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Show .................... "'"· ~-- Th e Jou rna l dainha.'i%n Is Br ing ing Re tur ns. All Perstms No t De sir ing Th e.. Jou rna l Ar e Str ick · en Fro)ll List. Subscrip- , rnn l0w ~~~ -~~ --=~::: ..: ... --. ---:: ::: :-: ::::-·: ::: CK =-= =~::ICE, A NI EL =_PR =:: === ::: ..: --= ----.._ ..: --i'l 6192 ~Of ~. ·:O MAY $2q MID VAL E, UTA H, Be tion Pri ce Will ,1 1st e Jun ar Ye r Pe POULTRY Th ere 's An Old Sto ry Th at A Kn ock er Is Yo ur Be st Ro ost er- We Have Ple nty Of Boosters In Th e Te rri tor y Served. Keep Up the Good Wo rk VOL. 1. NO. 52 liONS,JIFTH ANNUAL ~CONVENTION WAS MIDVALE MAN SHOOTS SELF WITH SHOTGUN USE AT RAB -R OEOICATEO Alfr ed Bhn gren , 53 year i of age, com mitt ed SUicide Satu rday ev.,. ung abou t 5 p. m. in his room at the Midvale Hote l on Main 10ireet. He iihot nims elf with a doub le-ba rrele d ihot Fort y perc ent of the Lion s in Dis. gun. trict 28 gath ered at Ogd en, Mon day, resier form a was gren Bhn .Mr. May 3rd, in their fif.th annu al dist.tllct atten ded the free dent of Sout h Jord an and had an apconv entio n, on at Drap er, Utah , poin tmen t with Raym ond .Palm er o~ Drathe or when sale ng evem The feat ure of the conv entio n was Sout h Jord an to discu ss the theiz ed Mr. Palm er t.>'vm r.•n form erly open his (Ehn gren 's) farm . the stun t sing ing of the Midv ale n whe and ing arriv e. ware hous was a little late club , unde r the direc tion of J. L. Mey w~ehouse just com plete d cost pe ente red Mr. Ehn gren 's room , f~und .:rs and his Beas tly } 'our, with Pat neig hbor hood of $1:.!,000 anu the man lying acro ss the bed m .a Oase y as acco mpa nies t de Lux~. It is a one story cem ent pool of blood, the shot gun by his Tile :;peecl1es were most ly up to par , hali oi a w1th cem ent isfloor45. side. Palm er imm edia tely notified the anu .LJI::;tnct liove rnor !'lxt on put ..the food stori ng depa rtme nt iaml lady :.mtl the police. cunv entio n over in on day; tran sact • oO feet. The egg stori ng depa rtCoro ner Silas Brow n mad e a thor te no mg all neces::;ary busm es s, wne ro is :.!5 by ~0 feet. An up-t o-da ough inve stiga tion and said that 1orm erly a two u<>y conv ention has ling room in the base men t in- inqu est wou ld be held unle ss the reMr. Ehn grcn oeen held . • a~ e)igs leav mg this tli.strlbu- lativ es requ ested it. . ds 1t10n frien cond Midv ale Lion s lost out in the .atpoin t in first class was in perf ect heal th, but exle tenu ance pnze uy omy one lion. Had On .May :lrd, the Drap er peop said that he had been actin g some they been able to mus ter one mor e .,Peat. to begi n 'ship ping eggs hand led wha t stran gely the past few week s. Lion at the conv entio n the attEn danc e t11rough this ware hous e and will ship No pape rs givin g a reas on for the . week each ad one carlo oann er, once befo re won by Midv ale, act were foun d. ent pres He trym en have at woul d 'have been their pnze . How · Mr. Ehn gren was unm arrie d. ever , Mur ray stoo d at the top with abcu t 60,000 laym g hens and 150,000 is sunu ved by one ,.nephew, Clin ton be will flock new This an. a fine dele gatio n and won the bann er sprjn g chick s. Beck stead , of Sout h Jord er. on emb for two cons ecut ive year s. in laym g orde r next Sept The fune ral serv ices were held chick Nine ty-F ve per cent