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Show THE JORDAN ~fSoctety~ tL.------ JOURNAL COURSE IN NUTRITION AND CLOTHING AVAILABLE Miss Jennie Reece, representing the State Education Workers, will be at the Community Club meeting next Wednesday and will lecture on Clothing and nutrition. This educational campaign is carried on through the co-operation of the Jordan District and all mothers in Midvale, whetner members of the Community Club or not, are urged to attend. The course will coninue each WednesQay for the next five weeks. The lecture will commence at 2 o'cl>Ock each Wednesday af.terno6n at the Community Club quarters, in Goff's hall, in Midvale. Miss Reece is well qualified to handle the subjects mentioned and everyone interested should take advantage of the opportunity. Real Estate Men Know the Answer..._- Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Thomas, Mr. 1 and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Drown and Perhaps you've a friend in the real esand Mrs. James Powell and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Alcorn. Mrs. P. G. Downs attended the dance Mrs. Frank Richards spent the tate business. Ask him this questionat the Bluebird Inn Saturday evening I early part of last week with relatives ~~ Does a good roof count in getting the in West Jordan. of last week. right price for a house?" The u. A. Club met at the home Mrs. Rollin A. Pallanch had as her of Mrs. A. L. Anderson Thursday ev- guest last week-end Miss JacobshaYou'll get a "Yes" that will snap gen of Salt Lake. ening. with conviction. ,Mrs. :ij. Thompson of Sandy and Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Roberts were Barrett Shingles gin a good roof. They dinner guests Sunday of Mr. "and Mrs. C. E. Matthews were guests on Friday of last week of Mrs. Leon Ras are fire-safe-handsome-and rugged. Mrs. C. 0. Peterson of Holliday. mussen. Mrs. D. A. Drown entertained her We've seen a lot of roofings-examined • club Monday. Bridge was played. them-tested them. And we've selected The prizes were awarded to Mrs. Wm. LIBRARY NOTICE Barrett Roofings as a product we're g!ad Waters and Mrs. L. A. Porter. NEIGHBOR: Sell1ng? to endorse. Easy prices. Come in. Let Mrs. Jesse Booth spent Monday The Midvale Community Library Barrett Shingles talk good roofs to you! OWNER: "No ! Sold ! Got in Salt Lake with Mrs. Lynn Booth , is now open for business at the usmx: price three days after INSPECTION NOTICE who left on that day to join her hus-~ ual hours and days, i. e. from 4 to OWNERS OF MILK PRODUCING the new roof was fmished:• band in Portland, Oregon. 7 p. m. on Tuesday and Saturday of cows f The evening Bridge club will meet each week: The books have been On Monday, May 3rd, at 10 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. A. Larson on newly cataloged in alphabetical led- a. m. all persons owning cows from A Barrett sh~n_gle roof makes · any house eas•er to sell j g.ers which add~ greatly t~ ihe eifi~ which milk is sold in Midvale City Tuesday evening of next week. Mrs. Enoch Tripp of Los Angeles, cie~cy . of the hbrary servic.e. Boo~s will submit their cows for inspection California visited friends in Midvale which mclude a set of Amencan His- at the following places: Monday of last week. tory volumes, have ?een recently ~oAll cows west of the D&RGW rail· t given · Mon day nated by Dan Radovich and Paul Riz. road in Midvale, will be taken to The en t er ta mmen . h · t s d b J. d St k zuto contnbuted a volume on t e Rafe Jenkins' corral. evenmg a an y y or an a e . · 1!Cited .fi · h f p ·d t S world war. Good books are so All cows east of the D&RGW rail· of cers 1n cnor o res1 en oren b th "tte 1 road will be taken to J. W. Grace's .t{asmus~en and Stake Clerk Niels 1 Y e com_m_1__e_._ __ Lind was well 'I'he L a d"1es Co mmum•ty c1u b Wl"ll corral on East