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Show JOURNA-L THE JORDAN MIDVALE ITEMS /1 {VAT/ON-WIDE ney · !.fi FRIDAY ONLY Richard Barthelmess in "FURY" !:fi !:fi The Presidency of the Mutual lmThe Fortnightly club will meet on ~ Monday evening of next week at the provement A.ssociatiols entcrta.m~d ;;n the officers a~d teachers of these orhome of Mrs. J. Hollis Aylett. ganizations Wednesday evening at the ... .. • ~ SATURDAY ONLY home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beck;;:n Mrs. J. A. Alcorn was hostess at a Fred Thompson in 1 • • " Bridge luncheon Monday at her home stead. Mrs. Howard Gorringe of Salt Lake odn Cte~tler Street. The guest,; number"THE WILD DULL'S LIAR" e "e ve and Mrs. A. E. Smith, of East Mid• • • · vale, spent Monday at the home of. ~-------------------------: D A "p w~ M. MI.• an<l ".,.., SUN I ;;:n I. am1 M.. C I G ff , u.o "• • mUi. DAY, 1\IONDAY, TUESDAY / I::.. . . o •• • • Mrs. Wm. Wa~rs, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Regular Prices Mrs. R. R. Fenn entertained Wed-· Alcorn joined Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ~1ar: luncheon' o'clock one A 500. at nesday enJoreu all and Lake, croft, of. Salt , a duck dinne1· ~unday at the home of was served to twelve. • • * Mr. and Mrs. Enno Drown, of Magna. ~ * * * I Friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Carl- ;n ' Miss Cora Lindsay is spending the son surprised them at their home on ~:week with relative,.; Oak Street Monday evening. GalllOS ;;;n .. " in• Provo and refreshments were enjoyed i;;;y ~ A regular meeting of the Ladie~ twenty-four. ;;;n Aid will be held Thursday In the CATHOLIC SERVICES evening the Aid will serve a dinner to the local Li~~s *Clu,.b. 1\IURRA Y and MIDVALE Sunday, October 11th, 1925. Friday of last week Mrs. Neil Anderson, assisted by Mrs. Olof 0130•1, Murray-Mass 9:30 a. m. y;~ Sunday School-10:15 a. m. and Mrs. Clyde A. Blasius entertain;n ed for Mrs. Earl Anderson, a recent Midvale-Sunday School 9:30. M ass 10 :30 a. m. bride. Games were played, prize;-; won ~ ~ Rev. Patrick McGuire. by Mrs. Leo Anderson, Mr:-;. Fra•1k ::n Pastor. Adamson, and Mrs. Kate Steiner. A luncheon was served at small tables I COME TO MIDVALE to twenty-two. !:fi !:fi !:fi . Yi !fi Overcoat Supremacy! 1· Extremely Good Values, Stylish Ulsterettes at llbis Low Price y; y; m !fi y; !fi !:fi • Three-Button, Double-Breasted Ulsterettes that are remarkable values, featuring dependable and lively novelty overcoatings in overplaids a n d heather mixtures, tan, brown, grey. and blue-grey_ Warm Coats For Comfort and Service Warm Mackinaws For Juvenile& y; !fi • • • \Vhere life is worth Living. Buy ~...'!: Members of the Wesew Club were • entertained at the home of Mrs. A. F. your lot now in Eastvale addition, ;;n near School, Car, Paver Higihway, g::~ Hobbs Wednesday afternoon. Lu.n- Fine Homes, no shacl!:s, best neigh- ;;;n cheon was served bors, City Water, Lights and Sewer, 1 * • eight. • to 50 foot Lots. $475.00. $10.00 a month I J M H E Ph 1 M 1 ONLY A FEW LEFT e ps, " rs. ol. I A. · · rs. Aylett, Ml·s. H. C. Aylett, Mrs. A. J. New Grand HoteL ~alt Lake City till·. &.r:: ,'. ~ l Hosmer, Mrs. Young:; Cutler and ::\frs.. 1 J. W. Booth, members of the Worn;;n Bur-: L. E. Mrs. and Commissioner [en's Republican Club were hostesses· at the meeting held Monday in Salt gon announce the maniage of their,': daughter, Dolly, to Gladwin Wood- t· Lake at Unity Hall. , head of Midvale, Thursday, October :; * * * Mrs. A. L. Anderson entertained attl. The marriage ceremony walii pre- ·Oo a luncheon Tuesday afternoon for out formed by Bishop John Aylett, and! ... of town friends. Those pre~ent