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Show THEJORDANJOURNAL,MIDVALE,UTAH Peter ro~tl. "I snld sevE-n hundred thoman d to "\Ve go," he said. "Ja." he divided betwixt the two ships.'' On deck l\Iurray had the longboa t A shrewd· look dawned In Flint's called a\va.v, and we emburk ed In si- face. lence. 'Twas a hot night, with very "And where are ye a-goln' to pluck llttle air stirring , and the ribald up- this million and a half o' treasur e ronr on the Walrus was amazin gly from?" he demand ed. "You ha' sa Ill distinct . 'l'he James was like a tomb much of It, but you told me little. by contras t. Not a !lound came from What course doth the treasur e !'.hlp By her, nnd the only lights she showed sail? Where <lo you lurk for her? were in the waist and the main cabin. There's wide seas bE-twixt the Main The Walrus was a blaze of lanthor ns and the Atlantic , and ye can't atop from poop to fo'csiE', but Murray every hole, Murray .'' WNU&r vlee Cop7l'f~rht b7 Arthur D. Howd~n Smith hailed the deck twice before be ht1d "You may ~nfely entrust that pnr· an answer. tlon or the task to me,'' replied my "Bout ahoyf" rP~ pon•led a husky great-u ncle dryly. "Yes," lit! re)l)led ab~ently, and kept spars tested and a weak He offered me his hand, and sometopmas t re- volee then. "Why'n - - don't ye on. SYNOP SIS placed, guns varnish ed, stores cheekE-d come aboard? " whnt to my own surprlfl e I foun<l Thp '!hRdows wE're lengthe ning as and ,;towed, sufficie " 'Tis Captain ~Iurrny to see Cap· myself Incline<] to accept lt. nt great-cn rtrld;.:f' The story opens In New York, we stepped out of the forest Into a for thrE-E' actions prepare tuin Flint,'' replied my great-u ncle "Hober t," he snld, "I regret exceedd by the gunabout the middle of the EightgllHle on the rh·er's bank. Several ll<'r, ballast ahonrd calmly. ln;.:ly the necessi ty I am under of lnand dlstruh uted eenth centurl· . Robert OrmHo d. ndtlitinu ul fil'e!< had hi' n l<indled, and with a curE>ful ".\ye. aye, sir," answl'r ed the hnsky ftlctlng this unplE-a santness upon you. who tells the tale, Is talking t•> eye for sailing trim. ' around each we1·e hudt11etl groups of Peter Corlacr , chief of the trad· "As sweet and proper as t110ugh she volre on a quaver of fear. "\\' p'll I shall eurleav or to provide you adeers, and n1an pirates llliH'h the worse for the lust was Just from the ot enortno us \\'!11 ye come quate rf'pnrnt lon. hands of the dock- f'::tll him directly . You also, ft·lend strengt h, when Darby :O.IcGraw, nlglit's dt·lnkin g-bout. John Silver abo:~ rd, sir?" yard litters at Port'>,lnouth.'' was Peter. Hemem her, we are working Irish bonded boy, brings new" was the only man who appeare d to :\furray 's comme nt on that a pirate ship I~ "oft the My great-un f'le turne<l to Peter with for a grt'nter cause than our person11l an eYening have any animati on left In blm. about the beginni Hook." An old sea captain anone foot on the side ladder. ng of Augnst. "The enrichm ent.'' nounces . he has been chased by 'Twns he first snw us, and evident ly tide ebhs on the "Are you eertaln you mul't go with break of dawn. I He \·aulted lightly to the top of the notorio us pirate, Captain spoke to Flint, who sat with Bones purpose sailing theu." Rlp-Rap . Robert? " he asked. The older Ormero d "I can n~!'ure the bulwark s nud dropped out of sight and s~>vPral other cronies at the tells Robert the pirate Is Andrew "And you must dellver the body of you no harm shall come to him." on the farther !