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Show JOUR NAL THE JORD AN UNION West Jordan Mutual Imprvve ment associati on met Monday evening at the home of Miss Lorene Berrett and enjoyed games, , dancing and refreshm ents. were Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Gregory dinner guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mackey of Taylorsv ille. Mr. and Mr~. William Stone had as their dinner guests, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Richards and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Forbush . Mrs. Nephi Gregory was a guest Monday at a dinner given at the Congreg ational Church in Sandy. Eighty were present. Dr. and Mrs. Brown, Mrs. May and Mrs. Mary Gregory attended a lecture Thursda y evening at the auditori um in Salt Lake. Mr. David Hazeldin e died Monday at a local hospital. Mrs. George Proctor was a guest Tuesday afternoo n of her daugl•~-r, Mrs. Ed Bishop of Midvale. !\Irs. Arthur I. Peterson entertain ed Mr~. Marie Phelps and Mrs. H. C. Hart of Midvale at luncheon Monday afternoo n of last week ,in honor of her birLhday annivers ary. Miss Thelma Hederso n and Mildred Yates were dinnel' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Balmior th of the Swensen apartme nts at Salt Lake, Monday evening. Mrs. Balrnior th was formerly Miss Erma Ensign. Mr. and Mrs. George Henders on attended the Pianof<>rte Recital at the 1 b "I d · . L a d 1es Literary c u "' on ay evenl· ng at Salt Lake 1·n honor ot" ul·"s m ~ Rhea Garside who is a pupil of Miss WANT ADS RIVERTON Miss E>:Jba Bills entertain ed at her Mrs. Sam Beckstea d and children homE' Thursda y evening in honor of spent Monday in Murray as guests of FIRE! It may be your home or bus- 1 Maurine Steadma n and Meredith 1 J\.ln;. Irene Parry. iness next time. See Heber Aylett Page who are to be married soon. Mr. and Brady Curtis 1\Irs. and ~r. EXPHE SS-Gen eral hauling and Be»ides the guests of honor those a .. <Ja-j);l1·s. George Green motored to lbngtrs Station in .Big Cottonw ood moving. Call Midvale 235-J 7-2!. present were: Bessie Williams and and spent Sunday. FOR SALE-N ew modern 5-room Walter Whitehe ad of Provo, Clarence Mr. and 1\hs. Hyrum Brady, Mr. house. Good location. See J. A. and Glen Lollard of Salt Lake City, Lawrenc e Brady and Miss Beth Blair Akorn, 'Nest Jordan Lumber Co. Louise Atkinson of Bouutifu l, Emma motored to Lehi Sunday. Gardner and Vern Jensen of West tf 4-1-26 ed The Primary Officers entertain Jordan, Mn;. George Whitman of Pay the children Saturday afternoo n in Winters of ~on, Mr. and l\IIs. Afton l<'0R <:!ALE- Choice Cuthber t RaS}l- Salt Lake, Laurene Berrett of Union Dancing and OJ the amusem ent hall. berrv plants, $1.50 per hundred . A. Amy Butterfie ld, Elna Df'nslcy, Algames were enjoyed. • 4-t mira Ferrell, 1\Iaurine Clark, Aml!lia A. Malmtro m, 55!J Center St. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Evans, Mrs. llills, 1\lr. and Mrs. Golden Densley, Elizabet h Thomps on and daughte r, Lois Walton. ld, Grant Crump, HuEdna, Mrs. Rose Johns and Mr. SylMr. and Mrs. E. M. Bateman and GOING FAST-L arge Choice Lots Joseph Butterfie van Thomas motored to Tooele Mon50 X 145. Best location in town- ben Wiberg and Leo Bills all of Rivson, Keith were dinner guests of 1\lr. Only crton. Progress ive hearts dice was day. Midvale 's new Addition . and Mrs. Wilford Crane at Hiverton child1~ Mrs~ Geo~ge Wright and $350 per lot. Your own terms. For the feature game of the evening. TJJ.e fuesday of last week. of Bingham were week-en d guests of sale by owner. A. A. Malmstr om, 1 prizes were awarded to Maurine Dr. and 1\I:rs. Christen JensGn and Pho11.e Midvale 108 tf 1 Steadma n, Glen Pollard, Emma GardMr. and Mrs. Nephi Gregory . 