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Show THE JORDAN JOURNAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, THE RELIGION OF REALITY" A Lecture by Robert Stanley Ross, C. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They be_lie~e the illness to be is not flesh, blood, and bones, but the drugs, alcohol, or tobacco? Is he · a and dear to Him? Think it over for they look upon her reverently as their alleged substance of mortal mind, victim of immorality or vice? Is he a moment. "Blessed are the pure in beloved friend and forever Leader? Paul exhorts us to be transformed, growing old 7 Is he poor, discour- heart; for they shall see God," said If Christian Scientists were not reformed, remoulded, or remade phy- aged, or a failure? In fact, is there I Jesus, and they only. This will ex-1 grateful to Mrs. Eddy, it would be sically by the renewing of our minds anything wrong with God's image and/ plain, as nothing else can, why Mary· said of them as Jesus said to the enor thinking; by honesty, chastity, and likeness? Why, no; not unless you Baker Eddy was chosen to be God's vious authorities of Jerusalem who forgiveness instead of fear, sensual- are willing to admit first that there me.;senger and scribe to this and to called upon the Master to rebuke the ity, and hate; by spiritual understand- is something wrong with God, infinite future generations. True to heq multitude's rejoicing, namely, "I tell lump of coal,-it does not differ- ing instead of material belief. On good. divine commission, she has received you that, if these should hold their Christian Science is demonstrating be reckoned with and overcome. But, entiate) is made up of an aggrega- page 425 of Science and Health Mrs. If you, in good health, were to and recorder!, in the simplest, clearest peace, the stones would immediately that it is the Christianity of Jesus in view of the fact that _there is only tion of distinct, minute particles Eddy writes, "Correct material be- stand before a min-or, would you see manner that human language will cry obt." made practicable today. Now as of· one Creator, one creation, and one called atoms. Considered individual- lief by spiritual understanding, and yourself in the mirror an invalid or a per:~nit, the Science of infinity,-all In the period at my disposal, howold it is showing mankind how to es- type of man, God's man, Christian ly, these atoms are so small that Spirit will form you anew." cripple? If you, dressed in white, of 1t. ~ver, I ~ave endeavored t,o show _you, cape from all evil. No matter how 1 Science declares that this finite, mor- they have never been seen by the No Incurable Diseases should stand before a mirror would It should be evident to us, there·) m the hght of Mrs. Eddy s teachings, long one has been ill, no matter how tal, discordant sense of existe:c~e 1] human eye even with a miscroscope; But someone in the audience may you see yourself in the mirror 'dressed j fore, that the only way by which that all mankind ?as b~~ the mo~e deeply one may be involved in sin~: called humanity can be reckoned with fo_r .we are told t.ha_t it would requirf' be saying to himself that some dis- in red or black? Is it not unreason-! b f . b.1b. or less unsuspectmg vrctlm of th1s 0 ' b urden o1 1 an d overcome ng · ht l y on l y f rom the m1 11wns upon m1 11 Ions of a t oms t o eases are more t"nan mere b e1·1ef s. able, therefore, ·to think of God's im- we .may e sure a 1ways rm mg ' <le1uswn, · thi s m1s · t of rna t ena · 1·t no matter how heavy ones . . . . 1 y, k h ' Chnst1an Science m rts unquesthis mistake if you will-a mistake Sol·row.. poverty, or care, Christian standpoint of its unreality also; that make a speck of dust large enough He may be saying that he knows age and l"k 1 eness as a s1c , un appy, Science joyfully points the way out, is, that it 'has 1_10 place in the universe I to be seen humanly .with the ~id of some of them are real; that he has a discouraged, poverty-stricken, de- tlo~able punty 1s. _by adhenng which Chnshan Sc1ence has come to not through death and the so-called of God's creatmg. Ithe most powerful m1scroscope m the disease for which he has tried all formed immoral or a dead human :;;rtlctly and undev1atmgly to the uncover and correct, to arouse us hereafter, but here and now. The "No man hath seen God at any world. When, in theory, atoms are sorts of treatment; that he has been being?' Are