ltreet. At a meeting of the Community club held Wednesday a talk on Nutrition and Clotlung uy 1\ollss Jennie in l{eece was the special feature. Miss l{eece will conduct classes in the::>e tiubjects every Wednesday ior five con::;ecutive weeks for tho;;e enrolling 1or the wo1·k. Tea wa::> ::>erved lollowing the meeting. The hu::;.esse~ were Mrs. D. J. Searle, Mrs. B. A. Hasmussen ant..! Mrs. H. E. Phelps. Tuesday evening, at the ward house following the regular session of the AT THEM. I. A., the Bee liive girls were -OF counsF given the awards of the ranks attained during the season. A short program was given and refreshments were serveu. Thirty participatecl in the affair. _.. "The Hous~ Of Quality'' Midvale, Utah. • ---~-- ~!i§l!Ii!i§!liffi!Ii~!Ii~!Ii~lllil APPLYING~ li ---· SOCIETY GOLDEN· RUL£ • BUYING JOURNAL BETTY 49c f... KVNSVN ~THE GOLDEN QUESTION-WHERE SHOULD MIDVALE POSTOFFICE LOCATE MURRAY ITEMS The League of Nations has nothing f '1 1 · on our own ami Y quarre m conection with the moving of the MidPost Office. T · fi d ·t dif t wo ex reme op!mons . n ~. -~ and unpleasant to mhabit the quarters. It isn't for long, and! one will be forced to take Mr. and Mrs. Clair Jones are re- appreciation of the good work which has been t..!one by Miss Powell while in the society. 1 I PR/NC£SS" NOTICE O:F ASSESSMENT Alta-Helena Mining & Milling Company , Location of principal place of busi SPEEDERS ARE PAYING , ness, Salt Lake City, Utah. THE PENALTY j N t' . h b . th t t h d . o 1ce 1s ere y given, a a < Several ave appeare m t' f th D' to held on thl . S'lspeeders B , t d . mee mg o e 1rec rs Justice I as rown s .cou:· . urmg 1i ord <.lay of May, 1926, an assessmen: the past week at the mstigatiOn of of one-half cent el:!c) per share was State Pwtrohnan ~ N .. Slaughter. levied on the Capital Stock of the ~ohn Martan, of B~ngham, plead I Corporation, payable on or before th\ qmlty and ':as fined :j>l5.GO. . lt5th day of May 1926 to H. N. Bjork !Jack seat. ra!m. . P. fiM.edChristensen plead guilty and, Treasurer, at his residence, Sandy.. . . ff t th : .M.iss Ber~ice Watts will entertam $IO OO T t 1 wo ex reme opmiOns a ec e I the Star Si~. Club MoHday evening. was n . . . . I Utah. of any town, one wing will Mrs. Chades Malstrom had as her R. H. Wells, of Idaho, forfei~ed hi~ 1 Any stock upon which this assess let the town build up, the more guests Monday, Mr. an<.! Mrs. Marvin b_ond of $IO.OO by not ap~eanng at ment may remain unpaid on the 4th 1 the more business; while Malstrom. time set.. He was speedmg better I day of June 1926 w111 be delinquent FIRST OF NE WCHAIN ~TORE'S say, keep every thing as it is Mrs. George Nelson and daughter, than 40 miles an hour on State street.,. and advertised for sale at public aue ause a change might affect us ad- Laura Nelson entertained at a mis- . Jacob Mey~rs, of the Meyers ~lean· tion, and unless payment is made be1'0 OPEK IN ~ALT LAKE 1 1 ·:..1~ cellaneous sho~er Thursday after- $~i ~n~:eyf~~~pe~~:pga~~· th~a~~ng~ j fot'e, will be sold un the ~tst day of has been a number of people noon of last week in compliment to · . June 1926 to pay the de mquent as One of the first l:!torel.l in a (!hain ;~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~ they were not notified a petition Mrs. Nelson's son, Ray and his fi- ham Highway. . . sessment together with the cost oJ to extend to the principal citie11 in ten being circulated. That some un- ancee, Miss Mildred Carlisle. Dinner .ohas. Pez, dnvmg b~tter than. 52 advertising and the expense of sale. states by the first of next year will work was going on, that was served. Covers were laid for 15 miles an ~our 0 .n the Bmgham H!g"hDEAN F. BRAYTON, Secretary. be opened in Salt Lake Saturday una petition should have publicity. guests. A number of <?thf,!r parties way forfeited his bond of $lO.OO. 1407 Walker Bank Bldg. Salt Lake der the name of 0. P. Skaggs Effiwas no mass meeting and there have been given for Miss Carlisle. John E. Leventis plead guilty to City Utah· ' 5-6-6-3 cient Service System. The new store · M M'lt Ca . d M W T the charge of speedip.g and paid a 1 1 not have to be one to get rs. I on r 1s e an rs. · · fi f $15 00 -----will be located at 48-50 South Main new and good for the Carlisle entertained at a shower on, ne 0 • • • • - b street, in yhe building formerly oc1s workmg d etween There was no under-handed W e dnes d ay a ft ernoon of 1as t wee k I.,..