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Show THE JORDAN JOURNAl,, MIDVALE. UTAH Pirate Pilot Quite Optimistic TOWNS ARE IEGG MARKETING BADLEY DAMAGED l ACENG IES GROW ~'ns Oriole Star Spends Years in Minors. ....... ............ - r··~ ~ PUBL'G LA ~~u i News Notes i"" BILl REVIEWED ! It's a Privilege to Live in~ Best· BOLEY KEPT OUT OF BIG LEAGUES i.. I • Utah ••...••o•••.. ••~•• •••~~ .Toe BoleY, of Bnltimore. who has AMENDMENTS MEET APPROVA~ Salt Lake City.-All arangements OF HOUSE COMMITTEE; ~p<•r•t the lJ:>st ~· ears of his life waiting have been completed for Utah's parTO STUDY BILL for some major league club to bt! snc· ticipation in national egg day, May 1, ressful In tile ugc-oid quest for hiR acco:-tling to A. R. Mickelson of Drasen·ices, appnrently is lost to the big per, designated "Utah state chairman l('ngue~ for all time. Entirely New Section Four Is Written by the national poultry council, spon. Blazes Gain Headway; Thret Figures Are At Hand For Both 1924 1 He will not become a mf!mbcr of th<' Into Colton School Land Me;,sure sor of the movement. The poultry And 1925 For Enterprises MarkMaryland Counties Also Suffer; '\rook l~·n Dodgers ns 111!d been expect· And Bill Amendt:d To Give council, in planning a national egg day eting Large Fraction of Hlatorlc Army Grounds Are 1 ·ol. That mn<'h is eertain. Appeal Rights cited it was for the purpose of paying ..... Threatened Eggs Produced Joe Kell~·, Rohble'H ehief lieutenant, tribute to the ben for her part in .-ec!'ntlr rt-turncd empty handed from American agriculture. In Utah, the .'nnta Gorda, the Oriole training camp WaHhington, D. C.- The Colton observance will lJe directed toward cent ·url l1i~ rt"port el!Jn!natctl the ln~t. Salt Lake City.-Tbirty per of Ll~ltEIWC>Od, N. J.-The village qcquainting all persons with the mag· ilif'I,Prlng hope thnt n rleal for Boley I school h1n1l hill, with certain modifi· 'leiLSI>nt Plains, near here, was threat- more eggs were marketed co-operof the poultry industry In the nitudc 1 cations s•Iggested by the subcommit· nigl1t be consummatPd. slate. with destruction when a forest atively in 1925 than in 1924, accordlng Af'Cordlng to the Dodgers' emis!;nry, tee that has been studyin~ the lJill for rot out ot control and destroyed ; to recent estimates by the department Ogden.- The Utah State Farm Bu.Tnek Dllllfl nce!1S I:ole): more than a week. wa'l ronsideretl by the house tre1nty of the town's seventy-five : of agriculture. The increase was due , "Yer he rli•l nn!l tl~at 1::; going !'orne. l''lhllc lands committee, but no action j reau federation, through ils canning All of the available fire ap- 1 to two reasons, first, many of the old 1 Se"rernl :->e:.:rs ago Dunn rPfu<:ed $100.· \nls tn~~< n. crops committ<Je, bas begun the organ1 Ization of cunning crop:;' as >ocintions 000 for the shortstop anrl he rf'malni'd from nearby towns was rush· associations engaged in the coop~ra-~ ,. As th0 bill w:.:s rea'!, its provisions in tlw Ir.tpnntionnl IPagm•, while oth:>r In various counties. It is pl::n 1 to tive marketing of eggs received largto the scene. end !""" l'l>!'lr prMpef'is \\"Pill on tlp to ronerully :.;ecmed to appeal to mom· ' join all a~:,odations into a state feder quantlties from their members in hers of the committee, hut Chu irwan thP hig- 1htle nnd mn!lP good. Sinno.t rernarl:NI that the l'!ll is so I erat!on, it was statf.ld by Martin B. New York.