Center Street. . attended. Those presGIKLS· DAY A'l' JVtU>AN lilGH JUANITA JORGENSON Inspection service is free. If you ''THE WILDEST ONE OF THE ent from M1dvale were Mr. and Mrs. g1ve . a dance m · the I mpena · 1 h a 11 on own cows and expect to sell milk in IN DECLAMATION CO d C WAYWARD WEST" P. c. Ra&musscn, Mr. an Mrs. · ..L', n"d ay evemng, · A pn·1 3o. Co me out The First Annual Girls' Day wil, Midvale City you must have an inI. Goff, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Rasmusd . lf J t" Miss Juanita Jorgenson, senior an enJOY yourse w u 1e suppor mg spection certificate before a permit to at Jordan, W cdnesuay l\la~ be held sen, uuLr. and Mrs. N"1e1s L'm d , Mr. th b Handsome Monument with Epitaph declared the winner in the 1 ~As an additional inducement we will and Mrs. Melvin Lind, Leslie Lin<!, 5th. As this is an innovation at th~.o High School Declamation Contest e cu · th · 1 sell milk in the City can be granted. in Rhyme Marks the Grave of "'l" b tl Wh"t · .and M.1ss Notable among . e recent soc1a ......The City Ordinances require this . give absolutely FREE a pair of the 1M ISS Jordan High School, the program wil . Wednesday, after a close contest ""' 1za e l 1 more Bad Man of Early Wyoming events was the banquet and dance inspection. famous Humming Bird Hose with B h L' d not be extem>ive as those of somL four other girls who had reached given by the "M" Men of the M. I. every pair of shoes purchased costing' ert a m · other schools, occupying only the af- finals. These other finalists By Order of the Mayor Mr. an<! Mni. Eugene Kimball were A. Friday evening of last week at By Sh~ila Hart $4.95 or more. ternoon. and City Council. Zoie Garfield, Merlene Beck, joined by Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Halli- the ward amusement hall. It will begin with a program i1. erine Oliver and Zelda Lloyd. Dated at Midvale, Utah, April 29, 1926 The "poem" shown in the accomday and daughter Margaret of PayThe guests, fifty in number were panying illustration is more than an the auditorium, the numbers being a" girls were chosen from among son and spent Sunday with. relatives seated at one long table which was epitaph. It is a comprehensive sum- follows: field of twelve who entered the m Brigham City. decorated by baskets of spring flow1. Selection by Junior Glee club led test. mary of one phase in the development MIDVALE Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hart entertain- ers and pjnk candles in crystal holdUTAH of the West-a phase which is rapid- by Miss Freda Jensen. The contest consisted of one ' ed at dinner Friday evening of last ers. 2. Reading, "A Sisterly Scheme" b~ eight selected readings from ly passing into reminiscence and his"South Salt Lake County's Harry Wright was toastmastel' and week for Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Phelps Zore Garfield. tory. , I ington's "Penrod", the contestants Leading Clothiers and sons. kept the guests entertained during 3. Selections, Junior Glee Club. George W. Pike was a wellknown t VANCE CRIS_S_., character of ~ yoming in its early 4. Dance Drama "The Dance of tht ing assigned the particular Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Carlson were the banquet. Dancing followed. by lot. guests ot Salt Lake friends at a theaPaper Hanging Pictu Tes DILTZ. days. As his epitaph says, he was Nations" by the girls of the Physical Miss Jorgenson, the winner is ing of last week. A supper followed. I Education Department, led by Mis> very talented reader. She has a gambler, a sport and a cowboy, Calsomining rt'be beauty of Helen b~t JoJ', Mrs. Sylvan Dunn and Mrs. Ivory' JIMMY JENSEN WINS BIGH And he had a side-line of cattle rustl- Clark. !Till Paris arrived to destro,. peared in several high school nn>Uulc Larson were guests at luncheon given ATHLETIC HONORS AT The peace of her home, Painting Following the program the boy~ tions carrying the leading part in ing and horse stealing, casually re_A,!l<} sjl~ s_tar~ 19 r~ _ Thursday by Mrs. Eugene Kimball. 