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Show -"• THE jf>ftDAN J O HRN~L ARE AUTO TRUCKS A essity of all the people who wish to NECESSITY OR A NUISANCE!( enjoy the highest wages, the short- I 1 est hours of toil and the best living As Chairman of t.he Hegionnl l conditions. All. of these the Am~ri B;;ard fo.r Colorado, it gives me great can pe~ple ha"~ because we .h~vc 'th th I more mile;:s of railway than all ol Eu~ _,. pleasure to meet here W1 • e .r~- 1·ope put together, anu m{)r<J miles oi presentativ<: shippers, leadmg CJtl-1 railway, population consiuered, than Suppose that tonight you're awakened by Z.)m; of ~I Paso County and last but I any other country in the worlu. your wife's voice, calling "Fire!" not least with" the g~eat broad-min,d-1' That the railroa~s are a ble~sing i:; ed repr.osentat1ves of several of tilE! pr oven by tne iact that Chma anu It's a neighbor's home! Wind-driven sparks leading railroads of the country. other countries having large popuand blazing embers stream toward your house 1 hau thought, until yesterday, that lativns anu no railways to speak oi, -fall on your roof. I would take the lazy route and let are enuudng living conditions inferIs your roof fire-safe-proof against this our eveq 1eauy aml efficitnt work· : lor in many way;; to those enjoyeLl lltJs" SL:o.t~ SL-c,·etary, riarry Vickln· by the pvol' anu inuig<:nt u1 th:i., leaping menace? son, pull the load, as usual, and put country. Barrett Shingles will give you a fire-safe 'y ou the whole show. However, when To show how far reaching is aut~ roof-a roof that will defy sparks and embers. I came to a ILca!Jzativn of what it truck op:!ratL>no in Colorado it i;; meant to be offered an opportunity tu only necc;s.;:uy Lo rec'-'11 that every We carry several types of Barrett Shingles meet with such. an a;;s;:;mo•.lag~, all organization ui ra1lways employ~es -all at convenient pnces. Come in and talk a.:tuatcu with h1gh and loty 1deals 1 tn this stat~ numbering about :.0,000, roof. Our roofing experience is at your disA •.--.:~nd in no time our roo( and with a desire to un.;eLlishly aiu an~ to a m~n opposeu to the operawas alive with red hot sparks~ posal-without obligation. ;.~nd pro1rwte the g.-cat p~·o~lems con ti.on of amo:; io• lure ove~ puuli< 8 ''Lucky you put on fire-saf~ nccted w1th the transpvnatwn of ou n1g/iways, 'l'hey now cla1m they shingles* when you did. country it malic me rcp'"nt an! ll.ave 60,000 voteb which will be use(. change my mind ami so 1 decided t < m the next ckdion in putting in 01 add my meed tu the solving of some fice those who will enact proper legu;of the ques\,ions wh.ch al'e ~o vitct• lati•m to Pl'vkct tho p.::oplc:; invest to th.: public, the railn>ads, and es- mcnt in the pllblic higl!w.:.ys and :..1 • Barrett Shingles are flre·safe pecially the shippei"S of the country" the same time rcleive ther.1 oi tf., To have our convention enscunce<i shadow that is hovering over them in the lap of dea1· old Pilws Peak and and threatens both them anu their to know that he<·e is located the families veq existence. Thel:ie railcenter piece of {)ne of the grande;,t roaders are among the most intelligent diadems of scenic ?eauty an~ gran~-~ anu best paid ani~an::> oi our comeur o~ the. A1:'encan C~ntme~t, ls . monwealth. They reaiize their backs cnougn to msp1re and gwe rem to 1 are to be the wall, and they dQn't profanciful thoughts of God's hi~hest . poso to show any quarter to the ideals and make us pause and tnunl,; enemy, ed. In this connecti{)n it is only proceeded to Colorado Springs with pared a comprehensive measurl} , Him for the blessings so bountifully The railroads are now asking. fair to state that the truck owner of- his consignment. ~his road is ~ which was passed almost w1animoos!