you 'or are you ~ot God's writings of its Discoverer and mentally, morally, and spiritually. I ~ble tells us that the kingdoz_n of time," reads the Bible. T.his means, finally analyzed, ph!sics tel~ _us that operated upon; and that the doctors image or reflection 'I That is the Founder, w~o must have known have endeavored to show you that, God the kingdom of Heaven, IS at of course, that no person has ever they are resolved mto positive and have pronounced him incurable. With question. Can you be both material more about It than an;Ybody else. notwithstanding this mystified, huhand, here, now; that now is the day i perceived God Lhrough the so-called negative swirls or vortices of force incredulity he asks, Does Christian and spiritual'! Can you be both God does n?t make mistakes. It man sense of things with its seemof salvation; that now are we the I physical senses, the organs of human or energy called electrons, from Science presume to heal incurable God's likeness and His unlikeness? should reqmre no argument to con- ingly real sin, disease, sorrow, povsons of God. Christian Science might . sight for example. If God could be which point they elude further de- diseases? The answer is an em- ln reality there is only the one of vince you 'fhat He chose Mrs. Ed~y erty, disaster, and death,-notwithv.ell be called the re~igion of nov.:; 1 so discerne~, however, God woul~ _be tection and disappear e~tirely in that phatic and assuring, Yes; and in ac- you. Which one are you'! Christian because she was the only person m standing all this, all is well in reality, for instead of exhortmg us to wart limited, fimte, human,-a propoaltlon wholly unknown quantity called the cordance with divine authority. No Science is exhorting us to hold to the the whole world who was _worthy and that God's universe and man are until tomorrow, or next year, or the which, of eourse, is too absurd for in- ether or space. Indeed, a few years doubt there are many people in this one Creator one creation one man enough and capable of carrymg out as harmonious and intact now as they next world for salvation, it lovingly telligent consideration. ago an eminent British o;cientist, one audience who were healed by Chris- one law, a~d that one wholly good: His c~mmissio~. Why, ~he~, r~n even were in the beginning when "the invites us to partake today of God's Obviously, whatever is true about of the most noted of our day, admit- tian Science after other methods of spiritual, perfect, as our basis o! the slightest nsk of drmkmg 1mpure morning stars sang together." Fiinfinite goodness. All the possibilities God, must be true also about His im- ted that he and his colleagues wert> treatment had failed to help them. thought and demonstration. water when you know where the nally, I have endeavored to show you of real being are always here and , age and _likeness, man. Consequently explaining matter by explaining it Let uo; understand clearly, therefore, pure, unadulterated fountain may al- that, instead of an unknown God or everywhere. How could they be Christian Science declares that no away. that a so-called incurable disease is Prayer ways be found? In the Bible and the a God of condemnation and wrath, otherwise in view of. the nature and mortal has ever seen the real, the Here let it be said to her everlast- merely one which our friends of the Hence, ,prayer as understood in writings of Mrs. Eddy, the student the Christian Science God is unomnipresence of God, infinite good, truly Godlike, man at any time. That ing credit, that, near·ly sixty years medical profession are unable to cure. Christian Science is not an appeal to will find all that is required, and all changeable, universal, inpartial, who is the same yesterday, and to- which appears to the senses as man, ago, Mrs. Eddy announced to a then In the sight of infinite Love, God, the Giver of all good to do more than that ever will be required, for self-! divine Principle, Love, to understand day, and fo1·ever ·? Consequ~n~ly, that which we have been taught to wholly incredulous world, that matter there are no real diseases, incurable He thas already done, nor to gr·ant instruction in Christian Science. and obey whom means health and the only God about whom Chnstian look upon as man, being the opposite is a phenomenon of mortal mind. or otherwise; there never have been the special request of a petitioner. Books purporting to agree with the