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Show THE JORDAN Gas Satisfaction uaranteed Pure California STRAIGHT RUN-WATER WHITE HAL GAS-At Regular Prices Sold Exclusively By JORDAN STAKE NEWS Annie Monaham Age 14 Sandy School 8th B Grade Miss Winn, Teacher The Jordan Stake Cho11us has been invited to sing at West Jordan, October 11, at the opening of its new schoolhouse. 0 & E Electric Service 25 E. Center Phone 272 MIDVALE, UTAH "Where-Servi ce-Counts" :Exfbe BATTERIES BE WISE And Buy the FLOUR THAT SATISFI ES West Jordan Milling Co. Phone Mid. 108 THE SCHOOL ACTIVITY Marvetta Hardcas-.Je 8th B Sandy School Miss Winn, Tea~her The members of the Jordan District have been asked to sing at the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City. All other Districts have been asked but the Jordan District, and its members feel it is going to be quite an honor if they do it well. , They have been working very hard and willingly, as they expect to do it in a way that will give Jordan a good name. The Convention will be held the latter part of October, and they hope it will be a success. Midvale Lig~ten Your Household Duties, Don't Let them be a Drag No single thing is so great an aid to women who do their own housework as the beauty banquett range, it makes cooking a pleasure, it saves fue~ it makes every ont!! comfortable, it saves money and temper and keeps dispositions unruffled. The quality is !Unexcelled and the service is beyond reproach. fhe prices are very reasonable beiJ;lg from $125.00 for the plai,'ni steel with polished top, nickel base and legs, big enamel splash back and large warming oven to--$165.00 for same range with full porceain enamel body. SPECIAL-During the month of October, 'with every range purchased we will furnish one ton of our famous standa~:d stove coal FREE. W est Jordan Lumber Co~ Midvale, Utah Midvale's Leading Bakery Bread Cinnomon Rolls, Doughnuts, Pastries Don't be Misled. We are Still in Midvale. Our Low Prices Remain. ELECTRIC HOME BAKERY C. Zimmer, Prop. In Iris Theatre Building, 14 N. Main Phone 277 Reliahle Merchandise Sincel3.Sj tEVI STRAUSS Makers of Two Horse SCHOOL FAIR DAY Gladys Crosgrove Age 13 Sandy School 8thB Grade Miss Winn, Teacher The Sandy School had its fair day last Friday, October 2. They had this special day to prevent their absence l'rom school. All boys and girls are interested in the fair. There was fruit on exhibition and everything of that nature, also there were ll1Ja.IIY attractions for little children, such as, riding ponies, going on the ferris wheel and playing on the play grounds. JOURNAL THE, UNSATISFIED CHILD Lucy Butterfield Herriman Slchool 7th Grade A. J. Rees, Teacher Once there was a little girl who FOR RENT 5 d h was unsatisfied, and would never mind room mo ern ouse her mother on Main Street. Inquire Booth Mere. • Co., Midvale. Replumbed and reEvery where she we~t s~e would modeled throughout. al~ays have her way With tihe other children. FIRE INSURANCE-Don't Delay. It was her sixth birthday and she See H. C. Aylett, 320 N. Main. Tel. was going to have a party. Her Midvale 36. tf mother made her a cute little pink silk dress and had a big pink bow of FOR SALE--4 room modern house. ribbon to wear on her hair. She was 172 First Avenue -16-2M look like a doll with her long golden - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - curls. That is where she got her name, MOVING-Express, Hauling of all (,iolda. kinds. Call Sam, Murray 140-J tlO The party started in the afternoon at 2 o'clock and all her little friends CLYDE L .. R:ADDON . came tripping in with birthday preTeacher of th~ VIOlin. For particu- sents galore. Every thing went a1ong Iars, phone, Midvale 86-J3 -8-27-4t nicely intil they were playing a MIDVALE HOTEL and Apartmoots. game a~d she was unsatisfied and Rooms $10.00 monthly and up. ran out m to the wood~ and got lost. Clean and good service. She roamed her way 1~to. tlre thick_.;....;.;;...~.;;...~..;;.;;.~.;;...;.:.:.:......____ est of the forrest unhl 1t was so LORUS HAND-Teacher of voice and dark she couldn't see or find her way. piano. Studios at: Sandy, Murray She began to cry and call her mother and 64th South. Call, Midvale-- but no mother. Sad! Yes, Golda dear, 253-W t-10-9 do you want to g1l to bed? She cried and cried until she fell FQR RENT-Furnished or unfurnish- asleep and dreamed a fairy came and ed apartments. $10.00 up. Wasatch 5067-W or Midvale 12. told her again and to benever goodtotobealunsatisfied lof her friends and she would take her home. WANTED-Work by the day by reShe awoke with somebody calling, liable lady, Mrs. Johnson, Midvale Golda and to her surprise there was Hotel. N-1 mother. dear, areagain. you never going to beGolda · unsatisfied She • FOR SALE CHEAP-Garland Range her 12 yards nearly new linoleum and said no. mother, that kind fairy told House for rent in Midvale. Call me she would help me find you if I 324 So. 6th E., Salt Lake or Phone would never be unsatisfied again and that is why I'm with you. Hy. 3372 N. J. These Florsheim brogues are the kind you want. The fine details, the quality materials, the style-all show up in a way that attracts favorable attention. They will keep your feet in step with the times. THE FRAT famous Clothing Co.,ln~. Cflhe FLORSHEIM SHOE : .. :. :: Hall's Catarrh ine Treatment,both is a Combined Medl .. .., local and Internal, and has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio ~------------: Suits Made To Order First class work guaranteed Ladies Tailoring A Specialty H. F. RASMUSSEN TAILOR Clothes Cleaned, P1·essed and Repaired 61 \Vest Center Street Phone Midvale 117-W : , ·.dvule, Utah I read in the papers of a meeting with a king in Central Asia who want..'