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Show THEJORDANJOURNAL,MIDVALE.UTAH ' ·~one W...ELLIE 'R.._EVELL Says: 1 Al~IEI~ICAI'I HoweAbout- U:GIOI\l I~~~ I azan F iliE I "BAYER ASPIRIN" PROVED SAFE Told and fortune are things that Fear as Take not everyon e can have. But to have a friend, even though he be only a in "Bayer" Package four-leg ged one, compen sates for a lot of things. In the public ward of the (@,Doub leday, Page & Co.) (Copyrlv ht by The Boll Syndlca.t e, Inc.) by tbo (Copy tor Thla Departm ent Supplied • hospital In wblch I once dwelt, there American Le&ion New• Sen·tce~) useful of lay a human derelict . He had no visiThere Is a great amount It tors, he had no money, but he did educati on in the world. Acquire WEST VIRG INIA IS have one friend. and you may live more comfort ably, WNU Service Day and night for eleven weeks a . WINNER OF TROPHY usefully , eas!ly, more succe~sful!y. nave seen the lightnin g fta~hlng In suddPnt y when he lost hls balance and yellow creatur e of the type c01nmonly Why not, therefor e, aim to acquire this the sky. nut as It was, there had fell. Ile let out n piercing cry of terWOLF PART to as "pup," "kl-yoo dle," or PART DOG, West Vlrg!n!a departm ent of the useful educati on from month to month, been nothing for him to do in that ror as he felt ltirm;elf slipping , and referred a marvelo us exhibiti on of Americ an Legion was recently de· year to year, day to day, as you find cavern under the windfal l I.Jut · then plunged dowmn1 rd. He must "cur" gave black Canathe of story This stirring while pawing out a living from clared the winner of the 1926 Henry time for educati on? Why neglect It stumble ai.Jout a little in the darlmes s, have been high up In the windfal l, for loyalty much a so not Is ess wildern dian the garbage (·ans at the rear of the D. Lindsle y nationa l member ship con· when you have spare time? Why enand lick with his tiny red tongue the to Baree It was a trenwnd ous fall. His sequel as It Is a 'success or to his owner was coaJames Oliver Curwoo d's dog clastest a:tl1)r the most drama tic and close- gage In foolish, annoyin g argume nts that were strewn nl)('>'l' 1 •oft little body thumpe d from log to hospital where bones raw finer!. sic, "Kazan ." And It sta.nds on ly conteste d finish In the history of or mission s? them. 11Ianv times he had been lel'l log as he shot this way and that. nnd It Is a dog story, merits. own Its Pete--f or that, I underst and, was was there , ~ age stopped the L!nd~;ley race. With a percent lie had heard his mother rome when at last he s alone. element human all has It but In be must who ever left the sideI know a woman of 124.98 West Virginia nosed out and nearly always It had been scarcely a br!'ath left in him. But hP the dog's name-n that make It good reading -love, go, und never She he arrived In the rhoor! of sixty. adventu re and fighting . There Is n yelp from Kazan that stood up quicl<ly on his four trembll ug walk, from the ~ay to Idaho, second with 110.63 per cent, the ne!ghho e respons In taught, te and could not the lovely French- Indian girl, wake of the p:l.trol wagon in which Unless you see the "Bayer Cross.. and F~rida, third with 100.98 per cent. could sing came to them Uke a distant echo. He legs-an t! I.Jl!nked. the Nepeese ; Plerrot, the trapper ; the until music" her up he "kept has Once but . brought was friend his on packag e or on tablets you nre not The Lindsle y trophy Is awarde d anA new terror held Baree rooted there. had never felt u very strong desire to sinister Bush McTagg art; Carvel, quit· of signs no shows and admitpresent gained n, doorma the eluded And In their the adventu rer. getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin nually to the departm ent attainin g the follow until this day when Kuzan's In an Instant the whole world hac! . That's