> ' • showered upon us. fered to settle for $300, which would splendid graveled h1ghway. As 1t ly by the last state legislature reSince the advent of the heavy pas- ''Have the parties, acting as com- not cover the loss of two of his wife's happened in the spring of the year gulating the {)peration of such trucks. senger and freight auto trucks, a . mon carrie1"S by autos over the pub1 coats to say nothing of all their other when the roads of this section were This much needed enactment, how- ' great economic change as to trans- lie roads, any nght tu take the trafclothing. Of course the carrying of somewhat wet from recent rains and ever, met the disapproval of our portation for short hauls has been fie either of fre-ight or passcHger::. insurance is not only a necessary snows, this truck plowed two zig zag Government and was veto&d. brought about which not only strikes from the t·ailway trains and put thL; precaution for shippers but it is al- I furrows ten inches wide and a f{)Ot If the trucks take way the short at the very vitals of the huge in- traffic on the highways to tre de- most criminal neglect that such pr{)-1 deep in this highway for f{)rty-five haul freight and passenger busvestJilents of capital tied up in rail- triment of 20,000 railroad empl{)yees tection has not been afforded the miles between Pueblo and Colorad < iness from the railways it means roads ,but also affects the stupen- and of 230,000 owners of private aupublic by legislative enactment. Springs. Between Pueblo and Pinon, a reduction of the revenue of 1 doW> investments of the tax payers tos in Colorado." If they have then While the foregoing recital would . in Pueblo County, a distance of about the latter and in consequence of of the nation in their county, city, they' argue it nece~sarily follows that seem to be sufficiently convincing to I eleven miles only, it cost the tax which the rail lines wil have ¢o curstate and national highways. a very he~vy ~leag.e of branch show the need for bond protection I payers of that county $1,200 to re- tail the operation .of trains and will Our roads are the comm{)n herit- lmes of ra1lways m th1s state, where will mention another matter where pair that short strip of road. It will inevitably be compelled to raise their age of the citizenry of our country. the operating revenues derived ?'re all three parties to a transacti<>n met be seen that in cases such as thi& rates to make up the deficiency, thus Being such, the spectacle is now very much .less than th.e operatmg with ·a serious loss that could and it could be hard to say what would injuring all shippers. Under our presented of truck ownera coming in expenses, w1~l, of neces~:nty, have to should have been covered at small be a reasonabLe tax to cover such laws the railroads are all<>wed a fair and settling down like a flock of cor- cease operatwns because of the fact expense. A man living in Trinidad ?Pe~ations. .while it is a r.a?k in- return on their invelitment. Under morants on the highways which cost that t.he trucks .will furthe7 deplete and having only $500, decided to go JUStice to flmch from the rmlroad s decisions of the U. S. Supreme Court the tax payer,; billions of dollars, and the railroad car~mgs to a ~omt where into the trucking business. He paid and tax payers money to cover such it is held that a railway can not be proceeding to occ~py and d<!a.troy the roads thus mvolved "':lll 1Je com- th~s m~ney o~ an $1800 truck.. After j damages to the highways in o~de1 compelled to {)perate at a loss, and th!l<t to which they have not cqntri- pelled . to ask f{)r a_uthonty .to ~top bemg m busmess a short time he to convert to the pocket of the !liethat when such a time arrives its buted to any appreciable extent, operatmg an<l . to JUnk the1r lmes contracted to haul a party's house- gal truck operators a few paltry dol· operation is no l<>nger a "public coneither in their construction or up- 1 and throw the1r employees out of hold effects to a distant point. Some- Iars, it would seem there should b< venience and necessity" and in conkeep. In other words, they are reap- empl?yment. . . thing happened. He ran into a deep a provision .i~ any legislativ~ enact· sequence of which the abandonment ing where they have not sown, and l uo not _w1sh It to be understood arroya, escaping with his life, how- ments prov1dmg severe pumR?ment of the line must be allowed. are using the highways not in the that t~~ ra1lroad employees are the ever. The truck was smashed to j for any such wanton destructi<>n of In conclusion I want w state that ordinary way in which their build- only Citizens. alarmed over the auto pieces and the household goods were the people's highways. This load of if the people of Colorado are to esers intended but for their own pri- t:uck .operatwns. To show what the demolished. The truck driver made a merchandise could have been moved cape a dire calamity, there must be va.te gain. s1tuatlon along the C. & . S. ~me. b~- mental