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Show • THE J0 ' DAN RIVERTON )OU RN AL .. ------· ._.......... !.aal !~ o~ ~! Th I ainua troub le and other complications. He ia atafia g in Salt Lake when he ia receiv ing trea~ents The Jorda n PubHshiJ:la Company, Inc. Mrs. Gwynne Page entert ained at Soeiet)t sister s IIWt at. fl'Qm a apecialiat. Monday in honor of her --------------------~ Mr. Wm. Benn ett met. with a yery a party on TERM S OF SUBSCRIFTION 9{ lli.rs. Fred Cooper on FIRE ! It may be y.our home or busher being it llian, Gwen ter, daugh · - - ,1.50 been iness next time. See Heber Aylet t One year - ·The procr am for the regu- painfu l and what qht haVe • ent l.a8t Satur day birthd ay anniv ersary . • Games were lie\liU was g$VeD after 'Which very serioua accid Telephone Midvale 178 ESB---oGeneral haulin g a n d had EXPR He to hay. g served ts haulin hmen while ng refres and morni played Reu 'I!Pat in a social way. moving. Call Midvale 236.:.J 7-22 Enter ed at the postoffice at Midvale the mi.lfortune of fallin g otf the load 12 guest s. ......~- aerved . s ing his hip and arm, beside City, Utah, as seeond-claaa matte r. Mrs. Ephri am Ottes en entert ained . l'.S~IIl Peterso11 U11denrent all break 5-room rn mode -New SALE FOR getis the He of s. honor bruise in many party at a birthd ay for the reDlovel of her ton- receiving WHY AMERICA: l!;XCELS house. Good loc:_ation. See J. A. ted Misses Elsie and Estell e Hardy at expec be can as well as al-ong tirlg ret~~..eciay. of laat week. Co. Alcorn, West Jorda n Lumb er her home on Frida y. Games were lloga n has pUrcl laHd the at the prese nt time. 4-1-26 tf Amer icans are often criticized for on the Redwood road. The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. played and refres hmen ts were servtheir .Love of pleas ure and lack of ved after ed to Mary Hamilton, Lo1·ene Ma~ Mrs. E. Itt Batem an and Alfre d Furse is much impro Rupert. Cuthb ice -Cho thrift with -t ime ~d money. It is days. sen, Ruby Stone, Leone Parks , Jess1e FOR SALE A. Belfinlrbam, Washington being seriously ill for sever al ed. hundr per berry plants, -41.50 otten charg ed that we .spend too much Princ ipal and Mrs. W. W. Mal- Bills Marjo rie Dewley, Lois Swensen 4-t time in the theatr e, the dance hall, lDo'ftil b~ to their home near St. r Cente 559 trom, Malm A. strom are receiving congr atulat ions Hele~ Crane. Beth Webb, Mildred lifatilam Highway. the motor car, the .stadium and other llami lton, Mildred Peters on, Mable lfll41lDe Bateman is taking sub- on the arriva l of a daugh ter, The pleasu reMr. and Mrs. Langf ord Ostle r of Eccles, Hazel Eccles, Melba Green, GOING FAST -Larg e Choice Lots r-esorts of pastime. forth & Jorda n Journ al and e we are town believ in on iunen locati loving Frenc 1)0" X 145. Best ward to Elna Olson, Ethel Brow n and ArdelPtrJIWlg hard for the contu t in Bingh am have moved to this Only $!Oming aroun d -t o •their way of taking Midvale's. new Addition. la Brown. iubscz:~ptlion t:amp aign. Patro nize make their home. $350 per lot. Your own tel'Jlls, For life, The sober-sides at !home remem.. ·no.m e town and don't judge Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peter son a~!• sale by owner. A. A. Malmstrom , ber the decline and fall of the Homan you ' inves tigate and nounce the birth of a baby on Frltf empire, but most of us know that 559 Cente r Stree t, Midvale it i8 doing :tor your none of ·them sees us arigh t. Salt Lake Mrs. R. P. P.owell return ed to her da~r. Danford Crane of hatch The word 'pasti me" was <klrived y visitin g WHIT E LEGHORN Eggs -for Sunda and day Satllr ....,.nt Satur be last to able Idaho is ian an Merid Batem in Lydia home ipg from our flock mated to Ivan's from the phras e "pass the time." A four ween at -r- sister , Mrs. Edge r Morgan . q~ain after being seriou sly iH day after spend ing his N. S. Mrs. pedigreed cockerels of 265 egg usual defthition of the contra ction is sister , the home Of her Mrs Marth a Lanca ster and daughweek. strain . W. 0. Boberg, Sandy, Ut. some expedient to keep time from ter V~sta of West Jorda n were the Leah Yates joined a party of Smith . t 5-1~ laggin g. 