the trouble with lives Baree plays a thrilling his face. In changed . It was a flood of sunllgh t. tnnce to the hospita l and found his proved safe by millions and prescrib ed d ca1·esse tongue highest perc~ntage of Its precedi ng tlng. cool big, part-a major role. Part dog and he heard "his by physici ans over twenty- five years for art: it has so many enthusi astic lady year's member ship by March 1. those wonder ful seconds nature was at Everyw here be looked he could see way to a cot. There part wolf, Baree Is dog when aappreci real no have who rs er underfollowe 'Vhatev voice." s master' Nev.er In the history of the Lindsle y work. His lnstlnet was not quite born strange things. But It was the sun that It comes to serving his friends Headac he ability. no Colds nt, judgme them no art, of between tion had they g and wolt when he wreaks "engewhen Kazan went frighten ed him most. It was his first standin And then. cup competi tion has the race finished untll Lumbag o Neuriti s they talk as t110ugh they were old ance on hls enemies . Baree'~:~ alone In darknes s, Impress ion of fire, and It made his seemed to satisfy Pete, for he went them leaving away, under such dramati c circums tances. And and human Rheum atism I! a man Intellige nce Is almost Tootha che Art herself. • . red for him to come eyes smart. He would have slunk back out and resumed his vigil at the door. whimpe Baree During the 48 hours precedi ng the M!ssus fault. no Is there courail'e his In Pain, Pllln Neuralg ia similar abll!ty should keep up his ~ back, just us he had cried for his Into the friendly gloom of the windIn the beginni ng Baree Is as wild close of the contest the member ship of other the beyond, and sixty to singing the of of thing ao a.ny other wild Evet·y box office treasur er hears Each unbroke n "Bayer " packag e con• mother when now and then she had fall, but at this moment Gray WoU cards of the departm ents of West VIr· make violent fun of him: would Sllent Places. But he comes In men often so hearing and call. vision e mate's her todefectiv to e sped log, r!'spons being great In a were him of left end Idaho talns proven directio ns. Handy boxes g!nla and came around the touch with civiliza tion through they save htm long before he usually l hospita ear and eye foran the thinks above he Indianstraight at was muzzled arters sun She The headqu l Nepeese of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug. ward nationa followed by Kuzan. h!s love !or the lovely sixty. is proA theater. vllevery the for Kazan's adjoin after hatred his should two or mo~t through hour a an and In when, Kazan est and gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Buree joyously , ..,11Polls by rail and air. differen t wltl: a woman. I It's But . McTa.gg art, through ng !actor, somethi d l&ln mumble Be. . away patron slipped spectlve . Wolf Arthur This der, Gray tall. his visit, comman 's wagged West VIrginia dogllke fashion his loyalty to the lovable advenheard the editor of a local paper say Your shoes feel easy if you use Boree's nest and the top of the mark of the dog was to be a part of 1 about, "Can't see very well and a little tween G. Yates, and adjutan t, Roderic k G. Baree Is It And Carvel. turer, write o to ed compell was he that windfal l were forty feet of jammed Baree. Half wolf, he would always wag deaf," to Charles Thomas ln the box who brln&'B to10ethe r Cu.l·vel and Merrick , taking no chances of getting the singing of old for notice" "good . Nepee£e conbro~n timber through which not lly and persona their cards In late, hls talt. He tried to wag lt now. Per- office at the Century theater In New the prospec t that Stops the pain of Corns and Art Mlssus blackThis break. could light of hE!ad· l ray a nationa • veyed 3,000 of them to haps Kazan saw the effort, for he York last week. At the moment