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Show ~, • THE JORDAN JOURNAL. l\fJDVALE. UTAH UTAH ORCHARDS TO GET FEDERAL HELP RIGH IN APPLES COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS SIGN SEY, ERAL AGREEMENTS FOR BUILDING HIGHWAYS SURVEY SHOWS TOTAL OF 665,000 TREES, WITH JONATHANS IN THE LEAD Road Conditions Are Generally Good In the District Visited, The Engineer Reported, and Plans Made For Improvements Some Of The Minor Varieties Of Applea, Although Represented By Few Tre .., Are Distributed Among Many Orchards • .. • • Ruth Aids Disabled Veterans by Autographin g Balls UT~H EXPORTS GREW IN 1~~~ SALT LAKE TERRITORY HAD A HEAVIER VOLUME OF BUSINESS DURING YEAR M lnerals, Fruit, Together With Other Products, Make Impressive List; Agriculture Conditions Improved Lame, Tired, Achy? Are you tired, lame, acm·~worried with backache? Do you suffer sharp painA, h~adaches, dizzincs and~ho turbing bladder irre~ulari1' es Perhaps your kidneys need -.a .1tion. "'h<'n the kidne)'S fail to P.roperly fil· ter the blood, bodv impurities accumulate and cau<e pofsoning of the whole Fystem. Such a condition may lead to ferious 8ickness. Don't neglect it! If ~-ou su~pect your kidnevs, wh:r not give Doan's Pills a trial~ Doizn's have been used successfully over thirty-five years- are recommended the world over. Ask your neighbor I I,. H. A Utah Case Third East North St., can Fork, says: "I had hurting throu my !Jack and w I stooped, I hardly straighten on account of the pains In my back.~~rl'l :\ry kidneys didn't act properly. I used a box of Dc•an's Cl'rtalnly put an end trouble." Salt Lake City.-A co-operative Salt Lake Clty.-In a statistical reSalt Lake City.-Satisfactory condiagreement providing for the construe- port of the condition of apple orchards tions are existent in the Salt Lake tlon of a strip of road between Bridal in Utah just filed by Frank Andrews, territory, embracing Utah, southern Yell Falls and Olmstead, in Utah coun- 1 agricultural statistician of the United Idaho, western V.'yoming and eastern ty, as a federal aid project, was sign- States bureau of agricultural econ· Nevada, as indicated by virtually all ed by the state road commission and om!cs in Salt Lake. It is said, that business barometers. The year has the commissioners of Utah county. reports from 104 orchards in the state opened up satirfactorily, with business The road is estimated to cost $128, have been received. In these 104 or· enjoying a llea,·ier volume for the first 000, of which $94,720 will be furnished months chards of 1!l26 than for a like period are 22,381 apple trees of bearSTIMULANT VIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS by the federal government and the 1 in the previous year. Foater-Milbum Co., Mfa:. Chem .• Bttflalo, N.Y. ing age and 5951 trees not of bearing balance by the county. As an accompainment to progress Agreements were signed, also, by age. The estimated total of apple evidenced in local conditions, the the commission and the federal bu- trees in Utah in 1925, Mr. Andrews United State 'l department of comsaid in his repurt, was 6G5,0UO, of reau of public roads for the construcmerce rnnounccs that lJtah nearly tion of the Heber-Fruitland forest which 536,000 were of bea:-ing age and do ble1l it<J 1924 forE.ign export a d urroad, route 1\'o. 4, and for the survey 109,000 were too young to bear." ing 1n25 and <;;ltes improvement in the construc tion and maintenance of the I "Reports show 90 per cent of the merchandise exports of Idaho during Escalante-,Vidtsoe No. 6 section of apple trees of bearing age to consist 1926. Junction-Escalante forest highway. . of ~i:x: varieties, and 89 per cc>nt of l~actors in the creation of confi_,...-........ 'l'he commission also entered into the trees too young to hear is made dence in the in term mnt~:..'n territory an agreement with the Oregon Short up of four varieites ouly. Of the bearStauding, left to right; 'l'. \\'. Bmdlcy, ~[iss Zemn\a Stewart, :-.il-k Cullop, l\lr;;. W. 'f. \\ "br•rr; and Jt. E. have br>en the impro\"emcnt of agri Line railroad for the construction of 1 ing trees o~ P<>r cent are Jonathan; HcCu!!kill. In fmnt are Paul estes and Ilnhe Huth, who 1g autographing oup of the n any h"~ebnlls tr Nh!f·h hp nfll'fM cultural c Jnditions tllrourh beneficial a woollen box culvert under the tracks 11 per cent Rome I3eanty; 8 \Vinesap, rains, betterment.; in bo'h retail and of the railroad's Evonla branch on the while Gano, Delicious and Stayman his si::;-uature. The halls wc;re later auctioned for tlte hem• tit of the fund fot• tbe Com er.t'on o" r;le lli~nhl<nl A.meriC'un Vetemns, to lie held at Atlnntn. wholesale trade, increa~cd building acOgden-Hooper road. The state is to Winesap each constitute 6 per cent of tivities In th" principal centrrs of build this culvert and bear the ex· the total. The remaining 10 per cent population .. rlditinns to industrial pense of keeping It up. of the bearing trees is distributed units and the consistent increase in Girl Is Given Letta Ira R. Browning, chief engineer or among twenty-one other known variathe volume of bank debits in Salt the state road commission, and E. C. ties," the report said. ; Lake City banks. Rcsourct?s and deKnowlton, maintenance engineer, re"Of the nonbearing trees in these ro;;Its of banks in Utah at the close turned from an inspection trip thru 1 104 orchards, 4 7 per cent were Deli'l'here arc l]nite a few rounds mis~ I of the fin;t quarter of the current Sanpete, Sevier, Wayne, Piute, Gar- cious, 31 per cent Jonathan, 9 Rome f.Jittle Scot Golf Champion ing in ~lr. Dempspy';; ladder of fame. year were considerably in advance or :field and Kane counties. They were Beauty, 2 \Vine~ap, making a total of After Many Reverses. resources and deposits at the close of • accompanied on that trip by J. E. 89 per cent, while the remaining 11 A team could not fail to he popular the first quarter of 1925. Garn, district engineer in that sec- per cent nonbearlng trees were dlsThe department of commerce crcd· Bobby C'ruick~hnnk, doughty little wltE'n it wins a half-holiday fo1· the tion. tributed among thirteen varieties. its Utah with nearly doubling its 1924 1 Doesn't burt one bit! Drop a little Scot, Is a golf champion after numer- student body. Road conditions are generally good "Some of the minor varieties of ap- ous rPYerses, thP holder of the north • exports in 1925. lJtah last year had 'F1·eezone" on an ncnin~ corn, instantin the district visited, the engineer ples, although represented by relative- and south open title. The total number of clnhs aftiliated foreign shipments valued at $1,052,197, •Y that ~or~ st?ps hurtin.g, then short,reported, and plans were made for ly few trees, are distributed among as compared with $550,443 for lii24, ly you lift 1t nght off w1tb fingers. The grit that cnrt·ipd Bobby throu~h with the LacHes• Golf Guion of Great imiJroving them in places. It is ex- many orchards. 0! the 104 orchards Britain is !)Q!). reflecting an increase In this phase of 1 Your druggist sells a tiny bottle or four years of war wiLh the SPaforth pected that work of improvement wlll covered by this re\'ort, thirty-two re• • foreign trade of $501,754. Incidentally ,·~·'reezone'' for a few cents, suflicient to Highlanders of his native country. be agreed upon soon on the Gunnison· port having Pearmain apple trees of T'uhlic High School Athletic league 1it supplanted North Dakota, Alaska remove every hard corn, soft corn, or that gave him hPart for six month" In Levan road, and Sanpete county was bearing age, twenty-nine Ben Davis, a Qprman prl,ou and 'Vashnigton, D. C., in the relative :orn between the toes, and the foot camp. nnd that of 1\'ew York city will add hand ball reported anxious to obtain federal aid twenty-seven Rhode Island Greening, "tanding of the states of the union in :ail uses, without soreness or irritation.eventually led him to an escape to Its activities this yPar. the Mt. Pleasant-Chester road. The twenty-five Banana, twenty Red As- through Holland, haR stood point of export valuations for the him in Sixteen students were ldlled In discussed with the county trachan, fourteen Black Twig, twelve good stead on the links of the l'nited year under discu~sion, while it trailed China, whtre the state police evlof Sevier county the Yellow Transparent, eleven Grimes States. Miss Iris Boulton, twenty years old. · New Mexico. just ahea.d of it on the ment of the road south of Golden and eleven Northwestern He lost the national open In 1923 dPntly permit o,·prcrowdlng automo- retiring pre~ldent of the Northwest- list by a paltry $19,000. biles on the way to basketball games. Joseph in that county, and it was de- Greening, and of the six leading va- to Bohh~· .Jones In a play-off. The The export trade of Utah was quite ern '\'omen'8 Athletic association, was now by regular treatments with ... • • cid ed to make a survey over the road rieties of bearing trees, Jonathan was past winter !Je has figured In the awarded a large "X" at a meeting of diversified. Unmanufactured asphalt President I<~lllott of Pm·due says from Elsinore, so that any improve- reported tor eighty-four orchards, the Northwe~tern "'omen's Athletic bltumtm led the list of commodities that every student on;!ht to be develments undertaken would be on the Rome Beauty thirty-eight, Delicious association at Patten A'Ylll. She ill with a valuation of $23S,820 Sheep exoped along some special linec-as, for final location of the road. thirty-six. Winesap thirty-four, Gano the first Xorthwestern gir.l to win the ports finished second, with a total of _ _ _ _ -----instance, football and basket-ball thirty-three and Stayman ·winesap for letter, having seored l,::JlO points in $140,511, and then came vehicles and pluyers. S. L. RESERVOIR FLOODS HOMES twenty-one orchards. lntmmural athletics. parts of, amounting to $12,008. Other Items of lesser importance in their "The newly planted trees, including Loren ~lurchl~on will be out of amaSix Million Gallons Rush Down East all to young order were paraffin wax, totalling to bear, consist chiefly teur sprint rac:ing for a month or Bench; Depositing Much Debris $71,932; of seven varieties. The most widely canned pineapples, $61,712, longer because of a pulled tendon In Improvements c:!istributed of the young trees is the Is noted In the merhis right lPg In a recent meet in 1\'ewSalt Lake City.-As water seeped Delicious, which is reported for fortychandise exports of Idaho during 1925. ark, X J. :~or·nnni! the outlet pipes, eating Into the eight out o'Y 104 orchards. Jonathan In the openln~; game of the 1025 Foreign shipments for the year totaled embankment, a thirty-foot sec- comes next with its young trees disJm·ltatlons ha ,.e h<'en sent to tPn baseball season the St. Louis Browns $1,912,707, as compared with $1.881.of the concre~ shell of Sunny- tributed in twenty-nine orchards; the leading European athlPtes for compe- set a re<'ord of ten errors. 430 during 1924; or an increase of $31,"' ; reservoir gave way Wednesday Banana and Pearman each in thirteen • • • 2S7. Idaho replaced North Dakota in tition in an intPrnntlonal track nnd ' ing, releasing 6,000,000 gallons of orchards, Rome Beauty eleven, Red flpid contest to he held In Philadcl· .Toe Pate, now attached to Connie the yearly standing of the states of the that rushed down the east Artrachan and Mcintosh each In ten phia July 5 ancl G. Maek's Athletics, 1~ descrlhPd by a 1 union in the race for export marts. and flooded more than a square orchards." Fruits cons! ituted the chief item of • • • SIIOI't writer as "a veteran rookie." of south and east Salt Lake City. "The Lion of the Pyr<'nees," as Paoexport durin.