survey of the situation and by rail for the same expenses, and no • S{)me remedial legislation enacted. As · 'd f h t th h' h tween Denver and Leadville IS, 1t 1s T 0 g1ve a~ 1 ea 0 w a e. lg I- only necessary to mention the fact solil<>quized thus: "It will cost me damage whatso~ver w<>uld have bee11 it is the investments of the people in twice as much to repair the car as caused to the highway. To call suer ways of this State are costmg, th t t"t' h b · · fi f th a severa1 pe 1 1ons ave een til - is my equity in the car, consequent- operations a "public convenience and their highways and those of the 1 w U g1ve some gures or. e year e d w1'th the co 1ora do p u bl'1c Ut'l"t· legitimate truck owner, and the rail . 1 1 1es ly it is me for the tall timber." He necessity" is a tr~vesty o': justice roads as well ,are all brought in jeo1924. In th1s year the sixty three "' . . k' th t tift t . __, o pa1'd ou.,. f or 0omm1ss1on a~ mg a cer ca .es has never been heard of since. The and makes of a senous public matter coun t 1es of C o1or..... . . pardy by an irresponsible flock of 'd $ A- of pubhc convemence and necess1ty net result of this "comedy of er- an oiJ<era bouffe performance. roa d s an d b n ges, 2,997 ,558·19 · b · d t b f th fly-by-night truck operators who, in1 bout $770,000 was c<>llected on the e Iss~e to au o us owners. or e vors" was the truck driver lost his The Colorado County Commission stead of being a "public convenience ·11 s t a t e 1evy f or roads operatwn of passenger carrymg one~ h a lf m1 D d 1 auto d equity of $500 in the truck, the own. Association comprising the 65 coun- and necessity" have become nOit only 'd d · dd't' ~- th busaes between enver an ea and b n ges, an m a 1 1011 w e vill s· the fT f thes a - er of the household g{)ods lost all his ties of the state, sensing the great ex- a public inconvenience but a public 1 aforementioned items there was col. e. . mce mg o e P . h ays phcatwns, and fearlul that they may effects and the truck merchant lost pense and havoc being brought a- nuisance and menace to the lives and Ie(J t ed f or the b ene fit of th e h 1g w h · . · h c · · his truck serving "public conven- bout to the highways by the opera- limbs of every private individual who a gasoline tax of $1,773,361.66. There 1. osbe ~ euboralb1 sedrvdlceb, t e t't~mmiSSlon fence and necessity" in this case is tion of the heavy truck for hire, pre- has to use the public highways. is also paid into the treasury by the IS emg . m ar e Y pe 1 wns numjust about the same kind of bunk as - - - - - - - - - - . . . , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - State Land Board, account of the ebrously Slgn~dl bydthe f~o?ullaceb da_nd would pie be with · t erna1 Improvemen serving · the public t fu n d from old Y commercia an o. ficJa . o 1es apple m . . the of apples left out.with j land grant rentals, the sum of $101,- alo~g this lme protestmg Vlgorou~ly Among other things that need at000 yearly which goes into the state 1~gamst the oper~twn of any bus !me r{)ad and bridge fund. To these must mto or out of their country u~der any tention and of which the railr{)ads also be added the annual interest on pretex~ what~oever, ~nd allegu~g that bitterly complain is the fact that the the 1921 highway bonds of $250,000 . the rmlroad 1s of v1tal ne~ess1ty for latter contribute largely to taxation 1 the l'nterest on the 1923 1 them as means of affordmg trans- for the construction of highways and an d a Iof so $170,000 - ·1·t· f theJr · h ay, ca t bonds per annum, all of por t a t'Ion lacJ I les or bridges they do not use, while many which aforementioned items amount- tie, sheep, ores and other products. of their competitors use the sam~ ed to the aggregate of $6,06 1,919.85 There are ma~y places where the without payment of any taxation. for the year 1924 f{)r Colorado, rank- truck _can fu~1et10n ~nd perform a This is brought about by the fact ing only thirty-third in population splendid pubhc s~rvice, ]>~th as a that the railroads are heavy tax payof the states of the United States. passeng~r and frClght earner. This ers in all countries in which they opWhen one contemplates that this ex- ?ccurs 1.n ma~y places where there erate, while bus operators tear up pense haa been going on in lesser 1s no rml serv1ee, or where ~here ~re the highways oftimes in five or six degree for centuries, then