of the Ben Jone s, the Pres iden t of Lion s Tues day, l\lay 4 at the C. I. Goff un::;ick man , put Inte rme nt was en raJ~i:>n; of Drap er and com mun ity dert akin g parlo rs. far from hom e, wri: e Inte rnat iona l, altho a If ers. flow her her's Mot be ld shou day y . He erho od as a :;ac~·e•l state I Whi le ever belo ng to bhis asso ciati on, whic h com - mad e in the fami ly plot in Wes t Jorr. She will over hi;; mess age in grea t style J her a Mot her's Day lette a hers give all and ask noth ing exal ted moth hm·e Mot we said he that n whe llent exce head is the it on Day, nail all the . d t h e hit love as sym bohc of er prise s abou t 70 mem bers moth and I d dan Cete metr y. n worl j the beyo nce into us mbra g brin reme To the t · think s of . hfe. com mun ity spec ial day set asid e for reme m- trea sure . wha t the The eggs prod uced in this secti on rttl that .es of the Val-~' that is fines t III Th ortio n f prop in urn. re tly m direc is club s agom the Lion a re e J endu ese they o men . dmg Anrstan Miss unde ago, to brin g top mar ket price in all con- MID VAL E MAN DROP~ e de itud deca u grat than and e club ss Mor the 1 erne of bers bran ce, tend ley of the Shad ow .. To them we. dturn mea n SQ mud h to her, to whai- the looa l mem hes touc finer I sum ing cent ers and are 'mil k whit e.' LK 1 moth er. DEA D ON SID EWA orig na Jarv,is ' of Plhil adelp hia, . inate. d s om. "':muou . and is close to the suns et thin k of it. an~e for ~UJd d dhoo T hese eggs have been • serv ed OR c~il in s~ cont IS fice y is it a red- lette r day for espe ciall y if she sacri ciall selfEspe r Thei w1ll n h natw re cnt1 Thr . We'v e got to have more club loya lDay. table 0 than the Mot hers ring endu .Pre::;ident Coolid~e 's brea kfas t life. more of love Send their g. livin w are teer, ers 1\Ion ones who se moth The body of Hen ry C. ty in Midv ale if a Lion s club or any it next Sund ar. rve obse have men The orfic ers ot the Drap er .Poulthat der, won ll Sma . othe r club ever amo unts to anyt hing appa rent ly drop ped dead whil e re- hills trym en, Inc., are as follo ws: I SCO UTS ACI 'IVE IN was N tre, iME thea RT:: the SPO \H from UT, e hom turn ing JOR DAN COU NCI L here . GRA NIT E AND JOR UAN IN A. H. l'l'l!ckelson, Prt~sident; J. 1\1. ale JOU RNA L LIN OTY PIST PLA N 'l'HR EE-D A y OUT ING I Midv T in 1\lEE walk CK side TRA the AR on d Cl:L The Sout hern Club s hol<l that John foun C'l'A SPE H. , S FON D ADI EU BID Pete rson , :::iec'y-1 rea~.; Dire ctors on. Nels ge Geor k" by Mon day mor ning be held in W. Jone s, com mon ly know n as "Jac will r hono of t cour A h. Stri11g1ellow; J. b. Smit h, S. A. for are Prep to e ed ees Nam man for Dist rict Mr. Mon teer, who mad e his hom Gran ite won a thril ling mee t from I Com mitt Clar k, for the past sem ent Hall May 8th at Jone s is the best Hasm ussc n, S. J. Mick elson , A. P. ces Amu y Fran Sand Miss Cum H. eva y Gen Mar to !