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Show \ THE JORDAN JOURNAL, MJDV ALE, UTAH ship save upon your parole on _ tl:o~ 2 JJ:.c CLOTH ......, .... , • • • ..., .., _........- • • • • te'"l'!'1~." L-V DUST "'Yon have It," I answered shortly, nwl follower! Peter down the sidecleats Into the gig. made of espec1ally woTen t1l.br1o "Cropette" for onlrlO cents and We rowed up the estuary for th( mf;uth of the little river which w! had seen from the James' deck, and most and highest, a cloud-hung giant our course took us under the yellow Copyri~rht by Arthur D. Howden Smith which dominated the island. hu 11 of the Wal!·us. A shrill voice SYNOPSIS two weeta' dusting supply o! LIQtlld Venet t-. WNU Service NotbiD.R like lt tor dnt>t.ing. A few drops on Nearing its shores, I descried the ha '.led from a gunport, and Darby your cloth removes ALL duat. din and blem· <©. 1926, Western Newspaper Union_) !shes INSTANTLY a.nd leaves :ronr plano, tangled masses of trees which clothed McGraw's red head was thrust out ' The story opens In New York, furniture woodwork s po tles sly olean a.nd about the mlddlil o! the Eightmost of Its Eurfaee. A few conifers beside the frowning blue!; muzzle. bea.utL!uJ!y polished. Moreover It preserves the His Wife's longue Made Him 1J.n!sh lndetlnltel:r. Plano people use it to ImDiego, by O'Donnell's help, will get will be heard. Probably we shall he shot up to goodly stature, but the eenth c~ntury. Robert Ormerod, "Glory be, Master llob, and do they prove their brand n e w instruments. Bend :tor who tells the tale, Is talking to out of town nnd put to sea In a fnst seen sailing away. We may be pur- greater !lllrt of the forest growth was Jet ,.e go free wherever ye will? Sure kour FRI!.IJ hottlA today. You'll bo de~bt•d. a Pirate Peter Corlaer, chief of the tradsloop he bath in a little riYer near sued. The surviving Spaniards, whom ;;narled, wind-tortured dwarfs, mls- It's ·yom·self muH be one o' the grand j ers, and nlan of enormous ol'o'f:r;~~~ ~we l~noln~de & ~blj' :16oNL· Dust where was the ancient town of Nom you will have me spnre, will speedily l:'hnpen abortions of trees. 'l'he whole faYorites over yon. Are ye an of· 6eDd 10 cts. ~ atnngth, when Darby McGraw, ~ 'l'HE early part of the Eighteenth {?;l~·~P~~ Irish bonded boy, brings news hre de Dios, so that we shall huvc:> have their frigates after us. We must effect of the place seen from otl'shore fleer yet?" I C'entury there llvt>d on the Island tnnity. · that a pirate ship Is "otr the sure tidings of the Suntissima Trlni· remain undE>r t'Over for a period." was sinister and forbidding, repulsive I n·as about to nnswer him when of Uarbados 8 retired British army Hook." An old sea captain anBuffalo dad's coming and be prepared for "Very well," I said. "I will do wh:Jt as the silent ferocity which emunate1l I•'llnt gloomed down at us from the otllcer namPd ~I8j. Stede Bonnet. A nounces he has been chased by Specialty her." the notorious pirate, Captain you asl• for the maid's sake-if Peter from the ulind man Pew. man of towering goo1l birth, poop. edtJcutlon and some Company Rip-Rap. The older Ormerod "13ut what of her course?" I scrutl· is willing." Uy great-unde turned "C'ome o.-e~ aboard the conhere, my hearty," wealth, he was highly re:;pN·ted by v.~!::B\~,. t~lls Robert the pirate Is Andrew nized the map. "There a 1·e three sep"Ja," assented Peter. Murray, his (Robert'•) greatduct of the ;hip to :\Iartin and crossed Flint hailed me. his neighbors nnd there apparently • Du!Iolo N Y arate exits from the Ca1·ibbean into 1 uncle, commanding the pirate t.Innay caught my hand in a quic-k, to where Peter und I stood, staring "\V e are going ashore," I answered: was no reason whatever for his ac- ) ~===' ship, the Roya! James. Murray the A tlantlc." firm clasp. tlon WllPn, In the spring of 1717, he about us. "ami 1 have reason to hasten." Is an ardent Jacobite. Next day "You have clapped on to the nub of Flint scowled. decided to become 8 pirate. But his- , "Good!" he cried. "'Twill b!