-Tbirty homes and sev- 11925 than in 1924, and, second. a num- I Ti,l3 time, nunn'~ ol1jertion wns •nld Brown, chair lan of the canning crops 1 organizations barns in six Suffolk county vil- I ber of recently formed to haYC hcen lw<E>d nn the fact thnt ir.JJ)Jrtant-an.l some of the suggest- committee of the state farm bureau · reached their full stride as marketing he is confrontprl by a Yery f<P'riou• ed d;ang-es are equ.tl!Y important- organization. ha:re b-een leveled to the ground j l agencies during the latter year. holrl-out problem. noley !wing the th~t he wl:'nted time to study it furforest fires in the Long Island pine the rookies two Waner, and Rhyne right, to left shows, Photograph 1924 both for hand at are Figures Salt Lake.-"The mineral wealth 1 n1!ly real inflt>lilfr in the Oriole enrup. th<T before his CIJmmittee acts. The which raged all night and was r for. su111 goodly a paid Pirates Pittsburgh · a handling enterprises for 1925 chairman gr,yr cssura11ce that the bill of Utah" is the title of a comprehenTlli'; •tntE>mPnt iwlkalerl thnt Dole~··~: burning Thursday over an area and be brought up again, but nc siYe booklet just off the press, an1l ''ould re· tl1eil· found not haYe should rnh~l•t he If .·en•lcp~ EYen !'lwrt. and third 1 the of pilot YetPran l\IeKel'lmiE>, Ilill marketed eggs the of fr~ction large more than 200 square miles. Fightrlay was set for rcst.ming con- compiled and published by the mindefinite ~;e~:o:.rl If at last, nt 1Ioote team, Ed<llt> lea~ne out big n on crowu wnrd reano "~ee ~:an Pirates, Pittsburgh the were aided in checking the fire cooperatively, and these show on S.:-veral important f'hang- ;rg committee .of the Salt Lake cham· :,:iderat;cn. ex· nffalrs nt state the for waon't it utility valuable a a light rainfall Wednesday night whole an increased volu~e of business son" why his eluh ;;hould HOt r<'veat ha~e. he will m .... l,e were su:o-gested J,>y the ber of commerce. The edition runs to !>ill the in es cluh. isting on the naltlmore h:tll further showers were expect~d to although In some sectwns of the this season Its triumphal march of in!ielder. has nguln 20,000 COllies, and will be distributed Fate, In othc>r word:., sub~:mnmittl!e. consistin~ of Represen"In the pitching rlPpartm<'nt, Sheecountry the associations suffered a 19:.!"5 through the :s"ationnl lea~ue and it under control. decrease in valume of business. Gains f again ca1Jture the world's champion- h:m has <;hown enough to warrant sa)·· «tefljwd lJetwpen Boley nnd the honor tatin• Colton, ~.101-row, \Vinters, Letts hy the commerce chamber throughout Residents of Medford, Bohemia. lng he will be of great ,_en·icc thi!' his ull-nronncl nhi!ity me;-its. the country to arouse interest in • r..nd Dri\·cr. are particularly noticeable in the re- ship. Selden, Farminvllle and "Our chunc!'l' for winning another ~Pa~ on . Of the ncwcom0rs, C'rowde1· ports received from Missouri, where Section two of the bill, which seeks Utah's mining industry, according to stayed up most of the a large portion of the output of the championship are extr<•mely hrlg-ht," and ~or:ger giYe e1·ery luuicat!on of to impose a limitation on the timlo' J. C. Dick, chairman of the commitwith baggage packed, ready to farm flocks is marketed through the I McKechnie !'aid to the Asso!'iatecl lldng rnHjor league timh0r. within which the government may ques· tee. If the fire should spread in their county exchanges and the centrally 1 Press. In nrl<1it Ion to the !<ntne players "I fu'l we huYe ttic har•l(·!