'Dhis is not, however, the Phone Midvale 173-R eth Elizab Mts. r, mothe her of s gu~ Wilke of the en ed childr attend and and Mrs. J. C. Zintn er definition which can be applied to the Saturday evenjng of last Clover, Utah are visitin g at the Lloyd on Monday. SAL E-4 Desirable Residences. pastim es of the mass ot Amer icans. FOR Mr. and Ml's. William Codell anEnqui re J. Wilmer Booth, Booth home of her paren ts, llr. and Mrs. It is never more obvious than in girl last baby a of birth the e nounc Dean. Mere. Co. Leonard Steadman entert ain- Wm. the spring that Americans love .sports of Monday. baby ana Warr m Willia Mrs. her of honor in hing more party ise a surpr e Anderson return ed to MONEY IS NO OBJE CT-if you fail and pleasu res for somet be spendLoren Miss of home the at g viai\in are er Grang anniay to thirty -first birthd than a desire to play and Dora Butterfield on Monday after to read the ads in the Journ al- thrift s with time. That somet hing is Game s and luncheon was Mr. and Mrs. R. C.. Allen. am. Save Money by Readi ng Them! Miss Merlene Beck entert ained a visitin g the week at Brigh the recogniti:on of the need of a stock 60 ~ts. ained entert e Dansi rd Wilfo Mrs. home her at s friend her of er numb vis:. se ld Garfie of Kelley of her FOR SAL~ Acres good land on of fresh air, recrea tion and exerci honor in y Sunda r dinne at esProgr 23. April g, evenin y after Frida of Wasatdh. to reM<>re us to perfe ct health ,,;Wft: Arthui" Bird, Sunday. daugh ter, Willas, sixth birthd ay an- State Stree t, Scruth Side and all by ed enjoy were s game sive Hamp New of Clark the rigors of winte r and to prepa re ~- M• ary. Covers were laid for 15. Phone Midvale 123-W. nivers ia Virgin Miss by won were prizes ond, lthe tasks Richm of n , . .1.-.... Swa Neilso fiield - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - our bodies and minds for Butter nri Maho Mrs. and Mr. Vesta Miss and le Midva of of the next' winte r. The avera ge .OJ lrfurtay, Mrs. Bruce Eapes,:eon Blutf<We. A tlainty luneh- entert ained Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rindof • .._. Walte r Taylor~ Mrs. -Frost American plays not for surcease from guests . lisbach and famil y at dinne r Sunday. e twelv to served was eon; armer l! Hazel Mrs. and !Ioll l;.,JIAIF work but for streng th for work. Maurine Clark spent the Miss and blue pale of e schem color The and Mr. of ..... were peats There are no peoples on the globe g. visitin Provo at end weekadecor the in out d carrie was green who work as indus trious ly and vigor- ; - Nome ra 'Db.ursday. . Mr. and Mrs. John Rindisbach on. lunche and tiona Plerce son, and Furse ecl ~,,J.~r ously as Americans and so there are and daugh ters, Ester and Laura were as have Stay C. J. Mrs. and Mr. spent and y Sunda ..,,..,.. ,.,. O~lien none requir ing as much recreation. Mrs. Neff and Mr. of s guest r dinne Stay's Mr. week, this a gu,est their The two weeks' ~atioa is a nafJl. Cbe main event s of the mothe r, Mrs. Mary Stay of Salt Lake. of Crescent on Sunday. tional trait and as such tells the Mr. Marvin Dansie return ed home a party given at the Mr. and Mrs. C&arlea B. Jense n of story of a nation which works 50 _.,.. _,_ .., and Mrs. Robe rt Gard- C1iallia Idaho are pests at the home Frida y from the Califo rnia · mission weeks out of the year and playa two. ni&'ht in honor of of MT~. jense n's aunt, Mrs. James where be has been labori ng a1 a misDurin g the 50 week.s of labor ·t he si.onary for the past two years. ,JW~ GaJrdDer's birhtd ay anni- Micte laeL more matur e play golf for exercise Mrs. Reuben Sorensen and famil y in honor of their daugh 'rhe Gleaner Girls entert ained at not