happiness, peace and prosperity, here Science teaches is "God with us," a of God, Spirit, must be the opposite She was a half century ahead of our any, there never will be any. If Rather is it grateful recognition am! writings of Mrs. Eddy are unneces- and now. od who is absent only to those who of God's man. Therefore, a mortal professors of physics. On page 177 there were, how could Jesus and his prayerful affirmation of the forever sary; whereas books that are unlike Therefore, in words of Eliphaz to believe He is !lbsent. is not the real man; and you who have of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy disciples have dispelled them? If ract that God has already done all her writings do not present Christian Job, "Acquaint now thyself with him Definition Of God come to hear a lecture on Christian writes: "Mortal mind and body are there were, how could there have things well. True prayer enables us Science. There is only one Christian (God), and be at peace: thereby good But in order to grasp and utilize Science for the first time are going one. Neither exists without the other, · arisen in our day a great religious to look through and beyond this mys- Science and that is the Christian shall come unto thee." Christian Science one must learn to have the privilege of learning mure and both must be destroyed by im- movement whose ranks are made up tified, human sense of things into the ~cience revealed by God to His lov· st something about Go·d and man's about your real, your true, selfhood. mortal Mind. Matter, or body, is largely of those who . have been heal- rarefied atmosphere of spiritual re- ing, watchful, obedient servant, Mary FUN IN THE COUNTRY relation to Him. Turning to o~r Reality And Unreality but a false concept or mortal mind. ed and regenerated· after other sys- ality. This prayer reveals the glor- Baker Eddy. authority, the Bible, we find that lt All of which is in accord with the This so-called mind builds it.; own terns of religion and medicine had ious fact that men need not be out Furthermore, at your disposal there 7 th Grade r efers to God as Life, Truth, Love, first chapter of Genesis. There we superstructure, of which the m:1teriall failed? If there were, how could the of health, happiness, home, friends, are Christian Science Sunday services Helen Larson Spirit, Soul, Mind. Perhaps the term are told that in the beginning,-that body is the grosser portion; but from Psalmist have sung that song of as- employment, money, or anything else and Wednesday evening testimonial Midvale School Miss Peterson Principle will appeal to the thought is in the Science and truth of being, first to last, the body is a sensuous, surance, "Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, that is necessary and good, so long meetings. There are Christian Country life is very pleasant as of many; for ours is essentially a ir: which God declared all reality to human concept." . an forget not all his benefits: who as they understand spiritually that Science Sunday Schools where well as healthful. Boys and girls scientific era,-that is, it is an era be spiritual and good like Himself,However, Christian Science would forgive all thine ini9uities; who heal- God's man cannot be outside the children are taught how to utilize this living in the country have many adcharacterized by scientific researc~, perfection reigned universally, and be conferring no favor upon the lm- eth all thy diseases"? Note well realni of God, infinite, ever-presenL practical religion. Bear in mind, how- vantages over boys and girls living experimentation, and thoroughness m all creation shouted for joy in illle in- man race by merely resolving matter ' that it read "all thine iniquities" and good. ever, that, if Christian Science is good in the city. In the winter when the n early every department _of. human finitude of health and holiness, where into mortal mind and leaving 1t tnett: "all thy diseases," not some of them, In reality, God has not made a poor for children, it is "good for parents land is covered with snow, they go endeavor. This term, Prmc~ple, as sin, disease, and death were un- as a supposed reality; for mankind not nearly all of them; all of them. Il_lan any more t_han He has made a also. This co-operation betwee~ ~he skating, sleigh riding and coasting.. applied to Deity, was conceived by known. Early in the second chapter, would not know how to di:;pose or Here let us suppose a case to which sick man °~ .a smner. ~urthermo~e, h?me and the Sunday School lS ~nIn the summer they roam the moun Mary Baker Edd~, Dis~overer. and however, we are told that a mist mortal mind any more eit'ectually a surgeon is called. Owing to fear, i the sa~e di:'m~ law which, when m- d.Ispens?'ble. Th~re are free Chns- tains, gathering flowers and enjoy ~ Founder of Christ1an Science, m or- arose and hid from view this ideal than they now know how to dispose animality, hate, or some other phase: vo.k_ed m chlldlik: confidence ~nd hu1.