\Irs. , Trip by hter with his daug erno r and he defe ated Pixt on 8 ic is invit ed to Gov Pub- Jord an and Mur ray ,Tue sday , on the publ an Alle n. The J·ord • the ck. o'clo with 8 ected 11. conn to year 24 of ~~:~ and see just wha t a vote ming s, in Midv ale. forE the! pdas~ .. "' . orat e arra ngem ents are bein g Elab I y r~la the ing winn We shal l now have a chan ce to s~ m by an track ,ng m ray Mur born year s. was this even t linot ype oper a~:s as ~Jtne pany tsCom spor al ng lishi annu . third 11 the . for 1871 e in mad and cam e to Utah this Gov erno r Jone s work j>Ut his ov. 1\lY STE ROU S FIR E AT t re- in a close finis h. The score by pom ts leas of path IS bem g done in Scou tdom in 22 the n 21, take .May has va, tor, Gene g at owm g fo outin 1 Survi-ving him are the Jord an 43, •• 1urra y 1 men s MID VAL E BAK ERY salv ation and we are with him to th and said farew ell to the was: Gran ite 49, Com mitt ees were appo inted distr ict. 23. and ! child ren, Carl os, H. Mon teer of Coke- sista nce . 12. Haro ld Cann ing of Troo p 118, last man force . of direc tors of the Salt d boar the by id-1 indiv the certa inly ente rtain ed th~:; was en an Ogd Jord . Last Satu rday morn ing, whil e work ville , Wyo., John D., Davi de T., and of Wm Jens en h Web b and rday Hug Satu b, us Web es cis leav Fran k Clar asso e Miss ectiv Prot e Rob n; Gam Unio ol and h' h i Lake Fish and thei r WI' ves . Hen ry W. Mon teer, all of men were erec tmg a sign in Iron t · 1 t 1, 1ans WI·11 b e we 'll b awa rd eu 400 v1·s 1"t 1'ng Lion~~ will '·I 1 mg · t' it is with regr etSl that dt~t,us, 1g 1em and , in next first H ing ph do well to winn . Jose 1 ing star e le ray, awn ay ual :Mur Tooe WI the onL of e "' and lUI ry, Jea" teer wn p lly Bake Mon roya Troo . ert F. . Soife of the Midv ale of Pin rna k e th'Is anno unce men t . both s • tors nteer 1e direc ]l~<o 1 '" and Li P d ees lf d mitt h h Ill! e, perf ecte d by com 1 a 1y be- jump , broa d jump an tl ercy n. • 11 J l\1 t es. caug nt 11re and was destr oyed . an badg e 0 eagl ab f prob <lay, Mon 1 and m., ion p. 8 volit at own ous cluu her g en shor t gree , Idah o; Haro < • " on eer o of nd in the shot and 100 yanl , at the Elks 40 mer it badge ~~~~.a eaf from t e seco be to also ds ~ ~nere was no chan ce of a will inten e she Ther that said 'tis e caus Dew ey C. l\lon te.er ami discu s, for May 10. and 3 stars . circu it in tile elect ric ligh t wire s and Weis er, Idah o, le harn ess in the Lhird in the pule \ ault and doub of set a buy ale. Midv of bmc n and mem bers of awa nts, 4 first class s spor ming L>tah Cum C. y Mar n. Mrs. know not is fire the ts. will be a 28 poin the orig in of near futu re. ectiv e as!Sociations Stan dard s of effic iency th( prot at local held 40 were the ices tar, ~ serv ral main g Fune untin ite's ,amo Gran l ned SPE CIA L RAT E TO Stew art was The uam abt: was smal 1 the stars shin e brig hter , the g. Even ts ward ed to Troo p havi ng attai .May outin e the in Miln ert part Rob take Mrs. will r, 44U siste his ami of CAL U'O RNI A COlliVE~'TIO~ ing 2:.!0 e awn :10m • mg iirst in the 100, gett sing s to abou t the price of a new birtl , the them and in r n blue give look be s skie 1 ' for whic h $2,000 v.ill wind ow glas s in East Midv ale at 2 o'clo ck Thu rsand a little pain t. t Com miss ione r, A. A.