Bunions and you can and him. d sickene a muffled yelp of approba tion Thomas was toying with a bunk pin all day In ease and (juarter s to place them under the wire walk emitted ~ I Nothing gives er Chapt he acciden tally flicked out of comfort. which s. haunche his on back on- F~>bruary 28. Their action won for sat he as does he me writes An Indiana doctor t.o bot, tired, relief such the of side public the to -1 West Vir~nla the Lindsle y contest, Dot believe Henry Ford can read and Or he might have been saying to his ha'lld or awol· Inflamed aching, window . To Baree, !or many days after he for other departm ents, dependi ng on think as the average mr,n does. len feet, blisters or calGray Wolf: was a vast gloomy luses, A little WEN'S The patron, a courteo us, middlethe air-mall and regular mall service, "Well, we'\·e got the little rascal out Henry Ford Is the Intimat e friend was boru, the world E sprinkle d In FOOT·Eo\S stooped aged woman, Immedi ately got their cards In too late to beat of Thomas A. Edison. These two men cavern. of that windfal l at last haven't we?" In the morning shoe each life his tb.e mounta ineers. w1ll makeyo uforgeta bout For Baree It had been a great day. with alacrity , picked up the pin from take vacatio ns togethe r, sleep In the . During these first days of tight shoes. It takes the · The first ten departm ents to finish same tent, sit around the same camp his home was In the heart of a great He had discove red his father- and the the floor and restored It to Thomaa friction from the shoe. Al· er treasur The . window the through windfal l where Gray Wolf, his blind In the Lindsle y race were: West VIr- fire and exchang e views. world. ways use It for Dancing the thought ginia, 124.98; Idaho, 110.63; Florida , You may depend upon It, 1\lr. Edi- mother, had found a safe nest !or his In New Rboes. For Free Break to And It was a wonder ful world- a could not resist a smile eatvision. and The of the alleged defectiv aample and a Foot-Pao e Walking Doll, address 100.98; Oklahom a, 88.55;. Wyomin g, son would not spend his idle time with babyhoo d, and to which Kazan, her everyof empty world of vast silence, ALLEN'S FOOT-E ASE, LeRoy, N. Y, w!.se" also. mate, came only now and then, his 815.70; Montan a, 80.55; Indiana , 80.39 ; a man who cannot read and think. wllc1. woman "got the of es crc:atur the but thing she "I'm taking my grandm other," Arizona , 79.84; North Dakota , 77.07; ever knew eyes gleamin g like strange balls of ~'he smartes t man I The nearest IIudson 's Bay post was a said. "It's she who can't see very STOP THA T COU GH was It s. darknes the In fire h greenis 74.91. Kansas, might have made the "break" llenry town first the and away, miles hundred well and It's my hearing that's bad." with Boschee 's SyruP- the old reliable Unprec edented pre-Ma rch member · Ford Is accused of making on the wit- Kazan's eyes that gave to Baree his of clv!llza tlon was a straigh t three down "two for existing good ng was nce somethi alibi of experie The ion the family remedy that has been in use been Impress has first ship activity ness stand. hundred to the south. Two years be- front.'' they and side, out s through mother' his year from this 60 years. Loosen s and brings up away for Legion of the I have forgotte n the detail~; he fore, TuRoo, the Cree trapper, had o! ry discove his many also 0 In him to resulted phlegm and eases the dryneils and has brought the the nation and didn't know what "sic" or "Ibid" called this his domain. It had come smell, eould he feel, UJ). how set could g He being vision. member!