<t hitting tion a state's title because of the al· O,.den.- J. D. Claiborn of Kiru • yl,y, • established essembling nad packing who defP:ItNl Wa!<hington In the la~t r.nd best bnse rnnnin::t t'luh in the ~a leged mineral character oi school sec- Idaho. topped the Ogden marke atplants which have been developed es- world's serit>!', the elulJ has hePn tionnl lengue. narking this up with tions, iB amenrled in two particulars; urday with two carloads of pulp fed , near!~·::!,:~()() pugllists hnrl Callfornia Md.-Forest fires were pecially to serve the farmers in mar· strengthened gre~otly hy ndtlition of such fielders as "'right, Traynor, the government is to be r!'stricted <:teers weighing 1435 pouncla, eachC'uyl('r and better than registE>rt'd In Hl20. und Carey San from Hh.·ne Hal and \\'aner Paul poultry. and eggs surplus keting only in its right to institute a suit in bringing $8.:!0 a h'mrlred, wh'ch is. the illrlllin>lr In three counties of Maryland. • nnrage pitcher~. I can ~ee no reastm Frandr-.co. c mrt, anu the period wit bin which highest price paid on the Ogden marany exPoultry and Egg Minnesota The most serious blaze in Anne ArunTommy nurns wns the ~mnllest pu· "\Yaner is a wmHlerfnl hitt<>r and why we ::;hould not repl'at in the ~ll. be st:..rted is made :;,ix years, may it I an for, responsible largely Is change to eounty Ia threatening histroic will be in left fidd 0n openin~ day, tionnl IE>ngue .nn!l sueccs~fully df'fend ::ilist who ever held the world heaYY· instca!l of three years, as pro,·irlrd in ket in months. 'l'bey wue sdfd Minnesota of quantity the in increase San of ip. company champlon~li :\feat weight Western the ,.11Juu•••·,. range, former national guard replacing Cl~·rle narnhart. Hltyne ha~ our laurels i1g-ain~t the American the Colt0:1 bill. As originally writtrn, Francisco. camp, now used as a target eggs marketed coc-peratively. This as· shown exceptional ability at second, league chawpions next fall." noston arena will ntld a balcony, the bill would have impost<! this limiOne range building has been sociation was formed in 1924 and be· Salt Lake City.-Is Salt Lal<e City giving a seating capacity of 10,000 tation on proeeedings in the interior let.roJred and twenty others are in gan operating duriQ.g the latter part destined to become one of the greatest for hockey and other winter sports department as well as the courts, but Spring's Sure Cure path of flames cracking through of that year. It is a federation of Total Paid Attendance all reference to departmt-ntal activi- commercial fertalizer centers of the next rear. pine and underbrush. The 11eventeen local units with 22,000 at New Madison Square ~ ties was stricken out by the subcom- world? Recent develo]Jments of potash regiment, Maryland National , members. In 1925 it handled a larger in Utah and nitrates in a newly dis- • Keith lo1nle!<worth of \Ya!':hlne:ton, mittee. Boxing. now in the class with "big number of cases of Minnesota eggs has been asked for aid. covered lJeu in southern Nevada, seem Town, wa~ elPetf'd enptain of the :'lionthan had ever before gone through bnsines«>' hronght u ren1rn of nearly The subcommittee Glso struck out mouth coliPge ba!'<ket-hall tenm for tho f•rst par section three of the bill, to point in this dirPction, according one million dollars to thf' new ":\Iadicooperative eilannels. Idaho Representative Is Criticised next sea~on. lie will be a !