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Show THE i6ft fiAN JOU RNA L "~ ~~~ ~-ii, ·f. ~~~ ~~~ ~;~ ~~~ ~;; ~~; ~~~ M;~ :~; ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ,~~ ~~r ~() -~~s= -~~ -:.~·:~ ~~:·~~\ -~~~~.~ =~~ === ~== 7 ~===================. ========~====== FRI DAY ONLY Cou ntry Stor e and Vaudeville THE LAST THIS SEASON GRAND PRI ZE- One $50.00 RADIO SET Reg·ular Pict ure Prog ram Reg ular Pric es rf (VA T/O N-W ID£ INSTITUTION- South Jordan a party and motore d to East Can· yon ranch on Sunda y, 45 mile:s northcast out throug h Parley s Canyo n. Mrs. Lauren ce Rendo lsbach of West Jordan and Mrs. Leo Palme r en· LIFE OF CHRIS T, BOOK OF ol honor in r showe a at ).lOR.l\101\ AND CHL}{t.;H tertain ed f?"a=cs: a w;:; HISTO RY Mrs. R. A. Naylo r at the Naylo r home Tuesd ay evenin g of last week. At the South Jordan Ward Chape l, ! Games and music were enjoye d ami on lhonda y, .May :3, at H:l5 p. m., A. to served was n luchco course two a J. '1'. Soren: ;en, or Meado w, vtan, Wlll . e on tn" Mr. and Mr:;. Bart Howcr oft anll iVln;. presen t an illu~trated lC{;LUl· .... n anu Girty Naylo r of Salt Lake, Mr. and'l Life of Chnst , Hook 01 Monnv , Mrs. Ray Palme r, Lottie and Bobby ~.JllUrcn Hlsi-ory. grea, a ataken reput has n .. the "ore11~ then ; "'lder right buy to the store ~~ "' ., Palme r Miss Hicha nbon, l\lr. anu deal Presi dent Coolidge thas said that "Eve ry t, anll he.:; spent con· mtcrcs ot' ' right. g sellin for the store of tion d anu a largt! sum O> earne is time ble what sillera not .. is Mrs it and that s one know .•Irs. Norve l ~ ardle ~r. g picture Pappa s, Mrs. _vera Nelson , Mr. anu money in produc ing a movm but what is saved which mea:sures the The buyin g power of this Store 1s treBook O• the of part first the of .Vlrs. A. Stockm g anJ Mr. and Mrs. story coalsv the differ ence between success and failur e." of Neph1, se of becau mendously increased Lawre nce Rendo lsbach of West Jor· Morm on-the liie sub· dan,. M;: .J~seph Na~lor an~ M.rs. :;tereo pticon slides on the same Buyin g inferi or goods because they are opera tive buyin g for all the Store s of this thu of hist"ry early tne on and ~nme Chfio1d ?J J.l.hdval~, Mrs. Fleu ject,· This advancheap is not thrift . It is waste ful because . Nation-wide Organization. church Mr. Cooper, Mrd. Samue l Coope r, ~ The value of this enterta inmen t g the service is correspondingly short . tage is your advan tage each time you buy and ..VIr:;. Lee Rcndo bbach and J.\.lrs. Leo Palme r and Mr. and .M1·s. Pel, cannot be overes timatc u, a:; 1t 1s wei! t:a from us. And payin g ca.:>h you enjoy an The way to decide "whe re savin gs are Pappa s of Bingh am. calcula ted to istruct old and young g. savin added an" r of Palme Mr. and Mrs. R W. and arouse in their nunus an in~eru;, great est" is first to look into the abilit y s Mrs. Samue l Wardl e visited frienu in these sat:red and most woncle n u; ~ and relativ es here last week. subjec ts. Mrs. Elsie Stocki ng visiteu with ,. Mrs. Alice Coope r Wedne sday of last week. EAST .'\>HDV ALE WOM AN'S Mrs. Hattie Macka y of Grang e HEAL TH ll\l.PR OVES visiteu here over Tuesu ay and Wed nesday with her daugh ter, Mrs. Lc We are glad to announ ce that Mrs. . Palme r and family J. H. Weave r is impl'o ving uaer a •. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Callas and bah:. attack of high bloou pressu re. Sh, Helen of Bingh am· were· week·en<t has been co!lfined to her bed ior th, guests of Mrs. George Stocki ng am. past six we~ks. She wishes to exteili family . Said-Everybod~'s her thanks to her friend s Ior thei_ Mrs. Sarah Becks tead visited with kindne ss and beauti ful fiowet s sen. her daugh ter, Mrs. "Elsie Stocking· on during her sickne ss, Thurs day of last week. Y The marria ge of Miss Elva Naylo1 In the Sprin g, thoug hts turn to maki nr daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Nay· A CHAL LENG E Natu t. brigh and y, cheer , fresh home the lor and Ira Rasmu ssen of Grang er Sth Gradl B took p),ace in the Salt Lake Templ e 1 rally, the first thing to buy is Curta ins and rown ara C ion recept A Wedne sday April 21. Age 1.. So. Jordan School Drap eries. was given in their honor at the brides Caroly n Hay, Teach er home in the evenin g. The house was rns patte tive Mr, Crawf ord's (;lass of 1, of Out We are show ing most attrac decora ted in pink and white. The secure~. bride wore a guwn of gray satin pupils, eleven of them have and fabric s at price s emin ently reaso nable . their Final Certifi cates in Palme . trimm ed in cream colore d lace. ing Mr. and Mrs. Levi Naylo r and Mr. Metho d. Penma nship. . The remain Scrim s-Ma rquis ettes emen·, lmprov theJr have all pU}Ills six R asmusse n , par"'1· t' t t' d .. an d M rs. ., ar m 0 gee mg expec are an i~~te Cel:tlf eul Pla-in, borde red, stripe d, and dotted curtai nreceiv ents oi the young couple end o, ing. Priced , t!lP Y;l r.d . the guests . A buffet suppe r was serv th~~· :mal Certifi cates by the . £c ho · ell to 65 guests . Mr. and Mrs Ra.;· class has worked ver~ entire e T · h to · t e:r musse n will be at nome consci enciou s all winter in penma ntriemls in South Jordan . n Filet and Shadow Nets ship and they have been promis e« treats by · three differe nt person~ i, e Georg Mrs. , Mrs. (Jtto Smiuth Splendid values in carefully woven nets for ot .::>midth and 1\li::;s Hazel Smidt h cent Final Certi West; J oruan visited relativ es here they have 100 per smar t curta ins. Varie ty .of widths, the yard, . spring by ficates The class also would like to chal. 1•'rioay oi last week. tis Shiel A. ML and Mrs. James lenge any eighth grade in the uistrin Artis tic Cretonnes had as their week-e nd guests , Mr. to beat their reco1·d, ami Mrs. ilal·Jca :;tle, 1\Ir. Lawsv il uL they nd ted-a n-No Natio are nnes Our Creto .:iauuy, .\lr. anu Mrs. Lauren ce DunThe Param ount orche; ;tra enterta i1 a· VI vl B1liy and Hal and :;om;, rns anJ patte yon New deserve their popularity. ed at a dance Tnursu ay eve.tin g '' J)er and Mr. anu t-lr's. N ulan Sllielu., ;,he South Jordan Amuse ment hall . colors. The yard, ..mtl IJal.y Larue OL Mag11a. l'h<!y are also going to give a danc1 l\ir. and Mn. R A . .Naylor had a~ one week from Saturd ay night. lllrs. 1\laQ ~hen· guc!:lts ::>unday, g an-.~ Sto.:km e lieorg .::iulelas, r~irs. Drape ry, in New Sprin g colors. Plain, ruffled, r anu Govpc: ,~11'. anti Mrs. ::>amuel <>ERVICt.iS I•'OH EA::i'l .l•'UN£ RAL "' and fringe d curta ins in white and in color comi.\lr. and Mr.;. Lauren ce Henuo isbacll .l\llDV ALE WOM AN LAST binations. The pair, and childre n. MOiliDAY A dance was enjoye d by many in ~~~ ~L~ --~ ----~c~ ay ~98 to. the Amuse ment hall last Saturd Funer al Servic es were held Mon night. Music was furnish ed by the -OF COURSF h. ount orches tra. 'l'ne Bet Hive l day at ;; o'clock m the East Midva L'an~m ES STRIP and KS CHEC ALL SILK Aw. IMPO RTED l.in·l.; serveu anu sold pie anu puncr, Ward chapel for lVIl'S. Mary iastic to enthus be You'll ; Finish Fine t, Weigh Good GreenEnglis h Broad cloths hold Juring the dance. Dun't forget the Johnso n Sharp. Bishop T. F. start a new Dress when you This value anothe r proof of first place for their lovely oig d<tnce to be given Thur:s day ev- wood in charge . see this inexpe nsive but very It . Power g Buyin grea,t our weargreat their The ward choir furnish ed the mufinish and \.!lllllg from now on during the sum· -with new patcrepe smart which e Ponge y Mumm 12 is colof "We Shall Meet," ing qualiti es. Range wer. 1ne .t'aram ount on:nes tra wil. sic numbe rs: yard, the ternsyard, The t. weigh fine makes ors. 35-36 inch width, yd. ''!