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Show .. THE .JORDAN JOU RNA L, MIDVALE, UTAH •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ne ws No te sin It'• a Priv ilege to Live Ut ah .... .... .... .... .... .... ..of • Tryiny to /)eat the Unbeatable Wheel By PROE HL HALL ER JAKL ON , OSEP H OWE RS Is the latest hero in the Monte Curio book of fairy tales. · When Joe picks up a fortun e In an aftern oon's play that's no longe r news. With a phenomen al series of succe sses dating back thirte en ;rears, this. f!pect ucular favori te of the Godde ss of Chanc e has establ ished a record that Is likely to stand for a long time. Twice within a period of ten days he left the trente et quara nte tables a winne r to the exten t of 300,000 francs . Last year he stopp ed play thirty -eight times at his favori te table ol'lly after stripp ing It of its quota of funds, a feat poetic ally but errone ously known as "brea king the bank." For no one has much chanc e of really b1·eak!ng the bank of the great Monte Carlo gamhl lng organ izatio n, a stock compa ny found ed In 1898 under the cheer ful title "Soci ete des Bains de l\Ier" (Socie ty for Sea Bathi ng). Its paid-I n capita l amou nts to many millio ns of dollar s, and the occasi onal big winni ngs of which one hears make but small nicks in the bulgin g treasu ry and can easily be charg od of! to adver tising expense . And good adver tising It Is. When a lucky playe r ''brea ks the bank" at Monte Carlo --that Is, com· pels the table to cease play until It has replen Ished Its cash box-a ll the world hears of it. What It doesn 't hear, howev er, Is the steady clinkclink of gold, fiowln g Into the Casin o's strong box from the regula r and almos t calcul able losses that fall to avera ge gambl ers. The ball o~ chanc e has travel ed milllo ns ot miles aroun d the rims of the roulet te wheel s at Monte Carlo In the fifty years of their merry and tragic cllckin g. And among the legion s of playe rs who anxio usly have follow ed the ball's path there ha>e been many pictur esque figure s. The comet of tha '90s was Capt. Arthu r Bowe r, the geniu s who in a single sitting plied up more than $1,000,000. In a single day he smash ed the bank three times, throw ing the croup iers and Casin o officials Into a state of frenzy with his power ful assau lt on all the princi ples of chanc e. Leavi ng the casino , he spent his money with a prodig al hand. He Upped a barma id $25 and a walte r $100, In Paris he hired a cafe orche stra and took It orr with him on his specta cular tour of the COQtlnent . Runni ng short of mone y-wh ich was not Infrequent ly-he would hie himse lt to the neare st casino , not only Monte Carlo, but also at Osten d, San Sebas tian and other famou s gamin g places ot Europ e, and begin his terrifi c drive on the bank. He had spent many years In South Ameri ca, he would declar e, perfec ting his system of play. And, whate ver It was, It worke d. He sporte d a yacht and a town house In Londo n. Later he marri ed a woma n with $5,000,000, but they quarr eled and paxted . Finall y his luck broke . Becom ing Involv ed In untur tunate t>nter prtses , he saw hls fortun e melt away. The other day In Londo n he was found dead In n JShabby board ing house . N<l one knows wheth er Bowe r's succe ss was due to a system or just plain luck, but while he was winni ng It was no secret that he had the C'Rs!no p1·opr ietors worrie d. The men on both sides of 1he roulet te table are human , and desplt P the huge annua l profit s accrui ng to the manag ement , tla•re Is alway s the fear on the latter 's part that someo ne will come forth with a system again st which no wheel can stand. To date no system ever luis put the main bank In dange r or even come near to doing so. But the Casin o realiz es that with so many minds focusi ng upon the Intric acies of the game there ls a!way s the remot e possib ility that some gt>nlus may evolve a system that might cause the Oasln o to totter on Its finant 'ial founclatlons. Muny years ugo the famou s Jagge rs worke d a system which , for a time, baffled the Ca.slno. Sev<'l'UI time~< he broke the bank, a big feat In those d!H"R and before long his consis tent succe ss at1r~ct,ed worrlt>d attent ion. At that time u wheel nmnln Pd alwuy s Ht the same table, but It occur red to t ho~e in charg e that a chang e in the whet>I rr.lght f'ffect also a chnng e In Jagge rs' unhea rd of luck. 