<hlp records irritatio n. At all druggis ts. HOc and Someon e ls always lnquh·in meant- someth ing like that. down to blm, as was the law of the pit black thnt In VIrut lt West did hear-b Idaho, how startetl, and Three departm ents, 90c. If you cannot get it, write to All the same, he is an old fox for 1~ could forest, through generat ions of fore- my trouble never had he their timber first ed I fallen under the , when did ginia and Florida , had surpass G. G. GREI~:-<. I:-<C., Wooclb ury, N. J. smartne ss. fathers ; but Tusoo had been the last happen, meaning first ·At came. March eyes the the before ocked In 1een untn 1025 member ship figure ----<9 -of his wornou t family; he had died of notice I had been shell-sh ity pm:zled they commun a U1en in the him; ed earned "over about Is they frighten Whatev er question is 1, 1926. Three departm ents smallpo x, and hls wife and Ills chil- battle of life. That "Ilow high Is us answer to top" before March 1 Is an unpre- should be reinves ted In ft. . . • Say him, and his fear changed to an 1m· easy as dren had died with him. Since then s looking produce be nity would He commu y. determi ne mense curiosit cedente d record !n the L(>g!on. Idaho a certain farming foot had tuken up his trails. up?" It is as impossi ble to human no they The once etc. Is Pure and Swee t at hay, all \Yhen stock, Febis when It will straight nt th.,m, corn, wheat, lll'e led the nation by going over on lynx had multipli ed. The moose when It starte<1 as it 'fhe when s was product This these of ar. sale causes were would dlsnppe ruary 24. Florida and West Virginia profits from the and caribou had gone unhunte d b)' end. And the contrib uting nts. It treatme the as us numero as went over neck and neck on Febru- should be turned back Into that com- Kazan turnfd !lis head. And then they man. 'l'he beaver had built their of out farm aguln bette& him at ly. The docwouid flush back munity in better schools, Sampl.s Soap, Ointment, Taleum free. Addreu: ary 28. homes undistu rbed. The tracks of the came slowly and gradual Cat1cura. Labor&tor1ea. Dept. 1-t. Malden.llt .ll. wny. same the leav-e would lt Florida establis hed perhaps the machine ry, better fertilize rs, better the darknes s with such startlin g sudsaid tor as the tracks thick as were bPar black about the most remark able member ship record homes for the workers , better bins for denness t11at Baree would Involun tarily of the deer farther south. And where I know now he was right out what BEAUTIFY IT WITH found have I But ." by not only going over the top of last the grain, better housing for the farm !hl·lnk closer to his mother, who al"slowly onee the deadfal ls mld polson- baits of If the citizens of a ways tremble d and shivere d In n Everyw here He Looked He Could See when that, thing the It's Is. year's total, but by exceedi ng Its 1926 animals . hope Tusoo had kept the wolves thinned "DIAMOND DYES" find and solitaire Strange Things. playing are you quota, conside rably higher than the county In Iowa make money from the strange sort o! way when Kazan no longer a menace was there down, With a soil and strip It hy using surplus earn- came ln. without a move, makes 192:1 figure, on March 11. he had for these mobelm ns of the wildern ess yoursel f stuck Baree, of course, would never know ness dld not frighten him, !or the deck once more Just Dip to Tint or Boil to through run you quota of 9,989, Florida on that date Ings In buying town lots In Californ ia Followi ng the sun of this first wonthe niennln g of light. Dny, a way out. That's find you'll turned cards In at nationa l headqua r- at great prices, they are guilty of a their story. He would never know yet to learn trusting night, was to flU him with his derful day came the moon and the hope. ters showing a paid-up member ship mistake surprisi ng In the people ot that Gray Wolf, his mother, was a and not Each 15-cent ly, stars of Baree's first real night. It Iowa, who are general ly intellig ent. A full·bloo ded wolf, and that Kazan, his first great terrot·. So quite fearless of 10,075. ~ u contain s it age with and night, splendid Wolf was a commu nity Is as much entitled to a father, was s. dog. In him nature was he began to follow. I:t Gray had bave may I forillusion so simple er the tlons over Whatev up sailed moon n to full red beginni ng Its wonder ful work, heard him, she paid no attentio fair deal as a man. already ed dissipat was copy good new a was can tint I wlth that woman $, earth the Thank n, Appreciatio her claws ests, flooding ----<9 -but It would never go beyond certain his call, and the scrape of nurse. my by beaut!