· 1 The patrolman . d j cupied py the· Qol).soHdated Music NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT . M'ld because one of Midva 1e's ab1est h onor of M1ss 1 re d Cttr 1·1s-1e whoI .Salt Lake · Ctty ;md Provo an· spee company, whe1•e the ~ene1'a! of4ce::> . . . , . mg motonsts must get their speedand surely an honest one, IS the1r m~ce. Games were enJoy.ed I ometers down to a reasonable gait, at Assessment No. 4, Kempete Mining of the system will be elitablilll!ett up the petition, the petition was by the thirty guests present. Miss. 1 t t 30 'l h t d 1 Company a corporation of the state According to Mr. Skaggs, the first up and down Main Street, plus Carlisle entertained at a trousseau tehas 0 ml es .Per our or 8 an [ ~f Utah 'pr1·ncipal place of business store established un<.ler this system e consequences. ~ , places that showed a direct in- tea Sunday from 1 to 6 o'c1oc k at h er • Midvale Utah. was opened in an egstern city. A and was signed by what is home. Fifty g-uests called during the Notic~ is hereby given that at a new store under this system wi!l ue 1 One cabinet size photo free to every mother who will sixty per cent of the busi- afternoon. 1 meeting of the Board of Dlrectort~ of opened in Ogden in the l).ear future, l}rin.g her baby in to be photographed on any Wednesday, houses. Mrs. A. Gordon annouces the en- CLINIC AT SANDY the Kempete Mining Company, held Saturday m· Sunday afternoo!], from U to 4 p. m .... Starting many mass meetings and a lot gag;ment of her daughter, LaVern, HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL on the 21st day of April, 1926, an NATIVE OF ENGLAND Saturday May 8, until Sunday May 30. very often kills such ~ J!ay ?urtz of Salt Lake. Th~ mar-j assessment, No. 4, of one-eighth of DJES AT IJOSPITAL because people talk them r1age w1ll take place June 16 m the The Jordan Baby Clinic, held at one cent per share was levied upon Those ordering a dozen or more will receive one large out of the ambition to put Salt Lake temple. Sandy on the first and third Wed- the capital stock of the corporation, David Hazeldine, 611 yearll qf A~e, photo colored in ofl FREE in addition. . good across. Mrs. J. Rugg had as her guest on nesdays of each month, is proving issued and outstanding payable im- and a resident of Union for many would deny us a better Post Wednesday, her daughter, Mrs. P. very successful. 'fhere is nothing so appealing to the young man or mediately to Wm. Waters, secretary years, died at the County Hospital S. Roberts of Midvale. It is held at the Bishop's Store and tre~twurer, at the office of the Monday evening. woman, as a series of his or her pictures taken at mbrvals Death followed tm have been allowing Sandy to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sundell were House. . company in MldvEtle Utah. operation for stomach trouule. during childhood-it is a most precious po:s:-.ession find JJ,. remail to us and our neighbors the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Thirty-eight babies were examined Any stock upon ~hlch thlli a.ljsessMr. Hazeldine was born in Engcord to be passed down to posterity. years. Surely if a "Post Of- Huffaker of Magna, Sunday . by Drs. 1 ment may remain unpaid on the 7th land, July 11th, 65 years ago and 1 Wednesl!ay of this week Let this offer be a start for your son or daughter. so much to the business The members of the Grant ward' Murphy of Salt Lake and Jensen of day of June 1926, will be delinquent hail been 11 resident of the United of this town, we should Relief Society entertained Friday af- Sandy. and advertised for sale at public auc- States for tlhe ,l)ast 4(5 yean;. made it a bigger and better ternoon at the society room in honor 'Dhe public is requested to take ad- t!on, and unless payment is made beHe is survived by his w!fe, who i~ years ago. of Miss Maggie Powell who was mar- 1 vantage of this service and help along fore, wlll · be sold on the 8th day of totally blind. He was a farmer by that some one has made an ried Wednesday. The room was dec-•: the good work in this community. July, 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the occupation. the other extreme says No! orated in pink and white. Apple blos-1 office of the eald company, to pay Heher J. Burgon, Bishop of Union MIDVALE, L'TAH you are' or move to a soms and other spring flowers form- FOR SALE--Peninsula Range; Bed the delinquent assessment there~m. Ward, will officiate at the funeral place. ed the centerpiece for the table where springs and mattress; one full si~ I together with the costs of advertls- llervice& whjch were held in the Un- ~~~~$~~~~~~~~ v~~~~~~~~~$ have the best Post Office we luncheon was served. Covers were and one three-quarter; 2 rugs, 1 ing and expense of sale. , ion ward Chapel1 WedJ'!esday at 2 p. in the best location we can laid for eighty guests. Miss Powell dresser and miscellaneous house-~ Wl\f. WATERS, Sec'y-Treas. m. above all, was presented with a reading lamp hold effects. Call at 234 Allen St., Midvale, Utah. Interment in the Sandy City eenl~:HAVE A POST OFFICE! It being a gift from the society in Midvale, Utah. 5-6-6·3 tery under the direction of C. I. Goff. I ceiving congratulations over the arrival of a son. Mrs. Jones was for. merly Miss Hanna Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Reid have as their week-end guests, Dr. and Mrs. Nelson Beal and Miss Nedra Beal or Sp.ringville and Grant Beal of Eph- I I IRIS T .t~ll ~!fi~!fi!:fiYi!:fi!fiYiY1~h~~Yi!fi!fi!::fi~ 0 1 YOUR I I ' B· A. BY'S ' I PHOTOGRAPH ~~, R I PETER'S STUDIO I I I I Jo rnal Wan s Pull 0 . |