- tian S~Ience .readmg rooms where the! the wonderful beauties of nature. On der to help mankind acquire a scien- state of existense, after which the of matter. But Christian Science goes of mortal mi~d, or ~ombination of~· mllity, operates m our beha~f. to s - authorized literature may be r~ad,! cool afternoons they go horseback rJd tific, correct sense 0 ~ the Creator. Lord God is supposed to have begun much farther than mortal mind. It them, the patient believes he has a lence pam, heal ~ broke~ heal t, and ~orrowed, or. ~urchas~d. There IS a ing all over the plains or valleys. All of these tern:s-Life, T:uth! l:<>ve,, immediately to recreate out of the declares that the divine Mind is in- growth in or on his body which can I restore wasted tissue ol the body, hst of ~r~tJtion~rs m the back of When they are tired of this they rest Spj.rit, Soul, Mmd, and Pnl_lclple, dust of the ground an already perfect finite, all. Can there be more than be gotten rid of only by way of a! may_ be depended upon also to r~- T.h e ChrJst~an SeJence ~ournal. In I in some shady grove where they lisseven of them-whether considered universe and man. Owing to this so- one infinite God? No! Can there be surgical operation. Even though the I plemsh a depleted pur~e. ~h~re . lS VIew of which, al_l are Without excuse ten to the music of the birds and eparately or collectively, refer to the called mist, man is believed to have more than one infinite Mind No! What growth-which must have "Qeen con-I no more concord between ~hnstiamty who do not be~m her~ ~nd now: to search for things that are new to one and only God. been separated from his original per- real basis is there, then, for this so- ceived men~ally before. it could have . and. pove_rty than ther~ lS b:tween learn .and practice ChnstJan h_ealmg. i them On days when it seems alThe Bible refers also to <?od as the fection and to have become an erring .jalled finite, human, mortal mind, become evident physically-be re- 1 ChnstJa~Jt~ ~nd o~hel . phases of I might talk for .hours on thi~ e~d-J most· too hot to live, they take their infinite One or the one lnfimte. There- mortal subject to sin disease and which is the alleged cause of matter, moved, the cause of the difficulty-, human. hmitatwn,-sm: dlsease~ and less theme and still do p~or JUStice fishing poles and go down to the fore Christian Scie~ce declares that, death.' ' ' mortality, sin, disease, and death? that is, the patient's belief in, fear death ~ncluded. Mrs. Eddy admits n_o Ito the most wonderful Selene~ that stream by the old mill where rainif God is infinite ~Ife.. the.re can be Now, if it is true that the mist ls it real or it is umeal '! Is it a of, or other mental association there- exceptions_ when she tells us on ~~g.e ha_s ev~r been rev.e~led. Owmg to bow trout are plentiful; or else they no death; if God IS m~mte ~r~th ~arose .and that because of it man act- fact or is it a fabrication'! Referring . with-is uncorrected. The top of the 4?4 of Science and Health that DI- this ~Iscovery, milhons of wear~, go to the old swimming hole for a lS •Imn-_ ually fell from his high estate as th. e t o mor t a l mi·nd's alleged otl'spr·l·Irg· , weed has been cut off but the roots vme Love always hash met and d althe dl. the.re can be no err.or;b IfnoGod cone! . , heartsick d mortals dhave hfound . , d"1p. An yone w h o h as never 1"Ived m 1 h ' h app!fimte Love, th ere c~n e . . , . divine image and likeness, then sm, material man, the prophet said: are still there. This will explain why ways Will meet every uman nee ·. rect an open roa to eat the country can appreciate its life. nation and hate; if God IS mfim~e disease, and death are of God, hence "Cease ye from man, whose breath some diseases, at least, supposedly Ar!5"ue the s~nses what t~ey. w1ll, ness, and usefuln:ss; where~s the Spirit, there can be no