> the "Sta1·board. l\Inster ~lartin !" called Robert and Darby encounter a our problem," said Murray. "'Twas first o' many times we stand shoulder my great-uncle as he joined one-legged sailo=, John Silver. "Well, ye'll come ~oon enough. And tory, that Industrious gossip, says Peter an1l the piece of information I was nt most to shoulder. Robert meets a young woman Ah, llobert, I ha' me. "Starbo:u·d your helm, if yon wl1<>n I ~et ye I'll Jearn ye n thing or there was a reason nod that reason from a Spanish frl~;a!e who Is pains to obtain. The Snntlsshna dreamed a splendid dream, and any please. Aye, on to this shoal here. two! There's too much politics and was Dame Bonnet. She, so it Is said, seeking her father, Colonel Trinidad will hend for the Mona pas- man who loelps in its achleYement will We Q' onnell. !lfurray with a force shall have three fathoms and lt'SS favoritism aboard the James to suit had 8 tongue which would have made ~age. I will show you '"hy. The first sailors visits the Ormerod not have lived in vain. \Ve'l! take to C'areen ln. 13111 them drop the an- me, and ye can tell your great-unC"Ie Xantippe stand silent In awe. So behouse. He announces his intenaim of the Span in rlls Is to conceal this gold and build an avenue or vlc- chor." or granddaddy or whatever be may tween piracy and petulance, the major tion of carrying off Robert, by her voyn~e; she sa lis a course which tol'ies for the kin~·s ride to Whiterorc~, It nece~sn.ry, protnising hin1 Martin bawled an order. A whistle be, blast him for a - - - - - - chose plra<'y. keeps lwr fl8 much · as pos><ible in open hall. What will we not do? \\~e'll a great future. The Royal James lie purC'hased a s\\·ift schooner, piped, nnd tlwre was a gr{>at C'lntter - - - - , that John Flint snys ~o !" and the Walrus, the latter comseas. And the best exit for that pur· rou'e thE> claymores from the hills! Darby bobbed up on the poop beside which he named the Revenge, and set and rustling of rope running loose, a m ded by Flint, Murray·s partpose is the opening bet ween Hisprm- \Ve'IJ C'UJTY the Irish brigade to Lonforth upon what was supposed to be mighty splash that drove the bird~ him very much out of b1·eath. ner In piracy, appear. Murray, lola and Pot·to Rico. "Troth, he':s no mfli'e'n the old mas- a trading voyage. A few days out Robert and Peter board the don town! \Ve'll fetch home the in tumult into the air; and the Royal ":lily intent Is that the Royal James Wild GeeRe from their haunts of ex- .James !'wung to lter cable close under ter's sou that I worrl;ed for in New frorn port, he hoisted the black flag James. Murray offers Flint a s"are In the loot of a Spanish <;hall ply oft.' the westerly mouth of ile! We'll ha' the beacon fires the Jes!<er island's shore. l\Iy great- York, <"aptain darlin', and him that and unnounced to his crew that they treasure ship if he will co-operthe pass:J.ge from about the end of nhlaze from end to end of the Three uncle waved oue hand over ate with him. Flint Insists Robthe !Jul- good to rue always I had a main likin' were to be pirates. Aug-ust, avoiding all intercourse with Kingdoms l And the \\'hite Cockadl' wark. ert be left with him as a hostfor him, Indeed and indeed I did! From the Carolinas to Massaage, while Murray. In the Royal ~hipping and keeping as far out to All(! I'm fair crazy to he ashore nfther over all ! chusetts the new pimte leader mur"SkeJpton island this Is caller'., James, takes the treasure ship. sea as is prnrticahle. Whet\ Dipgo dered and J·ohbed und he Is one or "There'll he no talk of pirates then! Robert," he said. "I tell you because the \Yeeks and months we'll ha'appears we will restriC't the Rpare of 'Twill be my lord duke of Jedburgh, F'Iint clapped him on the shoulder, the few pirates who is known to have you demonstrate so grewsome an our h<'at, and 'twill he impossible for mar(iUls of Cobblelaw and E'lrl and ubl·uptly jovial. forced h!s captives to walk the plank.