· And ergoes dow n the long , yard dash es. Scou she as be eter will es ·swe e Danc mad ned. was nt plan rme are s Inte . Ann ounc eme nt has been mad e that Follo wing is the deta iled re:su lb: prize was abo brok en in putt ing out the day after noon long trail with her chos en part ner. ings . son of the Tim pana gos Coun cil will even rday Satu . and etery ay cem Frid ray n Mur give the in sell, tern Paci fic railr oad offe rs Jcn : Stew art, Gran ite; flames. be the spea ker of the even ing and the Wes She carr ies the best wish es of the 100- yard 1 U $29.35 to San e not affor d to miss Com mis- a spec ial rate of wish her un-~ Jord an; John son, Jord an. '1'1m can we you and e forc nal Jour ESS SSN j YOU R THO UGH TLE and retu rn duri ng the Lion s · seco nds. her new vent ure. T- sion er And erso n's mess age at this cisco DUA GRA Y X,\R FIEL D DAY PRO GRA M EMJ DA~ BRI NGS A KIC K BAC K stint ed succ ess in .l Conv entio n, with JOR abom i.te; tern G.ran 8 Stew art, dash : time . .Mr. Gray , form erly linot ype op- 220- yard te. Gram limi t. ms, rn day retu 1 ::icout Con tests . John son, Jord an; Ada I~G EXE RCI SES . Som e trade -at-h ome enth usia st vis- erat or on Prov o new spap ers will asThe scho ols of the1 nort hern part oi This rate is ~ood only on the Tim e :.!5 seco nds. re- sum e the linot ype duti es .Monday een the troo ps and town betw by 'CED est t near me_i cont ''N. t some A ~~~O in trac a store in a met ited rict 't Dist '-' G an ·"" Jord ram e; goin g to the Coas t City Stew art, 440- yald dash : merc han- morn ing. 1 scou ts of the Jortl an Dist rict will be ial train on the Sant ly school grdtl nds Apri l cent ly and tried to purc hase ~le, Carl! pass ages are bo,ok~~d .Mu nay; Chri:stensen, ale. 1 the Sand y Scho ol grou nds on vidin g 100 paid at held the of 1 cises ::>0, 1926. '.rhe scho ols whic h ente red dise at price s quot ed in Midv exer ng uati grad The The retu rn ticke t is good on any Gran ite. Time 59 seco nds. 8th, at 3:30 p. m. May , rday Satu the. He coul d not buy as chea ply and in held be will y inar the vario us tf'!~s • were : Mitlvale, Sem via Wes tern Paci fic with in the 14 Y 880- yard da~h: J.:ns cn, Jo1d an; Alid - Jou.. an firm with VER The 1 Drh· e For Fund s DAY t. . GA men orda1 J argu ATO t an SAR Wes ed , ck start nion o'clo lJ 1 ite, at Gran Hall y, t Sand Sand y Amusem~n phso n, Jord an; Hart , Gran ite. 1926 .in the field limi t. SUCCESSI<'UL who m he was deal ing inve stiga ted and llutl er. unde r the direc tion of 1 Plan s for the year 1926 ~. .\lar We antic ipate that Dist rict a er . had mak 2:15 the Tim e Scou ting in :ora an '-Dis trict Boy of Jord an High stud ent body rd Gira cy, iden Pres e One of the big surp rises of the day and repo rted the matt er to Stak 1 an Jord vent ion ufac ture r of very enjo yabl e outi ng at Sara toga , Mile run: How e, Gran ite; John son, the well defined. A Lion s will go to the Con and e orat elab are ; will , class the of t was when the Unio n girls base ball of the. artic le. This man iden , pres t 50 per cent stron g, or in Gran ite; Price , Jord an. Tim e 5.09 Lanc aster prod uct pro- l'rid ay. An inter estin g prog ram was j sum of $1500 will be raise d thro ugh- leas . cises exer the team defe atetl Sand y's • team , to de- a natio nally adve rtise d of ge char in be eu, Jens abou t 200 mem bers . local deal er carr ied out. Priz es were won as fol- Shot put: H~:ath, Gt~<nite; the Dist rict. Thos e acqu ainte d word s, with out ws: follo as is ned outli cide whic h wou ld go to the distr ict ceed ed to adm onis h said ram prog The jmJord an; \Vol seha m, Mur ray. D1s the natio nally lows : ..... "0 Say with the mov eme nt reali ze the sing ing track meet , whic h will be held at the that he mus t stick to al ation rC;g Cong in. a WH EN IS AN