<enior next ma![in2; nference t.o r•1Ies of practtce to gli F. Taylor, register o! the Salt Fifty-eight creameries, elevators and : son Square gnrr1f'n C(lrpon\tion fur Lake land office, who Is daily receivyear. in school lanrls cases. stores have reported the marketing the wintPI" campaign just clos£''1. glowing rep:wtt~ on the latest find· ing Washington, D. C.-Representative of eggs ln 1925 as service to their memHixt<" n rill~, ~how;;. ll!•lrl in TC'X An entirely new fourth seetion La•; ings in connection with these two Perc~· C'ollin!<, Chicago, hnlr!Pr of of Idaho was brutally criticised bers. Undoubtedly several times this Riclmrtl's JH'\\" nr<·na hr-t \Hen IJpcembeen wrilten into the bill, prescrill.ng products. ~ l\lirlwpstern amateur 18.::! lmll;line the the house by Representative Con- 1 number have assisted their patrons in ber 11 and ~In r<'ll. ~;;. dn•w .t<>tal gate the manner in which the states may Lilliartl champlnnship, has retained Salt Lake C!ty.- Due to the fact appeal to the courts from ndverse rul· of Texas when an abortive ef· assembling and shipping small lots of recE>ipt!< of ~():14.f\•0, fl'·<·ordm~ to of. his title by winning the 11nnunl tour· ficial figure" Jnst made ruh!Jc. The members of the Ctah Canners' that : lugs fro!' 1 the land department, the was made to induce tile house to eggs. . ney. total nttPn<latH:E> was 22G.701. TL<! refused to pay the farmers association t original court appeal prov!sion being :U:ree to the senate amendment to the Producer-owned and cooperatively averuge ''gate" 1 as :::;;'l,414, and the their tomatoes thls year for ton a $12 IIU:erlor department appropriation bill operated sales agencies in the con- averag-e nttC'ndance 14.1G9. Hnrolrl O•horn of Ch!cng-o, all- abandoned. jrt' ... most of the declare they while the salary of Reclamation Emming markets of New York, Detroit, around Olympic champion. won six The largest total paid attendance, states of the country are paying th:i.'t.1 lflom!ltlissloner Mead to $10,000 a year. Chicago, St. Louis, Los Angeles and 17,077, rt-gislered nt the sea•rm·s dosof the ei!'ht events in which he was Wyomlng ~hecp Being Sheared much or more, the farmers are plant·[ provision was being condemned San Francisco have marketed largo Ing show with Young Strihling nn£1 entPred at the Havana uniwrsit~· lug sug11.r beets and other crops in-· 1 various house members as legisla· quantities of eggs for cooperative as· Jimmy Hlnt1er~· us lwadlirlf•r!'t, also games. l\1. S. Winder, execu~ve secrestead, ' will week ·~vyo.-This Springs, Rock improperly written into the ap· soclations located in the producing set a rE>c<ml for Indoor boxing any· the Utah State Farm bureau of tary blli, when Representative regions. Portland, Ore .• Is to hnYe n morlern sec the "big ohear" under way in where In the country. sought to justify the senate stnrlium In which to stnge foothn.ll \\estern iVyoming, and about one- announced recently. :Myton.-The Fort Duchr»ne Farm g-arnPs nn!l other athletic E>vent~. ThP third of the total 1!)26 clip is Ull'ler Digging Potatoes In April In, Idaho Coach Predicts End of :!\lnllnomah A. C. Is sponsoring the 1 contract to eastern firms. S Jine shear- bureau, with John Hacking as pr!'siIng brgan last week and several dent, has arranged a campaign to By Flashlight Blast Scouting in Football project. f!oekm:!steJ H wiil begin soon. The fight the weeds In that part of the Football scouting some day will he Boise.-Digglng Potatoes at Victor, Orleanr., New of Lamprl'eht li'red clip at the well •. twenty-eight miles . basin. George E. Young is project HughPy ~.:onxiug are breeze:; l.ll • Salt Lake City.