· interest in the more horrifying epiCHAPTER VII-Continued the treaRure ship to escape UR If Bamn nroomfield; aye, und an Eng"Ah, If It's shore you'd be that's 1 On one occasion be fell In with the sodes of our· pnst. But I regret I --8~he runs we can cntrh her, and at pirate 131ackbeard, who noticed that lish peerage to boot. We'll rille high, must confess that I kno~v of no au- different matter," says he. "I'm fo1 "I was on the other side of Africa fightin~ I can take any don under a llohert-nye, with the highest!" Bonnet was onl:v an amateur pirate thentic detall to account for the no- goin' ashore rn~·self. Bill, call al when I first had word Prince Charle~ ;;!J!p-o'-the-line." Ire broke oil' short, and the glow menclature. Pirates h<~ve a way of han1ls nway for the boats, nna 1 and humiliated him by depriving him hn tJ. raised the White Cockade in "So much I heard you der'lare to In his eyes charred out. naming a spot to suit themselves. we'll have a grand gout-hunt up Spy 1 of hls command and making him a Scotland In the '45. I sailed for home. f'olonel O'Donnell aboard the brig," "'Tis not a bad vision for a wicl;ed without rime or reason, If the fnucy gla~s. John Silver shall barbecue 'err clerk. ns you haYe heard, and w:J.s many T said. "But what comes next? You old for us. And break out a couple o Soon afterwards while 13lackbPard man to dream; eh, hoy? Remem- once moves tliem." months too late to be of sN·vice. But take the Santbsima Trinidad-and casks o' rum. Lively now, my lads ! was ahsent Bonnet went to Gov. F.den ber it when you hear the crowds ":!'.fa.:v we land?" I answered, lgnor \Ve'll I established touch with friends In t nen ?" enjoy ourselves like the hones: unfailing servof North Carolina, surrendered and a-cheering us in the Strand." lng his gihe. pirates we are!" Fra e who work for the came, and lle moved his forefinger over the recel\·ed a pardon. Then he !tnnounced ice on bake"8uit yourselves," he returned with A frenzy of cheering answered him. f so rned that the good work was >urface of the map on11 brought It to that he was going to get a commisCHAPTER VIII a shrug. "I must hnYe all my men and I backed water with my onrs. day has made going merrily on.. All that Is wanted rest in front of a tiny outline sketched sion as a privateer nnd ravage the busy nboard het·e, however, and can "You heard, Peter?" 1 said over m;; for another rising Is money-gold!" in Ink on the exp:1.nse of sen ea~t of CALUMET the French and Spanish shipping In the spare none to guide you." • The Island shoulder. He paused, and a slow, strnngP Cuha and somewhat to the north of world's greatest West Indies. He got a crew by go"Ja, ja," urged Peter. "\Ve shoodt "Ja; dot's bndt." smile shadowed his face and he drew HisJlaniola. Northward of this spot One day was like another aboard ing to the i!>land where 13Jackbeard baking powder. "'Ve can't go where they do." a finger across the map on the table. stretched the far-flung myriads of the the Royal James, although to n some goats, eh ?" had marooned some of his men, to'ok "If you please," agreed Murray. "Neen." landsman the routine of duties, work "I said I would tel! you a story," Bahamas. them off and told them that · he was "Ben Gunn will find you a brace of we ran our boat aground on n sandy going to seek out Blackbeard he went on. "But after all 'tis on!~· "That is what you have henrd Flint and varying weather was charged and have dream-a wicked old man's dream. nnd ~e refer to as the Hendezvous, with unending interest. ~Iy great- Jlght muskets preferable to our rack- bank on the fur side of a point which reYenge. Ile fulled to find the famous great leaventng blunderbusses. I'll have the gig put concealed us from the Walrus. Then 'Tis so you think of me, I and Spyglass island," he answered. pirate, so he sailed away to the North. strength in everv overside, an1l you mny row yonrselv{>S, we took our guns and walked Inland rour father-aPt! Peter "It has other nnmes, I believe. Rome On this cruise he changed the name climate to thi if you will. I desire above all things, through the trees up a graduated wonder what the little have C'allPd it Treasure Island, alof his vessel to the Royal JamesRobert, to deal gently with you. sandy slope to the top of a little verv last spooo.fud. maid )·ou >poke wlth would think! though I know of no trpasure upon it. a doubtful compliment to the Young .Therefore I a!';k ~ou to believe I am hillock. Alway'J depen Or the poor, thronele!'s ol!l king who 'Tis said that Kidd disco\·ered It, and Pretende1·-and himself took the name considering your own safety when I "This would be a good place for a huddles over his brazier for warmth rertes, others of the old~tlme bucable and pure. of Captain Thomas. After looting a require