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Show THE JORDAN JOURNAL, 1\flDVALE, UTAH tllink tllat I'm not n eongenlt al ldloL I'm glad you have disr·over cd that it's +1-++++ ++++-H I I l I I I I l 1 I I~ not much use threa,en lng me; hut to tell ~·ou the Htrlct truth, I prefer ' So threats to nausNtti ng hypol'ri:<y. much so In fact that the thought of that starving noblema n impels me to Adding her voice to the thousands whc. take more eX<'l'l'ise. Ever rend "Allee are praising Tan lee for the returu of heo.lth and strungth, h-.Lrs. Gecrge llernlgle, rein Wonderla nd.," Snooks? A charming lates her ramarkab le experience with the boo~'-a mnsterpl eee of Engll~h literanteilicino. ture. And there if! one singul:trl y medicine grandest • 'To me Tanlac is the By IRVIN S. COBB touching , not to sar fruity, bit whir'h in tho world. lt has not only incroasod my weight 17 lbs., but it has also b,·ought me conc<:rns Father William -and. a gen· the best of health. I had suticrod from ~..: H-~-l-1·-l-H-l-! -1 ! I t I ++++++ + tee! young man." and nervous indlge.,tio n for fiv'l or six years .')()C000 0000000 0000000 00 0<:X.AA had reached the point where it was either With a look of <·omplete b<'.wllder· ( Cop)·rilih t.) get relief or break completel y down. rnent on his face Zlfr. Atkin><on felt • 'When I began taking Tanlac I only Thxs One Has Stood the himself propellf'd tltrough the door, weighed 99 lbor., I couldn't sleop, felt tired until l1e came to a halt at the top of Test of Time all tho time, and was often unable to do the stairs. my housework . Since taking Tanlac I hen's eggs and society Unlike wolgh 116 lbs. and am a new person. poem, Snooks, und some ctrnmas, good. jokes sometilllf 'S lm· little a "It's Tanlac is also helping Ill$" little eight year a\10TH ER :- Fletcher's Casclay I will redtP it to you. Just now proYe ''ith ag!.'. 0r at any rate they old girl, It makf.lB hOI' eat more all<! sloop I can on!~· remembe r the one singular· do not get old fashione d with the better, and I consider it de3erVI.ng of only toria is a pleasant, harmless Subthe h.ighe.st pralse." d suggeste has whieh line A Sequel to Bulldo g Drumm ond. Jy beautiful rapiuity that an egg does. stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, What Tanlac has dono for others it can of exei·clse. " forlll new my I intervals nt which one is Here al..<O do for you. For sale by all good drugTeethin g Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepare d for l\Ir. Atkinson be!·ame aware of a It sAPPE- "l CO.!"Y'RlG l!'r l5'r have been hearing for yenrs. gists. Accept no substitute . Over 40 milboot in the lower portion of his hack, w: N. v. .f'<Jr>'i<?e lion bottles sold. GEORGE H. DORAN co. Infants in anns and Children aU ages. seems to me it gets better with each up rise to f'Penwtl stairs the and then time of telling. I wonder if the reada and hit him. He finally came to rest er will agree with me that its anwith him flol!ged he So To avoid imitations , always look for the signature of man. Tanlac Vegetable Pilill for constipati on, d CHAPT ER IX-Co ntinue arm his of till ehest whip oak made and recommen ded by the manufacold nn s·hide rhino,.ero in the hall against Proven direction s !!!