pleasure, the middle-aged motor, .ED._ who has recen tly return - a party Monday evening in compli- of Drape r spent Sunda y visitin g at swim, ride and hunt not for pleasu re FOR 'MAY 9th A color ment to Mrs. William Osborne at her the home of George H. Dansie, mm the J4iaaion field. Wjl,l alone but to store up new energ y for car- home. Lunch was served to thirty Mrs. Arthu r Freed land entert ained ........a . of pink and white young swim, play MOT HER 'S DAY more work, the Mrs. John I. Wiberg and daugh ter out ill the deeorations and also gueSts. tennis, hike, dance and motor, perButterfield T. Z. Mrs. and yllis h P· of en childr ~eon which was served to and e Dansi Roy :Mra. haps with pleasu re as the lone obpeats . Mr. W~ley and Miss Hex Riverton were pest s ·of Mrs. Mar- and daugh ter Evelyn at luncheon on jective, but nevertlheless assim ilatThurs day. of Salt Lake, missi onary com- tilla Sorensen Frida y. ing the sturdi ness and health of the Miss Ebba Billa entert ained at a Kr. and Mrs. Gordon annouce the • • of Emm a's were the special out-of-doors. That the Amer ican is Songs were_rende red by Wm. birth of a son last week. Mrs. Gor- party on Thurs day in honor of Miss as system atic and regul ar in his reand Meredith ra.. - Charles Smith, .Ret& CuJl.. don \\'as formerly Miss Jane Allen. Maurine Steadman creati on as he is in his work exau4 Thelm a Henderson. Read- Mr. and Mrs. Arthu r Shaw visited Page who will be marri ed May 12. plains in great part his seeming inwaa Jiven bf Delila Gardn er. Monday at Bingham, the guest of· Progr essive game s were played and exhaustible capac ity for work. refres hmen ts served to 25 JUests. nat of the evening was spent iu Mr. and Mrs. Jame s Jense n. Americans do not place pleasu re Miss George Whetman and family Mrs. Marth a Dunyon is leavin g this before business but to the contr ary with her week to make her home in Park City~ spent Monday visitin g make business of their pleasure. · Page. P. T. Mrs. r, mothe childand Beck Ray Mrs. and Mr. ren and Mr. and Mra. L. W. Nielsen A CARELESS BOY of Sandy were guest s of Mr. and ON BEING USEF UL • y Sunda Beck Mrs. Reid ure Grade 7th treas will er Your moth Cyril Bowen The Jorda n Stake Relief Society Herri man ~chool Teach er A. J. Rees ous gift of Artst yle Men and women who sow the seeu entert ained at a aurpri ze party Mon- Take care of that cold, said the nurse this graci after g n o I s Chocolate of const ant useful activi.ty reap the day evenin_g in the Sandy Seconu He didn't and so it got worse Moth er's Da1. And each time harve st of success from a soil fertilward in honor of presid ent Soren And now he is in a swarm own steady purpose. It Rasm ussen and Niels Lind, also hon- In the land where its warm. she sees it, the verse will IZed by their foolis h to. expec t success -oring Pres1dent Rasmusse~ on his 61 For I saw him ride by in a hearse. her a mess age of love would be as bring 'l'he guest s without active exerti on as to gathe r birthd ay anniv ersary . you. from a crop before you plant the seed. were the heads of all the Stake Or7th Grade But in cultiv ating ·t hat chara cter ganis ations and their partn ers. Spec· Rex Crump er Teach Rees, J. A. which reaps true achievement you ial gueata were the members of the . man Utah Herri of er Walk al Miss LaPre Midvale A may sow in all seasons and gathe r Rasm ussen and Lind fam1liea. the fruits with the seren e assurance progr&Ul was rende red fouowed by a is visitin g at Sandy. last spent er Walk nia Virgi Miss usthat even wind and weath er-sto rm oanqu et and game s. Pres Rasm . Grove ant Pleas and stres s-are a part of the process sen and Mr. Lind were presenteo week-end at and tlon Ohria t, Mr. Louis, Ernes of personal growt h. with a large cake. .A.bout loO guest s ed motor man Herri of en Pouls Reed Optimism is an ally of effort and were preae nt. will they where y Sunda , Lavon to success. It is