<Ide. .lllurray , his (nohert 's) greatsmalles t ot the fires. He swung to· your hostage beforeh and,'' "Uut mP, but there's times I think I answer "Ja, ed I go." uncle, comma nding the pirate Juat mix Alabu tine with ward us as Fllnt rose unstead ily and as dlsagre enbly as I could. he believe s all he says," swore Flint. ahlp, the noyal James. Murray liiy great-u ncle's reply was a shrug tncked in his water cold or hot and wake. Is an ardent Jacobite . Robert "E\·en so," he acknow ledged. "'Tis of Indiffer ence. and Peter and I "Come a-vbitin ', captain ?" Silver regretta ble, Robert, yet the meets a young ·woman from a apply to any interio r sur. time will climhed after him to the deck. The CHAP TER IX Spanl"h frigate who Is "eelrlng Inquire d cheerfu lly .• ":Uight y kind o' come, I venture to predict, face. The sure reault is when you Walrus was a revelati on after the ol'her father, Colonel O'Donn ell. ye, sir, seein' as how most o' our lads w!ll look bnC'k with beauti fully tinted walla in Murray with a force of sailors pride upon the dered cllsdpli ne of the Hoyal James. Peter Plays at Bowls with Is a bit the worse for liquor and inconYe nlence you sull'eret visits the Ormero d house. He eu.ctl y the color you wish. l." In a word, she was pig-dirt y. Her announcE~ his Intentio n of carblood-le ttln'. ;'.ly duty to ye. Master "I'll accept Destin the Inconve y nience If I deck was littered with nl! kinds of None pnainel l1itltoa t rying oiY Robert, by force, If Ormero d. I hopes I sees you and may esc11pt! the Darby McGraw 's red head shone lD rascals allve," I re- rubbish ; her rigging was slack and 1M Cro•s mul Cin:la n.ecusa ry, promisi ng him a e-reat Alabu tine comes in aU your friend well?" future. 'l'hc Royal James and torted. print•d in red. the lanthor n light. spliced In a fashion which seemed lubstanda rd colora and these "Blood· lettln ?" repeate d :\Iurray , lg· the V.'alrus , the latter comman d"Ot that you need hnve no doubts, '' berly to me, who was a lubber; "Whlsh t, hut It's Master Bob again! her ed by Flint, Murray '• partnH In interm ix to form countnorlng the halnnce of his remarks . he suld earnest ly. "I shall accom- canvas was torn, poJrly patched and Now ain't this the mighty !orchun e plracy, ttppear. Murray , Robert ''The old story, eh 7 leas others so that your Well, well! pany you, and you may hear my part- wretche and Pf'ter boartl the James. Murdly furled; boats, barrels, lum- to have ye with us! Ha' ye left the You'll never learn. decora ting tute may be How many for the Ing Instruct ions to Flint. ray offers Flint a share In the Friend ber, spare spars and cahles lay about old dev!l yon for good?" loot of a Spanish treasur e ship sailmak er's palm and needle? '' accura tely follow ed. Peter, will you Indulge me for the In entire confusi on. The planks He nodded his torch of hair at If he wlll co-oper ate with him. we "Three, captain . And main lucky space of half an hour f' the vague hull of the James. Flint whilst I visit trod on were ~lippery with grease. Flint Insists Robert be left with we nre as-" the Walrus with my nephew ?" him a• a hostage , while Murray , The paint was peeling from the bul- explode d with raucous laughte r. Flint lurched uu beside hlrn. In the Royal James, takes the "Neen.' ' answer ed Peter, and pushed warks. There were spots of rust " 'The old devil yon,'" he repeate d. on treasur e ship. The pirate ves"Stow that, John,'' g1·owled his cap· a way from the table. " - me, but It takes Darby to put "I go too." the muzzle of a chase sels arrive at their rentlezv ous. gun, whl ch Itself taln. "I'll do the tulkln'. What'" hNo, o~'' the right word to a man. 