} ~ packa~e. Physician s everYWhere recomme nd it. tiquity does not affect Its exl'elh:nc e. -13turers of Tanlac. a into mo· him a for flung and lie t~·pe, then ached, and the pointed-c orner Accordin g to the most popular ver· -~====~~~~~~~~~~~~ "In certain eYentual !ties, Captain c·hair, gasping, cursing, and scarcely Then dazf'd. there ment or two he lay slon. the thing Is supposed to hnve Drummo nd, I propose to sen!l an human. to his feet to tlnd thr€e ha]lpene d in n remote courthou se of 'd se·,·amhlf he anonymo us letter to Scotland Yur<l. "You shouldn' t be so realistic in young men, who had emerged from a Missouri . A resident of the Ozark Surprise d though they would he to your storle~. f:lnooks, I shall ('all you lower room during hi;; flight, gazing at FOR YOUR HEAL TH s whose reputatio n was none i get it, it might help them to clear up Hnooks," he remarked affably, though him impassiv ely; while standing nt the mountain - had been on trial on the best, the of r the mystery of :llr. Latter's insanity. hi~ e,,·P~ were still mercile,; s fi!'; he top of the stairs down which he harl "DIAM OND DYE" ANY charge ot horse stealing. Tile jury rnth!'r unplem;nn~ for looker! at the writhing figure•. "And just descende d and outlined against a promptly returned a verulct of guilty ERY j' It may prove GARM ENT DRAP you, of course, but th,tt can t he l fcpl quite sure that that is what the ' . window was the huge, motionle ss fig- without r<'comme nuntion for mercy. helped." have would. Oang Bluek the of ,. IL'arlr ure of Dn1mnw nd. Half cur~ing, half •.raking into co:1sider ation 1he past "It's kintl of yon to gi\'e nw n loop· done if he had met the peeuliar hll· sobbing, he ~taggt>recl to the front door Just Dip to Tint oi" Boil to Dye ree:orrl of the offender, his t•onor on holp of f'Sl'ape," ;;aiel nrumuw nd Jll_<'<.IS· nwri ~ t who tlu'P\\' that homlJ last night. it. Onee more he looked the li<'nch saiel; opPnl'd and an!lr. "\\'hat are the evpntualt t!Cs e:lll haLit-tl> rowing homh:.:.'' ba('k-no t 011e of tlw four men had "It is rny Intention to sf'ntPnce you to which you allude?" puckEach 1 i-crnt WiLh a final <"Urse the hunchba ck llJO\'ed. 'l'lH:v we-e ju~t ~taring at him to nt least Pi~ht years at li:trd lahor age COJitain;:; clirec· 1 "'l'he nonn·tur n to me of 11 little ;;ta:;·:PI'erl to hi~ fe et, and h(;.; face wa~ in ah:-olnte slJ Pn c·e, and. ·with a sud· In litate'!l pri,on. Xow then, before tinn,; ;;o simple a_ny ; hag c:ontainin~ diamond s," I'elllarl'!'<l dial o'it-al in it;; fury. feeling of pure te"rnr, Count Sf'lltP!Il'(~ i-; formally pronoune f'd, I th•n woman can tmt 1 t!IP bunehlitJI ·k quietly. "ThPy \\'Pl'e in ''Y11n shall pay for that, raptain Zadowa, alias :IIr.•\tkin J on, shut the shall listen to hnythin~ you may have !"Oft, delicate shade8 tht> <lP:;k which was wreckt•d by thc> Dr·nnm nn<l, ,-;tTnke hy :<troke, and lash nn!l stugl-!:ered into the 1 to ;;ay in your behalf." him IJPhind tlnor or ely& rich, per;nn· homh." 11~· I:Ir li," lw ~aid in a Rhaldng voit'e. He pam<P!l for a reply. After a mosunlit street. "Am "P!'ar, rlear,'' ~<aiel Ilu::;h. nent colors in lin· I InlllllliOnd Ju w::twd shortly. of eon;;ider atio'l the oiTender nwnt rib· SUJlfHist;d to ha,·e them in my po:;;;ps· silk~, gerie, "All the same, old. patter," he respoke: CHAPT ER X hons, skirtil, waists, sion ?" mn rkt·r!. "Tell old Lon;;ruoo r with "\Veil," he said, "I don't know ez for c o