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Show - - """" ............__ THEJORDANJOURNAL,MIDVALE,UTAH ____._ --- - basin-the men from Cordova under whirled, turning once more toward the "Hold hard, Smlth-Mr . Fair,.. he Hod Stone. cut In the wall, and came down-his said, "not In your condition. Jermyn There was one other actor In the shod forefeet full upon her breast. -go see what you can find. I.u the small drama whom no one noticed- He leaped over her body and was meantime --there's Bil: Basford. The Bud Allison, on foot now, since Big gone, his empty saddle shinin~: with boy was quick-" ~ J • Dan stood at the base of the last rise, its vanity of silver. Here Rod Stone broke In, speaklnr completely done--Bud Allison dragging A silence of death fell for a moment franl;ly. his lame foot wearily, hts pappy's olcl In the peaceful pot. "I'd like to say, men, that when ~un on his shoulder. Then two men moved. young Allison killed Big Basford he Many Wives are Childless Because of Ill Health. Read The boy stood between the last rid· McKane, the trader who leaped got the man who threw his father How Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegetab le Compou nd ers and the wall, looking at them nil from his horse and knelt by Kate down Rainbow cl)ff and stretched the with puzzled eyes. Brand Fair con· Cathrew, and Big Basford who fiung rope that lamed the boy. Helped Mrs. Benedic t John Alll· tmoed: up his arms and shook his clawin' son bad found the only outside way (Copy for Thl• Departm•nt Supplied b7 the "While we are about this we'll finish fingers toward the western wall. American Le~ion Newa Service.) Wash, and it was not long till I was to the rim aud was looking down into It completely. I want the men of relieved. Now I do all my own work "You killed her I" he shl'!eked, "You the Po.t here, when Basford went to and help others. I sure praise Lydia Nameless and the Upper Country to yellow devil-you 've killed Kate Cath· meet him." COMM E. PinK:ham's medicines to any one I ANDER MciVE R know just what sort of criminals they rew l And I'll kill you I" F'or a long moment there was sl· meet that is suffering from similar have been dealing with-to know that IS STRON G LEADE R He kicked his horse viciously and lence. troubles. I think if mothers with Lawrence Arnold there is a clever New sho.t forward. "It would seem to me," said Bosgirls would give it to them when ---By--York lawyer who defends guilty men Independe nce Day was not the only Bud Allison, the boy whom none had sick slowly, "that there has been a they come to womanhoo d it would and frees them-by buying juries. noticed, raised his pappy's gttn and deal of justice thing Amertcan make Legionnai them stronger. People who res of South done here this dayhave known me all my life are astonThat he Is getting rich by sell!ng fired. a '·ery greR t deai of justice. It's Carolina celebrated on the Fourth of ished to see me now as I was always through agents and aids the cattle .Tnl~-. 1924; the second cnuse of Big Basford toppled to the lett and destiny." sickly when in my_ 'teens until I which you, Kate, steal here, drive Into slid out of his saddle with an audible jubilee was the election on that date Nance Allison looked up at him wlth COP7rl~rht b7 the McCall CompanJ' started taking the Ve!{etable Comthe river, up to the cliff, down tills grunt. He rolled over, shook his good a Ug-h t In her of E. Rick l\Ieh·er, of Florence, all WNU Senlee. pound." -Mrs. MARY no. BENEDICT, blue eyes. wonderful unclergrou nd passnge into fist toward the serene skies, and was 313 Payson Street, Kewanee, lll. "It 's the ha nd of God, Mr. Bosslcli:," 1925 commancle r of the South Carolina CHAPT ER XX-Co ntinued Blue Stone canyon and out across the still. departmen t of the Legion. she ~:aid gravely, "no Jess." desert to Marston for the shipping. Has a Beautiful Baby Girl Now "There's nothing ~<pectacnlar or -18Slowly the group drew In to lool• The rancher nodded. Brand Fair beard lt In the strange It has been an amazing system in a at Cattle Kate lying so quietly after Bridport, theatrical Vermont .-"In the first about Rick Mciver,'' de"Maybe,'' he ~<aid, as Jermyn and place I wanted a baby, but none dark passage far down In the heart more amazing setting. The mystery the storm. several others who had accompani ed clared a rural friend, "but Its a mighty seemed to come to me. I just love of Mystery ridge. Rod Stone, cl!mblng •Jf the steers that left no tracks I!