-Wblle a battery of Idaho, in full swing. That may sound outlnwerl by the principal educational thl' wou stmlPnt, university Tulane Want's Yot·k Xew (ahovt>), Jpnning:> of Hock Sprin{;s, a!. o wiil get leader east of the Uintah river and uortlt 1 peculiar to most Idaho potato farmers Institutions nf the country, In the t · exploded In glittering glass 1 who are accustomed to d"Iggmg de· <'hampion!<llip, golf Stntes (>uif 1=;anntorium 11 nt under way during the week, as it ,,.ill : John Gardner is leader for the west po a- opinion of llfnrc S. Cntlin, cuaf'h of coach, hack to health Or New of LehourgP.ois C. .T. ff'atin!' When In .\~heville, N. C. Even now IIurrlwy west of Rock Srrings. The number side. The w••eds they will try to exthe sidewalk below as pedestrians toes in the fall, but L. G. Schultz, fed- Lawrence collt•ge football. of fleeces in the 1926 clip is alJout terminate are the while t.np. murdockIn panic, the detonation was eral horticultural inspector for Ida· scouting, particularly In football, hn~ lcoks aiJle to ba\vl out a whole ~trlng leans, 4 to 2. • the same us in 1925. but the amount burr, morning-glory, cockleburr, Rusfor four blocks around when ho is responsible for the story. Here heen nboli~hE>cl nthleticR will have of rookies. Eldon :'lfllson of !\IInnt•npolls. run· of wool Is a m•>ttc r nf conjecture until sian and Canaulan thistle. bottle of fla~hlight powder exploded it is: Forty acres of spuds are now been pi need on a much higher plan<>, l'iug ~u:•rd on the Minnesotn bn'<ket- the shcarln~; Is well Puder wuy and the G. Stokes Berryman photo- being dug at VIctor. They have been Catlin ~aY"· denMyton. Tuesday the work of hull tpnm for tit;> lnst two !<en~on~. t: 1e firM h~.l":> haYe be• n weighea. only not I~ ;n~.l"''"' studio on the second floor of I in the ground all winter. The yield j The prei"mt practice com-" was ditch mountain r G:·E the ing pounds 2,7iiO,OOO year';;; next of appro·.im::o.tely in 192:i In cnptn e!ecte11 n hec has Deseret Bank Building Thursday is running from 200 to 300 sacks per cost!~·, he points out. but It iiPfPats wm·e clipped in wr·;tt:rn \vyomim:, and pleted and water was turned in. 'l'he Copher !lo01· ~qu:ul. Norma Sorenson, 1.oyear-old ' acre, with 75 per cent of the crop good, ; thP !'lementm·y pnrpnse of nt hi !'tic~. • yea.· at;n this dn!'l s~w almcst three· work has bean going on for three a "Athletics are intPnlled to rlevl:!lop lm~glltEir of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Soren· sound tubers. Early frost caught the 1 niehanl prutt) Williams will pitch lnst The l!i>"t~>ric American Dt>rhy, quarters of tha tot; I solJ. Only a lit· months. 1085 Denver street, whose ~icture diggers last fall, and the ground got J the mind as wpll as the body," hH for tile ~!url':hall tenm of the East run In l(){H, will be re\"lvC'cl .Tnly I() being taken, escaped mjury. so hard that it was impossible to · contends. "l.'nder the s~·stpm now tic more than one-third of tho 1926 1 Salt Lal•e City.