were; took place at the home of the bride-, o Mrs. Lav.Tence Perry, )irs. R. W. An- grooms parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.l ~ derson, Mrs. G. M. Mumford, Mrs. Woodhead, in the' presence of the im-' 'Luke Robinson, of Murray, and Mrs. mediate families. Fall leaves and fall ::r:: D. A. Desp:1in, of Granite. Mrs. Rob-· flowers were used as decorations <ll ins on will leave ;;oon to join her hus- 'throughout the rooms. A wedding sup ~ j per followed the ceremony. The young 1 ~ _: band in Alabama. couple left on a late train for an , ~ • * • Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Richat·dson; indefinite stay in Grand Junction and , and family attended a reunion of the : Denver Colorado. 1 y; y; !fi I 1 I I with CAROL DEMPSTER. and W. C. FIELDS s I Adapt6d by_ FORREST HALSEY from DOROTHY DONNSLLY a sto';J t:'f . SaU~ and "Pop" !:fi y; Beaverized Sheep Collar Four Leather-Trimmed Pocketa All Around Belt Firat Quality Sheepakin Lining 36-inch Heavy Drab or Olive Moleakin Shell Wriatleta in Sleevea Men's Sizes Our Buying Power Your Saving Power at this low price- !I $10.90 26-0unce Wool Western Mackinaw Cloth HOW much more ~y~ lcma t i<· w~ .~r,. "' th L usiness fund; thau \\itlo our 0''• n pcr:;onal tinatH t•_.! Take ehl'ek protl'<: ion, for instauec. or course you usc n l'rotcdograph nl your plac-e of bn ·iness to guard •·heck; frnou tht• forger. But how oftt>n do you write ~our own per·so nul ehccl." by ha n<l giving to t:te <li,boncst the ctta:I<'C lo L.: di.,loonc.;L The invention of t I'" 'r<ttcn' •)!"'·'Ph, Pf·r~unul to sdl at $1.:0 (plus car- $1.39 ~ (One more week only) ONE TON OF COAL FREE WITH EVERY WASHINGTON HOME FURNACE DON'T FORGET OUR FIRST PRIZE A $300.00 RADIO WILL BE GIVEN AWAY SECOND PRIZE-$25.00 IN CASH Are You The Lucky Holder Of The Master Key? One Dollar CASH purchase or one DOLLAR on Account ENTITLES YOU TO A KEY Come! Before the keys are all gone! Remember, under our new plan we are SELLING ALL MERCHANDISE AT A MUCH LESS PROFIT It Is Needless To Say Anything About QUALITY YOU KNOW our GOODS are GOOD New Fall Merchandise Arriving Daily oot ere. o. Midvale, Utah ~ TO OUR "PAY DAY" Union Made Overalls Cut full; double stitched ; jumper or overalls, at- •' Round Trip October 9tth $5.50 Booth's are Giving You Coal $8.70 •!fi From Salt Lake City Good, long mackinaws to keep little fellows warm. Carefully tailored in an overcoat factory, made like overcoats. Two flap pockets, convertible collar, full belt, double hreasted. rL\ ~ ...•), MEET ME -ATBOOTH'S n::n~ ;;n31;;n;;n;;nf/~~ m /NC MIDVALE, UTAH I ;;n;n;n;;;n;;n;;n !fi DEPARTMENT STORES ' ;;;n;;n m INSTITUTION- The Buy To Satisfy The greatest satistaction to the shopper is to know that the purchase is worth the money, is becomi:ng and stylish, looks more than it costs or the other fellow thinks it costs, and costs less than you've seen a similar article marked elsewhere. A purchase at the J. C. Penney Company Store is bound to insure satisfaction becauseyour buy is necessarily worth the money you pay and is less than it _ can be procured for elsewhere since our buying in quantities from direct sources makes it possible for us to give rock-bottom prices, the newest merchandise and a varied assortment. M~y;y;y;~..r-I...E:y;~~I..P-~J~~y~~!:IES.Ifi!fi~~~~ §- , Gardner family held at the West Jorof last ~~::musement Hall Saturday • • • Yi y; ~ !:n !:t: ~ !:li Yi y; Yi ;-elcl;!'snco;s <? ., • :·7 ~ 'I '1":7 • 'Z7 ·V 7 '""'? ,, 'I / r.; r with per ·,n..al < h.