A:\L \TEU R NOT t 2% to Gran ft. tanc e 37 carr ying thro ugh of ance port 100 yard dash ..... __ ..............Cart er n Afto by led h" Trut closi ng of school. The Unio n team adve rtise d price . is t Wha Ai\1AT.E .. R1 High jump . Jens en,,J oidu n; Burt on, Tenn is Racq uet succ essfu l finis h the drive . If you wan t to see this lette r, call by nied mpa acco and h play s the sout h divis ion May 20. Smit an Jord t, Sore Gran ite; Lars on and Stor e whe re 50 yard dash . _ _..... Hele n Wes tlund App roxi mate ly $1000 is used to class orch estra Jum ping was also a main featu re at the Fam ous Clot hing in. 6 ft. By Joe Cush man ht5 He1g . third for tied ale. on the scou t work in this disTenn is R;lcq uet y carr Holt m Hyru .......... ......... . of the day. In the high jump , Wes t sam e is on file, in Midv n catio Jord an; John Invo ng to $500 You can buy bett er good s in Mid- Sack race _ , ..... -........ ... Rex Atw ood Broa d jump : Jens en, Low er Ligh t be I trict , the bala nce amo unti the "Let Jord an won first plac e and Sand y secus, Chor DilSite. Gran on, Burt A rece nt rulin g of the Base son, Jord an; Pock et Knif e vale at a price equa l or chea per than g Clas s will be used as a sink ing fund to 1 uatin Grad . ond and third . . ........ ing" Burn Salt Lake Cit~·, tanc e 18 ft. 6~~ in. sells the sam e Pie- eatin g cont est ........... Earl Jam es t the build ing of a Scou t Cabi n Pow ers in star ........ __ y" inar Sem in Do !n tlje broa d jump , Sand y easil y any store anyw here We at "Wh back the old ques tion of wha t Jave lin: McCuoy, Mur ray; Thom an use you see an Neck tie the Spri ng of 1927. in 1 e Cran elia Corn took first place . Gadel)e, the Sand y artic le. And just beca o~ ,.,.l,nrol der ,Gra nite; Jens en, Jord an. Dis ale merc hant s Hors e shoe cham p. (dou bles ), Vern prin t the amo unts an athle te do whe n out Midv we by g ed 17 owin quot of fe Foll nce artic " dista a in!is ed Feel jump Thy per ool tljum "Sch broa 1 Male Qua rtet, I Ther e are a num ber OI base tanc e 147 ft. 3 in. , don' t thin k you Lest er, Eina r Pete rson Gor- don allot ted to each of the town and com- 1 t Gra.n n Byro t Gran feet, 11 inches. The pole vaul ting at a certa in price >r Ca1tf , eham Wak in Salt Lake City Disc us: Jens en, Jord an; r town s or citie s and Pock et Kniv es mun ities with in the distr ict and thos e pjlay ers ner Gard k Clar ~nd on cont est coul dn't be decided, beca use can go to othe Ohls 1 posi tions outs ide this yE.>ar Mur ray; Heat h, G ·anit e. DLt ancc It simp ly can' t be Base ball gam e, Facu lty 11, Seni ors 11 the loca l driv es: of ge char in ker Wal ld Rona . d~m" the pole brok e. Whe n this happ ened buy it as chea p. \VIs enou gh to be ~"Wore! (lf 1 they were goo<~ 101 ft. Fres hma n girls 6, 0 e, $45.0 , gam fdale ball Bluf e. Base e . plac tmor done first Whi for er tied Esth . were .......... ........ " six boys ers m the Nort hern Pole vaul t: Fram e, Gran ite; Sm. th, ''1'it hlng Soph omo res 11. <.;. c. Hard man and Ollc ot John son as ball play Ohls on on Gord ...... Afte r the jump ing cont ests were Solo in Viol fo1 tied an I or some othe r leag ue last year . John son, Jt:ns en all Jord ORY Butl er, $37.00 Voll ey ball gam e, Mr. Pric e's Team Ohls on Alice by nied over ,the grad e race s bega n. Mid- OUT LAN DISH HIST mpa acco I in its:l f is no~ funn y, but .the second. fiel){ht 9 ft, field and Iver Boyc e CON TES TAN TS WA IT Max L. A. won from Mr. Hum phre y's 21, 13. on, Ohls e Alic --. .. ~-.... ..... vale, Sand y, Unio n and Wes t Jord an, ies ·boy s III ques tion are play iiig John Ado lphs on Rela y: Gran ite first, Jord an seco nd . Test imon 00 boys $-15. race, cent the ming In Cres . Swim these ball of Kim ber ra num Leno a th won Smi e:.