· shades more recently and delicate softer ot ilmltati ons. It would tell him, ln time, on the dead timber died away swiftly. kind of light, by Certilied Check The man who makes a failure the always she bed of out me In strong taking In was wolf The This time naree did not stop at the ful to Baree. "Apprec iation and thanks by words life can explain !t perfectl y, but t11at his beautifu l wolf-mo ther was ing to drunka do they as him ch log which had always shut hlm, and he was restlesii . He had lifts my feet first before attempt regard eight-In llre receive{! quite often in this office, people blind, but he would never know of that swung she day other the The of up. me wnrmth hoist the In silks, r!hhons , lar direc- slept that day abuse but thanks by certified check not so ard or gambler . . . . People terrible battle between Grny Wolf and ln his world In that particu my under g reachin this in and, sleep around, not me waists, dres~es, the success ful man, but they do not the lynx In which hls mother' s sight tion. He clamber ed to U1e top of It sun, but he could often." me on my feet. I stood rs, no~ed uneasily He shoulde moon. the of stoeking s, 'glow Beside. do other the they on that e over rolled evidenc and As Thus did Watson B. Miller, chair- mean it. had been destroy ed. Nature could tell waste basket that her the on In flat right lay who landed Wolf, Gray 's, about he and draperl! re, which In adventu vast manner was greedy this the yond man of the Americ an Legion rehabll1 · not, note him nothing of Kazan's merclle ss venthe bed. \Vhlch near listen· g alert, standin head l was beautifu lter s belly, a hanging ously. ahu~e The courage it him. into after" plunged "run geance, of the wonder ful years of their tntlon commit tee at Washin gton, D. C., they Ignoran t thing! as Is she if sounds. wonder night me the to makes gly yearnin the lng make to easter is time ful long a success him being took It for matehoo d, of their loyalty, their express himself recently when he re- man gets he enme to a and for the tonguin g of Kazan, who of newsp11per cm;tom s as she pretend s Buy Diamon d Dyes-n o other ceived a check from a disabled vet- to bear than abu~e for being a failure. stl'ange advPntu res in the great Cana- first twenty yards. Then the hunt. to If lt really was acciden tal or and tell your druggis t whethe r the be. shadow a to llke gone Gray had of feet the by -smooth ----<9 worn log dian wlldern ess-lt could make him eran who had benefite d to the amount years ago I was In a steamSeveral Wolf and Kazan, and, stoppin g every ffalf a dozen times, as Baree wan· lf she has a news sense. One thing terial you wish to color is wool or s! the of agency the Kazan. through of son a $2,111 of only ring dered about near the windf<tll, he Is certain, that If she dumps me In or whethe r it ls linen, cotton or ship room and very miserab le. The wonder ful day few feet to send out a whimpe that came Legion rehabll! tatlon service. then And the wasteba slwt I will escape the goods. recomm ended a certain remfire that eall for his mother, he made his war heard o soft whir over his head, and of balls h "1 shall always rememb er the steward greenis the when ~omposlng room and wl!l not be left sold he had never known It nearer and farther and farther along it. As h~ once 9-r twice he saw gray shaLlows came eyes Amer!