your promise to he ahon rd fort," I mused. the dreary paln in nome that C'a,neers were wont to maintain themnumber of vessels oft.' the :\liildle Atagain not Inter than an hour nfter "Ja,'' said Peter. "You got water, Is all he has left of his majesty! Or selves there. We are bound thither lantic coast Bonnet again turned sundown." too." Prince Charlie who flits back and now to refit and careen, and when we south, only to find that the Carolinas :. "Why, wtrat harm-" I He pointed to a streak of green (orth from France to the Low coun- have the treasure safe umler hatches wm·e aroused agalngt him. A promi'l'he Walrus slatted pnst us, her can- I vegetation along the sandy slope of tries, scheming nnd plotting and al- we will return to the Island to divide vas In a slovenly mess alow and aloft, the knoll which we tra('ed to a spring nent citizen of South Carolina named wa·~s curbed for lack of-gold! it an1l conC'ert arrangements for deWilliam Rhett led an expedition in a dozen men howling orders and conn- Issuing from the summit. -'t:old! We stumble for lack of It livering their share to Colonel two ships agalr.st the pirate leader ter-orders from poop, waist and "Now we got water, we better eat," in e\•ery enterprise. \Vith sufficient O'Donnell's friends." and after one of the bloodiest butfo'csle, Flint In his red coat strutting he added. of it you may upset kingdoms, buy "Wlwt will Flint fay to your fetchties ever fought between pirates and the poop aiHI ltdding his own bellow "But what about the goats?" I P dons, obtain patents and honor~ ing In strangers to your hiding place?'' the forces of the law, Rhett captured to the din whenever the confusion cried. "\Ye we1·e to--" and place. 'Tis a definite substance, I asked. Bonnet and took him to Charles Town showed signs of lliSBolvlng. ''Xo," he insisted stubbornly; "~·e mark you, hard and shining and heavy A furrow deepened betwixt my to be tried. Bonnet made the most My great-uncle's eyes s t r a Y e d don"t !'hoodt. If we shoodt, der piIn the hand-not such thistle-down great-uncle's lambent eyes. abject, cowardly plea for mercy, but across the narrow gap of water be- rates hear us andt come. We waldt as dreams are made o'. ' "He'll not like It, llobPrt," he adhe was found guilty and sentenced to twixt the two vessels. until they are all ashore. Then we • "When was the thought born? mit ted. "I have O'Donnell's word to be han~?ed. Ile managed to escape "\Yell, damme, it's bren a of go back to Murray." cannot say. Flint and I had often betray none of our secrets, and Indeed from prison but was again captured a voyage, Murray!" shouted Flint. "l'll not be driven from the first sought the yearly treasure ship, but 'tis to his own Interest to keep hidden on Sullivan's Island by Rhett. He "\Ve are here," returned my great- pleasure we have had In months,'' I never had sight of her. Then one day his part In this affair; but Flint may died In Execution dock, Nov. 24, 1718. uncle urbanely. protested childishly. the Idea came to me to utilize my well make trouble. 'Tis a determined "Aye, anti wl,lat to do wt' our· "We do It again,'' replied Peter Jacobite friends In France and S11ain. dog, and a greedy. Look you, boy, seh·es?" Flint called back. "Blast placidly. "Next time Murray he come A Plaything of Fate A bribe, whi(·ll I supplled, procured will you stand by me in the aft'8ir? me for a if I can f'ee wit' us himself, ja." .-for O'Donnell, alrea1ly an officer on !<'or the girl's sake, if for no other what five hundred - - - - - - are "Yes, but-" ATE mu~t have been In a playful the regular estahlishment of the Span- reason?'' to do wi' months on their hand>', and "Now you he sensible, Bob. Der mood when Captain Greaves was ish forces, appointment as an In"\Yhy not leave her aboard the naught but rum-drinking' nnu quar· Injuns is goodt friendts beside them born. Fate drove him Into piracy, but II spector of fortifications on the ports trea~ure ship?" rellin' for diversion." fellers, ja. We go back to der .James. _on e 1\Ia).n. He regarded me askance. not make him fit into the pic- ~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~!