1 PROVO CARNIVlt.L ferred to in the verse where it names will be guests of the girls at a dancL school play last year. As a rp,~rar< Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stanfield and WORK GUARANTEED Pike as the head of an "outlaw crew" in the gym. Many new features wiJ, for her efforts, she will be given Jimmy Jensen, blonde athletic star children of Murray were the dinner Yet such was his reputation for enliven the dance. Girls will wea1 Jordan Dramatic award and be ESTIMATES guests Sunday at the A. A. Larson· at Jordan, brought high honors to square dealing and loyalty to his novel costumes throughout the day. tered in the District Contest at Saturday when he won the home. his school The girls issue of the Broadcaste1 Side High school next Monday. CHEERFULLY friends that, even today, mention of '.[1he Community Club will meet in gold medal for finishing second in his name brings forth this c"omment will be distributed the same day. should make a strong re1ore,se1ata.tl GIVEN regular session Wednesday of next the all-round athletic champion for from every old-timer present: "There for the local school. week. tlhe high schools of Utah. Gordan SUNSHINY MAY was a man who was on the square!" Miss Helen Candland, Miss Officers of the Primary AssociaRhodes of West High won with a to•. A "rustler" and yet a sqpare man? I Viona Terry 8th Grade Jennings and Miss Oralie tion served a school children's dinner tal of 7190, Jimmy made 7119 and Yes, according to the moral code of Apr. 26, 1926 Midvale School acted as judges. 724 E. Center Street at the ward house Wednesday at Ross Cox of Ogden finished 3rd with that day and age in the West. To Midvale Utah noon. 7007. . t e a f ew " sl"1ck s , f rom th e I May a .year. , The Doubles Tennis appropna . comes but once . Phone Mid. 120 Mrs. J. A. Alcorn attended a meetSo close was the score that one big cattle companies did not class a EnJOY the sunshine while lt s here. has progressed to the Semi-Finals. ing of her Salt Lake Club Tuesday. more inch in the broad jump or oneman as a thief. A thief was a low- While these are many happy hours Monahan and B. Grant Members of the. Ladies .Aid ~o.- fifth {)f ·a second fr/;ter time in the down skunk who stole from his Enjoy them under the shady bowers. finals by defeating the Gr~~er··Df~we'v ciety were guests Wednesday of the hun<l;ed · yard dash would have won friends or from the "little fellows"combination. i\1urray Ladies Aid. ' first place for Jensen. the owners of small outfits. 1 The flowers are peeping through the Either the coaches team, Ballard Fill in the last line. Take the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Nichols Jimmy won first in the broad jump When a "slick" or "marverick" • ground, · and Gardner, or the combination, have gone to Salt Lake to make their with 20ft 7 one half inches, first in words from the ads in this issue of (meaning an unbranded animal) was Watching the children homeward Christensen and Pearson will be the 1 home. · quarter mile in 54 2-5, first in the the JournaL Tell where you found Dean Milton Bennio, Director of the bound other team in the finals. A consolaMr. and Mrs. P. G. Downs and Mr. half mile in 2 min, 1 sec. He tied them and submit your answer to found following a branded mother, All of you be happy and gay, tion doubles Tournament begins ""lll-• and Mrs. Clarence Rasmussen spent or first in the pole vault, took second "Outlandish History Editor", Jordan Sunday with relatives in Provo. in the high jump, third in the hur- Journal, Midvale, Utah. Winners in last week's contest: Mrs. Wm. Waters entertained at dles, fifth in the shot, third in