< McKane was holding her hand be- him. came ba ck across the basin with comfortab le feeling to haYe him at children and my husband is away all he st!l! &lopes, heard It, and so did solved by the fact that every time you tween his own and murmurin g foolish, Sud Provine among the head of affairs; you can always them. day, so I was not happy at all. A the boy on the staggering horse a stole a big herd you drove them up endearing words. Lawrence Arnold 'tianl; on the cart ge-tting there that doctor told me I could not have a One look MRS- MARY R. BENEDICT at the man was sufficient. little farther over toward Sky Line. the night before you drove your own pushed him aside with an oath. 8t3 PAYSON &TRE£T, KEWANEE, ILLINOIS baby until I went to a hospital. But "I guess he's had all that was com· Rick Mciver is pulling, berause he He altered his course a bit toward brand down-the refore, they left no never t·ears my sisters said, 'Take Lydia E. Pinknor • kicks • over • Kewanee, the • traces.'' • Illinois. • "When • I was lng to him for the present," said Bostrace. Also, I want to say here ann the west. married about a year and a half I ham's Vegetable Compound and yoo That astute observanc e or Com· But Brand Fair turned his eyes for sick grimly. "Take him along to the took Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable will be O.K.' I was nervous, had "What do you mean?" said Arnold now before these witnesses, that all the first time toward that farther wall. mander Mciver Is about as true as house. We'll go gather In the rest." Compound because of ill health. I organic weakness, with backache, sharply, "would you kill her before t.he money you brought with you Into l:l'or a moment he did not recognize the anything can be. He Is a man who And so, in the fuJi day, with the risdid not have any children. I now sideache, headache and no strensrth. she signs the paper? Or after-and the Deep Heart hUla belonged• to poor cz:eature which knelt there, tha smok· en sun touching all the tapestried has gone quietly and l'almly ahont his have two healthy little girls and I am I had been in bed nearly a week wnen have the finger of the law point at Jack F'alr, the father of your child- lng r!fie across its knee, its fac~ cov· sure I would not have had them had I began taking the Vegetable Comslopes of Mystery with gold, Cattle dlltles, leaving bombast and blah to the new owner of the flats? Use your the man you betmyed Into prison ered with both hands. it not been for your medicine. Last pound. It was all that ever helped Kate- Cathrew went back to her others while he worked. Which doesn't through the dev11!sh legal trap laid by its." Then something fam!llar !n the stronghold under the spring and summer I got all run me and I just wish you could see my Imply that he has led a cloistered \ tinted clltr"Klll her-and the old woman will Lawrence Arnold-a nd that Is why droopinr shoulders, the ragged veil down, irregular,~ and I had awful beautiful baby girl. I am fine now, and protected life hy any means. He's went in state with a retinue behind headaches , and my back and side hurt and so is she. I am still taking the take the boy and go," said Kate, "she's l've followed you. Sonny Fair has a of shining hair, struck home to him. a fighter and a virile, two-fisted leader her. me so that I could stay up only a medicine as it keeps me well. • Yoo the stubborn element. I warn you right to his father's property- and I of men, at present engaged in the Without a word be went forward short time. •My limbs would get so may be sure I am recommen ding the She had died as she had lived, specnow-she must never go out of this Intend to see that he ~:eta lt. Have and dismounte d. tired and ache till I could cry. I Vegetable Com£Qund and always tacularly, and her turbulent soul place alive. She knows us now." you anything to say?" Incredulou sly he stooped and took started to take the Vegetable Com- will. ''-Mrs. A. W. HowE, Bridpo~ should have been satisfied. "Unless she goes down the Pipe with Lawrence Arnold, trapped and con· the hands away. pound again and used the Sanative Vermont. With her went one man wbo bad this morning's drive--the boys should sclous of the fact, wet his thin lip'! --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wide