~ the year under discus• ·?" no houses were washed lino, the French hPavyweight pugilist, Jess, ('hnri!'s and \'irgil, the three sion, and amounted to $~99,351 In Record Number of Sheep Passes Thru way, lawns and gardens innumerable fs called, is reported matehed with Barn!'s hrnthet·s or Cirdevllle, Kan., value. Secon<l place fell to zmc, shipSalt Lake Clty.-A record number of coated with deep layers of mounSpalla of Italy for a bout in Bare~ are all memher·8 of major league base- ments abroad of which brought $346,wash and cellars were flooded. sheep for any day the present year, lona, Spain, ~ray 15. ball teams. 233, while the only other commodity ... living in basement apartments and possibly for any day since October recorded in the year's efforts was practically all their belongings. 15, 1918, was handled through the Regg-ie :\IcXmnarn and Franco GPorneot·ge Pilli=:l'nR, big rlght-hantled books and pamphlets. >"3lued at $133,damage, when finally totalled will Salt Lake 'nion stockyards Tuesday, gPttl, winner:- of thP ri'l'Pnt six· clny hurl!:'r of the i\ew York Yankees, has 1:12. it was announced by J. H. Manderfield, into thousands of dollars. bike race in ~la!li>'on Sqnat·e garciPn, ltepn ~i;::nPd hy the Fnlrnwut club of Total exports from the United The break came witbout warning. manager. A total of 25,000 hee.d of XPW York city, receivPd $10,000 as the ~llddle Atlantic league. 1 States during 1925 amounted to $4,- 1 their share of thp !'fwils. pection Tuesday night disclosed no sheep from the winter ranges to the • r 819,041,495, as comparetl wlth $4.498,happening. According to lambing grounds and summer ranges, • • The hHS('hall PXpC'rts SPern to be 151,936 during the previous year. an passed through the stockyardl' These Put MOSflntan. worlcl's champion doing- the fir~t llck of work since they m<•~~,,.,.n ent of Water Works H. K. increase of over $320.000,000. Ea<h of Bobby Cruickshank. were handled in twelve hours. The hor~eshoe pitcher, lm:~pd "ringers'' pxplninerl how one team or the other the first warning that any· the first three quarters of the year was wrong came from a slight record of the yards is 33,000 sheep ln money in various tournamentR, ju::>t hlindfol!led in nn Pl<hihillon match tt:ight win the wot·l tl's series. showed increages over 1!12 t, the Jirst during- the naUvnal tourney In St. Pt>of muddy water flowing away twenty-four hours In 1918. The sheep miFsing first pla<'P by breakR. • • 1 quarter rep-i~tering exports valued at It may hP nt>eessn r~· to join the ma- I $171,500,000 the base of the dam about 8 handled included three full trainloads. Phlegmatir ~far-Donald Smith. north tt>rsburg-, Fla. l\Iossman is eight!'l'll mnre thnn the corresrines to ;;pp thp worlrl. but for a trip pond;ng quarter of 19:!t; Within a few minutes, appar- One of fifty-five cars carried sheep and !'Outh dtalllllion of lfl:!:i, and Tom- ypars old. the second nrounrl the raltt>rl States there if~ • a great subterranean caveran belonging to the Deseret Livestock my Harmon, homeln·ed young pro, $109.000,000 more, and the third 5102.Anti-Saloon League Charle..<> PetPr~on of Rt. Louis, who nothing to beat a baseball trainiug been eaten out between the con- Company of Woods Cross, another of fessional of Yonkprs, N. Y., were 1 000,000 more. The last quarter, howIn 1~!t.! a group of d(•rg~·men of the referPed fifty-four the national cars amateur handled 1 'l-2 :>IJ uacl. sheep of the tied for second place, a stl'Ol•e be· lining of the dam and the out• • • I ever, declined in its exports to the rnitt•<l ~tatPs Pndea·Ynred to form an balkline biliiarrl tournampnt. haR bank. Suddenly, with a rush and Woods Cross Livestock company, and hind the wee Scotsman. 