the First: Emily Bradbury, Sandy, Ut. Otherwise, the man who found it dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Enno . hundred and last in the javelin. In"The results of his new revelation" first branded it for his outfit or for Drown, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith,' ability to throw the spear was fatal Second: Mrs. Lucile Palmer, South himself. So Pike, though a rustler, Mr. ;nd Mrs. LaDrue Drown of Mag- to his chances. {. na, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Greening, Mr. • Rhodes is a fine unassuming ath- Jordan. was on the square. "It's fuller pep! The quality'i and Mrs. Wm. Maycroft of Salt Lake . lete and very deserving of his victory. a revelation." Third: Laura Bateman, Midvale, & Utah. "Its a wonderful revelation." The prizes are: A check of $2.5{), . for first; $1.50 for second; and $1.00 & for third. Checks read "Good only INSURANCE at stores advertising in the Jordan LOANS FARMS HOMES Phone Midvale 137-w Journal." Sandy, Utah NEVER AGAIN. 960 acre dry farm, A WINNER. One acre land and 3 JORDAN NOTES best wheat land in Boxelder Co. ' room brick house in Sandy. Two Well improved and crop in. I.:.ess blocks from State Street. Small A SMALL FORTUNE WILL than $15.00 per acre. Small pay- barn. Good orchard. . Good place Jordan's Annual May Day ExcurBUY MORE GROCERIES ment and easy terms or will trade. for poultry farm. Only $2000.00. sion will be taken at Saratog-a, on ••• See CRAPO. Small payment dowri and $20.00 Friday, April 30. A program beginTHAN A LARGE ning at 10:30 in the morning anJ per month. See CRAPO. EXPERIENCE ending at 4:30 p. m. will be carried Gravestone "Poet" Unknown NEW HOME-$400.00. If you have Keep your tubes like new by four or five hundred dollars we ·can GOOD BUY! 10 acres fine beet land out. It consists of foot races, freak The history of the monument itself The New Spring Line Is Now Here. All Wool, Tailor between Sandy and Midvale $310.00 relays, base ball games. volley ball was given in the Douglas (Wyo.,) letti,ng us restore them to usebuy you a lot and build you a new Made Suits-50 Patterns at $24.00. Better Ones From fulness by rejuvenating them home. Price from two thousand per acre for quick sale. It's worth games, swimming aml diving contests Enterprise under date of October 13, That Up. Why Buy Ready Made When You Can Buy more. See CRAPO. every thirty days. up, easy payments, Midvale, Sandy a pie eating contest, lunch and a 1908. Mr. Moore, who is mentioned Many former stu- as a friend of Pike, now is secretary Tailor Made For Less. Suits Made To Order. 'One weak tube in your set will or outside. Let us talk it over with GO GETTER! SAY! ,HERE'S A 15 matinee dance. dents have signified their intention of the Wyoming Live Stock Commiskeep the entire set of tubes from . you. Why spend your time hunt- ~ Acre dairy farm that. will get you sion and owner of the Diamond Ranch CLEANING, PRESSING and ALTERATIONS ing houses to rent. See CRAPO. $180 .00 per month for milk alon~ of making the excursion. functioning properly. Jordan's Debaters have finished a at Chugwater, Wyo. Who the rhymWe are now reJuvenating tubes SPLENDID SIX ROOM ERIC~ near you can double that by adding poulvery successful year with two victor- ester was, history fails to reveal, exvery low prices. 1st ward church, Sandy. 1-2 act:e of try. - It is near State Street, has ies over Bingham and a loss to East cept to give his name. One trial will convince you of garden and water right. Qosy lit- - Ci~Y water, electric lights, A good High. The contest with East was An extract from the Douglas Enour Sperior work. MIDVALE, Utah tle h!)lJle for a family, Ow!ler movhome and a good cow barn. Party very, very close and the judges hig-h- terprise article reads as follows: 64 West Center St. ing, SeHs pheap for pa!lh, WiiJ h11s tw<> farms will sell 1-2 down ly complimented Miss Candland and ". . .The stone was ordered by Lee g~Vi) terms. ~e CRAPO, and rest can be paid out of the in- her debaters on their excellent work. Moore, a wealthy cattle ma,n of Doug'" · · come. This is your chance. See •. Jordan won her first baseball game las. Mr. Moore was a close friend of THE MAN IS DEAD. Who sp,!d "it CRAPO. the season Thursday from Murray Pike's. 