559 Center Street, Midvale daughte r, Lorna and Amelia Buckley ncr and Elna Densley. , Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smart and , , of Provo spent Sunday visiting relaSunday atternoo n ,the R. S. Club on hate~or Logan to Eggs-f RN W~IITI•, LEGHO daui!!ltter, June motored tives here. a hike to the Jordan Narenjoyed Mr. Ivans with mg_from our flock mated to Sunday and spent the day Mr. and Mrs. John Yates visited IW BM* ., MN MM Mt}j ·lub n 1embers. •are.. R u th l'he ·s 'O\ egg s of S 265 U l \ · · d cockerel pedigree Theron Smart who is attendin~ the his brother, Wm. who is very ill at c 0 B0 b · 1 B tl1 s 'th lb B·11 l\1 d t. 1 1 erg, amy, stram. W. · A. c. 1 s, bait Lake, Saturday . ' e S<n•< nu a e , _owar ' ~-1-26 t 173-R MI.dvale Phone the .s!>n.;-week, last of May Tuesday evening .vlyrtle l'ark, Eva <> ur ol Tail or All • H N I School Miss Arthelen e Wright and Mr. L. District · S Jordan N West "" The 8 n ow ere. -.ule ew prmg me - Ruth Mortmso n, and Jennie May. - - - - - - - - - - - - - es. Walth Arlingto n were married Wed- Junior girls entertain ed their mothers went up Little Cottonw ood Canyon From Ones Better $24.00. at s Residenc Pattern e 50 Desirabl Suits4 Made SALEFOR J. Mrs. of home the at social a at Miss HattiE- Bills will be honored nesday of last week in the Salt Lake Saturda y a:J?.d spent May Day. A most Buy Can Booth You Booth, When Made Wilmer J. Ready Enquire lluy "''hy lJp. Tliat reand at a farewell testimon ial on Sunday Temple. Wednesd ay evening they C. Stay. Games were played n enjoyabl e time was had. guests. evening • at the ward house as she Mere. Co. were the guests of honor at a wed- freshme nts served to 20 "Cindrel la" the operetta which the Order. To Made ·Suits Les..c;;. For Made Tailor en Ra:mmss Soren Mr. and Mrs. for a mission to the Western ding supper at the home of the bride 6th grade pupils of the West Jordan MONEY IS NO OBJEC I'-if you fail leaves S ATION ALTEP d NG RESSI on •ray 14. <tates 0. C. reMrs. te and were guests of Dr. in Union where only immedia school took to Bingham , Wednesd ay ·' i. ~ an P ING, to read the ads in the Journa l- ~ CLEAN ay. Wednesd last Magna, of Jensen P. Page returned home latives were present. 'lhomas lYlr. Them! Reading Save Money by night was received by a full house travelmg for sever.al alter y i'hursda Friday evening a dance in their Mr. and Mrs. Reid Beck entertain and proved successf ul both financial Q ' • • evening honor was held in the Union amuse- ed at dinner last Wednesd ay FOR SALE- 6 Acres good land on uontns, Vlsitmg in noi"thern Alrica, all having a good time. and t.nglar.J , Bwitzed and ~~nt hall. They received many use~ for the teachers of the" Park School Mr. and Mrs. T. Ray and family State Street, South Side of Wasatoh . bJcily, Italy, Utah LE, MIDVA St. r Cent West 64 2 Mrs. and Mr. ranee. :to' for and laid were among Covers W. ·ful and beautifu l presents and Mrs. Jack Sabey Phone Midvale 1231 of Lehi, 1\Ir. l\ln; . .l!.lla Butterfie ld entcrtam eil at' them being a beautifu l silver set pre Milton Peterwn , Miss Ethel Smith, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. family and ~~ ~ s~ 4 ~~R¥~~~~ §• ua~~!'~~· ll§~ww~~~ ~-~c~··~! ii~·~~r~p ~a~~C\il! !itl§a~§· Miss Laura Shepher d, Miss Mae Hib- ~-~~-~~~F sented to them by the fellow c FOR SALE-I mprove d 30 acre farm, .,.1vper ami t, eatre party on ThursW. Roach, Sunday. ~ "ployes of Mr. Arlingto n. The youn· bert and Mrs. J. R. Rawlins . with 8 room brick house, all neces- uay in honor oi her uaughte r, May, Edna Nelson of Pleasan t Miss Mr. Royal Fitzgera ld and Miss Ramake their home in H<>llicouple sary out-build ings, good water 1t be.ng her birthd..ly anruvers ary. Grove visited friends here, Sunday. ~ at d week-en the spent ld Fitzgera l\li:;s Loute Crae of Los Angeles da · day. right, good bearing orchard of 50 Mrs. R. Naisbut and son, Ralph of ~ SANDY LE MIDVA AY MURR Riley Mrs. and Mr. of enguests Kamas, Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Gregory trees. On mile south Cooper's Cor- 1s VISitmg with her :;i;;ter, Mrs. Leo Midvale were. guests of Mrs. W. q@ tertained at a family dinner Sunday Fitzgera ld. ner, West