. : : :_. :-: :. :. . ·~ ed to know if he could ride from his domain to Washington on horseback, and who had utterly no comprehenare being quickly sold to roanufa.cterers sion of what an ocean is. The antiand capitalists. thesis of the Asiatic potentate is the If you have an Invention, send us a model or sketches for search and report Samoan Islander, and other Sowth on patentability. Our book on patents and trade-marks HESPERIDES Sea natives who think of the world as an ocean with many islands in it. What a wondrous thing, is the simThey are also in perfect accord with plest flower, In the green vale of the Gardener Wilbur Glenn Voliva's Zion City or7th & E. Sts., Washington, D. C. dinance which proclaims the world to Great! Established In 1889. We may travel the sea to Hesperides, be flat. And fly on the wings of the Morfting breeze Laura Stocking Age 11 His Way But never a gift of Time or Faoo, Sandy R. D. No 2 7th Grade Billy, who was on holiday at his This blossom excels, of this oharmed So Jordan School Carolyn Hay·, : uncle's farm, came running into the hour. . Teacher house very excited . The Farm Burea~ Lad1es of South 'There's a mouse in the milk pail!" ThouBht and Action Jordan held a meetmg Monday at the he ·ed en · The greatest events of an age 111-. home of Mrs. Hyrum Stocking. Miss "Did you lift it out?" asked uncle. Its best thoughts. It is the nature " Edgar gave an interesting lecture on "No," said Billy, proudly·, "but I 'Water, as a Medidne." Lunch was thought to find Its way into action. served. threw the cat in!" Bovee. A new lair FREE if They Rip GREEK SUICIDES HELD IN CONTEMPT S.ALONIKI, Greece. So gre&tly has the ~~ber of suicides increased in Gred recently that authorities have issued an order providing for a burial pl&Ale for rsons who end their own lives, separate from places where persons ~o die natural rleaths are interred. T·he cemetery for suicides adjoins the .grounds where dogs are buried and where refuse is cast. It is hoped this display of public contempt for suicide will discourage the praetiee. Guy Crane 7th Grade Herriman School Age 13 A. "J. Rees, Teacher Mr. and Mrs. John Tl Bodell had as their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bodell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ohristensen and children, Mr. and Mrs. Christen Thompson and son, Garth, Mrs. Emma Butterfield and children. Covers were laid for thirty-five guests. Olive Peterson Herriman School 7th Grade Age 14 A. J. Rees, Teacher Mr. and Mrs. George J. Miller entertained at a theatre party at the Wilkes Saturday of last week. Their guests were: Misses Grace and Daisy Mibler, John Miller, Art Miller, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Parry of Lark, Mr. and Mrs. Ceeil 0. Poore and Mr. and Mrs. Milton BodelL Supper followed. Good Business Sense--No one ever regretted that he saved his money. A bank book showing a credit, whether it be a few dollars or a fortune, is one of the most satisfactory things in the world to possess....It bears evidence of a will to succeed and is the finest kind of a passport to success. MI.dvale State Bank MIDVALE, UTAH OPPORTUNITY Buy your Lots in Midvale Now EastvaJe addition-near school, car, paved highway, fine homes, no sh&Alks, best neigihbors, City water, lights and sewer. 50 foot lo.ts $475.00. $10.00 a month. ONLY A FEW LEFT J'.ohn Russon, New Grand Hotel, Salt Lake City, till Oet()ber lOth. o:~snWfFT & co. Frank Soter's Visit "The Handy Place" Ford Accessories, Oil, Gas, Tires, Tubes Small Hardware, Brooms, Miscellaneous Items ALWAYS OPEN Main and Smelter Streets Midvale, Utah ''Save the Surface and You Save All" PAINT DECORA TE VARNISH FRED HYKE PAINTING DECORATI NG 98 So. Main Street Phone, Midvale 132 , A RARE TREAT (or "Welldone" if you prefer it that way) Elva Peterson Heriman School 7th Grade A. J. Rees, Teacher Friends and relatives of Maryan Tempest surprised her Monday evening. The occasion being her seventieth birthday anniversary. The time was spent in games and refreshments wet·e served Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bodell and Mr. and Mrs. Christen Tbomnson motored to Salt Lake Saturday and visited rei a ti ves. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butt~rfield have beoo Salt Lake visioors this week. Afton Peterson Sandy R. D. 2 SOi. Jordan School a i s t . 