-testi ng .Now" anti "0 My FaLhe r 'u.nish the music. and were assiste d by a violin solv t Every "ne is invited ! Weh-ome! Lilly Mr. Joseph F. Palme r 1s home ::r-j "0 Dry Those Tears" by Mrs. sole.. vocal anu wr spenam g the past three month~ Shime r of Salt Lake are alreati y beiug ma,Je. He and DO YOUR SHOP I'L G NOW! Cliffor d I. Goit' and l\1r$. workin g in the l\h:ssion field. 1 by Mr. who hesitat es will lose. Shop BRAN D she OWN OUR "!•'ace tc.. IN APRO N CHEC KS Mn;. Jt•>'ep11 Palme r !'pent .t;thel Miller berg who sang and Mr. fine our of f bolts and h Bolts h" NEW PRINT S 1) - ·' 1r1y or summ er all well as for Our buying Power makes lvlr. and Mr~. Face" and "A W·onderrul Mothe r. • WJtll g thing~ w 1c VIsitin many lay are .::iatun There New! ams! Gl'ngh t s. . C. ,,, H. Our own percal e:-in the thl· s splend 1'd value in GingPraye rs were offered by W. A. liar cembe r and A~>r,l <Lo not haH in v1H'IS mas. - - - - - ~'. W. 1J<tlmur m West Jordan . for your ready -all Fresh fine same The ns. patter 1926 speak hams. Just think! Apron l\.Lr. anu J.llrs. Menel han d ol rett anu Edwar d Kresse r. The the tn·,t sewing . 32 inches wide, the colors! ling Appea ! Bisho and quality h Griffit pricJacob were colors, ers 1, commo n, weath er being pretty Leo in checks The Eye· Witne ss Testifi es vis1ted w1th .i\llr. anu .lVln;. ,;:,untiy rd yard, the tho< wide, 1t tJ inches clutcr, 36 tll,;y which on point d 1. s yard, Charle ed, the Heber Burgo n of Union, ya • ~Jalmcr, Bun ay. lliat 1sone brtw T. the liar; a Obon ed wasn' ter daugh little her dt.t.l vn questi t "''thou ed. 1 Interm ent was in the Muna y CJr; ue accept I dle Batem an were guests of .r.:lme! n"'ssa gc 1 child simply exagg erated , clue to an : Cemet ery where a quarte t ren<Lere,, 111 Decemot!r or Apr l. I hi ..-'almer on Sunda y. she hearu ThL of pure wisdom is: "l.Jo y ... ur .:nop· active imagin ation. Then tion instruc ng "Rise" imbibi O.i "Jesus Lover of My Soul." is Gotta it tead of out Becki'fun · Amuld S iHrs. · . RUTH ana . 1\lr. BABE . HFUL YOUT dedica ted by J. Georg ... ping early." httle the was with grave l" ce n argUll announ visito ng to nd some· me oii!'.pn g s week·e her gettin please were of it Jordan ophy "Yep, philos vV'cst . the i "' gathWhere two or three boys are 1;,::;teau, Sharp of the Stake Presid enc)'. The buy.ng pubhc has learne d fror.~ u "'' Lhat I am city-br ed." mrs. Samue1 .oec finds and life Mr. ver of where life of out thing a of start the is :;t.,,·es tlo girl next uoor. there er ered togeth Floral offerin gs were proius e anl. sad CXJ)dicnce~ that Joc .. l "W al, by hickey ! Some one took Sr. him. He should have a better place ''Yes.'' concul ed Betty J anc, "you uot eHtuia te tHL c•atutw Lal · ~- .l rw might you out o' the oven too soon.'' ball game. It matter !. not that an al· to play but a wider space A fire destro yed a stack of hay beauti ful. twins at your house, while Johnso n Sharp, 5u ..;tore' in l.".IY<H!; ,,,vd •., 1a tn, L.u.• may have Ann Mary ley, a street, backya rd, is all that is Mrs. early on Peters Henry to ing ity. oelong ingenu his brothe r, but on d availab le. The rules are adjust ed to make less deman even· wr the m::·.t uve y""rs. J. aloQr, nr,' we've only got a b.:oy Friday late died age, of years th" 01 cause The g. mornin y Thus there are lesson s to be learne d tl!at ;:;unda Our Girls 1-hat brumid e, "The earl~ lHrd c<...to. that's becaus e I told the Loru Sh, Street. State on suit the condit ions. The Ameri can in cramp ed quarte rs for the boy who home her at ing de· fire The . rmined tire was undete it <.:an be .