Jordan. Terms can be 1Ur,Jisoa ch for two weeks. Roach, Monday. q@ 13!1 at Mrs. ·Carrie Sadler is visiting lYlr. and .vlrs. Gordon s. Bills enin h<>nor of the birthday annivers ary arranged . N. P. Swenson , M-26-27 Mrs. Byron Berch and and Mr. ~ tert.ained at u party on Thursda y on of Mr. George Wright of Bingham Bingham the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ~ .family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ~ IIOnor oi Miss Hattie Dills wh<> leaves Sadler. sec20. Thomas C<>vers were laid for FOR SALE--- Good lots in best ~ Claud Abbott, Monday evening. §3 Welby son, build and will we Bigelow or ; N. in M. Dr. tion of Midvale Mr. Clarence Boggess visited ~ Levan during the week, guest of Mr. you a home on lot to suit your 111 the near future, at t,leir home. y evening in honor of Saturda dinner ~ ~ of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ewell. and Mrs. Oluf J olmson. wants for small paymen t down; Ltames were played and refreshm entsr daughte r, Lucile, it being her her Announc ement is made of the birth The Advance d Senior girls of balance like rent. Corner of 6th were o:;Ea·ved to 75 guests. Covers were birthday annivers ary. 1\lr::; . .t;pu.rai,n Oiksen and Mrs. of a daughte r to Mr. and Mvs. Thos. M-27-26 Ave., and No. Main Sts. laid for eiglht. Sadler of Bingham . Mrs. Sadler was ~ Wilford Crane entertam ed at a party Mrs. Robert Dimond and grand~ this of f<>rmerly Miss Melba Dow · H o1t went to Brigham 13!1 d aug ht er, L01s Rudolf says: "My brother'n -law's .-:>aturday m honor of Miss liattie Paper Hanging Wholesale and Retail ~ l the horne o.l Ephraim P ace. ~ City, Sunday and are visiting at the down in Florida sellin' real estate. uills at Calsomining of Francom were playeu and Harold Games Mrs. sen. and Mr. But he writes me they's so much ~ h<>me of Mrs. Hattie Peterson . RATES NABLE REASO Terry a Saphron Miss and served to, beside.u Salt Lake Painting Gleaner Girls served a dinner scrub-oa k on his land they call it a irt::;hme nts wc.re The ~ of Bingham were guests of Mrs. Hanthe guest of honor, Miss G&J sa t ur d ay a ft ernoon a t t h e ward scrubdiv ision." AT ALL SEASONS OF THE YEAR 13!1 T erry, s un d ay. h ~ Mrs. Lyman Butterfie ld, Howard, na D ANTEE WORK GUAR house for the "M" Men who were ;:)orensc.n, Mi::;ses Tiria B. C. Mr. J. F. Brinhall and Miss June 13!1 ::>. working on a tennis court which they NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR SPECI AL DELIV ERY ESTIM ATES ld, Miss Helen Butterfie Amy Smith, both underwe nt operatio ns for expect to have complete d in a short hoslocal a at week last itis appendic Jlrs. Henry Seal, 1\li s Ora The court is for the benefit -CHEE RFULL Y time. State South TPLAN E, OFFIC 6300 :.Uis.ll Desna Madsen, Miss pita!. Both are reported to be nicely of all ward members . GIVEN Steadma n, Mrs. P€ ter Greer, recoveri ng. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Peterson enDora Webb, Miss Marie w Mr. and Mr.s. Richard Orgill and Midvale 175 _J ~ tertained at dinner Sunday afternoo n children of Bingham were guests of Nona Jensen, !lhss Zdma 1-<nHh•·• 13!1 for Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Bateman . Sp.nday. llow H ansen anl1 Mrs. Nora Stringfe Mr· a n d ;...\liss Connie D<.nsie, 1\Ibs Q:<J . _,. s . K.1rk ~ 724 E. Center Street Mr. and Mrs. A. Rasmuss en had Butterfie ld, 1\lis::Gs Edna and family of Midvale and Mr. Jack LindUtah Midvale n, 1\liss Rheabel Hamilto as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. seth of Bingham were guests of Mr. Phone Mid. 120 A Richard Lambert and grandson , Jos'I ., rs. a1·on D en~1ey, M rs. and Mrs. George Goodrich , Sunda". • eph Lamber t of Salt Lake. Mrs · Geo r ge H end erson, Mrs. L eolli::;s Beth .Steadma n, ~1rs. Lydia R Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Osborne are re, t _ _ ~ _ and Thelma Henders on Brown nard esen, lv1rs. . S. Hamilto n, Mrs. r joicing over the arrivalb of a daughte f 1-ie Green, Mrs. Rex Hamilto n, 0 spent Friday as guests of Mrs. Aaron 2 M Wilford Crane and Miss Louie rs. s orne was orborn May . Garside at Riverton . Mrs. Christia n Miller of ferly Miss LaPreal Terry. Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Geora.e Broun had as several Jays during vi-sited daughte r, Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Mrs. and Mr and relatives . Sunday, friends guests with their Jensen and daughte r, Marie of Salt E:utlter:fiJ Sandy. ' of Albert Anderso n Lake were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. :t;. T. .and lr •• and en Rasmuss b Lorin H Mr. and Mrs. tertained at dinner st f Mr. e er Peterson Saturda y afternoo n. Jolm I. Wiberg"aun.ucdlay .Mrt;. children of M agna were gue s o A large number attended the Mu11 and Mrs. George Stringfe llow Sunand Mrs. Spencer Barton.L"' t~..t. tual Conjoint meeting in the ward I and family were also guests. day. . chapel Sunday evening and enj<>yed ~ Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Smith of g musical program rendfollowin the Mrs. A. P. Anderso n of B Spanish Fork visited relatives here ered by the Sandy wards. CouncilIdaho is visiting with her during the week. or Clyde Raddon had charge of the LIVES , MINUT ES, AND MILLIONS Miss Virginia Smith of Provo spent Lloyd and :\1J:s.. Mrs. T. B.several meeting . The choir sang "Praise to weekb. for Lloyd Mr. the week-en d with her parents, E. Alvin Mrs. and 1\lr. Every time the clock ticks, a stagger ing sum of Jack Mrs. the Lord" opening prayer, hands. s change money • and Mrs. Heber A. Smith. Sabey, after which two numbers were Sundayhas on Miller homeMr. turned Miss Afton Fitzgera ld of Salt Lake ID reading Singers·, ee zona where Mel-0-D by given . on1y a h ec k upon h ub Th. l .th h IS d er, k remem th money, lS reaere WI e wee -en ipent by Miss Clark; Mel-0-D ee Singers; man labor. boring as a missiona ry for tives. Henry Jorgenso n spoke fiften minMr. and Mrs. Louie Pope, Mr. and two years. utes on the benefits of music in the If you work, you receive money for your labor. Mr. and ::\1rs. William MI1S. Jack Van Houten and Mrs. Cerl church and home; vocal solo, Bernice of Gravel of Salt Lake were guests be ehntertained at a party Crossgro ve; reading, Miss Clark; two If you do not save someth ing, you have thrown t e horr.e of Mr. and at Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Pope, Sunday. numbers by the Mel-0-D ee Singers; away both time and labor. You have wasted just so Mr. and Mrs. Merle Brown and Lloyd. benedict ion, C. W. Price. much of your life. children of Midvale visited relatives Miss Maurine Steadma n Mr. and Mrs. George H<mderson Page were Meredith here Monday. and daughte r Dona and Fay, spent adds clock same the of tick every save, do you If guest the was n Mickelse J. Mrs. s. a ta party on Wo.:u"'":;=J Sunday Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Heber . income your to ld of her sister, Mrs. B. F. Fitzgera were played and Hand at Garfield. WHAT'S BECOME OF THE of Salt Lake, Monday. to 60 guests. ed Miss Lucile Bateman was the guest Clock ticks and minute s are the things of which ROUGHNECK THAT USED The member s of the 0. G. Club of Myrt1e Cum1·1ck , Sund ay. millions are made. TO MAKE FUN OF THE entertain ed at a swimmin g part at Milo Pearson has bought the Alvin WRIST WATC H? Those out of Savatoga , Friday. This year our plants are NOW Cundick home and will move there in affair were: Miss the enjoying town future Wonderf ul. the near Is The 'Time To Have Your Bat- Charlott e Nielsen of Salt Lake and childand Holt Big and Strong. Best in Mr. and Mrs. Cliff teries Put In Shape For Enjoy- Miss Atha Burkins haw of Sandy. the at ren of Murray are visiting all our business . able Spring And Summe r Driv- Miss Helen Crosgro ve of Salt Lake of Robert Dimond this week. home PRIZE WINNE RS ing. spent the past week-en d with JJ.er Ernest Silcox and baby visitMrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. CrosAstors, Zinnias, Marigol