a t s, dresses, "I can only hope mo~t sirw~rf'ly lie p:mseu und grinnf'rl. m~· Jon~" got ary thing to say only tillsI've swcnt· your sake that you have,'' rr•t IJl'llP!I the ·•:o.:o. on second thou;rhts I think I'll In Which Hugh Drumm ond stocking s, It strlltes me tlw t you folks 'round one ers, drai)erle s, eovering s, hanging s- other. "Otherw ise I'm nfruid that lt>l· ! ell his I'everene e my~el f - at the Ul>and the Revere nd Theo- this h<>re eote hou~e air purty toleverythi ng! ter will go to the police." One test in your own kitche n. pointP•I time." er'ble d-n liberal with othet· people's Little Chat a Have dosius Buy Diamond Dyes-n o other kindI•'or a while Druunw ntl ,-;mol,ed in ;meer<'d "\\'hat will you tell him?" time." is a. prove to you "Come up, hoys," laughed Hugh. and tell your dru~glst whether the ma- silence: then, with a la:>:y sruilf' on his the hnnchhac k. "The fo:: of war is lifting slowly." big differe nce betwe en Calum et lf'rial you wish to color Is wool or silk, face, he sat !!own in an arnwli:tii ' fac· "\i'hy, that his dnn·rh isn't the only in ng Believi Than study, the Better into He INl the way hac!; or whether It Is linen, cotton or mixed lng the hunehh:tC'k. any place where dr~··rot has set in. It's the other three followed. him. and have I Sanb. Claus goods. things "There are one o- two prevalen t amongst hi,-; pals as well. bak,.. : "That objeet, Ted, you will be Htntight d,1wn the to say to you hcfni'P r1e!ll'iving my.-t>lf :\lust you go? Two typical wayfarer s of the Bowwho Getting home to a porcelain bathtub of the ple:tHll!'e of yo11r !'Olllpan~·. fly ,;tnirs, unci the rm·d tray in the hall pleased to hear, is the humot·ist no equaL it ery, pcnnilt-s s and tattered and with us la!'t night." and an electric fan is very Inviting. the po~t following the one whieh Ct!r· is onlv elel'tro-p lute-so rou might tltl·ew tire bomb at their feet half out of their wrecked ''The rlevil it was," c:ied .Terning· shoes, were limping throug:1 one of ries your interesti ng !liselosur c will l!':ne Any "I hope you gave hun sometlan g the crooked streets ot Chinatow n. !Jam. 'tl··n~on 2 go another letter ad<lrPs~ed to ~ir \\..1tl1 n grea t e ff ot·t ·''ll' . _.,_ " "' run lle did how ~~Y, Ineillent:~ me. be for ez-yan Jolm:-;ton e himself. I shall pulled himself togf'llwr. One of them found. u small vial con- .~~~~~~~~~~~~ . taining f'otaine which, prPsuma bly, in the ofliee when he "llPns it and we "C:m we rome to :m understa nding, ~·on t~ earth here· '".rlung~ have moved wtthln the last shall hoth be ronring \villi luu~htpr ('aptnin Drum moTH!?" he remarke d had been dropped by a dope fiend. answered Drum· over the extraord inary delusion that I quietly. "1 can assure you, of cou r::;e, t\\·o or three hours," The tramps had heard many times rnon!l slow!\·. "\Vho do you think is of the stimulat ing and Invigora ting Concrete protects against Fire, -quite the hi;rcf'~t fool of his nr stopping at the Ritz at the pre~eut e11'e<'ls of this drug. Also, from asquaintnn ce--eoul< l possihly he the Tornado and Earthqu ake BELL·A NS mmnent? \Vho do you thinl' lunched sociation , with habitues they knew leader of the mack Gnu;:. An!l, as if with Peter and me touay? Why- the common method of taking lt. to prove the utter ah,-urdity of the , my liuckos- no more and. no Thf'y dec·i<leu to experime nt. Petei'stm Sure Relief s11;::;estion, this .