the kerna l of the nut, Mrs. Bert L. Smith was hostes s to es. not the shell. It is the fine trait of the member& of her club Thurs day visit relativ the of ers teach The paren ts and the man, not the fault. It is the aftern oon. . last their giving are ward man Herri atussen dowers on the hillside, not the dead Mr. and Mrs. Soren Rasm l schoo the at ng eveni y Frida ng meeti leaves under the snow. It is tihe op. tended the farew ell party of Mr. ana portu nity in any job, not the grind , Mrs. c. Chris tensen of Salt Lake on bouse , spent Lavon of Mr. Aaron Poulson It is up to the indiivdual wheth er his Frida y e~ing. Mr. and Mrs. Chrisat oq Pouls Reed g visitin days few a n world will be golden or drab. Opti&ensen are leavin g soon on a missio week. last man, Herri mism in a word is the eye of the to Denmark. soul. It is the color in the vision rethose of one has "Jack e: Estell vealing the fine beyond the coarse, THE MO~TH OF MAY ." mugs ing drink d shione old-fa Age 14 the best beyond the worst . Herm an f'anss en he's quite think I "Oh, nse: Horte urade 8th l Schoo Midvale good-looking!" May: "Can you bear a secre t?" ·Miss Peters on, Teach er Fay: "But then it wouldn't be a Hurra h! here is the month of May, Oft' p -Kee Elms the r Unde e Desir secret." !'he time for iUD, the time for play, l Grass the out, be all should The boys and girls ro romp and play and run about. WANT ADS DRAPER SA V Ew itn F EFT Y. S AOIIJ OU Midvale Drug Co. MIDVALE B A K E RSPEYCIALTY SPE CIA L OR DER S OUR WE AR E EQU IPP ED TO . TA KE CARE Of You r Des ires For Tha t Nex t Social Affair . Lea ve You r Tro uble s Wit h Us. Par lter hou se Rolls and Dou ghn uts, doz. 20c Bre ad, Reg ula r Size, Sc, 2 for 15c, 3 for 20c All LAY ER ·cA~ES .......... ...................................... 30c Oth er rice s In Comparison We do aD OW" BA KIN G in Midvale MIDVALE, UTA H 43 N. Mai n St • MID VAL E I~ Chocolate 21bs. cool and the IUD is brigh t Everybody now should feel just right ~~~ an get out and be happy and gay, For "here, 70u lmow, is the month of Ma7. The air 11 fo r- . 45c wens &co. Wh ere It Pays To Tra de Midvale, Uta h LESTER Wholesale and Retai l .REASONABLE RAT ES AT ALL SEA SON S OF THE YEA R 1 NO EXT RA CHA RGE FOR SPEC IAL DEL IVER Y OFF ICE, -PL-A NT-6 500 Sout h State Midvale 1 Telephone, Resid ence, Murr ay 445 LIVE S, MIN UTE S, AND MILLIONS Ever y time the clock ticks, a stagg ering sum of mone y chan res hand s. This money, remember, is only a check upon human labor. If you work, you receive money for your labor. If you do not save something-, you have throw n away both time and labor. You have wast ed just so much of your life. If you do save, every tick of the same clock adds to your income. Clock ticks and minu tes are the thin~rs of which millions are made. Midrvale State Bank Bohemian Hop-Fiaweed PURITAN M AL .Tults Gives Bes t Res Ye Fashioned • Artificial · , Old Old 1 No Coolc,ing Required_ We Hav e msta)~d At Considerable REAL SERVICE E~Pinso, 13.\F~ DBLlVf.JIED J)AI~ Y Fairdale Farms Tel. Douglas 91-J4 CO'M'ONWOOD UTAH 8th Grade Beed Crane Herrim!ln School A. J. Rees Teach er Mr. and Mrs. Pa~iel Peter son and son and daugh ter Loui11 anq· LaPre al of Herri man are spending thls w~ vJiUjng re~atives at Rock Springs. J't{r.. Chris Poulson of Mr. Herri man have ~~ ~heir home in Salt Lake City. )Irs. Truss ler Bodell and chUdrefJ ftt Herri man return ed home Sunday tdt.er yis~mtr with Mrs. Hann ah Bobertso~ of Amerl#llJt j;'p:rj1 a week. Kr. and J,frs. f;rnes t ~&tenllen, Mr. and Hn. Cly!le Crump, J4r, a~d Mrs. Nephi Butterfl.eld motorecj ~o Salt Lake Monday evening and a~ tende d the Wilkes Theat re. ,,4 Quality Goods A Floral ·Chillint Syttem MILK Fl ow er s ·o 'B rie n Gilbert .Persoll&l S~rvice fgr Motheri Day i~ Abundan"- H. E~ PIWIPI Hor~ Co. TeL Mid, 49 WLilL LIND • PAr~ ~q~Ng ANI} ~~ R~~ D~CORAmffi- J§J f'l!o ¥ ~idvaJe 1 -W W~ ~tml J S:Q~L p APif~ |