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Show Til£ fJv!eet Me cAt Booth's---Midvale's CJ3ig __,__..__,__,..,,._..,.u__, __.,,,._..,.o__.,.__.,,,._...,.u__, ___,,,.__ll::• •o- 1 -ll- o-•-a -c -•- o- o - o -.. CJJepart111:ent Store _CI_J _O_II_O_O_CI_D_D_II_U -~~-~~-0-CI_D_O_D_D_D o--••-.,•---~ • ~~0-0_0_D_D_Il_rt: .. - ~-D-D_D_II_~-~-~~-~~-0-0_0_D _~-U-~-~~:· _C_i:_d_U_P_D_oi_D_CI_D_II_D _O_I_I_I_I_D_II_I_I-.&l_O_CI __ .- :· ~G.-o~O-II_D_D_O_O.-.c-o.-.~~· e hos er. art qu eethr d an alf e-h on ys' Bo d an s' sse Mi 's, ren ild Ch Yo u pa y reg ula r pri ce only for one Pair an d get ON E PAIR COME EARLY AND GET YOUR PICK SHOES---SLIPPERS Dress Patterns •I SHO ES-S LIPP ERS SHOE S-S LIPP ER S We have anothe r Big shipme nt of S_lippers in all the wanted shades in Novelties and in the Conservative Shapes and WATCH US GROW WE ARE SHOW INGEXCLUSIVE DRESS PATTE RNS IN SILK8 -0NE OF A KIND ONLY Flat Crepe, Prints, Georgettes, Crepe de Chine, Etc. Novelty Ties, Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, Etc .. Pattern s at a Big Saving to You. The Broken Line Sale is Still on-$2. 49 and $3.49 embrac ing new shoes ranging in price from $4.00 to $7.00. REME MBER THESE BROKEN LINES STILL GO AT OUR TRIMMINGS ARE VERY CHOICE $2. 49 and $3.49 You Can Buy Here In Just As Great Variety As In The City And For Less I A COME IN WHILE THE PICKING'S GOOD! .. ffiB!f:1]1illJ~JU] /llil!lliJiill~§Tiliffi~§B§BffiBl fiillliffiffiB§IlJilJill*JffiB~§B§B@ill*J§BilljffiBl%Jffi1JffiB [illffiB[llilffiB~mJ SLOGAN t~;;J U. S. Mine t?is week. They 1 1diseases as tubercul osis, pneumon ia, from t~e i slothe has earth on else Nowhere Ogat home thCir make to gomg are 0::J l diphther ia and scarlet fever may ' gan or catch-ph rase reached as high 1 Age 16 ~ reach the mouth in unclean food, den. ~ Mrs. P. M. Christen sen is visiting a stage of developm ent as in the 7th Grade 1These germs get into food from flies, token same the By States. United week. this Lake Salt in r daughte l~ from washing vessels in impure wat- her Miss Peterson , Teacher l;lugan OOl!S llU~ play a:; COII:Oh.!-tile l L. Mrs. that say to sorr~ ~~ ~re w~ most and animals, diseased from er, is great sport to walk through and had to_ be taken • e_IalJle u part III the commerci<>l, po-l r.;m " orchard and woodlan ds where the common ly of all from the hands of Yantis IS ve~y 111 ~ ~ or otner people:; r.:m lne ciVIC ami litical a her w1sh all We . hospital the to Those food. handling are are singing and flying about 1 those who 0'!l as n; doe::; oi the Arn<.oricans. ~ tree to tree, where the grass, I who prepare food should pay special speedy recovery . the of Value tue oeny will _.'\one sen Christen Myrle and Golda Miss DWoers and trees are all green. It attention to the cleanline ss of their visiting their par- catch-ph rase m natwnal au_ve~·t!s.ng- II;] r::•, fun to sit under a big Shady tree, hands, washing them -often with soap of Salt_ Lake are r.;m lalunn. commerC local in even aml week. this ents with sick is hear a stream gurgling along, to and water. Anyone who YOU Mr. Johnson , the U. s . .Mine team- .C.verybolly knows ~o what particula 1 , ~ the butterfly with the beautifu l! an infectiou s disease or who is just ~ say you when the road so it will .