eyed he looked at her. loved her after his selfish fashion, an· We are all of us more or less the Pence cnn be eulogizt>d forever, and aoon be here to start." and glanced desperatel y around. He "Nance!" be cried In horror, other who alaves o:l' opinion. would have crawled In the yet war will break out. "She will come back." saw only stern faces, cold and angry "Nance-N ance--Nan ce 1 Good God dust to kiss her feet, while a third, "Not lf I send Basford to take her eyes. Almighty 1 What's this?'' borne rolling llmply on a saddle, fol· over the Line." But Cattle Kate Cathrew was made "I am forsaken of my God," sald the lowed after more closely than any "Enough !" said Kate, "I'm uneasy of different stuff. She flung up her girl piteously, "I had to k1ll her-or other. bout the whole thing-the brushed- clenched fists and shook them at the she'd have k!lled you t" The young cowboy from the Upper out tracks at the mouth of the Pipe--" clear skies where the rose of dawn "You didn't," said Fair sharply, "the Country absent-min dedly rolled a "A trifie. And the boys wlll soon was spreading. stallion klllell her. Your shot went cigarette. be here. Hark-the y're coming now.'' "You-!" she swore, "I always hated wild." "She was worth It,'' he said softlY There was a sound in the rock face, your narrow eyes and that mouth of She looked at him dully, uncompreto the bearded man beside him, "in a shout and a rumble of horses' feet yours! So you are the prospector , bending, and Fair repeated his words. hurrying. Smith, who has been so inquisitive at As she realized their Import her Ups spite of all!" The man and the woman looked that Cordova I "H-1 I" said the other, "look yon· began to quiver, she rolled down upon way-to behold Big Basford come boll"And it Is you who've done all this I the trampled grass wlth her face to der I One square foot of his satin lug frcm the narrow opening with a Oh, d-n your soul to h-11" hide was worth her whole body l I the sod, and wept. always string of men behind him. thought he'd get her, some She dropped her hands, cauG"ht the Fair, knowing that this mat· ·• "H-I's fire!" whispered Cattle Kate rein hanging on Bluetlre's neck, struck terBrand time, some way. I'm going to dig up was between her soul and lts Cathrew. her heels to his flanks and quick as Maker, wisely did not attempt to com- my last dollar an' buy hlm from whoever owns him now." Like a Nemesis, Bosslck and the thought whirled him away toward the fort her. Bluefire stood against the cliff, ranchers behind him pushed Big Bas- cut. The group between her and the He sat with his hand on her heavE. l'llck Mciver. watching with interested eyes thla t: ford down the sloping floor of Rain· entrance fell flounderin g apart before Ing shoulder and watched the tragic strange procession passing. business of maintainin g law and order bow's pot. the stallion's charge. scene. as tl:e chief of pollee of Florence, "A plant t" screamed the latter, With h dozen leaps she almost Bossick and his men surrounde d which office he has held since 1921. On the broad "we're caught I I We're caught!" slopes, the reached the wall. towering Arnold. Big Basford was dead. And Something of the energy of Rick McA hundred feet away Bosslck "You can't get away with this, here was Nance Allison In Rainbow's slants, the conifers sang their evel'atopped. Brand Fair!" she screamed, "I'm a pot at dawn, rhastly with blood and lastlng song, tuned by the l!ttle winds Iver ls revealed by the records of Clemson agricultur al and mechanica l from the south. His angry eyes dashed over Arnold match for you!" and jerked at her weariness. college from which institution he White clouds sailed the vault rifle above in Its a d the woman beside him, then loops. A thousand questions burned In his leading their shadows for a little space graduated In 1915. In addition to In her rage she was Inept, so that brain, but he waited. scanned the green basin where thf' scholastic honors, the upon athletic the records soft green country. the weapon caught, peaceful cattle lay. hindering her put'From the right Rod Stone was com· show that as captain of Another the track spring was smllln~: on the Bosslck threw back his coat. A star pose for a moment. !ng forward, followed by the half· team, he won in one meet the high Nance All!son, standing in her breed girl