~1-.~ wh one baby wa, enuug 1 iur :uy fam1ly cti Lne worw, ' Vonni e: "Did you hear the good boy holds a maste r's degree in ac- who is alert. ent from Muaa y respon ded an,. was born in South Cotton wood Fell· partm Deeply pained Mrs. Car· me, ducky ?' is surviv ed by he:. t,ruthfulne~s that "The ea, li sl.vpp~• at a time." and comod ating himsel f to circum stance s. about 1873 news 21, ruary savt. to ed follow fight ated who desper a boy a of And the right kind ringto n called her daugh ter to ,her. ObserVlation is ·convi ncing that I'll and tk -:atcnes the p1·we 01 tile R• O:!J.. news Sharp W. good n only Stephe "The d, : husban Lonnie gs. buildin or out-do and house alley an che to • ·,,r the best of there is as much fun to be had in learns to make .)'oU don t i.Ju) eal'ly you t.uKe .vua" "it's bn,aki ng l•Wther's heart Wil be er:s: will daught dear, and you, sons about ing hear follow the ever re· are make will Lloyd who Amos kind Mrs. Mr. and will be the you tell such awful stories ," s}le. · in later somet hing you can't tell me.'' ld G, the other sho1Jpers hm l l'(; l.'.;ctl. playin g an alley game interru pted most of his circum stance s what joicing over the arriva l of ·a bab; liam P. of Rigby , Idaho, Renna Spring and ,;umnw r bu,yinG , hm , sighed . "Don't yuu r~mLmher and Earl Sharp Ruben S; ce Claren :!.5. April g mornin y satis· Sunda be to born l.)oy likely ira'!" not Sapph is and he wea<~ll 0 ap,,~re., happen ed to Anani as ant! e~u~~!~o~~er:~~~!me~~u:~s un~:~ life old and Marliu all of Bast Midva le, Mrs. s. c. Wa1 ited chiefly to when he geti th Holt Essie and fied with an alley Ann AL this dr., "Oh, yes, mt.the r dear, l knew; they If · Room For Critici sm condit ions where there is more room enough to work f or h"m1se m B. Y ker of Blackf oot, Idaho and the Mis- o.i out-o1 ·uoors liie. he ing attend are who ld e Newbo tile implem cnh \l·'re struck dead for lying-;" ans\ve rand nothin g to interfe re with the of life. m): "You U. at P.1·ovo spent the week-e nd herP ses Violet te P. and Nellie H. SharlJ househ old needs ami game ng-roo s dressi seriou (to r more Boudio . -•ty Jane. "l saw them carried le and the follow · or' the year tile milllt o. every ma1, ed progre ss of the game. If a m1tt sa1· 1 Midva East of both es. 1elativ and s do friend g and me, visitin with seem to be angry Henry woman and child turns io the though t into the drug store!" vaged from a rubbis h heap is not the enterta ined ing brothe rs and sisters : ng Stocki e Georg Mrs. more." any speak not -.;,Loved Grocer t, to 1urWhen The prized posses sion of some boy some-! Johnso n of Union, Samue l of East JI light and colonu~ raimen Mrs. and .Mr. for y Sunda dinner at maid, I e Same Predic ament Dressi ng-roo m: "No, my dear, thin&- else can be made to supply the 1The grover loved a winsom of Lavan and Thor nishin gs which will lena a cool sUil'· Oluf le, Midva . Jordan West of family and Silcox gone to As glowin g as the day; am not angry, only asham ed; there mery at~ospher~ . to the city hom.; I The young couple hac! deficie ncy, for no self-re spectin g boy Mid· Hulda Mrs. and y Murra of wald an Herrim of on Peters him, church . When the ccilect ion was behave been so many dirty things pulled Miss Della would try to play ball withou t giving He though t she's never marry and Mrs. Annie Carlso n oi and to tne mulht ude o acc~s.3 ,riL dleton ng Stocki Mrs. rd. Winwa Laura and may." she " soap But said, "Let off around me lately. Our I~erehants N ing taken, the young ".Un hurrie dly at least an imitati on of posses sing a ay evenin g, East Midva le, Mrs. Clara Bogge ss of 'o summe r. play. Saturd guests her as had a d finding no mitt. And games of this charac ter on of cogmz e this season al ucman tl and explor ed hi~ .POCkets Peters ne Caroli Mrs. and Union oi ng Stocki Elmer .1.'