one be- numerous small towns at which t:ams counties on their route and then only gins to realize the enormous invest- do no~ stop. The bulk of the busmess pay a very small tax in but one ment we have in our public thorough- done m Colorado, however, by truck county. To illustrate this I will show fares. is .not done betw~en the interi~r and but one instance which will be sufOf course, we must differentiate ra~l centers, but ~s from . ~omt . to ficient to bring out and show the inbetween the different uses that our pomt along, and m competltwn w1th justice and grotesqueness of a tyhighways are now subject to. For the railroads, where ~he people have pical case of bus operation between the sake of argument only, I will the _benefit of splen<h~ and fre~uent Denver and Breckenridge. admit that in the carrying on of serv1ce every day. dunng both, wmter In the first place the Colorado and every private enterprise or business and summer, whlCh the trucks and Southern Railway has always paid such people have what might be busses, on account of snows, are un- about one third of the total taxes in termed an inher.!nt right to the use able to perform. . . Park County along this line, in conof the public highways· but during That some comprehensive legisla- sequence of which it has paid onethe past ten years, and 'tor the most tion s~ould be enacted c_ove~ing the third of all the cost of construction ANYONE can do a handsome job of part during only the past five year, operatwn of a1;1tos for hue. m Colo- and upkeep of the highways in that .l"1. interior painting with Barreled By simply addin& colorathere haa been put into operation an rado, gees Wlthout questwn. The county. About three years ago a in-oil to Barreled Sunlight, Sunlight- and keep it handsome. you almost endless number of heavy reason for such legislation is obvious non-resident of Park County and a can obtain exactly the tint you want to match freight and passenger auto trucks, to all those who have made any man who had never paid a single A finish so satin-smooth it can't any scheme of interior but as public carriers for hire and s~udy _or who under~tan~ th~ ques- cent of taxes in the country loaded hold dirt-and so durable you can decoration. Ask about the profit. Thus the highways built for twns mvolved. LeglSlatwn IS ne~ about five tons of goods on a heavy wash it repeatedly without injuring new Barreled Sunlight the people's private use are now be- essary ~10t only from the pu~hc truck in Denver and proceeded to the surface. Tinting Colors in handy tubes. ing capitalized for the sole benefit of standpomt but from the standpomt Park County. In going over a steel The finest enamel is not more These colors a handful of private truck owners of the bus operator as well. From highway bridge he precipitated bridge beautiful-yet Barreled Sunlight are almost liqunder the specious plea that they the public standpo~nt, it. is necessary truck and all to the bottom of he uid, blending costs less, is easy to apply, andreare opet·ating as a "Public Conven- that ~ommon earners give good and caMn. It cost $6,000 to replace the quires fewer coats. Also, it is guar- easily and ience And Necessity", while they are suffic1ent lxmd to cove: loss of prop- same, of which the Colorado anJ with anteed to remain white longer than quickly Barreled Sun· operated whully and solely for their erty e~t:usted to the1r c?'r and to Southern Railway paid $2,000 for the any gloss paint or enamel, domestic light. own private gain and profit. oover mJury o~ death .cl~Ims of all repair of a bridge their competitor or foreign, applied under the same I think every well informed citi- passengers carr1ed. Th1s 1s more es- had torn down. To prevent such acconditions. zen thoroughly understands and re- s~ntial with car~yi~g passe~gers over cidents as this, rigid restrictions cognizes the fact that the operation highways than 1t IS by rail as only should be provided as to the gross Sold in cans from 72 pint to ••• of the railroads of our country has a very small percentage of the auto wnnage that would be allowed upon 5 gallons. Where more than one been and is now absolutely neces- operators own or have paid for the the hi~hways and a gra•luated tax coat is to be used, apply Barreled sary for the tran~action of the bus- machines they operate, ~nd conse- should be levied in accordance with