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Show THE JORDAN Jordan Journal ose and Any JOURNAL evro et s is? of this list of leadlnfT MAGAZINES 25 Dear Folks: They call me "The Tough Guy"and I am, as hard as nails-on the surface. Appearances would indicate that I am tougher than the wishbone of a fifteen year old guinea hen~ut it is all a pose, an affection I have adopted for a purpose. You'll be surprised when you discover what that purpose is. It is far-reaching and exciting and leads me into more adventures daily than an ant hill has ants. I'll be at the Iris Theatre next Saturday. Come and see me and find out what it's all about. I promise you more thrills, more adventures, more laughs than you've had for a long, long time. Yours very truly, "The Tough Guy" per Fred Thomson. Why Pay Moret I 1 • Take Your PICK Will Be Given Away May 29th in Jordan Journal's Subscription Contest EAST MIDVALE SUGGESTIONS RELATIVE , . TO WEED CONTROL Mr. and Mrs. Tuomas Ahsop and Perennial weeds such as MORNThis year our plants are family motored to Ogden Saturday • lNG GLORY, WHITE TOP and Wonderful. and spe~t the day. . CANADA THISTLE are propagated Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Brady enterBig and Strong. Best in Mrs. Golda Bo11e ente1:tamed Wed- by means of both seed and under- tained at Sunday dinner for Mrs. J. all our business. nesday for members of the Umty ground shoots. H. Leggett and family of Salt Lake PRIZE WINNERS ;hlub. A.l:_tedr thef bthusn~: ot the cluot I Two objects to keep in mind in 1 and Mrs. E. Gebhardt and family of '" e remam er o e e was &pen oontrolling such weeds is to prevent Astors, Zinnias, Marigolds m a liOClal in nonor o1 one Ol the their spread by (1) no allowing them! Murray. . Snapdragons, Stocks and Nef)er before and probably never again will you have such an extraor· members, Mrs. Flora Walker, who to go to seed and ( Mrs. Nettle Brady announc.e the ) by confining 2 Scabiosa. Come early, they dinary money-saving opportunity. Note carefully the large selection of had the misrortune some tnne ago w cultural methods to the infested areas engagement of her daught~r, Arthachoice reading-all at a price to fit your pocketbook. Renewals will be are selling FAST atbreak the bones of her wrlsts. Games d t lt· t thr th lene and Mr. Walter Welhr.gton of , extended one year from date of expiration. No need to wait. 5 doz. for .......................... $1.00 e. g. o no cu IVa e u ese H lid Th · t t k 1 were played and Mrs Walker was t h b"t f th t d d o ay. e marnage o a ·e pace Giant fringed and ruffled ••-•••••••• CLIP AND IJSE THIS COfJPON .........., c es _asf tleds 0 e r?11 s ragge Wednesday, April 28 in the Salt Lake Presented with a handk~rchief shower~- ?at m o un-m es areas w1 grow. T Petunias, 3 doz. ·--...... $1.00 1e. 0 Y the members.. Control by Cultural Methods emp Gentlemen: I wish to tue advantage of your Magazine Bargain Offer. Giant Pansies, doz. -········· 25c _Mrs. Chloe Ja~es was the lucky 1. If possible, summer-fallow the Cloris, the little three year old son I am enclosing the above amount in payment for a one year subscription Perennials, 2 years old, for to your paper and the FIVE Magazines I have marked with an X below. wmner . of the_ quilt that wa~ ~ade area during the first year, allowing of Mr. and Mrs. Glerui Milne was short time only, doz. $1,50 and raffled_ ott by t~ club memoers. no top growth whatever. operated on last week at a local hosyery damty refreshments wen' 2. During the second year, plant pital for mastoids. At last report he 1\Ta~e---·····-----·········----------·-----·---··-·--··--·-·-···--------·-·····---·--enJoyed by the Mesdames. Carne the land to a late cultivated crop was as well as could be expected. Coomber, Chloe Jame£, Rose txreer, such as corn or potatoes and keep He has been very sick for some time. I 6460 So. State, Sandy Ut. Town l{achel Forbush Jessie Berreu, OL- down the top growth by numerous We hope for his speedy and complete illa Brown, Flora Walker Lone cultivations. recovery. 'i)t. or R. F. D. ---------------------------------······--------·-·---···--·--··-Baker Margaret Pack, Melva ,C;v<WS, 3. The third and fourth years, the Mrs. Mary Wardle Iett last week their mothers on the subject of 0 Ameriaua Needlewoman Alice Burgon, Golda Soffe, Erma growing of cultivated Cr()pS such for Washington, where she will visit "chastity." 