0..: er. tt· .::~ . :":.s . It is Just -======~===~~::================= -:==============;- I read in the papers (everybody did!) that Babe Ruth bungled into trouble again. It took rank as news with the Tennessee trail and Bryan's death. There was something real in all three occurcences. There seems to be little real to the public in the condition of Europe or the international debt situation, or the League of Nations. If the instinct of the people is right, we may conclude that there is a lack of reality in these things. And if there is reality, it has been veiled by the tactics of those who make thel;e great matters their private busines~ and attach them to motives of private profit. Suppose that the people of the United States could be given to understand the world situation as clearly as they understand Babe Ruth's case! But that would not suit the purposes of the private manipulators of the world situation. It would quickly dispose of that situation and create a new one, but not in the way the private manipulators desire. ----- WANT ADS I read in the papers that Finance HOMES FOR SALE IN MIDV.NLE-2 three room houses and pantry, Minister Caillaux told the French good· cellar and outbuildings. InSenate that he was going "to negotquire Journal Office. iate with people having the habit of solidly balanced budgetsl' meaning the American people. This, of course implies that the French budgets have not been solidly balanced. They are a tax-shy people, and have been ever since the Revolution emancipated them from the extortions of the salt tax and other impositions. French budgets have, therefore been largely 'b ased on loans, a very dangerous foundation indeed. Just the same, the amount they are now paying per capita is just about half what the plodding Britisher is paying. I read in the papers of another original Ame1·ican idea. It is car ferries. The car ferry steamers that transport whole freight trains across Lake Michigan were the first in the world. They were started in 1888 at1d have been widely adopted. The car ferries on Lake Baikal in Siberia, across the Baltic between Germany and Sweden,· across the English Channel, and between Havana and Key West were all dE(Signed after ou11· Lake Michigan ferries, which originated a generation ago. The Lake Michigan ferries are operated through out the winter though the ice often reaches three feet in thickness. It costs no more to operate one of these big Lake Michigan car ferries than a locomotive, and the movement of the cars is more rapid than when they are upon rails. The distance between the east and the northwest is greatly shortened by avoiding the long rail route around the south end of Lake Michigan, and much additional time is saved by avoiding the cong·ested Chica:go terminals, the neck of the nation's rail bottle. Yet there are those who say that foreigners are more original and daring in engineering projects! -·~-~-- Age 13 8th Grade Carolyn Hay, Teacher Mr. Crawford, the principal of the South Jordan School is proudly announcing the· fact that he has no trouble in getting 100 per cent of his teachers out playing games with the students during both recess periods. He feels cetrain that this is something that is not going to discontinue. A Broiled Steak is one of the most tempting and healthful ways of cooking a piece of meat. Try one for dinner some day soonthe whole family will enjoy it. Corner Meat &Grocery Gilbert and O'Brien, Props. Midvale, Utah THE DRAPER CANNING FACTORY Afton Boberg Draper Park School Age 13 8th Grade Laura Shepherd, Teacher The Draper Canning Factory has made one of its long, successful runs It is an asset to the community. It provides. work and another crop for the farmers and affords .a good market for their produce of tomatoes. An average of 17,000 cans are put out. So far they have canned 22,000 cases. The tomato crop has been enormous and of excellent quality and promises to keep the factoty running for some time. GREAT TOMATO CROP IN DRAPER Laura Shepherd, T~cher Duane Ballard Draper Bark School Age 13 8th Grade This season has been .a record break er, in regards to the tomato growing industry in Draper. Everybody has a banner crop and the last year's record of thirty four tons to the acre bids fair to be broken. Vern Enniss, a prominent lliaper farmer has already picked approximately seventy-five tons off of his two and one-half acre patch. Thrillinw Little Meekman-I feel very elated thls morning. Lut nl&;ht my wl!e mistook me for a burglar, and It's tbe only time in my life that &he was actually afraid of me.-London Weekly Telecraph. )fie invite ~ou to ~ our n.ew \JJ Christmas lineOur Greeting Ca-rd stock WIN evaso fine. 'Ghere's distincrioa, ~ and good value here In evel1J card we ar~ offenns thit ~ear; And ~our owa gratifH, 'Go special we call too, ~Out' ChMt for ~ou. C39J ta&te II 6.-eetmp - Come Early and Get Y0111' Pick • Jordan Publishing Co. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |