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Show THE JORDAN JOURNAL. MIDVALE. UTAH of the Air" Is Latest in Education ~~ ~ ~ ~News ~ ~ I @ German Anny Maneuvers Reviewed by Von otesi L' . I' . "lege to t s a P rwr we 121 I 1.. [iii Utah ~l ; I li!!@@@,'iiJ@[iilf~I"i9ii~~'"lfiil'iilJiilii"li''fiilliilfiilfiilfr'Jfiil!i'l!i¥@'Pl • Cedar City.-Stockholders of both the Bank of Southern l:'t"ah and tl:w Iron Commcrclal and Saving:; Bauk of this city have agreed to a basis of a merger of the two institutions, as proposed by their respccti1·e directors ! and the latter bodies n•)w have in charge the working out of details, if possible. I Salt La:...e City.--Mrs. Louise Eliza- I beth Penrose, 82, widow <Jf t>resident i Charles \\'. Penrose, first counselor of the first presidency of tho Mormon church, died nt her home 222 :-<inth East street. !\1 rs. Penrose had been In ill health for many months, but her condition was not considered serious, until recently. Lectutes by members ot the "College of the Air," of the lJniver:sity of Iowa, are now being broadcast from \\'RCI. FUll college crNlit will be given for the lecture course, equivalent to one-hnlf year's work and the cost to the stui:lent is only ~!'iS. AbO\'e Is the faculty. Left to right: Edward R. Reuter, l<'rank Luther Mott, Bruce E. lhthan, Christian A. Rackmlck, Helen Williams, l\lllilngton F'. Carpenter, Kirk H. Porter, Bohumll Shlm~k and Edward B. Lauer. Salt Lake City.-Gerrit de Jong's Brigham Young university band ot1 Provo was accorded first place in the contest held at the Utah ~tate fair. Fall maneuvers of the Gt~Mllany army near Mecklenburg ereated scenes like th01>e of the years before the downfall The semi-profe~!'lional ensemble receiv- of the kaiser and his empire. Above Is seen an Infantry regiment on the march, and, Inset, President Yon IIinden· ed the cash prize oC $250 and a gol~l llllr~:, who reviewed the troops, in his full uniform ot field marshal. loving cup. Tile second prize of $100 ~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ----------------------------------~----------------------------------- ··victims of Submarine Disaster Brought Up by Divers caRh and a selected musical in:;tru- 1 ment went to the 145th Regimental h• nd, Clarence J. H:.nvkins, musical I director. The Ogden !\lunicipal band, under the direction of Fred D. \Villiams, received the thin! prize. $50 In cash and a handsome baton. fia Juana, Mexico, Has a $1,000,000 Fire .. I Price.-"'ater will be turne(J in the tunnel at Scofield this we"l' \\ h!ch will enable work or ccilstructing fhe Price RiYer dam to begin, said George M. Dacon, slate en~;inE;cr. The Den· yer & Rio Grande \Vc~tern railway is now laying the ties preparatory to the removal of its trad,s up the canyon so that the tunnel for the water may he used. Salt Lake City.-The Utah Canners' association, in addition to providing nne of the b!g attractions in the manufacturen;' b•1illling at the State .l<air a king and his throne made entirely of cans, are seekin~ to encourage 1 thrift among the youth of Utah. This I association gave away during fair week 20,000 small can banks with the conventional penny and nickel slot in the top. I Airplane view of Tla Juana, ~lexlco, Immediately al!Pr til(• t·ec·eut conflagration In that town familiar to Ogden.-An apple supposed to have 1 !sitors to southern California. The loss was about one million dollars. contained some poisonous substance is believed to have caused the death of Clyde Arthur Bogue, 2-year-old son HEIR PRESUMPTIVE of Mr. anci Mrs. Arthur W. Dogue. The child ate an apple which his mother purchased from a peddler and became violently ill, passing away Plwt()gruph transmitted from ~ew York over the wires of the American Telephone and Telegraph company the following morning. shows Admiral Christy and Captain Newton standing by as d()ctors examine the bodies of two members of the crew Salt Lake City.-Hunters who wei- 1 ()f the lost submarine S-51 which were brought up by diYerf!. corned in the duck season found birds : exceptionally plentiful, both locally , and throughout the state, according 1 REBEL FROM KOREA to reports received here. The clear ' weather. which discouraged many ' hunters, failed to prevent many limit kills from being made. Ogden.-The state of Utah general fund closed the month of September 1 with a balance of $31,181.01, according to the monthly report of John \Valker, state treasurer. This is possibly the lowest balance In this fund ut the time of any monthly report in the state's history. Revenue from 1 property tnx will begin flowing in j about December 31. Salt Lake City. Four tlwusand corporations doing business in the state will r,:we!Ye notice from the s<Jcretary of stnte that the annual taxes fol' ' the year ending Tovember 15, lf•!:!G, are now due and will become delin· quent on December 15, whc>n a pennlty of $10 will be added to the tax. Xotlces will he forwarded the corponltions lJY C. IL Jones, corporation -<!. derk in the office of Lhe secretary '. of state. Steamship That Sank Submarine Kentucky Mountain Flappers t I I' • I l • :\fiss Esther Whang, one of the student leaders In the Korean reYolt six years ngo, who has entered North· western university, Evanston, Til., to Here are shown four mountain girls of "Bloody" Breathitt county, Ken- fit her::lelf for the teaching profession. , turky, attlr~d In their best bib and tucker. Judging from this, short skirts •nP. bobbed llalr aren't yet known In the Kentucky mountain district. NEW COLLEGE PREXY · Caillaux Honors Unknown Soldier Salt Lake City.-Bullding permits issued by the city building inspector for September just ended, call for construction, valued at $511,495, or I John D. Hockcfeller Ill, snapped at . about $60.000 in excess of tho record , the wedding of his cousin, Isabel ~ ~teamshlp Uly of Home that mmmed and sunk the submarine :::>-51. for the corresponding month of 1924. ; Rockefeller, at Greenwich, Conn. photographed ns she was entering port at C'Jmrlestown after the disaster. Building permits issued this year to date. ca11 for construction valued at PULITZER RACE PILOT nearly $700,000 in excess of the total amount to this date a year ago. Three Survivors of the S-51 Salt Lake City.-\Vith a drive being planned throughout the United States for the purpose of raising funds for the Union building at the University of Utah, former Governor Charles R. Mahey was selected as chairman of a committee by Lhose in charge to raise the necessary amount which is about ~600,000 . I 1 Logan. -One of Logan's pioneer residents, Olaus Emmanuelf'on. eele- I hratf tl hi. ninetieth birthdPy recently. ' Park C'lty.-·- The specia 1 $300,000 bond election for thP. construction of the 11( w hi""h school carried here hy [l margin of fifty-eight votes. The election w:.l:l hitt'erly cont.EJst d, d~1 mrmstrations beiag made by both sides <lurino; th e week. Of the 290 1 votes cast, 174 were for t.he bond issue and llG against it. Salt Lake City.--In the current year the state road commission has completed contmcts for 51.2 miles of highway, which, \\lth the feder~l aid, has cost $970,513.62. lL now has under , contract similar constructfon of 106.54 ' miles of gravel·:.urface<l hi~hway, or Dr. c. 1'. McClelland, for eight which the fed~ral go\·ernment is bear- . years president of Drew seminary, ing approximately $1,047,700 of the : Carmel, N. Y., has been appointed chost. Beflor~ the close tof hthe ye~r l nr , 1 t e comm sswn expects o ave th1r- ' pres ld en t ot th e ,. omen s co11 ege, . f f I · · · · ' ·· Jacksonville, Ill., to succeed J. R. ty-m1 1~s more o gravel su:· ace coa- I Lieut. Cyrus Bettis, who piloted : · . . ., · . . . . Harker who resigned. President Me- struc~JOn under way. The figures are a specially prepared racer In the j. , l<'rench Finance 1\llnlster Calllaux laying a wreath on the tomb of the Clelland has been prominent as a compiled by the state road commia- Pulitzer races at M.et:chel tl.eld, New The only survivors of the sinking of the submarine S-51. photographed ut tblkno\wt Sold!•" In Arlington National cemetery. Methodist clerQm_~~:n Wld bibllol~ sion. I York. the Chelsea Naval hospltal. Left to ~t: D. G. Klle, M. S. Lira and A. Geier~ I l I |