.1rs. and Mr. to his forth, provid e amply for it, but it i~ mani- money whispe red sheep!. 'lly are thorou ghly democ ratic. There is 1Unto her home he hide him Sandy . . lllagna see, eart: to face sweeth \, ing n~ Her charm no snobbe ry, no race prejud ice. B<>ys Mrs. Sharp was a kind and loving fest that the wide chcJ.C< o, the Ander o Garne r of Lark spent Sun· nt. well full know joy, "Mary , I haven 't a single with cried And may color of shades of a half·do zen r anu leaves a host stock:> can not be m;..i11taincd to the mothe and wife l\lrs. and l\h. s, parent his g visitin day change d by pants before 1 came That cheese the g1rl for me.'' partici pate but all are Ameri cans beof friend s to mourn her loss, for she 211tl of t.lle seuson . r. Garne H. W. \Yhat'll 1 do 'I" "'"1er Bt i•· Many peo.!Jle dE fpr tl:• cause they are devote d to the naim- was belove d by all who knew her. slowly is s Shield 1 SOW A. CK D. Mr. DURO ONE said she and e pensiv was Mny was search 'ng her bag Now she buying until the passm g oi spr ug. tional game. up lie to able uow is He g. provin r, at. I glad She was extrem ely OW One who observ es the efforts of Others advanc e their Sl asonal buyi11, hop •s of some small chnnL, FARR TO Y KS READ THAN OF CARD . around ed and remark "e::; h 1 her wlb' e 1d, she blurh~d n small boys in playin g ball amid such To see his face, and then ~ We wish to thank everyo ne who a few weeks anu give thonsd StockLucy rd, Winwa Laura Miss had. coffee a what On ly shoppinp- an l rett when she repli~d, "Do you know, restric ted surrou ndings canno t re· Spenc er in any way helped during the sick· 1 p1:ivi!ege. of leisure Val and. Kylen Han·y ing, I'm in tht> s;~me predica~,')t press a regret that better facilit ies l of our dear wife w1dc choice. The late sl>oppr-r saves J•1lm, funera and ness and night ay Saturd party a formed ateintim 4nd Ius,., t!1~t -.1, i,.U, '·'J ..,eL".'' f"Or play are not afforde d. Yet those And soon they grew most Pure Bred Ches ter Brood an and attend ed and mothe r, for the many floral tri· no money Herrim to d motore brow - · __ ~ her kiss him let She 1 have only to the Farly j who make the best of what they of Delta butes, kind words and deeds in this, satisfa ction given home the at given party a ge, marria ned mentio you bear a serrd ?" he "Can when May: Sows : shoppe r. are learnin g a valuab le lesson , though But hour of bereav ement . our on. Peters said, Fay. "But then it would n't be n .they may not be aware of it. The The summ er sto-:ks are fresh on Signed , and e 71-R4 Wardl l le Samue Midva Mrs. Phone and Mr. "Oh, do not teas me now.' the counte rs. The vl!ry first choice s secret. '' small boy who is .able to play in the Mr. S. W, Sharp and family . r formed Palme W. R. Mrs. and l'.1r. Paul. F. George confin es of an alley and get a lot of .INC.\ SATURDAY ONLY DE PA RT ME NT ST OR ES Midvale, Utah . ... "Saving is the Difference Between Success and Failure'' .. tJ fl Eno ugh C01nedy Fav orite ' Green Arc her" and SUN DAY and 1\iONDA 15c to 39c 29c to 49c 19c to 29c 73c Jap Pon gee New Broadcloth I Fan cy Creues IRI T EATRE C 0 98C 53 49c Gladio Perc ale Our Gin gham 73c to $1.19 H. C. S. Gin gham 18 B~h~ \1y~~cunili~,Hoseud~· Missl ~~ ;;; ~;; ~~C ;;; ;~; ;;; ~~; C~; ;~~ ~;; ~;; ;;~ ;;; ~C~ ;;~ ;;; ~~; 15 10 ~Greenwood. ~ou alv.~t ,,,,,~,Lll• B~UyJandsmollierd~lar~ I I I I I :'1 Fo r Sale I Placed on Contract |