·econd lettei' will he less." the vial. The 1lnder uncorl<ed from the lf'nder of thp Bln!·k O:m.!t "Rot !" said •.roby Sinclnir Incredu- poured a quantity of the white crysln it hP will stnte that he him~elf. lously. tals into the palm of . his hand and was present at 5 Green Btl eet, Hoxton, "No more and no less. Peterson sniffed the s.tJff up his nostrils. His last nil'ht in an endeanlr to ohtain himself- disguise d ns a clergyma n compani on tlnlshed the bottle. ' [lO~SPSSiOn Of t!Je :JllUl'C'hist ann eoJ. 25¢ and 75¢ Pks's.Sold EverYWhere called Longultlo r. And with him Is 'l'he effect was :nngical and almos~ shevist literatur e stored there. That straighte ned They dear Irma encased in woolen garments . i:~stnntnneous. Construc tive eritidsm i;; as much he tool; with him a professio nal h11r· that with up mixed thei.r rags thpy're drew cour~e. Of figures, bent ><uf~ the their openin~ in him assi"t glar to rriti<'i>;nt us any other kind. stairs the down briskly. out kicked. just stepped I've and swab them thPrP, he ahout might whiC'h things other and 'l'he fox. the There bolted spoke. we've them fad, of -in emione y this in Pr~sentl f'ngagetl while that nn!l Co.1ticura Comfort s Baby's Skin two putting by his that and Is it cheeks of his in nuisance founrl hl0om he a !::' was Father and mother are always think· pi·nceedin virtuous When red, rough and itching, by hot nently as me !:\[lOtted tllPy've : together two glistened und h.v e~es room !hi, in trapped hp was ing of your welfar e-ther e isn't a thing buths of Cuticura Soap and touches o:t that the leader of our bunch. How I don't "1've aliout decided,' ' he !';aiel, "to nd tlwn 1\. rlevi!'e. nl merhanic some use Also make Cuticnra Ointmen t. within reason they wouldn 't do for you, quite lmow, but they inrlubi1u bly have. make a few invpstme nts. I'm ~oin~< rome n ver~· intPI'!'~ting rli~dosure. now and then of that exquisite ly scent· will 'l'lwy also think ].',·e got those diu- to buy all the diamond mines in will ~tate how ~u<l<lenl~· he saw But they may unknowingly have been ed dustiiig powder, Cuticura Talcum, He of pair nHHldS: hent·e lh<~ Yisit of the hunch· South Afrtca unrl uftpr J'ye .lone that a <lrlllr the in crn<'k a throu!:(h one of the indispen sable Cuticura risking your life every day. back, who d id not know they were in I'm going to buy all the gold. m'nes eyes looking at him. And their color Toilet Trio.-Ad vertisem ent. homh. the bunged ." he when Australia In desk the eyes'! )·our of -!>f'e, ''hat is the color When you are at dinner tonight with made partner transform ed IIi~ In fu ct, thiugs al'f' becoming ele:tn•r· :\Inch 1:ray·blue . n•ry nnti! Pnhle. than fooli,;h 01!1 fools are more llullo l all the wa~· rouud. dad, ask him this question: tl e ~ame as old Lnn!:(mrul!·'s-thr•u :::h yonug onl's.-lto rhefouea ut<l. know d0n't "! said, he on,'' ''IIol!l this'/" the \\'hat's tben his are a little bln<'r. Anrl "Dad, is our school firesaie ?" Ile had opened. his dp,J; :tH he spolw, that I'm prep:u·<>tl to !<ell 'em!" of the Pyes was so in coli~Hlc•r· DEMA ND "BAYE R" ASPIR IN O\\!Wl' and was no\V st a rin~ tixl· <lly at the ate as to throw .t l>1J111h In the room; Perhap s he won't be able to answe r1 en, m lock. ng Soul a hnJPh wh'ch killt•tl one of the Sufferi a of \Vail The he may not know. "It's heen forced," he s a id. ;:rimly. Aspirin Marked With "Bayer Cross" :mrl \ll'Pehfll the ,,., k. :-; 0 that t .:e] Once upon a time there was pre· ey've Th mornin:.;. thh .