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Show THE JORDAN Murray Society JOl:JRNAL Sandy City News Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacobs enterMrs. G. Hagander entertained at tained at dinner Wednesday evening luncheon Friday a:fiternoon at her at their home. Covers were land home. Covers were laid for eight for eight guests. Mrs. James H. Vose was hostess guests. The time was spent in sewto the members of the Murray Bridge ing. club, yesterday afternoon at her The members of the Pep Club met home. at the home of Mrs. Louis Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sundell had as The time was their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Wednesday afternoon. spent in sewing. Luncheon was servMrs. C. W. Krans. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knudsen and ed. Mrs. L . Sherwood of Salt Lake daughter of Idaho are visiting relahostess to the Bridge club at was ' tives here. Friday evening. Suppe1 home her Mr. and Mrs, Fred Walker have returned to their home in Idaho after was served and covers laid for sixSpecial guests were teen guests. a -visit with relatives here. Mrs. W. AbercrumBateman, V. Mrs. Miss Ver~a Newbold entertained Mrs. J- Young and Day E. bie, Mrs. her club 'Monday evening. In honor of Miss Mildred Rhodes aU of Salt Lake. Prizes were awarda number of her Sunday School class ed to Mrs. A. E. Williams, Mrs. H. mates entertained Friday evening of. Sorenson and Mrs. V. Bateman. HONEST, DEPENDABLE FURNITURE, BUILT BY EXlast week at her home in Miller Spring flowers were used in the deward. Games and music were enjoy- corationli PERTS, ALONG AUTHENTIC DESIGNS, WILL BE Another "Bull" Durham ad.o Mr. and Beck Ray E. Mrs. and Mr to served were refreshments ed and vertiaement by Will Rogen. OFFERED ·AT PRICES AND UPON TERMS and Mrs. A. Hught!s entertained the :Ziesfeld Follies and screen. fifteen guests. •tar, and leading: American he t . at eveningTuesday club Mrs. Thomas Powell has returned .~!!lite humorist .. More comJo.c. WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. Watch for them. to her home after a visit in Denver home of the latter's, Progressive with her daughter, Mrs. Clinton Al- games were enjoyed .and supper .servCOME, AND CHOOSE FROM THE GREATEST STOCK ed to thirty two guests at the home ston and Miss Mar~raret Powell. EVER OFFERED IN OUR STORE Miss Belle Sanders entertained at of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Beck. Special Hughes, W. Mrs. and Mr. were an evening party Thursday at her guests PHONE MIDVALE 200 home in compliment to the members Mr .and Mrs. M. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. M. Allsop, Mrs. G. P. Boyden and of the C. U. L. club. WATCH US GROW Ada Farrer. Prizes were award Statistics have proven tha.t only Miss Miss Dorothea Baker of Ogden has ed to Mr. L. W. Nielsen, Mrs. N. Lar.n .... nolf of one per cent of the been the guel!lt of relative! here. ••• ine<~ch,es made in Congress are lisA number of friends of Mrs. Lucy son, Mr. A. E. Peterson and Mrs, L. ... .,-•-a-•-• Mitchell. E. evenCongressmany Tuesday great to. A Jones surprised her l\lr::>, W. Boberg, Mrs, A. E. Wilspeak IN, but not TO, Coning at her borne in Union. The evliams, Mrs. F. Orton, Mrs. E. Beck ening was spent in games, But every speech is published Mr. and Mrs. J. Guy of Provo and ..~frs. D. Richards and Mrs. Tom the record. They send the TeeDan Maxfield of Ogden have been Christion were dinner guests of 1\{J,"s. back home to show "What the guests of Mrs. Esther Scitt and B. L. Brady of Salt Lake, Monday. told 'em up there in WashingMiss Maid€\ ·t:rosgrove and Mr. family during the week. Now the people back home Mrs. Sidney Gidfrey .and sister, Hay Jensen were married Friday evnk: Congress heard their "Lem" William Gidfrey entertained on ening at the home of Mrs. Christina Mrs. 