'Tis what was hauled out of Its proper position . your trouble, Murray ?" "I go too.'' he Is, blast biro for the - - - - - Flint came swuggerln~ down to us lly ~reat-uncle took a pinch of snuff "But naught he was sets said himself up to be!" of two hosfrom the poop In a conditio n which CHAP TER VIII- Conti nued with his Inimita ble knack of express - tages- " Darby protl'ere d him a huge silver wns In harmon y with his surroun d· -9Ing acute (]!~gust without moving a "If Doh goes, I go,'' Insisted the ings. Like most of his men, beaker of rum. he had "By the - - - - - - - - , but I mu~cle of his face. Dutehm an. "Ja." "I fetched this from the cabin after discard ed coat, shirt, Btockln gs and hoped 'twas that - - - - Fllnt come "I have been a-huntin g," he replied. l\Iurray shoolt his bead. ye, captain ." said the Irish boy In 1 shoes to accomm odate himself to the I WA. 'T FAR 'IS J,'OR CASU BUYERS a-~f'ekin' mischie f," he compla ined. "Shooti ng for the pot. We stopped Carto onist's Ideas "For you I might not be respons i- heat of a tropical summer . His Deal with owne rs only. P. TREMA IN, Ut hls wheedli ng brogue. 'Troth, say I loose "\\here Is Captain Murray ?" I an· on the wny to our boat to paqs the The tiger as the symbol of Tam- DtHon. Castle Ro c k. Colorado . ble, Peter.'' cnnYns trousers , Identica l with those to me~elf, tt the captain must talk many llwerell . time o' day with you, Flint." Hall, the elephan t of the Re· "I will he reF;ponslble for mysel !,'' the seamen wore, were streake d with with Murray he'll ha' a bad taste In publica n party and the donkey which "lu Ills cabin." Flint !lnorted . '!Rid Peter. "I go to der Walrus or dirt nnd tar. His bare calves and the mouth o' hlm to be washed out, Hepnbl lcnn papers use as emblem And In the S<lme mild manner he "TimE' o' day! TI-l! 'Taln't like you you go ourlt der window :ttic ." forearm s were covered with dried nnd I'd best ha' a sup o' sugar-ju ice cou!lnu ed to his men: to tnl'e the tronhle. " of Democ rats are , the inventi on of )1y grE>nt·uncle stared at him !or blood where they had bE>en scratch handy for hls needln's ." ed "T<) your station~. Remem l;er "l n m n nerson of most nn<'ertn ln n momeu t, then burst Into Flint seized the rum, threw hack Thoma s Nast. Origina lly the donkey , laughte r. hy brnmbl es In his shore expedit ions< cnp'n's o1·der:<. • 'ow tll<>se two are prof'! !viti<'~." replied my J:reat-u ncl e. which came first, was not applied to "By gnu, you would! And after, out of the matted hair on his chest his head and drained the fiery stuft the Democ ratic party. ahoa1 d, ~-e'l! tire at any boat that ap- "I henr fr(lm Silver that la11t night's HIND ERCO RNS RemoTes Corns. Calwas thrust the head ot a tiger, most n s If It had been wine. l'l'<.l!lch~s and clmllen ge afterwa rd." eplso<le was necomp anied louses~ etc., stops all pain, ensu res ootntort to tb& hy the usual "You said right, my lad,'' he anmarvelo usly tatooed In black and yelteet, mak•s walking easy. 1I>c by mall or at Drui· The nl'gro Iucke~-~ stood aside as fatalitie s.'' ltlsta. lllscox Chemical Worlr..s,l'atchotrUe, N. Y. swered sourly. "And low. No I'm Room thinkln~~ His hair r was a lank frame for '1'\'e cnme to the cuhln entranc e unde1· "Three, " al""Pnterl Flint. "Two o• his saturni ne face, stubbly with a I'll maybe need all the luck that red Him--Y es, ma'am, girlie, I'm one hE' pOJOfJ: the door was o pen. Dowr 'pm roul•l hE' ~pnrert-lonsy dog-;;, The head o' yours can bring week's me. Wher'.>'l growth l of heard. guy that never stretch es bls lmaglnn · the dark tunnel of the colnpar tinm\·ay othet· \vas Tolly \\'E.