(l an Legion and the men who edy and Kazan's were I had been taking It fall. there grew slowly a curious ftoatlrf, ·iftly tl'lrough the air. They in the overset. Surpr ised Him a Little secured my just dues," said Garland to nearer, a little at a time, and very went, way ~ that It's • had . lle . his. days. swoopin g of owls world several n for tills norther In big change the were vetthe had JI.Io., Wolf is, Gray ore Memph of Xot all the visitors un Auto F. Carter cautiou sly. Heretof ss. And down to investig ate him, and If he had time when yon are "bored to blackne in everyth ing; good advice Some me but with nothlnr, known aided. was Legion alone be the To whom eran are hartl -heu<l<'<l, prnc>tlcr·l foUrs warned him back. wolf-do g tears," sufferin g from ennui or delvtly does not apply to my case. a of blaC'l~ness seemed breakin g frequen this instead now rai.Jbit a I.Jeen 1\Illler, during breed wrote wild know," her "As you minrls full or motor I<IPa~. For the first law of ~ shapes nnd whelp, his first night under the moon ing for a new thrlll just try bringing strang~:) Into up itself for her pay from accept snarl not low A does . ng-time stance, one man :stoppC'd lwfore "the Legion We once traveled to Florida by motheri the flash of and stars would hul'e been his last; (not sending ) a few boxes of candy caught be Once s. shadow . forstopped shall I always had men. and Kazan service to disabled the alluring sign!-;; "The Fine~t automob !!e, and had us driver a throat, he was to the childr~>n's hall of some hOSl)irabbit, the , 11~reak above him-a gleam of fiery \Yapoos a unlike for come. endownot s did Legion' snarl the the to day \Yorltl," :-:miled a wl'e bit But on this ward the S25 him so that not eautlou s. Gray Wolf did not watch tnl. Or a few cartohs of cigarett es In the gentlem an of such dignity and talent startled It n-and sunshl In In away utilized died It be may throat It ocltl ! I lllcmgh t In Gray Wolf's ment fund that upon the Jog him closely. In~tlnct told her tha.t In to the men's hall (he sure to include remark ed: "That·~ that we didn't call him "Walter ," but down himself d ftottt!1'le he or note their A s, sound. veteran ring disabled a low, whimpe helping othC'r was in l'hiillcle lph!u thi~ week." Mr. Bell. He had long been a country n gt'eat and did not move for half a minute. these forests there was no great dan· matche s), or u few baskets of fruit falo En'ning Timl'~. of s, gladnes of ss, loneline depende nts and orphans ." town hero in ills line: old ladies felt An ermine squenke d ger for Ba ree except at the hands of to the women' s hall. yearnin g. "lt is all right now,'' she Then he went on. the swift rustling man. In his veins ran the blood ol safe when he was at the wheel, and heard He hlm. Ask the person in charge to let you was saying to Kazan; and Kazan - under Legion Auxil iary H a& curious a and all the men wanted his advice. about feet, 's other all of a squirrel see her distribu te It, and If you don't Sweet and Low the wolf. He was a hunter of pausln~t for a momen t to make surealhad he nut all . at not biles. was your of automo . that t tbr1ll creature the hut-whu other had no whut-w have hut s, you say creature wild deep hionerl :\I other- Hoek note ng Olcl-Fas First All-In dian Unit answeri nn bud roads, replied with bod ever either winged or fanged, hunted him. life it Is time for you to leave this baby, on a tree-top . mother hls sound any like The first all-Indi an unit of the Amer- ways been accusto med to throat. a perfect pa\'e- In his was orr the trail. planet and seelc a ll<)W unh·ers e, for Ican Legion Auxilia ry Wll.'l cll'llrtered and when he came to 1\fnr!Prn Bahy-O h, ran It! slowly, as If not quite sure of made. He Still he seen, never and had he smooth, kind a longer of no you. ment was In Jog left The thrill a Isn't there to go to slPP!l !