'em this. Tuesday evening at a miscellaneous Jensen. A weddiltg supper was servNow, here is my scheme to stop shower in honor of '\irs. Clarence ed to members of the immediate fammPo•rh making. A Bill reading as formerly Miss Loretta Davis ilies, The home was beautifully delv•••o.,,.,: "Congressional Record Carroll, of Provo who was recently married. corated. not only contain speech, but Mrs W. T. Vincent had as her A farewell testimonial was give1 o f members, and names Friday of last week in honor guest the past week, her sister-inlistened to speech, and why. •• law, Mrs. John Hooper of Moor~, Francis Hussey. Paints, Wire Screens, Screen Doors, Lawn Mowers, instance: "Congressman Post Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brow are Idaho. Mrs. W. W. O'Brien was a dinner arose to a point of informareceiving congratulations on the birth Garden Hose, Garden Tools, Base Ball Equipment, of Mrs. Charles Watson of guest week. the during and spoke at length on, 'Is of a daughter . a T reaty.1• . 1t Monday evening Guns; Pistols Amunition, Fishin, Ta.ckle The Murray Community Aid so- Midvale Tuesday. rno a town, or IS ciety will entertain the members of she attended Bridge club at the home ,.n,,.tn of speech, without waiting Every thing In Hardware, Groceries:.the Midvale Community Aid, Wed- of .Mrs. D. A. Drown of Midvale. applause, four hours, thirty-six Mr. and Mrs. George Farnsworth nesday afternoon at the church on ; attendance, Gout (Rep. We Sell Better Goods For Less the birth of a son, April 21. announce East 48th South street. A musical . Y.) :'Unable to get out.' SixtyA representative from each of the program will be given and luncheon BOOTH'S forty ( Dem. N. ]. ) : 'Case of reciwards of the Jordan Stake met at served. be will Ort>CIIY, he listened to mine.' LowMrs. David Jones entertained at a the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Jenbrow (Rep. Mass.): 'I was asleep, family dinner party Wedesday even- sen last week at a demonstration uneven the good speakers haven't • ing at her home in honor of her der the direction of Mrs. M. E. Scott wo ke me up. '" of Salt Lake, a specialist in art needle father's birthday anniversary. Now I daim that will stop som~ Mrs. Ray Sudbury and daughter, work. This work is to be taught in sPt~ech making. The minute it gets June, have been the guests of rela- the relief societies of the various back: home that "Lemmie" is talkwards of the Stake. Other phases tives here during the week. ing to himself up there, "Lemmie" Mrs. H. B. Smith entertained at a of art work will be ghren in the fuwill stop talking. luncheon Tuesday afternoon at her ture by professional art instructors. You know why they won't listen A number of frienoo surprised home in honor of Mrs. F. W. Farher with soon leaves have who They Jr., now, Mrs. T. G. Tischer .l.t her home on to anybody up there? husband to make their home in San Friday evening. Games were enjoyed gone ou t to smoke, that's why, and and supper served to the following Francisco. vou know why they've gone out to HIGH QUALITY WGH PRESSURE as had Green A. L. Mrs. and guests: Mr. and Mrs. C. Salsbery, Mr. ~moke? Whv, "Bull" Durham, of LOOK THESE INTRODUCTORY PRICES OVER course. IT'S BETTER THAN •t heir dinner guests Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. C. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. J. of Lake. Salt of Marjorie Kemp daughter, Edward and Mrs. .Russen MADE. EVER ANY SPEECH Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Anderson en- Salt Lake, Mr. and .Mrs. G. A. Jen30x3 Yz C. L. Cord -···-~····-····-··--··-----··-·--··-·····--··--·-·-- $10.25 tertained Friday evening of last kins, Miss Eva Bird, Mr. and Mrs. 30x3 Yz C. L. Cord (Oversized ·---·······-----·-.. ·-----·- 11.35 week at their home in honor of Mrs. W. Belliston and Mr. and Mrs. D. 30x3 Yz S. S. Cord .........·-····-··---··-·-·-·-·--··--·-·--·---·····--- 14.95 formerly Miss Stella Cambell of Murray and Dr. and Mrs. Pierson, Ivan S. S. Cord ·····-··-·-·····-· ·------·-~-··----·······----······--·· 19.20 3lx4 P.S. There will be another piece Union. of Anderson Jensen. C. C. in this paper soon, Look for it. S. S. Cord .....--·-·-····-····-·--·-·-------·---·--·-·---·--··· 20.45 32x4 Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Fischer enterS. S. Cord ··-··-·---·-.. ····-···-····---·--··--·-····----·····... 