-in<"e 'orc(•el "l• Ol\ner of the e)·es. gn•y·hlup Py('s .in st Has Been Proved Safe by Millions. a .:\'cw York theater a hisAsk dad if he knows that somew here over this cl e~l' while r•,·e llf'eD .<entcd in been ' wn r e·nm ·a r mnrrlere a is ist-a vours, like U.ramat · new a by drama --torical d." e T e Has Been in This Room, out. l'm;h tlll~ I ell, in the country a schoolhouse burns every \Varning ! Unlcs ·;you :=:ee the name mnrci<•I'f'r. And we hang men in J;nr:- "Someon lli:ly so bad that even the !'!'!tics Denny till !<lienee in waited 'l'he~/ nd. Drummo Said Denny,'' lie p:l'l'f'rl and. · ' Bayer" on padmge or on tablets yoJ lnncl fur mur!l<>r." day. Ask him if he knows that one-thi rd didn't have 1he heart the nC'xt mornnn~. appPntc< l in answ C'r to the are not get tin~ the genuine Bayer ~.~ t•JJ'e<l at tile ]11111 r! 11, 11 !.'k. "TJ 1 I~ 1~ •,1 it. "S~<llleone has be<n in this room, ing to tell the whole truth ahout 'of all the schoolhouses in the country are that .von ha,·c nuule a terrible mistake e t1 wh!'n Aspirin proved safe by millions and jollv ga'lle i~n't it?" act, third the of end the At threw l''llo I • 1 •.. , It tlJ•Jt ·I·ll"' 1·11 tlii.nl ' "S!1meon e · ])pJH•Y,.. said Drummo nd. ' P z·e:=:erib~rl b•,· phvsicia ns for :!:i years. · "An!! '''" ' ' '" nothing better than firetra ps- maybe yon really imagine, " said the J ·' ' l!alf·past suffering auuience were writhing in since tle.;k this fon•f'd has night." last ~on at homb that P\·r>n ''tha! tuo~sl~·. c·on!PlllJl ck hunchha Aspirin. buy had Say "Bayer'' when you their sents, a stout man who your school is one of them. ".\t me?'' Vnmnuo nrl Jun;;hed short- ele•l en this morning. '' Imitation s may prove dangero us.-Adv . your pollee would believe slH'h a ~tor~· pntroniz!!:~ a bootlegg er hegan been wrhf're's been no one In the house, "Who S<tid Yl'U'd t;lrown it at me? that a man \\'oul!l wreck his own of. ly. Of course dad knows that buildings to utter loud cries. A number of Snooks. all, at •,.,•ame the wasn't That fl man the "excer)t 1 DPnn.•·, l 1 1 an~wer<'< s·t·l·," If a man Is u good debater, he argues 1 the up ·' kindly dispoBed per~ons toolt f tl lll k ce, w 1en on ~·our own s '""' ng 1e t 1 1 ,, 1 . can be built that will not burn. They nre ac • who came about the electric light." Je a hout every tl llllg. Yon t lrew it a t te eauer 0 and in another minute the mishad the men trappt>d lm~ide it?" chorus Uang., "Electrle grandmo ther," snapped his guided playwrig ht had responrle d to being built everyw here, every day, Over 2,400 :llilf's on One Pair Solee not." sni<l Drmnmon <l af· y "Prohahl the on Rich· cards our did rmt why we idiot, "Can't paralytic H. H. Hoehrlg, a postman of "You master. I call I 1 what he thought was a curtnln "Any more t Illtn t If'~· ,,.,,11 l mond H111, N. Y.. wore a pair ot fahly. If your school is firesafe, you're lucky, you leave him alone?" and. \\' US standing before the footUSKIDl•] Soles for over 7 months, aver. heli<'ve that I was the lf'atler of the tnblP?" retumed the other with ~ttHlied of are aging 12 miles a day In all kinds tl 1e~· •re ~nc1t u mudern!i on. "I hnow that "''OU · "\Veil, si<", !