-]l[iss ouri Out! recent!J" at Bullhea d, S. D. The unit, came to that what he would find, Kazan higher and upwa1·d him wild leading little ng was It appeali an What ~ the Auxilia ry of Barney Brough t post was cautiou s; he seemed to think his to d closer l, Yery care- them, and naree snuggle creatur e is this Baree- part dog, us he higher into the tangle of the windfal of the Legion, Is known as WHst Wind maybe it was trap, drove Kazan heard lie "Do you think I'm happy?" as the moU1er. As . foot nervous every plainly er was narrow and gww1ng fully, was and wolf! part unit. belly his on It late-lom entecl Joe Welch used to say road dropped down heavily His soft \Ylliued. lie sed. progres he l The applica tion was signed by 15 soon as be struek the old bud unufralt In opening his monolog ue. I was fur and close to Urny Wolf. He was warm Indian women. All of the signers of again, he was pe~·fectly at home, And Kazan, little nose sought vainly for the curious. mtghtlly -and from it. I was not having half the . I am a little The end came mother. (TO BE CONTIN UED.) his of scent the In the applica tion are married to mem· his old self. He sniffed. fun In the hospital that my mental ns are per- too, was curious. a bers of Barney Brough t post. The that way. When conditio alert. Afte,· flip-flops might have led others to beha vlng gloom his ears were Inch acting preside nt of the unit Is Mrs. fect I am a little frighten ed, move. An Ueve. Those who know me can hardto had llttle Baree b~gan to away Julia Bullhea d. Other charter mem· been accusto med all my life himself ly Imagine me convuls ed with joy at per- at a time he dragged muscle bers are l\lrs. Susan Iron Shield, 1\Irs. conditio ns. When I am with de. Jo;very having to lie Gn my back all done up am a little !rom Gray Wolf's sl her Harriet Yellow Earring , Mrs. Lucy fectly behaved people I In her lithe I.Jod;r tensed. Again like Joon of Arc, staring at the cell· ways. Bear Ribs, Mrs. Julia Sees the Bear. nervous ; I am used to rough was warning her. There blood wolf lng of a sunless room for four years. a ce Someon e nttem1't etl to lntrottu ~ Or. ::lamuel Johnson used a t.ludg· drew Mrs. Julia Brave Crow, Mrs. Joe Iron llps Her Boree. for danger only outside views of life I had was The Vesey, Mr. A news Item lately caused me to eon rather thnn u rupier In ltt:s t'etJat•- frleud: ''Here I<> my frletu1, throat Thunde r, Mrs. Jesse Shoe String, Mrs. IIer fangs. her baring through a window which overback, were said It related that in some of the tee, !Ill SOllie >UtecJJie::. olbout hino b) Uoctor J ulm:mn." ''I :see him," never Mary Leaf, Mrs. Elizabe th Leaf, Mrs. blush. It !n note the but d, tt·emhle some factorie s and wholesa le looked excavat ions now going on, tablets were Charle.,; Uo!>ldu., Clark In the .'1/orth the doctor unt1 turnet! ttwuy. rds yn two Lillie Goodeagl~. Mrs. W1Ills Mouns. darknes the of Out came. houses. twenty- eight hundred years oldAmerica n llev!ew >~iww. On one oe· Sir Lyuch l'ottuu ttsked Dodor tain, Mrs. Straigh t Pine, Mrs. Mary found away cume a ooft, puppyis h whine. But there was one other thing to be writThe era. n Christia ucthe ~ than polttpou er u , Stm<lUY Jolttl~oll what Ire tlwug-lrt or u uelgh· caMion, ou 11 Bald Head and Mrs. Clara One Feather . Kazan's of sound g Cltreeeln the and throu~h the window aod whens;)en Ing on the tablets being deciphe red by !1Ualntant:e, wholu he <lid not l!lte, 1Jorl11g peer. "A <lull, colllltltH lpl!lce tongue. felt myself yielding to an atI ever learned men, It was discove red to he a came up to ltltU with, ·'Uoctor John· $t.Jl"t U[ llJHU," he UU!:i\\'t'I"C t1, ••ju,::~t llk.e This stateme nt merely Jlrst his of thrill the rclt hatl Tact Befor e Truth Baree self-pity I looked at it-the of tack protest agaln~t the extrava gance