=: In the Afternoon There Was a Pike Soon nil o' them be ashore andt could "There's your ship to clean, man,'' ture of the regulation type of pirate, = His forefir,ger ~xplored the chart "It may be we must sink-" and Cutlass 0 rill. drunk. Drunk, they like to kill us, for he was too kind of heart. Fate replied Murray. "She needs it.'' Chinchillas Prone to Tu:ins l before us and came to rest upon a I started up. hut they C'an't row-neen." Flint answered with a curse . condemned him to a pirate's death, Among th e peculiarities of the chin• <lot on the flank of the narrow neck "Now, that I'll ha' naught to do uncle held his pack of woh•es on a And we rowed back to the James then saved him by a miracle. Uy great-t1ncle indulged In one of chilla is that of producing two litters of land which joins the two Amedcas. with! I ha' told you I'd fight if you short leash and exacted from them ingloriously in the dusk, the shouts his essentially lle Galllc was the shrugs son of and a slave In Barof young ea ch year, and usually the "'l"ftere Is Porto Bello, which was butchered the defens~Iess." all the efficiency of a man-o-war's of the Walrus' carousers echoing to bados, one of the thousands of 11 lltter consi;;ts of twins, th ough they dusted a pinch of snuff into his noscompany. the port of the old treasure galleons He waved me back. us from the shore. Scotch and Irish who were sent there 1 m:1.y range from ?ne to four. Within and discarded as such by the SpanEach morning he inspected the ship trlls. "Peace, peace! We cannot carry ol'f The watch aboard the Royal James by Cromwell during the Civil war In , 24 hours after birth th e :roung chin"Captain Flint doth not agree with lards Rfter ~!organ sacked It. But all the Spaniards lu any case, and-" from stem to stern, accompanied by clwllenged us as we made fast by the England. Because of their bare lmees, I l:'hillas are so lively that it Is almost later they restored and stren~thened his officers, and he was not slow to me, It seems. But to return to your larboard side-ladrler, and when we He hesitated. these slaves were called Red Legs and 1 Impossible to photograph them. the fortifications, •a! though in the late "-O'Donnell must be protected," he administer rebukes for shortcomings question. You were about to ask m~ climbed over the bulwarks to the war our Admiral Vernon carried it by concluded. or oversights. Later in the forenoon what harm could befall you ashore. deck Ma>ter Martin flashed a Ian- Captain Greaves is often spoken of surprise. At that time Cartagena was the men were exercised at the great I answer you that I do not know. bnt thorn in our faces with a gust ot as "alias Hed Legs." His master was "Against what?" kind and gave him a good education. the treasure center, and when Vernon "Wagging tongues. I tell you his guns. and In the afternoon there was that !n all candid truth we are here. oaths In bls absurdly gentle tones. When this mnster died the boy was sold · to quote my associate, some 'five hunattempted it he was repulsed with part must never be knO\Yn. 'l'he San- pike and cutlass drlll. The watch was to another-a cruel one. dred --,' and ncC'idents loss. Two year;; since the council tisslm:.P Trinidad disappears, and with rigorously maintained. He !mme<liately ran away, swam may happen. Therefore, I suggest of the Indies d('cided to resume sail- her the treasure and all her company. l\Iy great-uncle wa§ particular that Murray plays safe In the next across Carllsle bay, but unfortunately that yoU be aboard not later than !ngs from Porto Hello, which is the There's no other way." I should be well garbed, and forced installment. climbed upon the wrong ship and an hour after sunset. On second advnr.tageously situated of all "Take the treasure, if you must," upon me several suits of his abunfound himself in the clutches of Cap- , thoughts, Robert, I regret that I shall BELL·ANS on the Main for the collection 1 retorted; "but do not stain your dant wardrobe which were given the tain Hawkins, a notoriously cruel pithe treasure. Hot water hands with the blood of men who have necessary alterations by a former be unable to permit you to leave the (TO BE CO:-ITINUED.l rute. So Greaves unwillingly became "~ee! 