'Tills remar kable player , howev er, had obs:erved a tiny white spot on the rim of thl::o lucky wheel , and conse quent ly, wher< lver the wltet•l went Jagge rs follow ed. Dis succe ss contin ued. Graclu· ally he raised hls stakes untll he was bettin g the maxim um sum allowe d. Not satisfi ed with his wln.hlred severa l men to play the system NO WOMAN CAN KEEP HOUSE EFFICIENTLY Without Good Health Myto n.-Th e grazin g capac ity tG my sister ill ~~~--~-~~-.:;:;::::::;;:;iii-w;;a-;;s~o~n a visitand Ashle y forest is fled by the depar t· she had taken Utica, Michi gan, ment for 1926 at 98,000 head of sheep able ComVeget am's Lydia . E. Pinkh and 9,800 head of cattle . It Is esti· pound , Her husba nd got me a bottle and I took It and felt so much mated that this allotm ent will perpe better that I got a. secon d one. Now, tuate the range . In additi on to-ran ge whene ver I feel run-do wn I take the leases held by Indivi duals, provis ion Veget able Comp ound and soon feel is made by which the ranch men with all right again . I have had three a few head of cattle or sheep may little girls In the last six years and do all my house work, sewin g, wash· have the use of the range . This is !ng, and ironin g. My time Is pretty accom plishe d throu gh range associR· taken up, but I will answe r any well tions, and the depar tment deals with s I recelv e."-M BS. FRANK Dr~. letter the offici als of these organ izatio ns inDORE, 823 Plerve Avenu e, Lanca ster, stead of with each memb er. Ohio. the in Logan .-Si& "nific ant chang es Sturg is, Mlch lgan. -"I am very coops ttion of grain may be broug ht thank ful for what your medic ine tion irriga of nts amou g varyin by has done for me and have recomabout by ed nstrat mende d it to others . I took It to demo been has water , it give me streng th before my baby a series of eperim ents now being carborn. I would have to stop work - - - - ~::;:::..;;;;;.;;;;::=:::::!!:::=:!!!!!:!!!Jj was ried on by the exper iment statio n of down somet imes all the after· l!e and RE MRs. FRANK orNDO the Utah Agric ultura l Colleg e at the noon. I felt as If I did not care eu PrCRc• AV&:Nu ll. LANcAs TER. OHIO wheth er anyth ing was done or not. I Green ville farm, near Logan . got tired out so easily . One day I Mant i.-A comm ittee has recen tly a e Mak found a little book on my porch a.nd Four Wall a Can been name d In Sanpe te count y to orthat night I showe d it to my busHouse, but it take s a Wom• band and he went down town and ganize a pea growe rs' associ ation. N. n chose e got me a bpttle of Lydia 'E. Pinkan to Mak e a Hom E. Noyes of Ephra im bas been ham's Veget able Comp ound. The chairm an of this comm ittee, and other To be a succes sful home maker , a medic ine has helped me so much memb ers are Ray 1\Iick elson and woma n must guard her health . When that I was soon able to do my work, pThom W. D. mothe r Is not well, the home Is up. and when my baby was born, my ; Manti Cox, B. e Georg set. Wome n every where are learn- nurse, Mrs. Forbe s, said it was the son, Ephra im; Hyrum Olsen , Maythrou gh their own perso nal exIng t birth she had ever attend ed. field; Josep h F. Bagne ll, Chest er; L. ces, as these wome n did. the easies perien be more than please d It I am wtll I Ross ancl C. Rasmu sl"en, Mt. Pleas ant, merit of Lydia E. Pinkh am's Veg_e- helptn g someo ne el.se by giving my table Comp ound. Thom pson, Sterli ng. testim onlal. "-1\IB S. EDWARD PEBeltis grain er srNo, 208 Surpr ise Ave., Sturg is, ~Wint years ten City. r Salt Lake Lanca ster, Ohio .-"Fo after my marri age, I had poor health . Michi gan. aellen t; SJ1ring planti ngs are practi care beets and ally compl ete, and grain Apar tmen ts lor Hors es Just the Rest of It doing well In all distri cts throu ghout The oth('r week I'olon ius and Candl · Phyll is-Jea n's roung man Is a the state, accor ding to the weekl y surhe? date, two ehamp ion chestn ut horr.E''!, vey of J. Cecil Alter, meter ologis t in 1 hands ome devil, Isn't their Doris -You 're partly right. He Isn't walke ri down 70 stairs from charg e of the local weath er burea u, stable beds in North Londc n and who decla res that the warm weath er 1 hands ome, thoug h. trotte d o:tl' to the horse show at Rich· _ ____ __ has favore d the growt h of veget ation 1 . 'mond and the accom plishm ent of farm work. The well-k nown cateri ng firm thn:t ST DU L-V and ready is ond Richm owns Polon lus and Candi 1Iate have Richm ond.ation celebr ssful solved their horse- housin g proble m by antici pating a succe and k stabli ng their anima ls ln a five-s tory when the eleven th annua l "Blac lly WOVen fa.briC ucrepe tte" especia of Jna.dA mansi on bullt of firepr oof concrt>te. White " day will be held. Aside from for only 10 cents and A wide concr ete stairc ase, carpe-tccl the fact that 300 head of cattle have or three attend ants spring forwa rd and bear you been entere d In the stock- judgin g con-j with soft peat, lt>ads from street to away into a room behin d one of the many mirro r stable . Up this t!Je hori>E-s walk to tests, the comm ittee that has the day tbat clone It ls y quietl and y quickl So doors. bed, and come down stairs to work In in charg e, heade d by L. B. Caine , ex I two weel<s' dnst1n1r onpply ot L!qn!d Veneer . scarce ly anyon e reallz es what Is going on. on Each floor is divide d drops fe" A any . at the morni ng Nothill,ll like It for dnsUnr pects e. larger attend ance than and. blem· your cloth remove s ALL dust. dlrtyour A seaso n or two ago a shot rang out In the large s-doubl~ rows of torle dorml p!anoJ into two us expos ition. !shes INSTA NTLY, and leaves olean ana gambl ing rooms . Atten dants ruflhe d forwa rd and previo furnitu re woodwoi'J[ epotle asly wide gangw ays. by ated stalls st>par the bea.ntl! uiiy polishe d. Moreov er it presc" os lmto !t whisk ed out of sight a limp form. "Do not be disSalt Lake City. -A sum of appro xiuse people Plano ~ler-p and are wly. feed, s lndellnl l!nlsb Here the horse proTA their brand new illBtrum ents. St"nd for turbed ," a croup ier urged the startl ed crowd . "It matel y $25,00,000 will be expen ded this ed, give exce.de!!Jrht ws be windo You'll groom ed. Large your lritEB bottl1> today. Remem ber, we lnclnde a bill 25c L· V Dust lR a triflin g Incide nt." And, as Is the custom , the year In better ing, repair ing and ex- , what must to lent llgltt and Yt>nt!latlon cts. ~~ al!alr was passe d over courte ously. Later the tendi n' the roads In the state of Utah ocnd If you Cloth 10 kable remar surely be one of the most .Don't miss story leaked out. A young Italla n banke r had accor ding to H. H. Blood , chairm an of this oppor· stable s in Londo n. tunlty. come to the resort with hls beaut iful bride, still the state hir;hw ay comm ission , who Buffa lo In her twent ies. For severa l days he staked small wa1 the 11peaker at the cham ber of No Use Specia lty sums on the wheel . Then the fever grippe d him, comm erce weekl y memb ership lunch , tht>se eggs nr6 ed, Iaggle any plung ess-!\ Comp he !