>Ish, us stout a fElAny book you want Billy Bones? " tlon. "\Vhat <l'~·e seek, Murray ?" he with Its :>tatero om doors on eithel- low as WE' had.'' l'i. -by mail. C. 0. D. "Dhrun k under the cabin table," rt·· Her-N o wonder , where's the room growled . "Come to look us oYer?" hand f'Ptn utul I C'1Ju!cl see m.v gt·E'at· Desere t Book Co,. ":Kot hntl fnr one night's work," turned Darby prompt ly. for It to stretch In? uncle s ttin~ nt the t .. hle in the main romrnen tc!l Murta.v . "I am come to fulfill my contrac t 44 East So. Temple. Sa!t Lake City, Utah "Gut him for the souse he Is! AnC --------------~--------with you," replied my ~reat·uncle. "J cabin, u :;1. ~s of wine at his elbow, Flint \\'as obvinus ly In no \'E'ry hPI· Lon~ John?" nm ~alllng with the morning ebb, nncl .a chart ~prC'al! out before him. li!!'erent mood; hP could SC'an·e stantl. "Sure, cnptaln rlE>ar, 'twas yoursel f I hrin~ you, not one hostage , but two." I rN•om.te<l hriE>fty our <·onYersntion Rut he flamed up at this. !'ent him nshore to lceep the lads up 'I\ lth Flint anti thE' detPnni nation I'E'Ie1· Flint stepped elMer nn<l serutinl zed to the "Aye, on<! whnt d'ye E-xpect? How fort from <'anln' thelrsel ves." Peter and me. and I lad rE>lehe•l in cowequ enee. mnny months did ye fell me I must "So I <lid. Well. I'll see to the prislie no lded agreem ent with lt. bide here wl' a <'l'ew thut knows "Two, eh ~" \Vhat rlo I want wi' oner~ m~·selt then." two?" What good's this fat rnnn to "You did quite rlght, Holiert. PetN naught but how to Lrew the tle\·Jr~ "Prl.s'n ers !" prot<'st ed Darby, wldedl~ IlCt E'Xng,..e ate the danger~ Inherhroth 7 And how many men d'ye think me? lie means nothing to you.'' Pyed. ''Och, cnptain , ye won't be will lle alive hy the end of the timE'? ent In tl e sit'Jntio n." "On the contrar y," denied my rela- hard on Master Bob l He's as kindly "You will e.x<·u~e mp," he went on. Gut me. hut 'tw!ll be like the son:.: tive. ":\Jaste r C'orlaer Is an old and a youn;:; gentlem an us ever I see"If I return to my ~tudies. I huYe we sing o' the Deart :\Inn's Chest I'' valued enemy of mine, of whom I and Peter there Is a grand fight!n' "I fear It will," Agreed my crent· mu h ur on my mind." hn'l'e hopes of making In time a feller. Ye Hhould hear to tales they \\'e baile him goocl night and went uncle. "Cnless you take measur es friend.' ' tell o' his murthe rln' and slayln' with to our statPruo:n~. WE'a Q' enough from to pre'I'Cnt lt." "\\'ell, he's no good to me; gut me the red Injuns.' ' the unwont ed f'xerri~e of I'O\Ylng. As "Measures~ TlJPre'R a clE'al to he If be is!" "I'll he as hard as they make me I shut my tloor I note<! tllllt he wa!< done In kE>epln~: twelYt>score men N THE autom obile indus try sever al "You will take hoth or none,'' inld be,'' returner l Flint. "But for tonight measur ing rll4nneP'< In thP c .. rlhhenn from light!n ·~ on this chunk o' earth my great-u ncle in the voice like a I must have them safe.'' distin ct price classes have devel oped. with cr.liper..;, m d jottln:! figure~ upon and t·ock :" Peter, at my elbow, SI10ke for the I drippin g Icicle which he knew so well Gene ral Moto rs is repre sente d in each. tl e margin of the ( hm't. "There' » your <::hip to he cleaned ," how to as>;ume. first time. In the mo1·ning all h11n•l~ were oc- sairl my gi'I'Ht-uncle tenll!tiv ely. "J a. jn." We go. I have a wish 1 "Nasty, nre ye?" rasped Fllnt. The Gene ral Moto rs line of passe n· cupied with the tasl' of carePni ng the ''I'd ha' mutiny on m.v hnncls did I to sleep.'' ''Binst ye for a-" gerca rscom prise s 52 differ ent mode ls. ship. 