'I've got a fence around him of _pays to reut." You can own a home _.;;.:;.;.:..:;:;...:..;~--------- by a score of 11 to 6. Greer and now,' said Mr. Moore, 'but I want a o\lt of what it co11t$ to re~t. There FOR A FAMILY. Fine large brick Mi}ne were the big factors in Jordan's big gravestone to hold him down.' are· ways you can buil~ or quy ~ six cheerful rooms. Full base• E. Ceqter ····- Phone: home, Get busy n~w. See~ c, ra.p_o_:. ment. 3 acres fine garden soil. victory. Ras getting four hits and While in Denver a few weeks ago he ' . · Midvale, . U~ _• Water right for less than cost of Don three. A fine catch by Merrill I decided to get the gravestone and he • 1 .. • , CHEAPER THAN A TENTL Five house. East of State on Social Ave in left field and some pretty work by asked Sim Loeb to write an inscripMerlin Allen around second oose tion for it. Mr. Loeb did the thing Room and modern bath. Framl! small: down payment, $35.00 per were also features of the contest. up in verse. houae fined with adobe on 4th Ave: month. See ORAPO. West Side succeeded in downing "The inscription which the liitone , Midvale. 61~100 ur~s ~nd with OH.-BOY! Five room brick on Main ' . Jordan by a score of 6 to 0 Tuesday bears is a,s follow:s: People Who Care . ,wa~r almost a farm and only $1575 Street, Sandy, only $1200.00, easy on the West diamond. Noble for George W. Pike down pa-yment and $20.00 :Per IDOl terms, if sold quick. You'll have AgencyWest had the Beetdiggers eating out "Under this stone in eternal rest SEE CRAPO. ~I to hurry. See CRAPO. of his hand at all stages. Sleeps the wildest one of the wayArt Wall Papers Hendrickson, Jordan's new Southward West. in· DUCO, •: paw, pitched a mighty slick ga:me, He was gambler and sport and cowOPEX and Laequer four of the ru!J.s (:h;uged against him boy too Finishers by Spf<d.Y Method bei11g q1,1e to dropped flies in the out- And he led the pace in an outlaw ~llY Al~Qst Th~ field: Suoh twirling out to win a few crew. FRED HYKE if the youngsters on the JorHe was sure on the trigger a11d staid ga.mes ' 98 South Main Street _.. ... .. . ..... -·da:q squad can muster a little to the end, strength at the bat. But he never was known to quit on a l7~ Q~th f~one ~idv~le l32 A feature of the game was the friend. ease with which the Beetdiggers in- In the relations of death all mankind fi.el<l killed West's bunting game. . is alike, PhoJte Midvale 108 :&fr. a~d Mrs. N orll"l:an Fit~geralq · But in life there was only one George Greer Jordan's ace, was not in the Qf Lake are yisiting at the home 1 game. , W. Pik e. , of Mr. and :Mrs, Aurelius Fitzgerald. I I . . * . 1{ot?fings~ West Jordan Lumber Co., Midvale, Utah famous Clothing Co., Inc. Outland.ish- ; HiStQ!Y CBC. br . J. w. GRACE I FULLER PEP ~~:~~n:~rE i~~~£ ~~:~e:~~~:~ :~-~~~~~:.~~:~:~y:~~-=il~-,.-·-·-··i / "We Are Not Floaters We Are Here To Stay" C. C. CRAPO REAL ESTATE BROKER - -·-·-·-·'-• RELIABLE PLUMBING \VIRING CO. 87 East Center Street, Midvale, Utah Heber Egbert Carl Ernstrom. Props. Bath, Heating, Pumping and Electrical Fixtures of Every Description ALL WORK GUARANTEED --·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· ·-17-l H. F. RASMUSSEN, Tailor · 0 & E Electric . · Service ,/ ~· t~t, y.r(~72 ECONOMY .. . .. fl* FOR SALE 2% LOTS ON 3RD AVENUE T!ti§ For. You Can Frice Of One Lot-.TERMS N Main Street, Midvale :{)an RadQvich ~... ' A Home Product For Home People West Jordan Milling Co. |