matter; if inevitable and man is their helpless . . hi t "ls. for· wher-eJ·n (when cured by material treatment have God IS ever saymg to man, His Image way was dark, deVIous, and dJscour· m · fi m·te S ou 1, there ' surely there is nothing in lS m s nos n light ' ' of scientific an- been known to return in one form ' · " Son, t h ou ar.t ever ~~·th" agmg:-~P · · Consi"d ermg · th e ti me some men Go d IS . .can be no . victim. But examined in the or and likeness, .hill a 11 th e way. I n vi~w material sense,. sensa~10~ m. mat~er, the infinity, the allness, of pure Spirit al sis) is he to be accounted of'!" another. me, a1_1d all that I have lS thme., o~ this,_ IS ~t any wonder that Chris- spend in a blind tiger, Jonah's somiscalled soul; If G~d IS mfimte Mmd, or Mind called God out of w'hich its T y hin th arne subject Paul Christian Science, on the other "God 1s no respecter of perso?s· t1an Sc1entrsts are grateful to Mary journ in the whale wasn't so miracthere can be no fimte, mortal, ca_rnal1 , very opposite material belief miscall- 0 ~tc ~;po~ e ~an (a m~rtal) hand, when applied by one who is The divine Mind has no favontes. Baker Eddy? Is it any wonder that ulousl wn es,himself or to abe something, when morally and spiritually qualified to p_rmclp · · 1e ~eg ard s 0 ne idea or reflec --------------------------------mind, scientifically . termed. .amm.a , fi t ed matter.· co,uld be evolved'. There- think magnetism; finally, If God Is.m mE' fore notwr'thstandl'ng all thi·s sot as highly as another 1here(in the light of scientific analysis) he do so, and presuming, of course, upon Ion · . . · . d • Principle, or Cause, and God IS goo • called sense testJ·mony to the con- is nothin he deceiveth himself." f G d 1s as desirous of promotmg 0 . the willingness and readiness of the ore, ff t eull has neitherCh cause · h 1·ts seemmg · 1Y rea1 sm, · d"1sg, -r . t• norS e. ec · ad trary w1t . C 1 t• t t d~ h1"s part 1'f he 1·s a bl e your health, your happ1ness, and your ns Ian c1ence Reasonable one uswn pa ren success as He 1·s that of your seemT 0 be s Ure ' . human- ease.· sorrow.· noverty. h t b m ,.. · and death.· h h to do so,-Christian Science, I say, 1 mits that t ere seems ? e . notwithstanding all this, Christian The conclusion is p am, t en, t at will take such a case and remove the ingly more fortunate neighbor. If ~xle~;ence ~uc~h~~::ia~ :::~~e G:1~ Science declares with conviction based the human body is the best mortally physical effect by eradicating first some people appear to be sharing • m m e goo . .1 on proof that matter and its attend- mental, and that it manifests only the roots or unseen mental cause. more abundantly in good than others, m;•s furthermore that error or evJ · · th a t ""h' · d"Jscnmma· · ;..; ' ll d i·k must be• ing discords have no foundatwn m " IC h this a 11eg ed mortal ' hu- Instead of endeavoring to heal man this is due not to d"Ivme thrs so-~a \h undi eness, m (Chris- fact or Truth, and that God's spirit- man mind is entertaining in belief. who is sick or a sinner in this com- tion, but to the operation of divine r~ckonSce. WI dan ovte~co ree evi·l ~s ual. harmonious creation is now and For example, all of us know that an 1 :fi . h d h ll d . law which law is as available to you tJan 1ence oes no Igno a ' 1 t· · ugly disposition (which is a mortal- Pete, ms e ' w 0 y goo umverse as 1~t 1·s to them. · h b led to be- forever the only rea crea wn, m of Spirit's creating, the Christian ~an~ p~o~1e. av~ ee; the allness which there has never been any act- ly mental state) will manifest itself Scientist aims to ·demonstrate the Prayer, then, com~ists largely of ~v~n~nit~ 'oln o:I:wo~ristian Scie~c~ ual departure from nor necessity of in harsh, unlovely features (sup- spiritual fact that man, God's man, opening your hearts and t hands to ~e~lares that !rro~ or evil can be returnmg to health. and. harmony. posedly a physical state); whereas a the only man there really is, is har- give and receive the blessings which reckoned with and overcome rightly Mrs. Eddy makes ~hi~ pial~ on.pages gentle disposition (which is an im- monious and upright, now and for- impartial divine Love has already beA decade ago, the first Skaggs store began th t ndpoint <Jf its un- 470-471 of the Chnstlan Scrence text- proved state of human belief) will ever, untouched by sin, diesase, and stowed upon man. In words of a l f on rt ~o: t ~ s t~at it has no