and the rest of the men Deep Hearts hills. shone faintly in the light. On the wide brown flats by Nameless jump, broad jump, 10Q-ynrd dash, the "You can thank Sheriff Selwood's trampled spot, knew that the moment from Cordova. t11e young crops were springing, vigor· 140 and 220..yard hurdles. This is :>he had dreaded for so long was come. tireless work for this," he said, "and Bossick took Stone Into custody and ous and safe, and some few herds mentioned as an Indication of what Knew that danger threatened at last called to Bud Allison. who came limpso can we. The whole country's dep· browsed peacefully on the rugged might be expected of such a man in some o:J.e whom she loved-the stark lng forward, his blue eyes glittering utlzed. Your work Is known. You the blg track meet of 1917-1918 as a runge. danger of death-an d as it something with defiance. may as well l:lve up without a fuss member of the A. F. team. In the doorway ' of the broke cabin within by the her, the "stirrings' ' crys· for we-" Fair stooped and lifting Nance bod· At the beginning river, Nance of the Fair Mexican sat tallized. with Sonny Without In taking her eyes !ly earried her ' into the heart of the He stopped, tor an odd sound had Headache Colds Neuritis border fireworks "lUck'' went to tile her lap, watching the slope beyond. become apparent -a deep, echoing from the frantic woman on the big group. "\Von't Brand be coming soon?" the border as first sergeant of company E, Neuralgia "Men," he said, "here's something Pain Toothac he sound, as of many waters beating on blue horse, she began to feel with her chlld wanted to know. "The Rainbow Second South Carolina infantry. On root for something In the grass- more to add to our score against Sky a hollow shore. November 20, 1916. he was commls· cl!ff Is shining, so it's getting late." The roar of waters became the rum- something long and dark and cold, but Line. Look!" stoned a first lieutenant and assigned "Soon-ve which ry seemed soon, to her now more pre· honey," said They looked In astonishm ent. ble of hoofs and up from the bowels to the same unit. When called to the Nance dous smilingly, and to "I be heard Dirk barlt desired than anything "Great Scott!" said Bossick wonderof e earth came Brand Fair and his upon the earth-nam ely, Sud Provine's ingly, "it's Miss Allison, ain't lt? In the buck brush yonder a little v.·hlle service In the \Vorld war he was made men. a captain. Captain Mciver sailed for ago." What's she dolng here?'' "Good morning, Kathertr.e Fair,'' he rifle. ~ Accep~ only • Gone was In the room beyond ~Irs. Allison France In May, 1918. and served with all the stern restraint, the "That's a question I'll ask Lawrence said. the One Hundred and J;'ifth earnest arnmunl· supplicatio rocked n to be kept from Arnold," said !<~air in a voice like a contentedl y. ~ which contains proven "You!" screamed Cattle Kate, "You! tlon tr11ln until his dis!'harge In 1919. spilling blood. The hatred which "Nance," had blade, she but said, the "you bearded know man this Handy from the "Bayer" boxes of Yo~ It was you who did the tl'lckAl!lde from soldiering and policing, smoldered in her leaped to Its here fulfill· carpet Upper always Also Country makes bottles spoke me of 24 and .<u•li-·JJI-u think up promptly. of not that tool Set wood l I might have Command er Mciver Is a farmer. ment. .llllllrln Ia the trad~ mark ot B~7er Y1.11ufactare ot Monoaeetlcaeldeater ot the floor of "I the think 'voods. young somehow, Stone with and .Minnie gu essed I" She had believed In the hand of God Pine can answer that, since that Is Its brown an' white. It's so fresh an' "Sure you might have guessed," ht> that had been her shield ancl buckler, ~·by we're here. Speak, fair an' soft." Stone." said. "\Vhen you and your paramour had been patient in adversity, meek Educati on Week Is Set The rider shook his head. "That's why I got that WRfll," l!lald there robbed the Consolidat ed and in her dogged courage. ''Let Mlnnie," he said, "she was first Nance happily, "I felt It woufd-an d for Novemb er 16 to 22 wound the colls of guilt around Jack Now, as Kate Cathrew clawed for a to know about lt." It does so. Yes, It does so. Run, "Amerkan Education Week" will Fair-you might have guessed that weapon to kill Brand Fair ~ltting on All eyes turned to the Porno girl, Sonny-yo nder's Brand and Bu':l l" be observed