-A new mining oomleu g-ut- this ~eason. Texas at the IlP\\' \\"ashington park, ITnme- clip is said to have heen contracted puny has been formed by business Berryman was punctured all continue work. Along came a slx :ncb J ewplo~·ed the playpr does not have • wood, Ill. Thp ntlue of thP dal'sic for deli•;ery. M:!rket tendencies in 1 men of ~alt Lal<e and Ogden, who ex· to powers lntt•llPctu_:~l hi~_ exer~ . to six-~· his body by pieces of flying glass. blanket of snow that remained The re~in h::ll will not hp nseil In i,.; place!! at ~100.0CO. the offices of Drs. Sharp, Bowman inches or more all winter, and l'ept ltJQ gr!',lt extent. It 1s n hattie of the Bcstcn, the nation's WO!)l center, tlur· pect to continue development work • Glass on the ninth . floor of the the ground from freezing more than II Wits bt-twet-n coaches, not piayPr:-:." son, l'rt-sident •llil"l:ey !lnuoum•t•s. ing the pa t we~}: have IJ, ought en· 1 on nine t'laims in the Park City dlsC:t org0 Slaw~on, a oue-IE>g::erl high coura~ement to loc·al flockmasters trict recently purchased from \Villlam • • • De:se1~et Bank building he bled profuse- a couple of Inches. ~;·ho fl•Pt•ntl~· t·onnvE tNl in It jnrnper. : Dislikes Resm Ball as the surgeons probed for the bits Th!'y sa~· w!1Pn Hldno Foth!'rg:ill ' triangulnr incloor tracl' meet with thr• ~o~ne of whom ft·d that lD.!6 _will be M. Curtis or Park City. The claims a much better year for th ·m than it adjoin the old Glenallen property on Bo_h !\It.:t;raw, new _Brooklyn pit<·her. lint-s up ut·';t to Ty',.; new mid;.:<>t Jerse Owners to ·Meet At Caldwell crystal that w~re hurled at hi~ t<•aul~ of <'ornell, Dartmouth and Il:1l'· l ohtalllf'U from the :!\llll!lf'apolls club of entdlt'l' Y the exploswn occurred. S1x they look li!le .Tounh unrl the ,.:,nl. l1a~ 11 ru·or<l of denring lh·~ first womised to be. Inrlicatlons are the east ant! west, and have already auo:hpr iR ~tion. !lf;soei American the j studio the of front the from rtn.ttnwA that lmnhs will bring a lJet Ler prica nom" rlevelopment work done on them whalt-. har nt G feet 1 lneh. Caldwell, Idaho.-ldaho State Jer· tllngf'r who does nor hPiiPve in thf' blown out when the flash occurI ineludinr~ an ~OO·foot cro::;cnt tunnel Ll!e !i!"ft ~ales indicated. tnan • • • • Some windows In the rear of the sey Cattle club delegates will convene "resin IJng.'" "ThP destiny of tht• J Tnlfn of the \\'estern IPfl'-{lH~ h:tt: 1 The tU>"lll'i is said to run along the f'!airn ha~ IH•r•n nwrlP that the Chl· •uildling were loosened from their mor- In Caldwell May 7 for the annual stnte game does not har.g In t!H• hnlanct> rel<'a~Pd F'lr~t 11:-t..:P.n! n .\rhPit(·r. "\ , ,. ein for 200 feet where good showing" Poultry Far.;1ln[J lnc•·eaoe Rapid meeting of the Jersey breeders, ac- wlwther or not pltl"lwrs u~e a forC'i;::n K:•nsas City srmi:•ro, and \\" ehh anti llf"C \Yl're the uri~:natn1·, of polo. ]I and crashed to the alley. of ore lmve br-en found. The mine L!is said tlnlt polo was played in C'!1in:• cording to an announceme11t in the suh:.:tance,'' ~ald :!\kC:rnw the otlll'l' L::n(•, !dd pitt h<>rs. ;ilver-lead property. !lll7lm:: thp 'I'' an;: d~ na><t.\'. alHtllt .\. Il / state organization. Ivan H. Laughrey, day. "~fost llm·ler~ rlo not. l!kl• tJ,p S'\lt Lac c:tv -:s-o farm industry School District Votes Tax Levy !'t.J). nn<l the th<>OQ' is that the Ch 1 Salt LakCI City.- -Twenty four new western representative of the Ameri· s1uf1'. anyway. Tt may pos<ahl~· hPlp h r-s atlvnnc ~1 1 \\ith greater stric'•:; the Tl1e Pnrtbm!l duh of till' ::'\ew T·:ngcan Jersey Cattle club, and Mr. Mor· ln. throwing n 'sail£'~.' hut othe:w;"" htncl lengne has l'i··n"tl \\"illiam l'. m·"' IP:J!'TJPtl th~ ~:11~1t- from the l ,., · lust few yc::lr.> thr.n the Jll:ultry bns; r1 ircctors of the rtnh Shippers' Traf· querp,; Tart·u·s. Falls. Ida.-An unusually are nil. 