and ser·uaoh you ttlld your brother. " lt excellel uu h11t1 •·e over one huud1·ed t1u we what son, red tl•e Fourtee nth street armory. atop flag "I suppose you want a suitable in- folly oi the time In which the writer great ndVPmure. He had dl~coYe the bald so," l u~ers have tu, gratefu tmtY today." "'fh>H Uodor Beruan1 . t~reslcleut or Jesm1 The sig:ht of It marle me think of scriptio n on the stone?" inquired a lived. The young people were not his father. you Our files are ll""'""l that lble Tanlac. It I~ lutjw:>::; unhttt>B tll!llltlly e<>llt>g-e, Oxrort1, This 1\ll happene d In the third week doctor, "but who got their wouncls dohoys t110se tomh~tone worker of the bereave d husny. testimo sueh control lable; the timber supply was !'t•nlled him wltlr u pus~lug je:;t, untl, Ing some real good for the world ant'l just elg-ht!'en ,;houlcl know tt." • band. is rl'ln system your If being wasted so wanton ly that the of Bnr~>e's life. He was try whlclt. After a lteuteu urgunle lit, t>y way or apology said nt once, "l allowed Wolf Gray \\hen (>n old anti or ''Just duys eat I.Jrace!< to reply. nnd seem the castH was can't in you still n-n-no," few arc "Hum, writer predicte d that within a tile wuy, 1\'a<> the kind he Huh! he en· meant uothfu~. Doctor Johnson .'' Tu hls of tanee acqunln the suffer or aud muke to home wl'ight Kazan lost Amerifron, -The far cots t!onal." conven hn~pitt\1 Rometh lng years there would he no more tree~: not been for Gr>t) joyed, tre t1rJh ht'cl Iris o}l[lolleut with. whidr pnllte retuark .lulcn'<lll nu frien<ls. Wh<'n I comparP d my lot with pain, why not let Tanlac can Legion Weekly . the poor were growing poorer, and the son. H I( had uBtlet·you g uB)'thln ill ~a l:l!l)' ve , tru I "If uothlng nrt•au you "lf of swerecl, back to vigorou s st ancl the memory lh!>irs It made me h:tt<' my impatie nce rlch, richer; the polltlcl aus were ruin- \Yolf'R bl!r;cllws~ te;:;t the ur panlun the IJ"t.: I ~tnnd, l" .sll' , uoth£ug health. the when an<! wbh T could c1ivlde sowe of my lng the country ; the people wpre ex- that dny c>n the Sun rork Not the First, Either Xo long, wretche d wait to contpau y.'' the of she eyes, hC'r ~d dest;-oy hucJ l;onx them. Tt with rotPfort the ; nnd :; nothin~ !u::.."Urio• ~aYing and nt, tru,.aga athlo..'l an me tell to cat'• 8ults! ~'nnlac starts 1·ight "Do you mean Mr. Chultuotlllely :;tuppe<1 the wl>>;lrl h~Ye gln;n lof.rth tc Baree In l'l'l'~ecl to me It -hut tn•ason nne! l<>d, wmm't disregan here ries everyw Myste was the of law One falling by lmil!l yon UJl. It eleunl' the that l'ldltt;.; ftttol could ruin himself Ilke thi> "i'"ll :rncl hi~ leg~ would haH• rluge In which .luhll>~<•n was tnk,n:; we,·e folk al in· tion theatric the destruc tf1at and tht· rioting think rs rev it nlize~ <lfgpstin• general 1 strange many so do ,\'hy over a 1\Hle stair?" bc>c>r quite ~lrong lie l\t>Uld havp ntteu1ptecl to spcuk to hllu, but got uo the thm, omHlel ,., th~ their y of preci~el care the liver aur1 mn 11p was better It I . . . regular . that e"ltai.Jle those city llttl~ a a of over sights "I didn't say h€' !ell Someo!te r;uld, "llere Is Mt·. real n. uttentio nnd woon the and ~un the l:n<•wn ' in, Ilk a new person. F<rr r!llllPnt was. stair. I ~aid he fell O\'er n bnbl' llne of talk I have been indulgin g Cholmu ndely." "What I! It !s'l'' IS!\tll residen ts care least to see'I-D etrolt go'·' hUH! ren!lzerl would IH.' Synd"r.at e, .. nc.J ht ~!"r;: !ht> .WcNa.ua t•>~. P Tanln<' YC'~etnble the by ·opyrlght ( 1 stare." -The Americ an Legion Weekly. ond calling It new. Johnsou , tllld went ou reut!lu~ u !wok . ~ews.. .,.~.,, li1<' rl!uuder Dl\'llnt. nud would without By JAMES OLI VER CUR WO OD Does not affect I the Hea rt ALLEN'S FOOT=EASE Cu ticu raS oap Ideal for Children • Mr. 1..!::::===============:!.1!1 Dr. John son Fam ous for Shar p Reto rts ot·l I I |