\Iistr nnd fiingln g cautio n to the winds Liquid Z eon. I tl,oug ht I told The with him, alway s at his table. Jagge rs turnts bed ever. bank. n-s blR as hard losing 4,000,000 lire belong ing to Vmen Bid&-. the capita l and paid his assist ants fixed sums at soft? er them you I wante d Ballolo, N. T. Salt Lake Clty. -War m weath shot- and the old story again. the end of each day, after the winni ngs bad been Magg ie-Su re an' I blled thlm Anoth er traged y conce rns a Germ an who had durin g the past week, with some addihande d over. behours this time, mum, but It d entrus ted to his bride a large sum ot money tional rain, has favore d crop growt h When his winni ngs amou nted to more than $400,· his Reem to muke no dirrer ence. -Pn longin g to his firm which he had collec ted on and farm work, althou gh more rain 000 the autho rities becam e despe rate and sent to finder . honey moon. A stude nt of huma n nature , he would help &"enerally, accor dnig to the Paris for exper ts, who, after exami ning the losing lt him nt confro to likely J. of t ation repor tempt realiz ed the weekl y crop and weath er lntlam ed eyelid s or other wheel , found It slight ly out of balanc e. It was on his visits to Cecil Alter, In charg e of the local of him with money the eye lrrlta.t lons. You wlll ;} Brrr -Grr ! carrie« he eafe and ng Imme diatel y scrapp ed, and since that time each soothi a tlnd wife his edge, knowl his ut the rooms . But, witho "Did you tell Bill Jones I was flee of the weath er burea u. remed y ln MITC HELL wheel Is tested carefu lly with a level every mornto the wheel 's lure, and day after mbed E. succu SALV had EYE deadb eat?" Ing before play starts . Ogde n.-Th e heavy move ment of at all wildly . ing plung been BALL & RUCK EL had she room er anoth In day "No; he know s It as well as I do. drucg tstl. New York car Monte Carlo today Isn't what It forme rly was, Califo rnia spring Iambs eastw ard, sted entru 0 $40,00 entire the lost had she When accord ing to the compl aints of habitu es, who rehas been delay ed three weeks to her keepin g, she threw herse lf to death over which memb er the Casin o when lt was the haunt ot becau se of the extrem ely dry spell the sea wall. mona rchs and the nobtn ty. They don't like the is now begin ning, it is The wheel was the cause of these traged ies and I on the coast ' Intrus ion of curiou s touris ts who shoot the works by receip ts at the Ogden Union althou gh the endin gs are grim and terrib le their shown to the exten t of two or three dollar s and call It Appro ximat ely 7000 lambs plots are simple . Here, howev er, Is a tale as stocky ards. a day. Of course , the big plung ers are ever at six decks arrive d. bafflin g and myste rious as any taken from fiction. in fortyhand, but the roman tic tales of the tables seem n woma Early one mornin~ a strikin gly beauti ful Salt Lake City. -The first carloa d to have occur red with greate r freque ncy In the old a of air the had She Parts. De Hotel the at d arrive days than they do now. of Utah aspar agus to leave the state Incogn ito. Her hat was extrem ely lng travel !'S prlnce war h Frenc a or in capta a of this spring was shipp ed to Chica go There 's a story unsui table to travel ln. most and g lookin sive expen which of funds ship's the s Cross by the Smith & cruise r who, after losing were screw ed into her !rom Wood ires solita nd diamo Large ement manag the that of Salt Lake, the he had charg e, deman ded match ed pearls Hanco ck comp any tly perfec of string A ears. deeply were ls of the cham ber make good his losses . The officia else she may have agricu lture comm ittee thing Every . throat her ed adorn as him with thized moved by his tale and sympa of comm erce has been inform ed. Anworn, excep ting a pair of smart -looki ng shoes, they alway s do with people who have lost large other car I~ expec ted' to leave Wood s was covere d by an unusu ally long coat of pricesums. But, they shrug ged their should ers, his Cross for easter n marke t soon.. The less Russi an sables . From n gtJid mesh bng packe d propo sal was out of the questi on. "All right, " relture comm ittee has been work~ with bank notes she paid for her room. Throu gh- agricu marke d the very much ruined Frenc h navy capIn her ing for some time to provid e new outalone ned remai n woma the day the out return to tain, ''I'll give you until tomor row noon fruits and vegeut ~ven ringin g for food. Towa rds side marke ts for Utah witho fOOm, I don't yon If . funds ship's my of nt amou the evenin g, howev er, she ordere d a place reserv ed tables . shall bring my ship Into the harbo r of 1\!onaco, MO THE R:- Flet cher 's for her In the dining room and asked also that a Salt Lake City.