place book, "Science and Health with Key manifest itself in a smiling, serene death. When a diseased condition is familiar hymn (Hymnal, p. 86)' we to sell quality foods at as low prices as it was r:at~: ~niv~r::· of God's creating. to the Scriptures," where she write~: countenance (supposedly a physical overcome in this truly scientific man· need only to possible to do consistent with good merchanG d \ d M • "The relatwns of God and man, d1- state). If that is true, is it not rea- ner, the patient is benefited not only "Make channels for the streams ., From the c~nt~r:plat~~ of God let vine ~rinci~le a~d idea, are ~nde- sonable to conclude that the organs physically, but mentally and moralof love, dising. We determined to make only the ) r to the contem lation of His structlble m Sc1enre; and Sc1enrf' and functions of the human body as ly,-the weed is pulled up by the Where they may broadly run; ~s tu n d rk P ho is in- knows no lapse from nor return to a whole are equally responsive to roots. Hence there can be no relapse And love has overflowing streams, smallest margiil of profit on each transaction ~~~~~ ~~ th~ten~~~ll;la;~o: universe harm~n!, but hold.s the. divine order thought? Who in this audience has or return. To fill them every one." referred to in the first chapter of or spmtual law, m wh1ch God and not seen the face become red with But let us remember that a chanand to strive for rapid tumove1·. . If then according to the all that He creates are perfect and rage and white with fear? I have . Treatm~nt nel requires an outlet as well as an G~bnlesis. i's the lmage and likeness eternal, to have remained unchanged known people to become desperately In v1ew of all thJ~, you ca~ ~ee inlet and that in Christian Science Year after year and store after store, this 1 e, man . .t t h" t ,, ill following outbursts of temper, or 1 rea_dily th. at the pract.Ice of Chnitlan we make use of the outlet first. 1 1 b t f G d ho is Life man must be like m r s e erna IS ory. policy has been adhered to. Now after only ~ife'.0 th:t is, immo~tal, deathless, not ;t'his being the case, it s~ould bf' bad disposition. Someone has well SCience lS not physrca, ut me a· Speaking generally, however, manl. If man is the image and evident to you that the matenal_earth said that, if fear, irritability, and physical,-that i.s' it is above . and kind is trying to get something bea morta d t 1 t th s hate will distort the features, they beyond the physical sense of tllnngs. fore it begins to give, which is the 10 years of operation, thrifty people from et. um.vef~ e_r will distort likewise the heart, It a1ms . t o see the umverse . d man very opposite of the divine method; l ikeness of God who is Truth, God's and mor a mf aSn ~r.et' no an man is unchangeably truthful, never an man o pin,, s ere~ mg, . O the Pacific Coast to the Central West look ·- ·alse witness or a false accuaer. Paul tells us that the thmgs whiCh stomach and liver. Why not? as God, infinite good, sees them. for Jesus told his followers that they a If man is the image and likeness of are se~n are t~mporal (unreal); but All of which indicate that mortals Christian Science practice has no re· must give first, after which it would to Skaggs for the utmost in food value. God who is Love, man is invariably the thmgs which are not seen are ai·e healthy or unhealthy, happy or lation to black art, hocus-pocus, mes- be given unto them in good measure, tender and compassionate, never eternal (real)." Ful"thermor~, I shall unhappy, strong or weak, alive or merism, auto-suggestion, or so-~al.led pressed down, shaken together, and Three hundred and fifty stores and markets ' harsh and unloving. If man is the prove to you that the material earth dead, in the proportion that their mental science. Instead_ of w1lhng running over. Give, then, not only of daily serve thousands of families. ini"'age and likeness of God who is and mortal man are not eve~ s~b- thinking is good or bad, spiritual or people to be well or trymg to ~ake your money, but of your ability, ext e material. Centuries ago, the wise sick people believe they are all nght, perience, co-operation, kindness, and Spirit, man must be spiritu;f • not st ance rnatt e~, b, u t m~re 1y su bJec ~v h man said, "As he (a man) thinketh a Christian Science treatement is t " above all of your gratitude. If you Our policy in this direction will never materl.al. 11 man is the im.tge