throughou t the n:uion the his brother would follow you to the his hor>:e at the cave's mouth, she be· among those of Lawrence Arnold. still Brand and Bud, riding up from the week of November 16 to 22, 1925, it ends of the earth to get you. And contt! a k!ller herself, joying in thl' holding In his arms the body of Kate waters of Nameless in the evening has been announced at national head· he's got you-got you dead to rights." fact. Cathrew, and they were cruel as a l1aze, Diamond and Buckskin drawing quarters of the American Legion at He, too, showed a deputy's star. Her foot touched the rifle. hawk'n. long breaths of satisfactio n at the Jndlanapo lls. , "Jack Fair died in prison-of shame She bent ami took It up. "I listened." said ?l.llnnie calmly. "1 sight of home. The National Education assoclntio n and of a broken heart. For three As Cattle Kate straighten ed In her always listened when there was devll's Nance rose and waited for the lean ond the United States bureau of eduyears I worked in New York to get ~addle, Nunre dropped stiflly to her talk at Sky I..lne. I've heard much. dark man who swung d()wn and eame cation co:,operate with the Legion In the g ods on you, Arnold, and never lmee and raisell the gun. This time the Sun Woman yonder stoocl to her wlth Sonny on his shoulder. As the perpetuati on of Education week, could..,_detl.nitely. Then I hired a bet· ITer blue eyes caught the sights and In the Inner room where they had he stooped to Jay his lips to hers he which was first suggested by the ter an who could-an d did. I have drew down steadily upon the woman'!' brought her, and gave back In their looked long and tenderly into ber olue Legion at the annual Star Cuup1ter $595, f. 1. 6. U11Ji11g, Mkb. meeting o! the a precious package In a safe place heart. :eeth the words of the boss and the eyes. National Education associatio n In with enough proof In It to have sent Just so had those forgotten All1sons master. They wanted her to sign her "Heart of my heart l" he whispered . 1921. The week has since been ob· you over long ago-but I wanted you drawn down upon their enemies In the itlOther's name to a paper which would "Row's all, Brand?" called the moth· sen·ed annually by presidenti al procboth- ogethet·-u grand finale. It has Kentucky hills. give to Kate Cathrew the · homestead er as she spread a cloth on the scoured lamation. been' a long trail-lon g-for me--and Her finger touched the trigger. on Nameless -" table preparator y to "feeding her men· 'l'he program for the week embraces tor Sonny, the child whom you aban· And here the hand or destiny •'Great ::ieott !" said BoS>~lck again. folk" as she phrased lt. Constituti on day, Patriotism day, doned,~Kate, five years ago. reached down-or was It the hand of "She wouldn't," went on Minnie, Brand hung his hat a on null and School and Teacher day, Conservat ion "I've lived tor months in Blue Stone Ood?-and ordered the puppets play- "and so they gave her to Sud l'ro- turned to the well as Bud came and Thrift day, Know Your School cnnyon. It was I who found whert> lng out their little tragedy in the heart vine to keep ~<ll night in Ralnllow's whistling up the path. 1 day, Communit y and Health day. and the wlliows blow out from the walt. of Rainbow cliff. pot, with :dig Basford standing guard "Fine, Mummy," he called back, !<'or God and Country day. It was Sheriff Selwood who took his As Kate Cathrew flung up her gun outside." "ever;ythin g at Sky Line's doing well. President Coolidge, in commendi ng Ute In his hand to help your men drive the furious rage that fired her stiffened There was the sound of an indrawn Rod and ?l!innie Education make things week, said: "It Is not too move, Bossick's steers Into Halnbow cliff. It body in the saddle. shot her bolt UP· breath from Fair. and I !'nn trust them. The only thing much to say that the need of civllizo. was all of us together, as you see us t·ight, standing In her stirrups. "We know Provine, Hod Stone and here, who put two and two together Perhaps some unaccusto med pres· me," continued the girl, "and so we that jars Is old .l osefu who never fails tlon Is the need of teachers." to tell me that all half-breed s are and detet·mine d to get you-and to get ~ure of her rwsture angered him-per· went to Corllova for help to get her fools, and that white men can't be you good-you aud all your outfit o! hops the exritemPn t of the moment out. We had to walt so long to gtot u~.tsted. And then Reques ts Purchase of she bakes an extra rustlers-a ll of whom owe something loosed somethill!: wild in hls hybrid away from Sky Line-" pie for Rod and smlles at Minnie to Lawrence Arnold yonder. \-Ve've heart-9er haps It Will' something else. . Historic Billop Hou$e : "But they came, men," l'llt In the picketed the mouth of your passag1• T))e bearded man from Upper bearded man, "don't forget that In the proudly. Yes-ali's well. All's w~ll A proposal that the city of New York on ::->an)eless. eh, old-timer? " Into Blue Stone und would have caught \.