~.ch Herm an , Wes t,. Gr~ni . Star ter: Jens en; Tim er: Bair d OaF, On accou.1t of the fact that so Stanle~ Neff and Edw ard Atw ood. bail for the. EastScho of the ' any or t;, Butle school race~. Unio n took first by wine Ver~r • ols m ~alt L: D. S: H~gh Cler k; Mau ghn. answ ers were recei yed to !ast ~!lliggipg race , ~iris Nell Clar k, Cap. .00 $117 er, Drap s uate grad two ning the boys ' one hund red yard dash man y fifty na • othet Day , H. E. String- ~ City whic h 1s bound by Natw Outl andi sh Hist ory pu~zle, we Pivil'!fl' for dista nce, boys Thom as 's John , week Stay ard C. 60-y J. ' , girls Dahl the y and Mar ..... relay ' -·gids us the Due t and Chor ateu r Rule s to d~fine .an Dew ey, Cap. were unab le -to selec t the prize winfellow. class and n ay~o Finl dash . Ora Y A THD and u~e only such m theu CELEBRA'fl!..S HIR time for this issue , · Divi ng for dista nce, girls Agn es Fent Ada m 1 East ~tidvale, $67.50. Sup ...... s uate •The prog ram of the day closed with ners in Grad to ress Add I d,on't kn~w wh~ such lads A!'.~n f.lt~AHY resu lt of the cont est will be sterm aker , Cap. Geo. F. Web b and P. A. Swe nson ion Benn a base ball gam e betw een the ~tidvale 1 '!'he. S. I car Evan s, Ken Smd er, Ken d in the issue of May 13th . 0 $22.5 ite, Gran . Lunc heon , danc ing and othe r acPres _ _ mas tllplo of tion and f'::iandy boys. ~andy WOJl the gam e anno unce and other~ who have all A larg e num f)er of frien ds sur- Pres enta watc h, Dua ne Mill er and R. F. Haw kins tivit ies help ed to enliv en the day. u~sen Rasm n 1 ami will ·play the wln!ler,; of the i Wai t and ::;ore l hom his at e~ ' mark s of b1g. leaguc_rs s~ould prise d Mr. Jam es Silv Rem emb er, you adve rtise rs, the y" Herr iman , $37.50 olog 'Dox ing, sing al ation sout hern part of th11 Jord (tn distr ict greg Con l}c ,it etl to w~sh d1shes, d1g thi<:hes Thu rsda y even mg of la~t week 11re paid by checlc writ ten "To A. Butt erfie ld, Fran k Cran e J. ; b Web cis Fran -..... ......... ........... on on r'i~!tl Da;v at Jord an high school. pr!~es dicti Bene not durm g off sr.,o ol periOd ing his 26th uirth day l,\Uili\'ersary. ;'ttidvale, $408.00 · be!lr er, at any store !ldv ertls lng In the part take NOT ES will DAN who JOR ons per~ the All good · .ar<l ing in Flag s were usud i\bout the room s, a an Jour nal" , If you are not an Leon L. Olso n, Dr. A. J. Hosm er, to be in mem bers are ram prog e '!~he pout h J ortla n scho ol Ghi!dren Jord abov the ln with .. rated ball e birth day cake deco C. M. Midd leton , base don' t cash the chec k, for Plea sant Grov e High Scho ol Band larg and cand les funu ed the cent er- of the grad uati ng class exce pt Supt . Dr. H. F. Nels on, met at a trac k mee t social, give n at adve rtiae r One The wnt er has been s. hand your in s 1lags hles Ball it is wort J. J. Isler , C. I. Goff, Chas . Cann ing. n. ~chool Wed usse high Rasm an t Jord iden the Pres ed Roivertvn Fr~.by, Apri l 30. and visit ion Benn . seve ral high .scho ?l star s table . The gue:,t:; num res gQod turn dese rves anot her. Adv er- nesd ay morn ing. Rive rton , $147.00 They ente rtain ed piece for the game~, runn.11g etc, were the featu A. to play ball m Midv ale and part icipa te in this uniq ue bere d 25. 