'llu-;1" I>rumnwy, a ri~:!ll·h~• rHlcd p:tch~r. ne&s. thP vrlo!e of ·.vblch f0r 1!121 l.n· fie associ~:. iPn from five dlrferrnt Iey, ex t en S 1·on director in the national 1t s results f · 1can IP;::l•date r 1 as ar us ~-. <It it·s w•'re stlccted hy the nominating f'lllln' ;rnme lf' t o out tt I spe·•knra be "11 vote was cast In the special tax J ersey organ Iza t! on w1 , . who hnil~ fl'Oill I:o-.:ton. r. .,. u been esllm:Jtt•rl bv the departm£nt o r·oncerned. arP J,lteher~ the of most Ada n c th f · electiOn of independent school Tl1e annua I scsswn o agrit.:ulture at $931.000,1)01). $'i25.000,00v ccommittee at a meeting held at the a · e N{'w Sneed Record ~ale of ,Joubert L. DaYE>nrnrt. IC'ft· lilllrtrict No. 1 Tuesday afternoon. Nine- organization, which had been set for or more than lu If of whieh represents chamhe·r of commP-rce recent!:v. They llmlrlr·rl piteiH'r of thP Chi<-:1go White voted for the additional 8 mills ;,ray 5, will be held instead as a par1 Coed Javelin Star rile vnlue of el!!!;"l prodtoced on the were chosen to suc~ceerl the old board F\ox, to the Clwttanoo;:n ~outhem nsto operate the schools and of the state meeting. farm, and ~ IG~.Ot)O.OOO from poultrv ::Jf ninety men, who were asked to reQ!;""P,~ nnnowwe<l. is cluh ~neiation Riverside At. opposed it. produced. It 1s hrlievcd safe to as· sJ;;n he•·au>;E> of a state Ia\;· limiting there were thirty-eight votes sume U•nt the final dOJ>artm nt of boar,l3 of directors to twcnty-fo r. Floods Menace Soviet Capital of Jtu~l'l Young:, promi~ing mtcher with twelve against the levy. ugriculture fig,Ire-> for 1!l~~ will show Brigham Cit~·.--An auto cara,·a tl1P Milwnu:,ee cluh. Sli1TPI'P<l an In- 1 at the Central school polling tlt"t tho vall'~ o! the lndll"t•·y has ~onYeyil1g more than 100 huslness m • jm·~- to n knPf' nt the Hot Springs Moscow.-Hundreds of thousands of : report that 144 votes aganist the pa«ged the lJill:r.n·doll.ll' rr.:u·h The ond p;JIIltry J>roduC'crs of this sr>ct <'fllliP whkh may keep him Idle for " I n11Dlher!l ()l p:mltry ( n r.....!:Ul left Brlrl"ham City iY(··l.Ie:;day f0r Ito,:. there. The total vote cast was Russians stand in d.anger of being ! .•J">N :'!! nwnrh. I by homes crowded their I January 7, 19~1. wa3 ~ ll:! 800,000, \dh Dr: IH'I'. Th purpoze or the ,·isit to The levy for the district for this driven from ~'"% will be 16 mills. The board is :loods because of a fresh rainfall a val.Ie of ~~ 19 OOG,OIJO. Of this nnm· ll. ne1, '' ll!ch is onl" of the lr>r><ling The !\Iaf'on cluh ot t!H• South Atber. 4':7,000,000 head, with a Yalue of • puul11) ' Jrl.,c:ng C"n'ers of thP r.t l(P, ,.to make a general levy of 8 dong the upper reaches o! the Mos- ' lantic len::uC' hns slgnPrl Bree·'y \\'Inn. under law, In addition to special cow river. The high water, which has j 1 ~3~G.l:7,01:l, W"re •·hi~l:enl't. D:.~ring wns to in~ •< •"t thc- 11hns tiFTA anrl get /. ~lf'ft·hnnded pitehPr. who was with 1 the year 678.3!,0.000 ch'cri"ens W<'re 'detailed in. mntlnn on the inrluetrv lra1m:n and other taxes. The local nlready reached the worst record ln j \Yiehita Fnlls nn!l ~partanhntg lnst raised, Y:ith a valae of . 415,018,000. ,' from the succ ~·~ful :1roduc •rs, with a. however, has confined all Its eighteen years, abated a few inches, season. The chicken e;r;s protlucr11 amounted • Jew to stimulaUk the poultry induadutre:es to the general levy and simply but the new rains brought another to l,V:>S.27!i.000 dozens. worth $521,. try in this city and lvicinity. the 8·m!ll proposition to rise, the crest of which has not yet photographs takin~ quit they'd If j reached the city. 54 7.r.co. care of the general budget. of TI:ol>e Hnth fnr a fpw da~·~ IIC , Lo~an.