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Show THE JORDAN -.- JOUkNAL - West Jordan Mrs. E. L. Burgon entertained at a dinner Sunday of last week for Miss Dolly Burgon and GladV~-in Woodhead, who were married Thursday of last week. Covers were laid for sixteen. It {VAT/ON-WIDE WORLD'S LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORE ORGANIZATION ••• Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rlogen and children of Santa Paula, California and MDS. John Mather of Salt Lake were dinner guests of Mrs. D. LeRoy Bateman, Thursday. RELIABLE INSTITUTION- QUALITY GOODS ALWAYS AT LOWER PRICES /NC. DEPARTMENT STORES • • • MIDVALE, UTAH Mr. and Mrs. David Roach and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Taylor Saturday evening. .. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dimond were dinner guests of Mrs. W. L. Bateman of Sandy, Sunday of last week. • • • Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Tripp and their daughter, Heloise of Lark spent Sunday visiting Mrs. Ernest Sikox. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bird, Mr. and Mrs. George Bird, Mr. and Mri. Harry Bird and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Withers, attended a wedding reception in the Bennion Ward Amusemet Hall Wednesday night in cornplimet to Mr. and Mrs. William Blight w_ho were married September the 30th. Dancing and games followed by r~ freshments were the features of the evenni~. ~ o we buy for less; selling most we sell for less! Isn't this perfectly Th; enormous reqmrcments or our 676 Department Stores, spread over all but four of these United States, have the mast~rly and detailed attention of a staff of more than 40 men and women, each possessing exceptional qualifications for his or her allotcd line. These buyers are constantly in close touch 'vith the great producing shops, mills and factories of the country; ready with cash to instantly take advantage of every movement of the market. Nothing that is new and worthy which bears the unmistakable stamp of quality, authoritative style and current need, escapes them. One cannot look at the pictures herewith of the p~rsonnel of our buying staff without experiencing a feeling of trust and confidence in their watchfulness and ability to serve efficiently. Bishop and Mrs. WHliam J. Leak, Mrs. Ellen Pearson, Mrs. Stella Peterson and daughter, Evaline and Essie, motored to San Pete County and visited relatives and friends at Maroni and other towns. • • • Miss Sadie Dwight and Arvilla Rich ardson spent Thursday and Friday in Sandy visiting Miss Gwenive ·Hand and Ardella Lloyd. .. .. . . . .. . .. . Miss Gweneth Silcox spent Saturday visiting frienas in Murray. Beet vacation for the Jordan District begins Monday, October 19th. l 'ME~CHANDISE n~tural? lUlJRR'ng A ((})St . .. .. ~ DEPARTMENT men, women and children --over one-quarter of the population of the United States- inhabit the 676 cities ~nd to:vvns in which this great family of Department Stores IS located. It is our mission and our aim to provide a Store Service th at not only adequately meets each and every personal wish but w hich is so continuous and uniformly dependable that pleasure in buying from us may be unfailing. To the achievement of this end we have put the utmost into Organization. Upon the thoroughness of that fundamental factor rests in a very large way, the success that has rewarded our efforts in :nakin~ our S ~ores,_ our Styles, ou~ Q uality, and the SavJr.gs t11e public en;oys, foremost m the annals of storekeeping. Our Buyers stand steadfastly behind our S ~ores with a Service that you benefit by in buying from 29,201,939 u~. .HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR SHOES AND RUBBER F001WEAR. Mr. and Mrs. George Last attended a wedding reception in Salt•Lake on ' Thursday evening of last week in honor of Mrs. Last's sister, Irene and George LawrenC:Q. j Ill • j • In honor of the Gardner family, a § reunion was held in the West Jordan wardhouse Saturday afternoon. A well arranged program was rendered after which a two course lunch was served to about 200 guests. A dance at night finished the day. Music was furnished by Clark Gardner's orchestra. • * .. Mrs. John A. Egbert entertained at dinner Monday in' honor of her two daughters, Mrs. G. S. Smith of Thatcher, Idaho and Mrs. D. Ray Powell of Sturgeon, Missouri. Besides the guests of honor, there were present: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Egbert of Salt Lake, Mr. Harold Egbert of Magna, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Egbert a.1d family, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Egbert, Mr. and Mrs. McEvan, Ross and Ida E,!:'bert. • • * J.M.McDoNALD MERCHANDISE MANAGER WILK HYER L.JZ. 71iOM •·JPsow • I Mrs. Wm. McEwan entertained at a dinner Thursday in honor of her sister, Mrs. D. Ray Powell of Sturgeon, Mo. Besides the guests of honor, Mrs. J. A. Egbert and Miss Ida Egbert were present. * * * Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Olson, Ar!and and lvene Olson attended the Swedish reunion at the Granite Stake house Saturday evening. * • • Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Ash of Casper Wyoming is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jam,es Jacobson. • * * Miss Ollie Warner has gone to Pleasant Grove to stay indefinitely. • • • Mrs. G. S. Smith of Thatcher, Idaho is visiting with her mot:her, Mrs. John A. Egbert this week. DOMESTICS, DRAPERIES AND FLOOR COVERINGS • * * The Utah SuP.ar Factory will place their men for the 1925 campaign on Monday, Octl)ber 12th. r * * * Mr. and M1·s. Lester Margaretts l)f Murray, Mr. and Mrs. John Steadman, Mr. and Mrs. AI Rose were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Margaretts, Sunday. * * • •' Mrs. Edgar Hansen and daugntel' Helen spent Tues'day visiting Mrs Al Rose. • * * Beatrice daughter of Mrs. D. Le Roy Bateman is ill with leakage of the heart. .. "' MILLINERY: CORSETS, PIECE GOODS Mr. J. T. Bateman of Alpine visited his sister, Mrs. G. Goodrich, Mrs. J. A. Egbert and Mrs. R. Pixton this week. • • • Mrs. Robert Gardner is very sick this week. • • • Mrs. Albert Olson spent Monday as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Hugh Finlayson of Salt Lake. • • • Mrs. Lizzie Turner and Della Gardner of Star Valley, WyO'IIl~ng are visiting friends and relatives for two weeks. • • • One of -our local boys was arrested Friday night for not taking time to go around the red light at the Midvale crossing. Its best to be "careful"' boys. M«»~it W \e I8Stt11y ~(O)lf ~~ S<eilllllirng M«»~it W <e S<ellll ~(Q)lf ~ IB3tt1lyirmg • |