- Incre ased deman d eomm llnd my men to train our guns on this Casin o, her. for ticket for the evenin g's opera be obtain ed for highe r educa tion still const itutes Castoria is a pleasant, harm and llke this-p utt 1-I'll blow your palace orr the was focuse d on her, not ion attent r dinne g Durin time colthis the at in me m for e proble lt troubl dificu more most the map. A little less Substitute for Castor Oil, only becau se ot her beauty , but becau se, despit e leges and unive rsities of the count ry, Is as nothin g." Paregoric, Teething Drop s the warm th of the room, where all other wome n accor ding to Presid ent Georg e Thom Whet her it was a blul! or not, the threat worke d sable the wore she dress, g e>en!n were In fitmsy and Soothing Syrups, espeas of the Unive rsity of Utah, who reand It Is record ed that the cnpta ln receh- ed back feet. to t throa from closed coat, sive turned Thurs day after an exten the money he had taken trom the ship's safe. cially prepared for Infan ts in arms and short. A walte r repor ted later tour of the leadin g easter n institu was r dinne to Her power Its In thing every does Carlo Monte that he thoug ht he had seen her pour into her hand tions. avoid scand al. So great is Its gener osity that I! To avoid imitations, alway s look for the signat ure of a numb er of small tablet s from a bottle , and a playe r lose his all he Is o:tl'ered a strong Incenmend ay Salt Lake City. -Utah 's highw Prove n directions £!! ~ package. Physicians everywhere recom crunc h them down as she drank a glass ot chamtive not to blow out his brains . This Incent ive Is pagne . At the opera she remov ed her hat, but progr am for 1926 will be explai ned to called the "vlatl que,'' and all the unfor tunate one the coat she retain ed. After the perfor manc e she memb ers of the cham ber of comm erce has to do IS to tell the prope r official that he Is return ed to her room. About two or three o'cloc~ at the weekl y memb ership lunch eon broke and that he wants his "vlati que." The otUIn the morni ng a young man, comin g In late, on Wedn esday , by Henry H. Blood , clal scribb les somet hing on a slip of paper and notice d the door next to his own stand ing slight ly chairm an of the state road comm isdirect s him upsta irs to anoth er room. Here he ajar. There was no light within the room, but sion, who will be the guest of the repea ts the story of his losses , and after It Is verias he passe d he heard stiftPd groan s and strang e cham ber at the invita tion of its good fied the manag em<ln t provid es a secon d-clas s passound s o! difficu lt breath ing. He called a maid roads ' comm ittee. Lloyd Weet er Is sage home wltl1 enoug h extra chang e for expen ses purwho entere d the room and switch ed on the light. chairm an of the latter . of the journe y. Of course , you can't go in a get On the bed lay a young woma n ghastl y pale and posely to lose your last dollar In order to Salt Lake Cily. -The eleven th anuncon scious , but still strang ely beauti ful. She was $200 "vlatl que" back to your home thous ands of it of Cache Valley Holst ein weari ng a filmy under garme nt, a palr of silk stock- nual exhib miles away, but if you're a bona tlde loser you be held at Richm ond. This logs, and-n othin g else. Searc h of the room re- cattle will can rely upon the Casin o for assist ance, which called the "Blac k and White " vealed no other clothe s excep t her slloE>s and the event , Is given gladly In order that you won't comm it a out the leadin g dairy 8tock sable coat. Why she wore the coat In the hot day, brings rash act and put them to the troubl e and grief ot. interm ounta in region 's forerestau rant and In the theate r was now easily un- ln the buryin g you In that tragic plot of groun d on a Living room, bedro om-k itchen or pantr ycount y. The progr am for de's dersto od. All else conce rning this Ill-fat ed crea- 1 most dairy ~;teep hillsid e outsid e the town -the "suici upstai rs or down -ever y room in the house on calls for the cattle to be day the ies Inquir ry. myste a day, this to ns, remai ture can be made bright and attrac tive--c lean and cemet ery." at 9: 30 o'cloc k, with studs groun the one No g. nothin d availe pollee secret sanita ry with King Wall Finish . of the Suicid es at Monte Carlo avera ge about twelve a ng at that time. The starti g judgin dent came she where knows one No body. claim ed the Easy to mix~asy to apply -and so econo miyear, and of this numb er more than half, the manthe show will comfor s judge als offici In ey journ ad railro a make to had cal that a dollar 's worth is usuall y more than from, why sht' ageme nt would like us to bellev e, prove not to be at 10:30 o'cloc k. work their mence Carlo Monte a chose enoug h to decora te the average-sized room. she why or such tragic haste, gambl ers at all, but men and, once in a great while, you Don't spend a olngle penny for dccorat lnJ untilWdte opera for her funer al music . ftniah. wall of ble head rematka -one this Thirty about wome n who hav~ lost llttle or nothin g nt the more City.lcnow Lake Salt Casin o attt>n dants for years have made a practoday for Color Chart ohowin 1 19 beautifu l colon to tables , and have Jllayed only with small amou nts from the famou s cows dairy ein Holst they e suicid any of t choose from and name of dealer nearut you. ,, vocke the into tlce of thrust ing New in In the hope that gambl ing would be held respon herd ica Amer of THE CHICAGO WHIT E LEAD & OIL CO. find a roll of blllrl, by way of establ ishing r1roof \Vood men 15th St. and S. \Veste m Ave., Chicaso, Ill. by sible for their nets. The ren~on for choos ing Utah to ht broug nted Yorl{, have been accou that tables the at losses not one was it nny that which with 1\Ionaco Is tl.e conve nif'nce Richa rds of the Richa rds Livefor the trn~elly. Becau se of the gt•ner al public ity Harol d bent on self-d estruc tion may here achiev e his ends. comp any as found ation stock. afford ed this trarllt lon, thert> Is a story told of a I stock In the princi pality there is no bothe rsome coron ·wood men of Amer ica 1 gamh 'er who, after losing his last sou, wancl NPd The Modre ner's Inque st, nnd thus a family quarre l, the deone of the outsta nding show out into the groundH,. discha rged a pl>'tol nnrl ftll herd is spair of a jilted IoYer or the sl•nme of a betray ed the count ry and has high proin hE"rds I ftat, but watch ful, w1th nn em_rty billfol d beslue husba nd, can b? compl ete!y hidden . t y of T d t• . Rnd up In 11 mome nt af stenlt hy hgure crept recor s as weh11 . d wen wn him. auc DIST RIBU TOR , Al!lllwugh n few real traged ies have occur red ln 1 . Ut th rwo . 1 wallet 1 the Into notes o 1 ge are packa ng a ry cl ghly a sl!ppc a e newco mers n the gambl ing room>;, the emplo yees are thorou ·d .. th " f ilk SAL T LAK E GLA SS & P~NT CO. i in b tt r than 1 lx all 0 0 us c1ever1r th ree m 1nu t es 1a t t>r tl 11s su 1c1 e, nhappe lar lrreg·u g makin or of art the In mth led stto b schoo ed et 1 ~ resupp lied with fuud!l, was back at the table' ag vd ayg an an SALT LAKE CITY , UTA H l'I'O are i vmg e er Ings pass of!' as regula r or, at most, as mere them. of best the with ~ lung'" s. I e~ht gallon trivlal ltles. If you falnt or collap se nt play, two ..._.. P 2SC CLOTH ildren -- W al l F· |