-T~lf~ h••a,nr'n to get Into fnnn. <:hanr·e n liaYe might n net rlen·lopm lirllment S::lt La'{e fvulooked in Finance Bill Dairy Experiment Yields Big Returns I ~~1roor1ttion Enlarges Vining Plants Lookin;:: n !'arnera In the e~·E> hits no Ameriea Snit Lake City.-··A•lvi,ed that the st,.:n-Friesian d:Jir~· cai1\P Blackfoot, lda.-R. F. Ipsen, mana- l Fork, Utah.-Tbe work of homP t·uns. tllscl wan 1nlk~ Cacht> anti the vining plants of the Utah ger of the Laabs Cheese factory at I army con.;truetioa bill. which passed ProfPS'3or Gcorgr· R f'ain", h corporation, which bas been Blackfoot, reports that the manufac-~' the hous · of r,•p:-eH'!ntntin's at WashTlw !\Iilw:mkc>e club of the A mPrlhushn miry rl ·parf.ment dairy forward all winter under the ture of the by-products of whey cream ington, did n lt include any appl'Opri& enn as~oeiation hn~ sent Fir>:t n::rse· <"';J])Pgll and ex Agrir-,Jlttrral Utah anagen1e11t of Chris Larson, local butter is panning out better than an- i t ion f<Jr Fort Do~glas. th J milita-ry af· Coeds at the t..:nl\·ersity of !:'outh· man Pf'p Young nnrl Outfleloler .Tack 1 Kiwanis~ the nt station, ment More than 500 pounds of j ern California have tnl,en up jaYelln .Johnson to the ~prlngtleld ch.:h of ........ ,:~Lur, has been completed. Em· I Ucipated. fairs committe£' of t!v') chamlnr of eon. of the Utal.\ Packing corpora- butter are made daily. 300 gallons of · throwing as a sport whkh p1·oduces the ThrPe·l lea,;uE>. comrm:rc<? will hold a spec!al meeting Washingt m. · A•Jct!c-ning oL coal llere [:.; :showu I:iJb ),Ic;Dunogh ' for the p lrJl 1:,e of consldorin:; what are rapidly Installing the neces· j whey cream was stored in the pas- grace In action and figun•. ~eYe•·nl • • • on tracts in Richland... anrJ leases machinery In the enlarged build· teurizfng tank and Is was made into 1 talented contenders have hel'n develManager Joe :!\lcC'arthy of the Chi· youthful speed king, who shattered the may be done to hP.ve tile hill amend· counties, Montana anrl s,. Roosevelt Plants at Payson, Salem, Span- butter furnishing In the neighborhood . oped. Photograph shows Miss Lillian cago C'uhl'l has unenrtllecl n ~peetl de- worl11's velocity :·ec·ord for automobiles ed wl.en it c1me~ up on the twnate, it rtah, was authorizerl by county, vier at the C'nh·er City (Cal.) speedwa7, was ,_nn J~mc:.otl by chamber officials. Flo~·d is n Fork, Spanish Fork river bottoms of 1200 pounds of butter. Bogginning ~ Ludwig poised for the jnvelln throw. mon in FloyCl Scott. or the Interior ncentdepartm<lnt the Mapleton were enlarged to almost 1 soon the factory will start a third She Is the star javelin thrower of the fnster mnn thAn Cliff Heathcote and when he drded the track at the Brip:-.di,,. GenPral L'1cius Holbrook, is 1 ly. rifle pace of 143.;{ mJ!es an hour. j university. Melker In a 100-yard dal!h. cheese vat. the capaclt;,- of 1926. In e ':UuJ'· ,, I 0f the loc;ll post. B VILLAGE IS ALMOST COM PLETELV LEVELED AS FLAMES SPREAD FARMERS CO-OPERATE IN ORDEIJ TO DISTRIBUTE PRODUCTS TO BEST PRICES ! I ! I 1 - 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 • • • • • I • • • 1 • • • I • • • I • • • • • • • • I 1 • • • • • • • • • I 1 • • • • • I I I I • • • • • • • • • 1 I - I • • • I .. • • • I I ! 1 te• I |