·cks nnw Y inexeu.,,thlt·. This handy ~ little mu 1one applit•s to pcr:1onul e~! t: Cks Lhe sante kino! of pr.tkcl ion long "'G:Jf ~ used hy Lig hu .int·~s. A ph '">Ill' ,.3Jl or po,tal y V V7 V !fi y; !fi V ~ H!u \t>:; <.:.l '( card will bring' I he Todol e'pcrt to • --1•l:.iu it iu detail. ~ V V "ffll'1 1!"" .. The Jordan Journal Distributors Tel. Midvale 178 How Editors Get Rich I have just learned of an editor who started poor twenty years ago and retired with a comfortable fortune of $50,000. This was acquired through industry, economy, conscientious effort indomitable preseverance, and the death of an uncle who left him $49,-Santa Fe Magazine 990. A loafer is a man who rests before he gets tired. I I ~ ac.-!fiYi~J;y:[!fiYi!fi!Si!Rfi!RI Adorable carcus kad a11d lovable cit-eus faker. Tkey take you tkrougk tke sawdust ring and juggle their way straight into your hearts. You wiU love them both - "Pop" for his careless hal.\d\ing of tke truth; SaUy for her whimsies, whether she's in spangles of the tent or satins of the rich. When they're up they're high up; when they're down, ......,-... sti\\ see nothing but silver 'inings in the clouds. ~ m m m Yi y; Dist. Pass. Agent I· y; i Yi Yi !:fi WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Bob Custer in ''The BLOODHOUND" ~ y; Of Course At the Ore(~!? p~~~~.~.m~ine !I! !~ E. A. SHEWE ~ Classic yt !:fi Limit October 12th !!.I A Lauth BUTTE I MONTANA VIA ~~ IRIS THEATRE "Th• Hou" of Qu,Jity" ~ ~/l!fi!fi!fi!li!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi~!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!li!fiYi~!:fi!il~ - 1 City Ticket Office Miss lola Maynard E>ntertainetl her three days during the week. Mrs. Ed Hive clas:o at her home oa Tu( ,. Seifret. Bee Hotel Utah-Phone Was. 680 day evening. Refreshments were serv- 1 1\Ir. and Mr... Uonell M ·ers .!\Jr. ed to twelve guests. C. M. BAYSINGER and .Mrs. R. S. Hamilton, Mr. and . . · . . D M fmml~· u' M and Rad1sh H. F. Mr. Agent Depot Ticket Office rs. l arvm ansie, Mr. :.\fered1th ' 13ancroft ltlaho h:we come her<' to Salt Lake City 'make thei1· home :\lr. Ibdi h w 11' Page, Miss Norma and Mr. Jay StE-adman attended the Southern states rework at Page Hansen Company . Mrs. Duke Page ent~7'tai!H'd ti'e union Saturday in Salt Lake. :\lr. and Mrs. R. S. Hamil toll en~t al\b_irth t~a)b' paprty,, the otchca:<ioa be. l\fr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clayson and mg ISS ,u y ages mn ann: ,cr , t ·rt . ,, sary The afternoon wa • spent i!1 1m:- E; ame-u at a party Monday rughiP at · · · h onor of l\1:!'. Everett · . h ome m " were !S~rl"ed. th en . ·eantly. Reft·efhmenb fannly were Sunday dmner guests .of lmg ·1 and Eltlre(l Ham1·lton. The even1'ng · M r. an<1 ,l\I rs. vI',zra n·11 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ashby of ~hd1 _, anu •..1 r•J y vale where they spent the da~· and spent Sunday the guests of Mr. ani was spent with games and r resltil'vlrs. Phillip Guilmet at Little Cot.vn- ments was served to: Mr. and ;Mr:s. evening. Rex Hamilton, M.is. e.· Beth and MauMr. and l1frs. Ray Densley and ·son wood. Dinner was served. Mr. and :\Irs. Rex Hamilton, Mi, rine Steadman, Miss Marie Webb, Leslie who used to live here, but now live at Nownan, Idaho visited with Olive Crane and the :\lisse Zelwa and MLse; Lola and Edith Hamilt n, Mr. friends and relatives for a week, re-' Pheabel Butterfield attended the; Can- He;nry Bills, Mr. Meredith Page, Mr. Clifton Densley, Mr. Oliven Hamilton, adian reunion held Saturday night. turning home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Page announce I Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Dansie ha'l' ~lr. Jay Steadman, Miss Lavetta Stone the birth of a baby boy, Septemberl. Mrs. Dam;ie's mother as their guest! and 1\Ir. Albert Otteson of Lark. I ----------------------Riverton Items 1 I 1 . ) ' |