~ountry snld afterv•ard it wag, final settlement . The)' dared Arnold l' Rl c u: f. •· b. Lansint, Mich. purchase historic "Old Billop llouse," And swinging the boy once more to you there--or rnther at Marston, At any rate, with the woman's spe<'· and Cattle Kate to save a woman's COMMERC IAL CHASSIS his shoulder, he followed young Bud at Tottenville , N. Y., whic•b housed the $425 where I have hRd arrangeme nts made tacutar and dramatic action, nlueflre. honor-an d that's :::o small thing." ROADSTER • • • first peace conference after $525 the War of in across the !dll. for some time. We've been holding the stall!on. who hated her but obeyed "Shucks!" said Stone disgustedl y, TOURING . • • , $525 the Revolution , was included in a pet!· [THE END.] oft for Selwood's word-he' s worked her. gave one sC'ream and rose with "what would any halfman COUPSTER , • • • • , • $595 do?"' tlon sent to Mayor Hylan recently by too faithfully all these years to lose her. COUPE • • • • • • • • $675 Fair stood Nance upon her feet. the American Legion post of Staten the J;redit now." COACH . • • • • • . , Jar 4,000 Years Old It was a mngn!flcen t leap, high $695 She raised her unspeakab le head Island. The hrmse was erected in 1668. SEDAN • • • • • , • • • $775 :rfc:t once had Fulr taken hi~ eyes spread·eng ling, witn the llowlng silver and glanced at the tense A jar full of beads of agate, china faces. Benjamin Franklin and John Adams from Kate Cathrew's face, else he cloud of his maae tossing in the rosy "Wlwre's this l'rov!ne? 'l'ell us. beads, beads of crystal, bracelets and met Lorcl Howe, representi ng the Brit· might b~ve seen the tragic figure by llght. DURA NT MOTO RS, Inc. Nance," said Fair st!ll In that th!u, medals has been found at Byblc;s. On Ish, there to decide peace terms. The th' wall at the right, the grotesque From the pesJr <>1 It!' s.r(' the v;om- ; h<!rd voice. He hitched his holster n a disc is the name of the camel drlv('>r Legion 2 50 West 57th Street, New York would convert the ten acres woman 'll'hose blooa-staln ed teaturea) .. n good rlder thongh she was, l:lut I little farther forward on who, 2,000 years B. C.. transporte d surroundin his thigh. g B!llop house into a publiC' worlred with hysterical laughter. General Sales Dept.-18 19 Broadway, New York taken by !lurorls~. fell loo!le frotu her "I don't know, • she said. "I tore Pharaoh's offerings to Byhlos. park. "Brother! '' whispered Nance Allison , stirrups, cascading In 11 flare of booted hls face to ribbons-I 'd have killed Interesting opposition to the acqu!sl· • Dt•l#n ilfld Stroice Stattof!J throughout tht Unitld St111u to herse1f, "lt was his brother- not- 1 feet straight down h!s hips Rnd tall. him If I could. He crawled that way." Hu•ky Norweg tan• tion of the property has been ra!sed ao~-hlmself 1 Oh, Lora, .1-tnank I At the same moment two shots rani Canada and Mntic, She nodded toward the north. The of chest or Norwll!i!faru; on the grounds that Christoph er Billop, Theel" j out-her own and N~U~ce's both tOI".e 1 Fair loosed her gently and w~:; enlistedbreadth in the Union army durlnr the original owner, was a Tory actlvelJ PLANT~ I Neither did he see the n~wera 1 wild with Blueftre'a .Lnterference. Elisabeth, N. J. Lantinr, Mich. Oakland, Cal. Toronto, Ont. ! turning away, when Boss!ck cau~ht American Civil war was greater tbata and brutally en~~ed In the War of .ueam!nc through tlle cut lUo til• I Still on hi8 hind f-.t. th<> ~tlllll~ 1 Jlla arm • that ot any other natlonlllt'Q '. Revolution . AHOME WITHOUT CHILDREN Na1neless Lack s the Grea test Joys of Life Ri VINGIE E. ROE - • • • • • • --- I • DOES NOT AFFE CT THE .;, Sa /( M O RE PO W ER Low""cost Tran spor tatio n j I 1 tb•l St ar e ca rs |