'Twas when the work was pro· I'Ull for It! They're all fM a mn "Sleep, Is It?" jeered Flint. "That , A light In l\Iurruy 's tnwny eyE'S ce<'ding satisfar torily that my grP:tt- ashore, om! th<>rc'll he no working They inclu de every open and close d kindled !Ike n tlome under the nflee- ye ;,hall, my hearty I Come along o' ''There I• Flint," I Said. uncle hade l\1 artin tell of! a tlozel' them ahonrd~!llp until they lm' had me." tlon of the hnttle-l anthorn s which body type and range in price- at-the bands \\ bo were good :;hots and call tl~t•lr fill o' woods and rnonntn!n~." llc led us aft, the others followin g, become captain In my place, no donbt. were hung from the lower spars. D any facto ry as follow s: "All!" snid m~· g-n•at-u nde. "Doubt · a wny the Ionghna t. 1 1n th e ren r alnl< 1s t 1n te ars. You ure \mmatc hnhle, Peter. "Two What It do Is," Flint en<lerl hastily. At the end of u dark pa!'sage Flint "I mOI'Vel tllat you dare tO iPUYP le~s that I~ ~;o. Well, If they must you say, nephew ?" "P.ut ye'll neYer see either one o' 'em unhooke rl a lanthor n from tl e Jame · In tid~ rlPfensele~s eondi· remain a~hore a time. is It not in 8 wall and 1 CHE VRO LET "I'd uot have Peter rJsk his throat If ye don't make good on your bur· one of his men heaYe<l up n trapdoo r. t!on," I :;nl<l to l.im n:< tlte Ionghoa t thE-Ir own interest to erect themsel ves with mine," I answer ed uncomf ort- gnln. I ha' supporte <l much from ye,, Below wus a pool of sllntlow s that pulled oft' up the • 1 dwrnge Jlnst the some shE-lter from the elPmen t'l? WE> :'>lurray, but-" scuttled and swayed as If to Pscnpe lmve often snhl that some dny we nbiy." sll nt hulk of tllf' Wnlrus . "I go wit' you, Bob," repente d the "You'll support more for sufficie nt the feeble llght. ThE>re was an odor, "There nPP<I not nerE>~~arily he ~hould hnild ourselv es n fort on the PON TIAC l>utchm nn. gold," rebuke• ! my grc:>nt-unC'le. "Tut, also, none too pleasan t. d:mger this afterno on," he ~ald. "'Ti!; i.r.! lnnd." "You see!" cried :\furray . "'Tis man, I rt'ad you lil'e a hook. Wl1en 1 drew back. "\\'e ' hn'.'' n\1 quiet a«I,ore, nntl T d•!llbt if therf' useless · to chject. Go with you he we first encount ere!l you were proud "Certcs , you could lodge us securel y "I C'nme U'('On the !den! ~pot this a man sufiJdP ntly ~ober aboanl will. \\'ell, you'll hnve C'Ompany at to be mute of'n trading brig. I have otherwl 1ere than this," I prote.,t ed. OLD SMO BILE "'ulru,.; to cnrr.v a e11rton «.f pow nfterno on-n Fantl hillnr:k m·ergro wn least-und I shall luck a compan ion put you In the way to rank and for· with fine pines an !I oal's <>a~twnrd of "Xo, no:: answere d I•'lint. '"fhere' s fro JJ the nH·.;~:>:dnP." who,.;e pr<>senre is not the less \·alu· tune, if you know how to exploit your not a door ahoard hath a lock would "But hy e\'f'lllng they'll hu' slept the I''Yamps . It hath the airs from able for his !>llen<'e. A good friend Is opportunitle~. Hark re !" the orl'an, a good pro~pect of thP nn hold Darby, let alone you two. I'm ofr,' I inslste•l . I'eter, ItohE:rt. I would he were "You said se\·en hundred thou- sorry for ye, lad, If it's no fault OAK LAN D · "TruE' and with It their lust for r·horage ami the uearer waters, and o' l 111lne !" sand," snappe d Flint. yours that you're here; but for to· '.t•l-fo t· tJ:e time being ,..at ans there Is a spring at tl1e \"C'ry h•p.'' "And r·u to do the wort'!" snarled --:--:::--:-:::-:-:-:-:-::-:-::=-:-:-=:-:::=-::-::=-:::;;=:::;:=-;;;:~;;::;~~~;;:::~=:;;;::::::;;:;;:=-;-.;:~ nIght at 1<>II Ft Ot r proo c m then wlll he to you must II e In the ~1!