21.55 33x4 baby and Mrs. Earl White left Wed- tained at a family dinner Monday in 22.60 S. Cord ----·-·--··-··-····-·····-·--···S. 34x4 nesday by motor for Texas for an honor of Mrs. Fischer's ·birthday an32x4 Yz S. S. Cord ···-·---···------··-·-····-----·····---··-·--·---··-· 25.25 • niversary. indefinite stay. 33x4 VJ S. S. Cord -·---··------···---·-------·-·-----··---···-·--·--·-- 26.35 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bringhurst Mrs. John Oldham was a guest at entertained Monday evening at their a birthday party given at the home 34X!l Yz S. S. Cord ···---····---··-····-····-· ..·-·--·--·-··-······· $27.15 home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ol<lham of S. S. Cord ·····-····-------·-·-.. --·-·----····-·-······-·-··- 33.60 33x5 nold Mauchli. Salt Lake, Wednesday. S. S. Cord ........·--- ···--···-··---.................. ·-····· 35.85 35x5 Miss Rachel Gibbs was the guest The Sandy Second ward Dramatic BALLOON SIZES of Miss Lucetta Malstrom Sunday. club will present "A Fuil House", a Mrs. Leo Weeler of Sugar House three-act comedy drama in the a29x4.40 Balloon ............................... ·-····-····-···-------·····-- $14.95 was the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. musement hall Friday evening April 30x4.95 :Balloon .....................·-····--·---·····--··-·······--···-····· 20.45 Sundell. 30 at 8 p. m. Admission 25 and 15 31x5.25 Balloon ·····-····-----·-..----···-·····---·······--·········--····· 23.40 Mr. and 1\Irs. Ilo B. Erickson had cents. • 30x5.77 Balloon ·····-·--··----····-···--·----- --··········-···---·--· 26.80 as their guests Wednesday, Miss Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hewlett and 33xi.OO Balloo.n ..... -............... .ft·-····-····-.. -·······-····-····· 31.53 Bertha Berrett and Mr. Golden Bar- family spent Sunday at Brigham City rett. Miss Ada Oldham, Mr. Glen LenThese Tires Are Made And Guaranteed By World's Mrs. J. Sundell had as their guest berg, Miss Ida Blair aru:l Mr. Charles Largest Tire Factory last week, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Knud- Oldham motored to Provo Friday and LoOk at Them-Feel Them-Buy Them-Use Them-and sen of Provo. spent the day, the guests of Miss SAVE MONEY Beth Batchler. Miss Batchler returnand in the average spring recommend ed home with her guests and was the FOR SALE AT ed for a camp site. Where there is guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Oldham the least ground for suspicion, how- the past week-end. Mrs. J. Butterwood entertained at ever, no risks should be taken. Better put in the time necessary to boil the luncheon Tuesday afternoon at her water than to come home with tyGuaranteed by home. 5: Members of the Third ward Third 1:: phoid. directhe under Girls Hive Bee year warnwhen There may be times ings tax patience, but the real enemy tion of Miss Laurel Dewey and Miss Fork was a guest of Mrs. T. E. Rad- • at the amusement hall May 14. fol-~ lowed 'by a carnival dance in the ev- -------------------------------~ of the vacationist is the spirit of Florance Rose, entertained the first don the past week. 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City 1 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Lane en- ening. carelessness that neglects every pre- ward Bee Hive Girls Wednesday evMonday spent friends of number A on reception wedding a at tertained Th~ chapel. ward 1 Third the in ening caution. Bateman's D. J. Mrs. at afternoon yellow. and gold was scheme color enalways a:re The laws of nature TAKING JOY OUT OF Games were enjoyed and supper serv- Wednesday evening in the K. of P. in honor of her birthday anniversary, forced. ~-·--·-····--VACATIONS hall in honor of their son, Ja.mes H. Lucheon was served to 12 guests, ed to thirty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Swenson enter- Lane and .Miss ~herine Gilligan doesn't tained theM. M. S. club at their home of Salt Lake who were married Wedothers on down .Looking per While the ultra-eareful and the them. Aeclmeek above you place week. last of nesday Rook Progressive evening. Saturday pessimists tend to take the joy 1>Ut Mamma heard certain smacking Miss Della Hyatt and Miss Melba was played and prizes awarded to of vacations for those who will listen The world changes in spite of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Jenkins of Mur- Bateman entertained the Blue Bird sounds emanating from the room in to them by issuing warnings against ray. Supper was served to twenty class of the First Ward Primary on which her daughter was entertaining not only every possible danger, from .hose who refuse to believe it. also but Special guests were Mr. and Monday afternoon. Games were en- her beau. "What's that noise, Sally'!" rattlesnakes, guests. to poison ivy she called sharply. "That's osculapruA. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Niel joyed and refreshments served. all the evils they can imagine, Elinor Glyn advises the American Mrs. Miss Sarah Gillespie entertained tion, mamma," replied Sally truthdence nevertheless will recognize girl "to cling to her youth." The Monaham and Mrs. T. E. Marriott. The Pythian Sisters entertained at at the home of her parents, Saturday fully as the young man kissed her that there is demand for reasonable only objection to this is that it leaves care when sojourning in the country. talcum on his lapels. a dancing party in .the K. of P. hall evening. Games were played and again. "Oh, that's all right, then.'' on forth go not should Tuesday evening. Refreshments were prizes awarded to Ruth Anderson said the mother and then added to Although one if and lrelta Hanson. ~upper was s~rv- father : "Just something to do with a vacation equipped or fortified as The differences between a pull and served. to tour a jungle for ferocious beasts a drag is that one is the way a polThe Ladies Aid Society entertained ed to ten guests. M1ss Ruth Squires the radio; I thought they were petting. or venomous reptiles, overlooking itician sometimes goes into office and at a banquet in the Congregational was out-of-town guest. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Swenson, Mr. that the main purpose of the trip the other a manner in which he is church parlors Monday evening. An Zoolopcal Dil!IC:ussion and Mrs. A. Stuart, :Mr. and Mrs. is rest or to free the mind of ordininteresting program was given. sometimes removed. MarE. T. and Mrs. scene and of change Hughes a M. by W. a ary cares Miss Lucille Nelson presented "How'd you ever get the idea that on rabbits have indigestion?" Bingham at party a attended occupation, there is nothing like careriott repiano a in pupils her of number In New York it's the sucker who "Didn't you ever hear of a belchin' lessness to take the joy out of an cital at the Second Ward chapel on Thursday evening in honor of R. R. pays. The Third Ward Relief Society en- hare?" outing. Wednesday evening. She was asIt is not necessary to suspect all at a shower in the ward tertained and reader Clark, Nell Miss by sisted Some people make as much noise There is no joy-ride like a slide I water when on a trip. Confidence evening for the Thursday chapel 1 in life as a deaf.and-dumb man IO.ing- the Mel-0-Dee Singers. can be placed in the supplies of reMiss Thelma Shelley of American j benefit of a bazaar which will be held , down the banister. Night.'' "Silent ing houses !putable hotels or boardJng Meet Me At ' Midvale's Big Department Store Co11:gress . No.2 ·-·-·-· -·-·-·-····-···· ·-··-··-·-·-·-· - -·-·-· .... -·- -·-·-·-·-·-·-· - -·-·-·-·- Besides a High Grade Line of Furniture, We Carry • Announc ing the New Goodyea r Pathfinde r· Tires ~ - Kr.r)'~ ULL" DURHAM ~~A~~! ... BOOTH MERCANTILE CO., Midvale, Utah ~l~~l~H~~H~l~:~~~~~H~l~!~~~~H~I~~~l§BH~~~~~H~~~~~~~@~l~ QUA:L ITY Be, 2 for 15c Bread___ ..............-..·.. ·--····-··--····--···---' Cinnamon Rolls and Doughnuts, doz. ...... 20c doz. ····---·---··-··-····--··--···-··- ··---·······-·-··--···- 15c Cookies, Those Delicious Parker House Rolls 15c only, per doz. -······-·· ..·····-·--···--·····-·····-·-----·----·····--··· Get Always Y:ou The Kind Remember Our Goods Speaks For Itself We don't tell __ron how Good it is, we waJ\t ' ¥ou to say that. I ELECTRIC HOME BAKERY In The Iris Theatre Building 1•-------------------------------- MIDVALE I UTAH Journal Want Ads Pull |