1 N. J. Nels on, Wilf ord Cran e, T. uf thl.' entcrtain111ent. Lunc heon was ti~e and the ~;tudents with an exce llent conSalt Lake rs say, "1 don' t The d. serve was larg e lunc heon erfie ld. A Butt e . com plan to g The we estin ck. inter )iay o'clo . be 1 d hour and woul 12 half It a een H~rved betw cert lasti ng 1how Midv ale afte r takin g d, $7 5.00 spen t in music, gam e" War t was Firs ing y even Sand and now from the s year get to sand same • back a thou 1 plac e in the Stat e T purp o · fvr thls was some more visit s of the and danc ing. The out- ofto wn gues ts see wha t then is calle d here ·y. Mls~ l,ucl le Nels on, pres ente d a have John Shaw , Jam es Raw son. child ren in tr:m 1or ftdd qay, which off • year , can affor d to drop and Mrs. Floy d Coed, num ber of her pupi ls ln a pian o re- kind . Sand y Seco nd War d, $67.50. off with a were : :\Ir. ed carri was Day wll! he give n in May , :;ometlme, at Girls ia d War Gylv nd Mrs. Seco erts, ball map ." cltal at the Sand y R. Gard ner, Clar ence Nels on. A Mrs. Flor eta Rob ay. nesd -----Wed t spir the Jqnl an hig-h, of deal 00 good 5 $ ted d assis es S nd Th' d W of Salt Lake . sm1l ille 7 get Scov Chap el last week . She was to way only the ut Abu e, ing at the danc even day llent Mon exce s aL YW . Nue1.1son,arH, enry'J orge nsen . Clar k, read er and the snap py prog ram, an Clau a Nell Sant Miss be to by is y ybod ever from d NTS addP STA s . l:iTA. 'DI~G OF COI \"TE set off with artis tic cost ume t 11 · on Sme lter Stre et, Mrs. Mel- 0-De e Sing ers. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Silve y at- or a paym Sout h Jord an, $96.00 er. e g day. WJ<;EK l<~~DIXG ;II AY l, 1926 the L. A. Port er n at the hom e of Miss Flor ence Fran com of the lo- spice to 1'hos . Shep pick , Fred Tied man n. • and Mrs. H. P. Mill er and gam e tend ed a part y give ball base her anot lost an Jord ill Mrs. e for hom Salt is of Stor e • $ 97.5 0• 1 r o~ ~lr. i\!1<1 'Mrs . .Floyd Coed 12980 cal J. C. Penn ey C. A. Gust aves on ·--..·-·· A ~urprise part y was give n in hon- · Unio n, ' for the ·re- Mon day, Gran ite bein g the victo ation oper W. O'Br ien. last week . an of ay wing Frid follo , Han s Jens en. Lake Jr., n, Gree A. 5 ~ 1328 }leet ... ..... the The bone s i~ sion. occa Miss Leo Trip p .. .... . -· ........... of this or ren, A Mot her's Day child ils. and tons y her Silve of ~ Mrs. Jame Jord an, $162.00 10135 mov al time over \ed worl were s Luci le Bate man .. head . ·1 give n Sund ay mol'Jling A marr iage licen se was issue d re- dil(g ers' M . 01 son, V Irgi and Albe rt were thll week E na hl . Glen , D a T. nifty some of Mrs. Z. T. Butt erfie ld · - ___ 10040 §plte lost in S. ward hous e. cent ly to Char les M. ~utterfiejd pf ;md tqey end guest~! of Mrs. Flor eta Mrs. Leo Palm er - · -··- --·- 10220 Midv ale, and ft!yr t\e Arno ld, of MJJr- pitch ing by Hend ricks on. T~e scor e of Salt Lake . , Gert rude Forb ush .._. -·· ... . 10000 to S. IS was ray, -·-....·--- ~-·- 102i0 Ma!e n D!lhl OECIOEO SUCCESS I a I I I ! I I . l I A: |