_~~~~~~~~~~-~~.....,;-:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~r-;.:~ m Flu t•s· mind to ~ome un•lerta k laznret. IIere, ye ~hall ha' the tan· Flint. BUIC K "Yonr m<>n ll,l'e to rlo the work,'' cor• whit'h will df\·ert h' attentio n nnd thorn to keep the rnts of!'. and In the py him until we llE'ed no longer rected :Uurr'ly . "I should glntlly aS· morning we'll manage dlll'eren t." ~bt tlH'lll in It hnt for the fact that cone rnf' I for hi whhnsl e ·." Peter pu~hed pn"t me. nnd took the mv own crew will be oceuple d nhoard· E' lander! south or the- fir t river, lantho1·n fi'Om his hand. Standin g passive ly by the dan!'lng !itnntly aYoldln g their praise. CAD ILLA C Ile ow wl NP l<'liut'!; party had held sh-Ip tluring the dnrntio u of our stny. ~oor he glanced "\Ye go, ja,'' he squeake d. "Come, languid ly over the strolled into the smokin g room, pulled dr enroUSE', an<l prnceNle<l inlan<l We or the Royal .Tnmes, I may point voung females thnt o):led him ns they out hls silyer cigaret te case-g old was Rob." rou.,h a wooded Yalley, with hills nut, are laboring In the common In- passed. I followe d him without anothPr Careles sly he brushed the so ~a udy-ta mped a long, thin cigto right anfl left of u< and the tere-t no les~ than your peo!lle will suspicio n of word, already wonderl n!{ Rt his ex· Quali ty is the first law of Gene ral a stray hair back Into arette reflectiY ely, lit It and walked gl':ls,; towerin g In the <llst'lnce. he If they underta ke the constru ction trnorcll nnry <Ioe!llty . A h:tflp dnckE>d place. There was Lorett a-a J;iddy oYer to tbe mirror. lie studied hJm. Moto rs; and sweep ing econo mies, pos,. rlny ~ ·cs very clear, ntHI the monn- of the fort.'' thing In April blue-a nd, as usual, self a moment . His feuture s st!ll'ene d. home In a bolt, and footstep s thudded "Blast me for a - - snnHJllt was a grn.v cone ngninst sible to an instit ution with the refool lf trying to make awn~·. I sat on the bottomm ost step him. lie met her he bit his lip. l.ilne of the sky, Even our RUIIen. I cnre two - - - - - - for the com- glance coldly sourc esof Gene ral Moto rs, are reflec ted and pulled softly at his 1-'innlly, his eyes blazing , he hurled of the ladder and peered hopeles~ly mon interPst !" C'riNl Flint. "llut 'tis C'~cort of ~enmen became al· Around me ns Peter, sw!n~lng the t!e-lt would bring the red out n little his cigaret te enRe at the glass. in the prices of Gene ral ~fotors cars. cheE-ry under tile influenc e of true there Is need of the fort, and "Liar," he muttere d and turned and lanthor n as high as the low deckroo m It the men will Liile ashore they more In the knot. chan~ed ~utronn•lln;:", and with Selec t the car that suits you from Julie-a creamy bit of Inanity -a walked out ot the room.- Notre Dame allowed , prowled around the limited slgt t of their first g-vat they began should ha' a roof to their heads and stinging area of our prison. reply finished her meanin g· Juggler . the Gene ral Moto rs line. You may , nn<l !'hout like schoolb oys. a better place to camp than down here A black rat ns large us a ca~ rushed less babble. lie wonder ed a ~----------little, r!Psplte his age, wns as spry in the river vapors. I'll see what's buy it out of incom e on Gene ral acroRs my feet. Squeak s and rus· though, if he bad blended the face Slam at Paten t Lighte r youn~:est of us, and he ne\·er to he don<>. ~lurrny." ., tllnr::-s sounded In the eorner10. powder properl y. Moto rs' time paym ent plan CGMAC), ~anette--a drab H. G. Wells Is respons ible for the "You'll not r<'gret It," replied m~· a «hot. Peter returne d to the ladder-f oot, ,o;plurge of colorswas • simply not followin g story: At a certain fancy whic h assure s fair terms and low rates. e had mnlntal ne«l a hrlsk pac·e great-un cle. "I shall be gla<l to leufl noticed . deposit ed the lnnthor n on the floor He pulled the handkeN :hlef dress bnll all nr \'. nllering~. and we reaehe<l you aught I possess in the way of the costum es were In· and plumpe d himself beside lt. out n little from his pocl,et. tended to represe nt names of famous . ~lte or the spring well before tools or arlv!ce." "\Vhnt yon t'Jnk, Bob?" he said Oh well he was tired of being ad· books. The My grcat-un r·Je ~un-eycd thP The build>n g or the hilltop tort apmajorit y of book titles blandly . "Do we stay or get ou!lt ?" t!on wit! a calculnt ln!!' eve P~d· peal<>d to ::;ome hoyl~h strain sub- mired, and it was boring to be con· were prompt ly recogni zed, but everyI frowned at hlm. one was puzzled by the costume of one d tl " • t• nd of timber on the hill's me rgetl beneath the surface villainy " 'Tis no joke,'' I snapped . "I bad charmin g young Indy. It was designe d reaFons for-" and ex• !aimed that tl ere was of I• lint's f'C'>ur.drels. They went to Quick Think ing ghbf r ng em'n<>nce \\ hetH e an theiJ· t,.t;k \Yith po~itiYe enthusi asm. ".Tn," he agrE-ed. "Der little gal.'' A fmnous automo bile racer was to look like n patent cigaret te lighter. All sorts of titles were suggest ed, but clearing the hillocl; of tim !Jet·, sawing spee<llng at night through · • PI t'd COIDI!Ian<l lt. "llnw did )'OU know?" I exclnirn etl a town that , II you h \'f' asserte d It to ar tl "iJU' rinz the logs and erecting was in darknes s owing to an electrl to e:tch one the girl shook her bend. "I know,'' he rer»lled with his slm· e ~.Ill. "~I H'eover, It Tin's me n "U'l. tnntlnl hot. -e or the more mas clans' strike. Someth ing went wrong Finally, someon e venture d to ask her per!ng Imitatio n of a laugh. "You outrigh t the title of the hook repre- t'lnk dE'r little ;::al is a good o a wny In wllieh we na) ~;h·e lOb'S and after that an open FtotJ;:. with his butterie s, und the lights gni. You of CHEV ROLE T ' PONT IAC • BUIC K tl e E''ll'~~!c of ('ap· IJ! Flint •·de or pa lug of sapling stakes six his car went out. lie was accoste d by sented by her dress. "Why l'' she t'lnk It Is not goodt <lot i'he he tnkE'n fi'Pt hl:;h. 1-ltn~>'' :for the en~nirg weeks n policem an, who, pointin g to his laughed . "Don't rou flee? It's 'The ahnnrd der James. Yon want to be OLDS MOBI LE • OAKL AND Murrny 's pe1·sonul object was al- dnrl,ene d lamps, asked his name ancl Light That I!'alled.' " "'t ny:' thM-e nndt he sur(' dot shE' Is saf~>." I CADI LLAC • GMC TRUC KS r · · of s.:11oke tril'kled up be· t·eady al'coup llshed. 'l'he Royal address . The racer did some quick ,Jth >f thP rlvul<'t In the .rnn•P~ was back upon nn even g, and said, "Of course my Unbri dled Tongu e• The hostage s escap =.Jl •I•: ·, t' e estual'\' , and I !ndi- her bottom serape( ] clean, her out all Many a ptlbllcls t In the course o! fresl pain•Pd lnsld•~ an<l out h hIs career learns tb at free speech may J:lPg ovt·r'mule<l and cum as (TO Blll 0 to e lo G o ld -..... I ART HUR D. HOW DEN SM ITH Inst ead of Kals omi ne or '1\Ull Papm- BOOU'S .. A ca r for ev ery pu rse an d pu rpo se I I I 6 Mod els-$ 510 to $765 2 Mod els-$ 825 9 Mod els-$ 875 to $1115 6 Mod els-$ 975 to $1295 l Egot ism That Migh t Be Term ed Subl ime 16 Mod els-$ 1125 to $199 5 13 Mod els-$ 2995 to $448 5 GENERA~ MOTO I ~=========· CONJ.'!N t.'li:D l ! II |