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Show I • ,.. THE JORDA N JOURN AL Mother's Day--The Heart of the World Come Early and Get Your Pick---Everything Goes NOT HIN G RES~:RVED Sale Begins Saturday at 10 a.m. Continues Until Tuesday, May 25th, inclusive We Have No Old Stock s Come On in The Water's Fine Everythin g is NEW-Up to the Minute and Priced at A SAVING to begin with. Notwithst anding this FACT DRY GOODS will be sold at a Wonderfu l SAVING The Seasons Newest PRINTS in Georgetts, Chiffons and Crepe de Chines. Reguiar Price from $2.49 to $3.00 THIS SALEA PRIZE GIVEN EACH AND EVERY DAy FOR MOTHERS' DAY- . A Beautiful Worth While Picture FREE! LADIES' FANCY SLIPPERS Hope Bleach - $1.95-$2.49-$3.49 -4c J. & P. Coats the spool ,...... Werth up to $7.45 SPACE DOES NOT PERMrT OUR MENTIONING EVERYTH ING BUT THESE FEW ·ITEMS QUOTED WILL GIVE YOU AN IDEA OF THE AMAZING CUT PRICES THROUGHOUT THE STORE FREE .. 12~c the yard Guarantee d Sewing Silk All colors, the spool ........ .. 5C With Every PAIR of Childrer\; SHOES, you get a Pocket Knife or Cap, Balloon or Doll, Pistol or Harmonic a YOU WIN EVERYTI ME . YOU COME IN OUR Extra ordin ary Disc ount on all Furn iture STORE Regardless of COST Brocaded Silk Extra Goad Elastic. Regular $2.:~5-This Sale .... .. . .. $1.65 A PRIZE ,GIVEN EVERY DAY-IT MIGHT BE YOU? In consideration of the ridiculously Low Prices Marked for this SALE We must sell fm· CASH on Sale Prices Ladies Knit Summer Unions Regular 79c. This Sale .... ................ 39 C ~e~~-~-~ ~~-~~.... Mens Knit Summer Unions Regular 98c. This Sale .................. DON'T MISS THIS TABLE OIL CLOTH, per yard ............................ 19c GENUINE DEVONSH IRE All shades and patterns, yard .................................... 25c Meet Me ,. 69 C A . ticket given to every Customer for the Beautiful Toilet Set Value, $7.00 ·----------------------~ At Booth's Midvale EIGHT PIECE WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE 60 INCH BUFFET -GENUIN E LEATHER. ON CHAIRS $99.99 49C Misses, Childrens and Boys Knit ~~~m:~le~~~~-~~-~ ....... A Good Fitting Corset Makes a Good Fitting Gown An Unusual Discount On All Hardware GET IN MIDVALE |