62 000 000 Artle (C'irrns RofliP) Hofmnn or tune of $ · · · untl-salonn h>:tgue In whkh the clergyOnly four others In the great ar- wnlkerl more than 300 mile'< arountl a the dam broke, and a great wall a third of forty-eight cars carried the 1 b111iard table while offieiuting at title Chicago, flocks of form<'r W. A. • Crane jor )pagup of Herriman hase1 lmpn of all rll'Bomlnutions of the Unit111 ray of talent that competed were able a quarter of a mile wlct..' ~nd Prosperity Is Visiting Boise · t e. '['1 1Is did ball star. will umnlt·e In the \Yeflt, e<1 St ' a t es s 1wu 111 par t'H't(Ja Joe Kirkwood, the contests. feet deep swept down the .cast "Including those so far this week," to break SOO. tern llf'floclatlon this year. Ilofmun Boise, Idaho. -Boise and that secsaid not Mr. Manderfleld, "we will have Australian, finished with 200, while mntp&·ialize. The Anti-Saloon carrying great sections of conmay rPplace E. E. Elli::;, who Is 8 ,~ tlon of Idaho considered the "upland LPa~ue of America waH fnuntled at conduit for hundreds of yards. loaded ·In the present seven days about Fred McLeod, of "·ashington. <'ame Captain Bob Gardner holdout. empire" enjoyed unprecedented pros- Oherlln, Ohln, by Howard H. Rus~ell, this junction of regulating the 400 cars of sheep, the bulk belonging In with 298, and Walter Hagen and • • * perlty during last year, and increasing l <;n~. and in the same yeur In the Disthe city has constructed a series to the Deseret Livestock Company. Tommy Armour with 2!)fl each. Bill Frank Killen of Pftt!;bur~h ~et 11. prosperity is predicted for the present trict of Columhla. Sheep are coming off the winter Mehlhorn and Jock Hutchison comdistributing reservoirs, the re<'orcl for lpft-hnnder::: wh!:'n he won year, in a statem!:'nt issued by the ranges in excellent condition. pleted The the 72 holes in 301, Johnny of which is the Su1myslde, lo34 out of 44 gan 1 p~ In 18fl~. This recBoise cha~her ?f commerce. The figShave With Cuticura Soap just south of the entrance to wool Is cleaner and better than ordin- Farrell with 302, nnd Leo Dit>gel in or<! has ~tnod to thifl day, for no ures contamed m ary the and repo~t 303. the v.:ere sheep obthemselves And double your razor efficiency as appear at the farthest southpaw hnrlf'r Ita>< touched the 30 tained by a surv~y of the dJstriCt, and I well as promote skin purity, skin comstronger aud more thrifty than usual." Parley's-Big Cotmarl• In a seal" on's work since then. among other thm'l'"· sh?w: An in-1 fort and ~kin health. No mug, no Thomas Clan Again Back • • • crease of $1,870,964.09 m bank de, slimv soap, no germs, no waste, no lrrl· New Road Will Be Built Soon A rf'port got out that the Detroit posits, approximately 15 per cent. In- tatl~n even wlten shaved twice dally. With American League Ogden.--B. J. Finch, district engin'figf't'~ hn I matlt> a deal to ~f>ll!l .John- \crease of $610,9!13.01 in Boise bank • One soap for all uses-shoving, hathThe name of Thomas, UJcon~picuous eer of the U. S. bureau of public roads ny Neun, firM haf'eman, to the C'leve- ' clearings, 1G per cent. Increase of lng and shampoolug.