~,a·vuuct yvll nuer of tts wings flit by, to hear the recoveri ng from such a disease should ster is dragging ".tlaines cr¥ tor it," "There s alway" of a babbling brook, to hear have nothing to do with the handling dry soon. picture alll.!aU,'' '·.ti1s Mastl.!r:; a rasp of grasshop per's wings, as or the preparat ion of foods. Voice," 'ls there a little wiry in your I~ u.s. MINE SCHOOL NOTES Besides the germs of special dishops to and fro; and to enjoy the Age 14 nome'!", anti many other :>lm.lar ad- 1 0!1 I eases, there are always present in Faye Brown of the fresh spring air. Sth Grade / v_e1·u:;ing slogans. ln 1act, tew na1foo_d the ba-:teria that cause fermen- u. S. Mine School [ twnaUy Known prollucts a1·e not :;old 1 h Mrs. Elsie Nelson, T Age 15 i tatwn and decay. Bacteria do not 1 Beckstea d rase. lJo f th U S M~ac eSr h 1 unaer a copyngn~eat trade-ph Th b ' ·h So. Jordan School · ordinari ly cause sickness but Iwhen . b'l Grade . k oo c me . . e o e oys . d . a .h . to th e el ementa ry cana m d you now or an au omo 1 e, trom t e II b 'd' k t m en a 1 Carolyn Hay, Teacher a n mg c u ca e cheapes t to the most 10rmiua bly- ' The aim of the South Jordan schooJ'l arge quantity , such as is found in ave orgamze not be singlet! out by g to spoil, the S.fK. U. tclutb. bWefe exlpect to see pnced, that can m~r,m year has been to buy school foods that are beginnin t 'nk . , , ., J!iffililiJI*!I[l~jill!lli]~l*!ffiB 1u J~i~r; ong. ore s un s ancy 1 some ted . T bl t . ~C.%lf3~lfifu~!iillll§l§H§HiiliJ§Billij§B[fffili@§B!llijl§l!f§3!lliJ§BilljffiilffiH!i§l!llijffiTIII wou one or _ Ju . o th Slog-an. "ome that say to sorry very are We ' am e. ey cause senous rou :rGUllld equipme nt for the children . of the U. S. Mine ue as UI.I.I~cult as hnumg a sioganle ss fall six large swings were put and soured foods are therefor e, un- little Phil Cullinan.1! . soap or city. . 11 b ha Last week, two teeter-to tters safe and should never be eaten. 1 1\. I!; ll'l'l.!lUtable that slogans sell tt~l rneum_on~a The wise person buys his food in f ve ee~ bv~r')( built The school is well pleasnotnmg e:i;;e w111, but it woulu w11ere Y u IS ge mg a ong mce with their work and the children a store that is kept clean ,and where I or a wee be unjust to me publ1c to ::;ay -tl!at it M J h t t certainly enjoying the equipme nt. 1 the food is protecte d from dwt and no;h U S M' 0 cakes the eaten-phrase~ at t.iten· nd Leamsk Ce~t' r, and tainted s n e ·t t o· Smlet d B The Senior Girls of the Mutual l. flies.t He never. buys old a e 1 )a an was a f 't I o , wen . d arnum. annually pro~ 1a1meu wor .. their make to expect They married. s rm _ ahymg c e or r1Apeb er ortaobvl , mea J dura _Party Tuesday evening .us c1rcu:; as "!Jigger and !.Jetter tnan h ove a 11 e WI 11 not h es. their class period, G4lmes were I or vege h 1 ever," and his Sllcce:;:;ors are emula,. • d o;;;e ~e. . h 1 buy any foods that has been finger. tlaJred and refreshm ents served IJut nououy goes. to hstc 00t mg 11im touay, nnmg a.mk. an so~e 'ldr. and handler· by the. public, . . J~rdan 1 fed ~ver . 1 . ge Three people of South mg evry mg wor are ren u c . d · th this '':;hgnt of . IJecause JU::,;, Clrclls the te f 1 h . d som ti'ng domg ere 1s a ways anger m d at their or ape or a ns surprise m ly groun pleasant e . >.!Xaggerauon. ·' The catch-ph rase or . nis court. . . ilionlles durmg the past week. They so. aavcrtl:; Ing sloga.n IS as muo..h a var., E . S 'th J Mr J F certam pomts No -question that the roof is a makeIn the care of foods, . .A ngm · Mrs. Geneva Holt' Mr • Thomas . . ewson m1 , r. h ta . 