0 American PoultrJ' AdYocate 0 Home Friend Cook sugar beets, potatoes or tomatoes, her daughter, Mrs. Pearl Westbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fellers had should be continued. Mrs. Clarence Wardle and Mrs. Mrs. Florence Oliver had as her 0 Blade & Ledrer 0 Household Guelt as their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. Control by Chemicals such as Sodium Lucy Smith are in Smithfield this guests Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. 0 Capper's Farmer 0 Household Magazine 1 Carroll and Mrs. Liliy Chimcz ot' Arsenite, Salt, Etc. week to attend the funeral services Ed Kemp of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Farm &: Fireaide 0 Dluatratecl Mechanica : .:::>alt Lake. Use of common saLt on roadsides, of Mrs. William Done. Angus Green and Mr. and Mrs. Fred 0 The Farm Jouraal .0 Mother's Home Life Mr. and Mrs. Lester Warner of ditch banks and fence lines or waste Mrs. Martin Anderson was a week- Coomber and daughter, Dorothy. 0 Farm Lifo 0 Pathfinder (weekly) 26 iasuee • ~alt Lake visited Sunday with Mr. places. end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Cox of Salt 0 Gentlewoman Maguiae 0 Today'a Housewife and Mrs. Wilford Thayne. Cheap, unrefined, common salt apBrady of Bingham. Lake visited Tuesday evening with 0 Good Stories 0 Tractor&: Gas E.qine Review : Mrs. Charles ThQrnton entertained plied to weed patches at the rate of Miss Dean Oliver who is teaching Mrs. W. C. Burgon. 0 Home Circle 0 Woman'• World : Sunday for Mrs. M. J. Thornton. 3-4 to 1 inch deep, over the infested school at Tremonton motored home Funeral services were held Sunday •• Mark this c:oupon now and brintr • J.Vlr. Archie Carlson of Rigby, Idaho area, will kill the weeds in one or and spent the week-end with her for the infant daughter of Mr. and o.- mail it to our Buaineos Office II I• Mrs. Ethel Stevensen of Ogden and two seasons. mother, Mrs. ~orence Oliver. Mrs. Ray at their home on Union Mr. and Mrs. Ului Johnson of Levau, If the salt is applied late in the Mrs. Dorine Litson entertained at avenue. Prayers were offered by Utah were here Monday to attend the season, weed patches should first be a shower Saturday evening at her Wm. E. Cox· and Lester Forbush. funeral services of Mrs. S. W. Sharp. cut and burned to prevent them from home on Vine street in honor of her The speakers were Bishop T. F. ~11·. and Mrs. Lester l:o,orbush had going to seed. sister, Miss Arthaleene Wright, ;a Greenwood, George James and Bishop as their guests last week, Mrs. LoIf salt is applied early in the spring bride of this week. Supper was serv- Heber Burgon. On account of the veda Davis and baby, Vernon of Balt it will not be necessary to cut the ed to fifty guests. illness of the mother, it was thought Lake. Mrs. Erma Cook andi son, weeds. Mrs. Beryl Hyers was the speaker 1 advisable to suspense with musical l~oss of Midvale and Mrs. Lulu GilApplication of the salt will cause at Mutual Tuesday evening. She de- ! numbers. A quartet rendered "Beaulispie and baby Laverl of ::>alt Like. the land to be infertile for two or livered a fine talk to the girls and tiful Home" at the grave side where 1-'hylis, the little six months old three years. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sodium Arsenite Spray Fordham who has been critically ill Sodium Arsenite spray applied at m the L. D. S. Hospital has improved the rate of 2 gallons per 100 gallons sufficiently to be able to return to of water will burn weeds down temner home Saturday. porarily and when applied shortly Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett en- before the seed matures, will ·keep tertained Tuesday and Wednesday same from maturing. The few 11exclusives" for Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Bowles and Burdock Mrs. William Bowles of Nephi. Is a biennial weed and can be erhard put to it to Miss Merla Greenwood entertained adicated by cutting below the surkeep ahead ol at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. face of the ground for two seasons. 11 the many" Hares Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles If this weed is prevented from seeding for two seasons it will be eli'l'h()mton and Mr. Grifton Thayne. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bateman with minated. NOTED stylist the other members of the Social Evening club Cockle Burr day gave a definition of formed a party and attended the Salt Is an annual weed but the seed may style. as ''the effort of the few Lake Theatre after which they took be in the soil for one or t;Q years to wear something different supper at Keeley's Saturday evening. before germinating, hence it will take from the many, and the effort .Mrs. W. A. Garrett, Sr., returned about two years to completely eradiof the many to catch up with 1\ NYONE can do a handsome job of to her home in Nephi last week after cate same. By simply adding eoton~ the few." interior painting with Barreled spending five weeks at the home of The control of Cockle Burr and in-oil to Barreled Sunlight, The job of the few who would Sunlight- and keep it handsome. her son, Mr. W. A. Garrett, Jr. you can obtain exactly the Burdock is especially urged due to be exclusive is becoming more tint you want to match Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holden enter- the enormous losses experienced by A finish so satin-smooth it can't and more difficult all the time. tained Friday evening of last week sheep men and farmers engaged in hold dirt-and so durable you can any scheme of interior decoration. Ask about the A few years back when new at their home on Social Avenue in feeding sheep. Sheep having their wash it repeatedly without injuring new Barreled Sunlight styles originated, usually among honor of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eddie wool matted with burrs are subject to the surface. Tinting Colors the young men of the dressy of Duboise, Idaho who were recently a heavy dockage. The burl's are alinhandytubes. The finest enamel is not more These E n g l is h ''army set,'' they colors married. A tray luncheon was served so troublesome to other classe of live beautiful-yet Barreled Sunlight are almost liqwould be copied later by the to 25 guests. stock as well as to people. coats less, is easy to apply, and reuid, bL~ding London tailors who supply The young people received many easily and quires fewer coats. Also, it is guarwealthy civilians. Then Ameribeautiful and useful presents. quickly with Teh Ladies Aid Society of Mid.Yale anteed to remain white longer than Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Leafquist of was the gues tof the Ladies Aid Socan tailors would get hold of Barreled Sunany gloss paint or enamel, domestic li&ht Murray were guests Sunday of Mr. ciety of Murray, Wednesd!4y at a them a season later, and a few or foreign, applied under the same and Mrs. W. E. Cox. of the new styles would be one o'clock luncheon. conditions. Reen along Fifth A venue. From J. L. Meyers will have charge of Zelda Newbolt 7th Grade the musical program at the districa Sold in cans from ,72 pint to there they would gradually So. Jordan School Age 13 convention at Ogden Monday, May 3, 5 gallons. Where more than one spread over the country. Carolyn Hay, Teacher coat is to be used, apply Barreled But now, things are different. when the Lions of District 28 will The Bee Hive Girls of the South gather in annual conclave. Sunlight Undercoat first. r. . arge American clothing manuJordan Ward sold pie and cake at the The Boy Scouts of Troope No. 119 facturers like Hart Schaffner & dance in the Amusement hall Sat- will sojourn to Saratoga Saturday Marx have style observers on urday evening. The money received May 1st, where fisherman Hugh the ground, and have arrangeis to be spent in fixing up the ceme- Grant will guide the destinies of the Reg. U S, Par. 011' ments whereby patterns of new tery. Many new head boards will good sloop "Happiness" among the styles which appear in Lon~on be bought and set up. Others will schools of fish in Utah Lake to fue or at the famous watermg be painted and repaired. It is ex- delight and adoration of the many places on the Continent are new Blairgowrie tweeds and pected that this work will be ac- scouts who will be in attendance. mediately brought to AmerlCa. Eton flannels, in silver gray, complished before Decoration Day. Don't overlook the great celebraThose which appear suitable cedarwood and tan- the fabThe Mutual are planning on hav- tion in Draper at the New Poultry are immediately made avail- rics and colors which are in ing a wennie roast in the ball park Warehouse on Saturday evening, May able to alert men, in all parts greatest vogue this season in 001 the evening of May 10. 