'Tis about midway betwixt not hat·med you." journeyman tailor who had escapeil Sure Relief a pirate and quickly rose to eminence Mexico und Ppru, and the mines of "I must slay some of them, in all from Newgate on the eve of execution in the profession, although he was re- · Yeragua are at its back door. The probability," returned my great-uncle. for the murder of a scolding wife. He markahle for his refusal to torture t r<':Jsm·es are fetC'hed south from La "What difference between that and \\Ould have done as much for Peter Deserved prisoner<~ or klll unnecessarlly. Thl!l Yera Cruz by a ship under escort of slaJ•ing all?" also; hut the Dutchman refused to be led to a duel between him and Cap· I the Garda Co~tas and transferred at I remembered the thrill of reproba- parted from his salt-stained buekskin An old legend teils of how the l.JakThe peasant answered that It had tain Hawkins, in which he was vic-!' 25¢ and 75¢ Pks's.Sokl EverYWhere l'orto TI<'Ilo to the ship for Spain, tion with which even the most de- shirt ond leggings; and an odd figure ers of a certain town in England pa- lJl'en made of apples from the tree torious, and was elected captain. which puts forth about the beginning voted adherents of King George had Corlaer made. In all conscience, strid- raded uefore the king with their pies. that sl1aded his hut. He was too He now entered upon a career of cr middle of September. heard of the butchery of the Scots ing the decks of the Hoyal .James in As the baker of the pie which pleased poor to make a pie of meat, much le!>s almost unparalleled success as a pl'"~Is Is a strong ~hip and well wounded after Culloden. the costume of a forest-runner, even the king most was to receive a bag compete with the other bakers, who .-ate, culminating in his capture of the unned, but the flpanlards have been "There'A but one thing to do," I to the knife and hatctec hung on of gold, the bakers tried to outdo each had scoffed at him for joining the pn· • • Island of Margarita, off the coast ot au~ht by centuries of experience to said. ;:ou must make pretense of either thigh. p&1D.1B other In originality. rade. Venezuela. He did this by capturing C'eept no risk for he1·. Her illentltyJ bear'"',.; off the daughter, and you can To the west of the Bermoothes!•'or instanc-e, nne baker made an But the king was so pleased with s neYer known in admnce, even to i~rlson the father, too, :;, order to w:t:r.:n sight of which we never rame enormous I>ie crust filled with flowers, the extraordinary pie made of apples the Spanish fleet. turning the guns of the fleet upon the forts defending the sninu:te~~ er .c;:aptain_ He sails from Cadiz for 't!(•nce his objections." -we eneountered the Walrus again, on which 1\'ct·e seated ten children, that he ga Ye the peasant the prize, the ':\lain under sealed orders wl~ "A fit role fot· a pirate captain," !!'lint having had substantially the who sung for the king. The other knighted him and commanded him to principal city and then storming them. he !loth not open until mi1l-At1y-:fc Is mused my great-uncle. "EI Capitan same experience as ourselves. and bakers were not far behind in their send one of his apple 11ies to the pal- From this town he obtained a huge booty of pearls and gold. · pa;;sed, and these orders d¢ut carry llt•rip-Itrrap and how he devoured the thenceforth we continued !n com- ideas of what would most please the ace every day. ned L{>gs then retired to the life ot' Onem/nute-that'o how quick Dr .Scholl"• him to Porto Bello." / virgin J I can hear the stories that pany. We were eleven weeks out of king's e~·e. a respectable planter on the island of Zino-pado end the pain of corno. They "ThPn ho\1" shnll yf)l! have word of will be told in the Ilavana wine-shops. New York when a cluster of rocky The king \\·as very tired nn<l hundo It Nfe/y. You ritk no Infection from Nevis. One day he was visited by an , Insect Furnishes Shellac her sailing?" I hrok#{in, swept oft.' my But I must have my price, Robert. peaks sca:-~d above the heat-haze !:;I'Y when he reached the town, and amateur cutth.r,no dan~rer from''drops" old pirate friend, who denounced hlm I . (acid). Zlno-pado remove the causefeet by the rush ctf this amazing nar- If I spare such Spaniards as escape dead ahead. although he dutifully admired ail the Sheilac Is u modified form of lac, to the authorities. He was thrown 1 l>reaaln&: or