11 . ~tlas meL1~~us ~smess b ~enc~n ut a for ~p is Mine, S. U. the of 1 a[e e~pec1a ~ Impor ~t. T esefare: eer or-brea k factor in creatin g home beauty . ... _olt and Mr. Henry Beckstea d. Ne"'wh 1 notmng 1s There Itse.u.. vertismg C't k L It S from days few o preven germs r()m ~""' parents of the Parent-T each- c ea~ m~s, That's why so many of the attracti ve ate or ro.;preh"n::;iule m t11'-' 'da et 1f yt.h U . Illegitim Mr RI'c y· a cold, to keep germ~ food; mto gettmg sold . Jordan . South . e Associat ion of o en Ice-presi e, • . . et · f th t d · .nstJtutw n, but Its power as a salo.::;homes in this commu nity are covered . G a o g m rom mu 1tip 1ymg; and S · MI'ne, M r. M mr, . to the school children to get enera 1 manage1 man 1s t k'll tuml. k' super·na almost . M Mr Ham'lt with Barrett Asphal t Shingles. IIIOJtey to buy pictures for the school coo mg, o 1 any germs or bacter- and wert anager, on~ ~h h · 't' . Cleanfood. the in be may that ia money was turned over to the Barrett Shingles stot-r..d up-the y're ur ay. Gee! ~h1ool. Eeach grade had the privi- liness is first it should be the watch. VISI mg ere rot-proof, rust-pr oof and e-safe. of buying the picture they want.. word in the preparat ion of all :food .-\. gnome ami a g-nat and a gnu LADIES FOR TABLES The prints of the pictures have Be sure that every particle of food .:iha1·eu a ncighlior ly g-niclw 1n a zvo. If you're building or re- rlfing- be By Grace McKinst ry come and 1fue school is arrang- taken into the body in clean and gnat, the Said th;; gnu to have sure to see Barret t Shingles. to have them framed. One of wholesom e. ''Tis a bt:ck of a flati ' them in several varieti es-all sl Some surgeon of note lately has Quoth the gnome, "Gnow gno gn1.1ckmarvelo us masterpi eces will be disoover ed in a diet of spinach a faced in fadeless tones. Prices? in each of the eight rooms. ing, it's gnew." U. S. MINE SCHOOL NOTES cure for many ills. You may not like -Vada F. Carl:;on. please you. Mr. A.-n<lse shingle s* he showed us will Age 14 it, but grit your teeth and eat it! and rugged F.aye Brown rryake a 8!?od roof. They're e. .f•re-saf sltortthe is s Grade 8th A divorce nowaday April 20, 1926 U. S. Mine School Sisam There are hand-pa inted shoes in Mrs.A. How like a man f Not a word about · Mrs. Elsie Nelson, Teacher Age 14 Paris, decorate d with smiling cava- est distance between two love a!IIJfctlv...JI .. School their lovely colors !" fairs. Thus, Eighth and flowers. or es Seventh landscap Sixth, liers, The disa had verson a Years ago when it was thought to be expected grades of the U. S. Mine school had even the plainer maidens may have For neck-line , waist-lin e, hip-line, the gay cavalier s at their feet. it could not have been pre- 10 per cent attendan ce this month Barrett Shingles For hem, a rise-and -dip line, Miss Cray;ton, a fifth grade teacher Today we know better. We A justice of the peace in Rock- For vivid lipstick lip-line that most diseases can be pre- of Logan visited our school Monday. And subtle silhouett e, Thursda y was Arbor Day, so the ford, Ill., will accept a few bushels of rent;ed. One of the best ways of doe fee. If a body From waitress up to heiress, this is to see that all food that is children of the U. S, Mine school corn for a marriag through the corn Salesgir l to milliona iress, comin' body a ~le~ned up the s~~ool grounds and it ) meet is absolute ly clean. romantic pos- 'l'he ladies look to Paris what , Rockford in , out Not only the germs of intestina l IS m better conditiOn now. And wonder what they'll get . Mr. and Mrs. Jorgenso n moved ' sibilities are at once suggeste d! lae'ase's, but also the germs of such !ffiB i ffiB 11IJ III Jl l sa1t Lake c1•t y BUS·•lness ffiB 1 OQO 12 h 1£ pe0 p e ' Wan t tO f€aC in 4,00 0 hom es in Sou th Salt Lal{e Cou nty, adv ertis e in The Jour nal. IIJ IIJ iffiB ffiB ffiB ffiB F*1 I ffiB * ;.-:. : Phone Midvale 178 Rate 35c per Column Inch. ffiB I An inve stme nt in char m -a colorful roof I - "We endorse * tJ; · ~&~gsA West Jordan Lumber Company |