1st, when a big overall and apron of the country who are inter- London. Miss Elva Naylor and Mr. Ira Ras- dance will be staged. Lunch featurMiss timist: "Oh, just look at College m en ' s preferences ested in style, so that the many, A Question Of Taste mussen were married Wednesday in ing eggs, free. that adorable little cottage Jack and if they wish, may be right on are made available in the same He: "Marry me or I'll hang myself the Salt Lake Temple. A reception A. R. Cahoon, office manager at Phyllis live in! Such a dear little the heels of the few all the time. way, so that college styles, of was held in the evening at the home the U. S. Smelter office in Midvale nest, where they can bill and coo." righ on your front door!" of the bride. Young men in America look which the accompanying illushas junked the faithful Studebaker She: "Please don't You knQW paMr. Pessimist: "You bet; Every A ooby boy was born Wednesday after driving it possibly 39,000 miles to college men for style leader- tration is typical, are being ti~ Jack get a bunch of his wife's pa doesn't like to have you hanging evening to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Petership. College men this spring generally worn by young men and purchased a Studebaker Six dea hat bills, he goes coo-coo." around." 1 son of South Jordan. Brougham. are going in strongly for the everywhere, UNION I I I to Select From ° D. L. BOWEN, Florist --····----------·-·--·------------------------.Stall·------------------------ as 5 ! f:HOOS£ TODA ., WHAT'S SMART IN MEN'S WEAR Down Town with Besst'4 "At the Irving's Hat Shop this week you can treat yourself to the best looking $5 hat which I have been able to find thus far in my young life. I was astonished. One o.f them a good-colored crocheted straw, came home with me. There are the larger hats with the short backs, ,t oo, !that are good for dress wear. There is no judgment in paying more. "And now the rompers are abroad in the land. One sees them making their spring appearance. Rompers are the biggest things there are in the summer lives of the family with kiddies. I was commissioned to bring home some for Bobbie, Mary's little ball and chain, today. Got them at Booth's. You know, they specialize in kiddies clothes. And it almost makes me envy the youngsters, the nice comfortable, washable things they have now. No more 'Be-s-sie! Come here this minute!' now, Just doll 'em up in rompers, and 161; 'em go. Fine. "Here come Dad. Oh, he did get th t hat I so wanted him to buy this noon at theFamous. It's the bset looking hat he's had in years! One has amost to rope Dad and hog-tie hi:m to induce him to part with some old, familiar chapeaux. He says he feels like goldfish every time he steps out in a new one. But I notice he's hitting on all six with this one Matthews handles nothing but the· best hats, though, and they know how to make a man look well dressed without startling everyone he meets. "I bought an electric attachment for Mother's sewing machine yester· day at the 0. & E. Electric Shop. And now we are all wo-ndering why someone hasn't done it bef<>re. It makes sewing a pleasure. And certainly there are so many temptations to do a bit n<>w .and then. I am already planning several frocks, which I am confident I will enjoy making. And to think of the weary hours Mother has pedaled that thing!" ln lustrous white-or tinted- This handsome paint washes like· llLE A n. Barreled Sunlight West jordan Lumber Co. MIDVAI.E, UTAH !m- &lward Kresser dedicated the grave in the Murray Cemetery. Miss Afton Burgon had as her guest Sunday, Miss Bertha Berrett. Mrs Laura Anderson, teacher of the Jdnior Girls of the Mutual entertained in their honor at her home Monday evening. Games and music were enjoyed and refreshments were served to fourteen. Miss Elaine Monteer accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coomber and daughter, Dorothy. They motored to Granger and were guests of Mr. and .'v1rs. Stanley Bowden. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Berrett and small daughter, Maxine of Riverton visited Saturday with Mrs. Emma C. Burgon. Mrs. Hyrum Monteer has had as her guests the past week, her daughter, Mrs. Minnie Jewell and baby, Jean of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coomber and daughter, Dorothy and Mrs. Emma Burgon spent Monday evening with Mr .and Mrs. T. E. Crouch of Salt Lake. Mrs. Clara Boggett had as her dinner guests Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Olof Johnson ol Levan, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Griffiths, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson, Mrs. Ellen Johnson and M:-. Sam Johnson of East Midvale. Miss Mary Erickson was a dinner guest Sunday of Miss Dorothy Coomber. Miss Roma Walker pleasantly entertained for the members of her Mutual class Friday evening at her home. Games and refreshments followed the lesson hour. |