-Advert!sem ent. told members of the Exchange club In major league box scores SeYeral land club. Nol.Jody conn<'rtetl with 993 cars of produce shipped from the that construction on the road from seasoni, will jump back into promeither clul.J. howevt>r, seemed to know upland empire, 210 per cent. Increase 1 coming from twenty the end of, the ·washington avenue inence this year If three twirlers of That's Dilferent anything about it. of $700,900 in the amount of United developxnent. The pavement to Weber canyon would be that name make good with the Amer• • • States bonds held by Boise banks, ap~oaphox Debat<'r-All the talkfn' annual "Black and White" under way within thirty days. Bids Ican leugu•• clubOJ that have signed 1'ommy flrlffith, outfieldPr last ~ea· proximately 30 per cent. Other fac- In th' worl!l wouldn't alter my ill "a!'l &nlmal show of tbe breeder will be called for within ten days, Mr. them. Two rlght-handers and n southson with the Chicago Cuhs. hall ac- tors entering into the prosperous I of things. who have chosen the Finch said. This announcement is re- paw comprise the tl'io, but they are cPpted terms with thP LlttiP Rock condition of the district, the statement Little .Tonefi--Come home and meet white Holstein-Friesian ceived with enthusiasm, since this not related. cluh In the Southprn afl~oclation. He declares. include a 15_per cent great- _m~y:._'-::'·:-:if=P=!============= The portsider Is C. L. Thomas, who dairy cattle, drew more and road will afford a fine highway for was 11 free a~Pnt under the major · er lambing crop, lower production and a bigger crowd than tourists into Ogden from Weber can- will give hls flinging arm another trylengue tPn-year rule. ~oats and an ~xceptlonally mild winual, held last April. yon, which is a widely traveled road. out with the Washington Senators • * * ter. after a brief test lust sea::;on. Ile CRme Il!'rilie Young, for th·e ~·pars bat boy from the ~ashville Southern a;o!=!od:;~ Being Fixed In Utah Quarantine On Dogs Ordered for thP \Ynflhiu;..:triJI !P!ltrl, hns l"ii!Jled Water Ample To Float Logs tlon cb1b. Utah.-K L. Hanson, to play tltlrd hnse with the Tampa Boise, Ida.-A section of Gooding Alphonso Thomas, who was obtained :r.fm1cow, Idaho.-Logging companies the Davis County Fruit county in the vicinity of Bliss was dull of the F'ori1la ~tat!' leaglte. ('lark • I C:riftlth took tLP ho~· South and It Is along the Pend d'OrelllE' river were association, and C. A. pl:.ced under quar:ultine for thirty by the Chicago White ~ox from the rP,IItr•l' of the association, an- days because of rable;;;, it was an- l Baltimore Oriole>~, is said to he the pt'N'tmed hl'lpell hin1 tie up with worried about the prosppct~ for Tmrpa. have met with Rich· nounced at the state department of I outstanding member of the 'fhomas enough water to float out the logs cut of the 'Voods Cross agric.o.tlture. The quartine order wa!'l 1 clan alHI the best prospPet to come up In that territory, but th')lr fears have from the minors thh; spring. Bob Gar!lnPr, twi!'e winner nf the Oec.r!.{f' ~mi'h nne! Lil ~toner of the been dispelled the past week with the t>n>"~•'i"nv and agreed upon a issued by Dr. W. C. Nye, director of l\lylPs Thomas has bPen obtnined by national amateur title, shown In the Detroit pit C'l- inc stn ff hol1l t h0 unusual per pound for all good animal industry, and appru\l'ed by V•l. the· .. ·ew York Yankees from the To photograph, will cuptaln the T:nltetl d;stln<'•ion of being thP. s:IIOI! ngt> to "hl>rr;es. The County Fruit 1 B. Kjosaess, commissioner. Xo dogs Internatlonuls, where he worked States "·atker cup team thi:; year for the day. ~mith was born In Louis\as1osclD~ti<m is sending a within the territory included in In 1021 he had a brief the SPCOIHI time. Gardner is a former ville 011 October 27, 1001, und Stoner's ~o its members advising 1 quarantine will be permitted to but slivped Yale athlete and at one time liPid the natal day o<'curred on thl' B:lme date agreement and at the at large and no dogs may be Indoor record In the pole at Bowie, Texas. Johnny 't>un was doh1.r everything possible without a permlt .trom the state. born the nt>xt day at Balthrore. r DOAN'Sp~~~ . Lift Off-No :Bain! ! • • • • ! • • • • Re·Sl.n • • • • BASEBALL~~~ ~}; • • • . NOTES· MJ J.ess break in . I' • ... • • • • l • l • • I • • • • I . • • • I body as te perat• up |