and states of th1s mys_t1fied . mentality ~ f th m· hi's heart so is he "-so is he phy- student's spiritual recognition of the have not begun to give in Jesus way, I 1 d h 11 d likeness of God who is Soul. God.s ca e t e earn~ mm • ~m .. o e , , change. You can depend on us always for man must be sinl~ss not a sensualist, flesh, or the mmd that IS the flesh sically. ~rese~t perfection of God's. u~iverse begin now, for it works. Surely, a wrong mental state mis- mcludmg man, and the reJectJo~ as The Only Way a slave o.f the sense~. called a sinner. I ~~self. which,. the Bi? le tells_ us_, ~s complete satisfaction in the purchase of If man is the image and likeness of enmity agamst God, 1-that IS, It 1s called a sick, diseased, defoz,:med hu· unre~l, un~rue, and. pov:erless, of all Here let us suppose that you knew God who is ~nfinite, unerring Mind, an attez_npted ~houifh ever unsnccess- man body can be corrected or healed that 1s ~nhk~ God, mfimte good. where, in a dry and thirsty land, there groceries and meats. man must 00 the reflection or expres- ful demal of mfimty, the allness of only by a right or spiritually mental Now, m vxew of the allness of God were two springs of water, one of sion uf div(,,e intelligence, not of rna- God, spiritual &:ood. T~erefore, one state manifesting the divine Mind or and His creation, including man. ho:V which was inv~riably pu1·e and wholeWhenever you are at a loss to know what terial b~iefs or human opinions; for of the first thmgs which thf' stu- Mind of Christ! That which under many types of man a~e there ·1 Omy some and the <Jther sometimes pure to have for a meal, just visit a Skaggs store. the d-ivine Mind God does not sup- dent of Christi~m Science needs to Christian Science treatment appears one! And what one rs that? Why, and sometimes impure. You would, or believe. 'God is the all-know- understand clearly is that mortals are to be a physical change is really a it . is God's man, spiritual. man. . Is if you were wise, go always to the Finally, if man is the image and not living in ~atter, as they beli~ve spiritually mental change. By ac- this man, who has coexisted With first spring and in this sure way of G<Jd who is divine Princi- they are, but m a state of matenal, cepting as reality the new, the ideal, God t~roughou~ . eternity, ~t t~e avoid the risk of partaking of the man, the effect, must be as per- mortal.' carnal mindedness whic~ the!, the perfect man, the old, imperfect, standpomt of sp1ntual perfectwn,-Js second spring on one of those pesfeet as his Father-Mother Prindple, in th~1r error, call matter. T~1s Will human concept is improved and evan- he born of human parents, "of few sible off-days. For the same sound source, cause, or Creator, is perfect. explam why the so-called srck (at gelized step by step, in proportion to days, and full of trouble," ~ victim reason, you would direct your friends lf be sure Christian Science ad- least those of them who know noth- one's spiritual growth, until it yields of the so-called law of heredity? Is and the weary traveler to the first mit~ that the;e seem• to be confront- ing about the teaching of Christian enth·ely and disappears before the he sick or a sinner? Is he deformed spring also. ing us a finite, mortal, discordant ?cienc_e), tu~n to clrugs, sur~ery, man- one infinite, divine Mind, God, which or a cripple? Is he trying to recover God reveals Himself only to the sense of existence, called humanity. 1pulatron, d1et, chang~ of climate, and contains no material beliefs. from a surgical operation? Has he pure in heart. Has He ever revealed It admits, furthermore, that it must other forms of matenal treatment for Recognizing that the human body had an accident? Is he addicted to Himself to one who was not near . . . [ relie~. Under the Auspices of Second Church of Chnst, Scientist, of Salt- physrcal,-that rs, m the body; whereLake City, Robert Stanley Ross, C. S., of New York City as it is wh~lly .mental. . Lectured Thursday Evening in the Auditorium, to a Large Scxe~trfic .An~lys1s . Audience 00 the Subject of "Christian Science: 1rhe Even ~atenal sc1e~trsts admrt that R r · f R l't , -Mr. Ross was Introduce(} by matter_1s not what. rt appears to b~. e Igloo 0 ea 1 Y Accordmg to phys1cs, matter (be It Mr. Joseph Jeremy and Spoke as Follows: the human body, a log of wood, or a I I I I. I I . . . . .. . • I I I I I I > ° " • ' Our Unchanging - POI~ · . B I |