rub bins of ahoeo. They are rative. My great-uncle, after a single SfJUint heautifnl pies, he couldn't help think- which is a resinous substance formed ( our great guns and the boar!lingthin, medicated, antiseptic, protective. Into a dungeon to await execution. In , "That Is 0' .mnc-ll'ls task. He will cutlasses, wlll you agree to stand through his object-glass, handed the in~: "If only one of these pies coni!! by an Insect ns a coating on the twigs healina". Get a box today at your drusI giat'o or ohoe dealer'e-35c, reach l'orr(l ello during the summer back of me In the division of the instrument to me. he eaten,,. Ll't it be snid that until nnd young branches of various trees 1680 there came a great earthquake, fot Free Sample write The Scholl Mfg. Co., CIUcase "'Tis the island," he said. "I'd this time pirs had always been malle In India and nel~hboring countries. which destroyed and submerged the nnd be so eoncerned for the state spolls with Flint?" the fo ificatiuns that he'll refuse of meat. No one ever thought of The term "lac" is the sume as the In. town and Greaves was one of the few I "I'll not become lieutenant In your know those p<>aks anywhere." sun-ivors. He was picked up by a I until he Int;; vut them in de- piracies, If that be your weaning," I The double lens etched distinctly having pie for dessert. dinn numeral meaning 100,000, and Is whaling vessel, on which he soon won a rugged spread of land, ~helvlng up condition. Whilst he is there returned. At the rear of the procession came Indicative of the myriads of Insects the praise of the captain by his sklll receive di~patches from Spain "No; my meaning is plain, boy. I out of the sea from a succession of a peasant with a plate upon which which make their appearancl' wltb as a seaman. More than that, a queer I Put one on-lM pain is gone ing him hou1e on urgent af- wish yon and Peter to help me to get yeilow beaches on the east to a se- was what was obviously just a pie. The every suerP.ssive generation. Lac en- 1 turn of fate won him eYen greater l - He will elect to emhark upon clear of Flint with the O'Donnells and ries of smail hills which culminated king halted hlm and grasped tbe •'ie crul'lting u... twigs as ,;athered Is in a range of considerable height eagerly, treasure ~hlp because she 1::! Ja_,::e their portion of the treasure." called stick lac; the resin crushed to honor by hi!; assistance in capturing a gang of pirates. nnd for this feat un<l commodious and Jlkewise safe. It was n perfect example • of tl.1e small fragments and wasbetl in. hot "13ut why return to . the Uendezvous along the westward side, running nlAmiJiol"thanks to his position, he wlll at all? near oli with the O'Donnalls most due north and south. The In- baker's nrt, crisp and fragrant, with water to free it from woody particles he was gl\-en a pardon. Then he retired onee more to his . have accurate Knowledge some days ' and land them and their treasure be- terior seemed to be heavily forested: a golden brown crust, hut the king nutl color~ug matter is known as seed plantation, nntl there lie liYe1l out the the trees climbed the mountains to didn't e"en stop tn look at ft. HP. de-,lnc or gram lac, nnd this, when melted, In ad' anee of her sailing date. When fore you dellver Flint his share." remaining years of his life, great!~ l1e ha::; ubtnined this fact he will con""l'ls not so simple as all that. The within the lnst few hundred feet of voured It ~~~ I! faml'!l!etl, l'!nd then de- ~~ram ell through thicl> canvas and honored fnr his man~· acts of plcty and It secretly to one Diego Salvez, action with the Santissima Trinidad their summits, which wen• hare rock, mandeu to know o! what the pie wa~ 1 sp!'!'<Ltl out into thin layers, Is k~:.own ~;lfts tn da!ritable institutions, a:;ent J maintain In that port. w~ re•pJ.i~;~a cannonadln~. and that precipitous In the case of the mld- , mad'. !1:; !<lwli;t.:.. SL<DT/ by Arthur D. Howden Smith · ~ 4Y ELMO SCOTT WATSON .................................... ....................... ~ I I =·=·==::::::::::::::::::: I 35 years of j l Retains ~ts F su.,e Re1•lef i -=-=----:=====::---:--:-::=====:::=: I I Apple Pie Originator High H I onor I ELL·A S FOR INDIGESTION I I one I I CORNS I DE Scholl's Zino-pads |