Sunlight Undercoat first. iness, the building up of the cou_ntry quently could not re~pond m damag.es load hauling, and this should be of a and the material prosperity and well fo7 losses that m1ght occur wh:le sufficient amount to be C{)mmensubeing of all the people on this con- ra1lroads c~ b~ made ~ pay. T<> Ii- rate with the wear and tear of the tinent of ours. When one stops to lustrate th1s pomt I w1ll relate what highways. Reg. U S. Pat. Off. C{)nsider the fact that the wheat, hapened to a poor but worthy man To make a law that is equitable corn, potatoes, hay, fruits, coal, !urn- in. the s<>uthern pa:t of the state. He between the public and the automober, cattle, sheep, gasoline, mer- WlShed t? _move h1s household ~ods bile used f{)r hire and operated as a chandise oils structural steel and from Trm1dad to Pueblo and hired thousands of ~ther articles could not the Campbell Truck Line w do the carrier of either freight or passenbe moved from 300 to 3,000 miles to hauling. The truck stopped for the gers over the highways of this state market but for our railways then night at Walsenburg, where the truck is quite a difficult problem. To make it will be seen and clearly und;rstood and goods were entirely destroyed by this plain, I will relate but one cirthat the railway is n{)ne of the most fire. As the truck line was a poor cumstance of a great many that impol1tant and necessary adjuncts of concern and carried no insurance, the have occurred. A non-resident of modem civilization, and serves as owner of the household goods lost Pueblo loaded a truck with five tons a public convenience and actual nee- about $2,80~ or everything he possess of freight at the latter point and I Is Your Roof Fire.. safe? Do business direct with the old reliable, world famous Mead factory and lUI'lJw"_"" you have a bicycle of real quality, with best materials and skilled workmanship. No middleman's profits to pay. Save money also, by dealing direct with the Manufacturer. I Dfliver.d toYoufree ~~d ~0~ 0 the free Ranger catalog, select the Ranger bicycle you want and we send it to you expreaa prepaid on approval. ' Save $IQ~to$2)~ Fa~ro~~r~d f~~ ~= money on your bicycle or velocipede. Get the maker's five-year guaranty with your Ranger, and know yoU can ,]ways get parte and service if needed. ..___, RanRer$5~a M onth ::k:~~~ gives you immediate use of the bicycle witgout any red tape or delay. Pay as you ride. Only $5.00 a month. A4'Jtyl~J\0r.1Orf:JiltJ .(; every A model for every age and a style to Btrlt 'fl poc]fetbook m the famous Mead"'cvclee.' I er, Pathfinder, Crusader and Cossack u•' Also VELOCIPEDES and two-wheel SIDEWALK blcycleeforthe You cannot equal the bicycles or tlie prices anyWhere. f. million customers ailopartl ofath~v~ j ; ; te l rty.lofaservll~~~=i~th r}~~t iJ+J I • ~ ~~u~: r~t:~1t ~~ our expense and 1our t. ial will not cost you a penny. A special trust fund of $5o00.00 In the great First National i3n • prt undflat. Bank of Chicago absolutely insures thle famous "try before you buy" plan. In our big free Ranger catalog whicl,t pictures 'A 't bicyc)es in actual color, we also illustrate and 1'tJ ~J \1 J describe tires, saddles, pedals, lamps. horns, Ti Iroc.5I carriers, chains, coaster-b~es, built-up wheels, etc. that fit any bicycle. Our f""tory-to-rlder prices save you big money on , these repairs as well ae on the bicycle of your choice. Write today. 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I wish to taKe advantage of your Magazine Bargain 9~er. the above amount in payment for a one year subscnptton and the FIVE Magazines I have marked with an X below. ~nc1osmg ---------------------------------------------------------------------~ 0 American Needlewoman Poultry Advocate 0 Home Friend & Ledger 0 Houaehold Guest 0 Household Magazine 0 0 ~orna111 Magazhut 0 0 0 0 I . nluatrated Mechanics Mother's Home Life Pathfinder (weekly) 26 isaue• Today'• Houaewife Tractor&: Gaa Engin3 Review Woman'• World Mar k this coupou now and bring or mail it t o ocr Bu~inese Office T Q Q A I' "\Ve Are Not Floaters :We Are Here To Stay" PLUMBING & WIRING CO. Center Street, Midvale, Utah crt & Carl Ernstrom. Props. ating, Pumping and Electrical of Every Description WORK GUARANTEED • In lustrous white-or tinted- This handsome paint washes like TILE Barreled Sunlight West Jordan Lumb€r Co. MIDVALE, UTAH Journal Want Ads Pull |