ds WE ed at Lark and Herrima n, the past grove. Snapdra gons, Stocks and Do All Kinds Ofweek, entertain RICAL Scabiosa . Come early, they Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Pope AUTOMOBILE ELECT Don't forget the dance Friday evhonor in n are selling FAST atREPAI RING AND BATTE RY ed at a wedding receptio ening. RECHA RGING , 5 doz. for -·-·-·-·-·- ·-·· $1.00 Mr. Mr. Lafe Egbert has gone back to of their daughte r, Edna and last Lake Salt of Batl Withera Deliver E. And Giant fringed and ruffled Arohie For Call We work after being ill the past ten days. couple The A Have evening. ay You Let wednesd teries. We Petunias , 3 doz. ··-········ $1.00 The Furse baby, also Mr. Wm. Battery While Yours Is were married at the home of the : Giant Pansies, doz•............ 25c d. improve much very are Bennett Perennia ls, 2 years old, for Being Charge d bride's parents at 8 o'clock. Bish<>p and Mrs. Ray Holt of Garfield Mr. short time only, doz. $1.50 M. B. Andrus perform ing the cerevisited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. mony. Followin g the ceremon y a Jensen. program consistin g of readings by Friday evening, Mrs. Ben Schmidt by songs and Eulke e Miss Charlett of Midvale, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Miss Eva Jackson of Salt Lake was Beckstea d and Mrs. Hyrum Beck6460 So. State, Sandy Ut. The given followed by dancing. attendand stead motored to Magna the 24 E. Center St •...... Phone: Mid. 272 Draper school orchestr a furnishe dhree ed a shower for Mrs. Allen Larson, occasion . Eighty-t the for music Utah e, Midval formerly Miss Melva Bird, an April ' guests were present. The bride and bride. gr<>om left the next morning :f<>r Mr. and Mrs. Byron Birch, Marie C 0 a spend will they Wyomin g where PAINT ING AND and Lila Shulsen, Mrs. Henry Egshort honeymo on after which they bert and daughte r Minerva , Mrs. Ly· DECORATING will Ct ..... be at home to their friel\<ls in DRAPER ECONOMY A Home Product For Home People L West Jordan Milling Co. .,. -· ° ' ' H F R AS MU SS EN T a1"} r I will Hffi III III Hill Ar t•I fICla ••I ** * ** Hill * Hill Hill IIJ IIJ IIJ ffiB ffiB * J. W. GRACE We Have Instal led At Cons idera ble Expe nse, FULLER PEP A floral Cbt.III•D·g System FI0 \V e r s for Mothers Day Ab un dance c H. E. Phelps floral Co. Tel. Mid. 49 k l d: Mz. ttJa e State Ban MIDVALE BA KE RY 0 & E Electric Service For People Who Care Agenc y-. Remien Art Wall Papers , Auto Finishi ng in DUCO, OPEX and other Lacque r Finishe rs by Spray Method FRED HYKE 98 South Main Street Phone Midvale 132 salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Bueher of Chicago and Mrs, F. J. Fabran of Salt Lake were guests of Mr. and Mrs. s. J. Mickelse n, Sunday. Mrs. Marie Fjeld and daug1hter spent the week-en d with Mrs. Fjeld's mother, Mrs. May Lambert . Mr. and Mrs. Hyrumn Beckstea d and Charles ~ckstead visited reLative at Provo, Sunday. SPEC IAL ORD ERS OUR SPEC IALT Y WE ARE EQU IPPE D TO TAK E CAR E Of your Desir es For That Next Social Affair. Leav e your Troub les With us. p ark erh OUSe R 11S an d DOUgh nut S, d OZ. 20 Bread , Reo-ll}ar Size, 8c, 2 for 15c, 3 for 20c .................................. 30c All LAY ER CAK ES .............. • C J • Oth er p nces n OmpartSOn We do all our BAK ING in Midv ale MIDV ALE ' UTA H 43 N • Mal•n St• Joumal Want. Ads: Pull D. L. BOWEN, Flori st ~i:, c~~S:ic~n:n~uc~fm:l~t;~~~e:~~~ tended the Junior Prom at Bingham Friday night. The hall was beautiful in its decorati ons of flowers represen ting a Japanes e Tea Garden. Mrs. Hattie Peterson and children Veloy and Calvin of Brigham City were special guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dimond Friday evening at a party given in honor of Mr. Dimond' s Twenty- five birthday annivers ary. guests were present. For Sale ONE DUROCK SOW READY TO FARRO W Placed on Contract Pure Bred Cheste r Brood Sows· Phone Midvale 71-R4 Tel. Do~t.s COTION WOOD |