\Irs. Drummo nd was in lights bowing his apprecia tion and '1 k Gnng. S If it isn't, ask dad what he is going to do • o SJnC'P. weather on hard, rasping paveme nts- 1, ar servants the . time--and the at house the i~ it h it-thoug know of you words innrticul ate mumblin g and the soles ar., still good for more wretched crowd of unh!'lie\· ers I tlon't that leauer, about it. You have a right to know. That Is USKIDE every time. wear! f'lse would. bPlieYe were all rou.~d the plnce." Denny thanl,s. one no that pos:sible that playing goorl much it's think USKIDE --the ~'onder Sole for Wear. it. I was \\Ton!..·.'· to threaten ,You-1 looked and felt aggrieve d, and after a WhPn the author had withdraw n It is made by the United States Rubber game. \ "·• a~ t e of t'I me, i sn 't 't'' ' . <•"" 1 . UIIologize I , · iwtter known have smiled. .-!wuld nd Company , the world's largest manuDrummo while I The highest type of fi:resafe construe · himself the stout man's compani on our facturer of rubbf'r products . \Vears vote we play anot 1er one, all on • old you it, was man 1 a 80 of sort What my had have turHPd upon him angril.v. tion is concrete. Our iLLustrated bookLet twlce as long !lS best leather. Tell your own-a little gnmf' of makf'·he lieve-- llut if I may say JIUIJLhm ent. 1\o\\' as man to nwn- fathead? " shoe repairma n to re-sole your shoes Iii · tl te nur,cry. " mean,'' you did world. the I in t "\\'hat I m te School. houses"contains a wea Hh ny p o "Concre use< we 'e with USKIDK Asl< your shoe dealer for l'an we co1ne to terms?" re· man," of sort for hle respec-ta yelling veT'Y ''.\. friend-'' the d I demnnde new shoes with USKIDE Soles,-A dv. of informa tion on firesafe constructicm. "I havf'n't an irlea ". tat you'rf' tall,. with dignity. "I re· 'Author! Author!' like that?" Deuny turnt>d briefly. Hugh said ' wailin:;,' am "1 said nd," nrunmw ing ahout, Captain with which every parent ought to be how respectnb le Denny :llrs. to anIn:u·keu 1" conci,;e us pos,;ible. " him," for yelling wasn't ' "I lie . "l~in,J:r hi~ in unPitsily the hunC'lthn ck, shifting famiLiar. Write today fen your free coP'Y· swered the fat man with mueh indig"Tho~P dianuHld s, Cnvtaiu nrum· be was, sir. Why, he actually went "hair. For all trace of af!'allility hul 1 feel tol· sollH' di,.;tnnre down the ,.;treet to cull nation, "I was yelling for ether!" vanished from the fa<'e of thP man lliO!Hl. ltig-l•tly or wrongly ..'Br4ild So It JJlOn't Burn" a taxi for :11rs. Drummo nd to go to the oppo~ite him, to he rq>lncf'<l h,v an ,•rably ePrlnin that ~· ou either have .. l nem iu ~·ow· pu~sL:;sion, or that ~·ou l'\ l· t 7.. . c>xprf',.;~;ion whkh ma<lP :\lr. A t':inson "Don't Speak Till You're diet! away, a~ he stat·ed words 1!,; 1 pasl'; his ton!!UP oncp or twie·p nYN lip~ l·nnw \\'l!c·re they are. Now, thw;e dia· PORTL AND CEMEN T ASSOC IATION · · n Oll 1w; t a t tl l(' f'X{II'CRSIO · To" sveak? you Spoken did mineuot were n.ontls rll'.\'. jl .<r<ln" alnazellll m tll •.1t Ila!l .~llll<lenl)· 111 W. Washing ton St. r ' ., Hoy ~IcCanlell, tl:~ humorist , went 0• \\'t>ll-to resmue. 'Iht> dul!llOIHls lil11StPr's face. "II:nen't you )'0\1 I'll!~" ~. i!l ]lnlmCHICAG O ''\\'l:nt the !le\·il is it, Hugh?" cried nhroael. On the W'IY ae•ross he grew monel quietly. "Then I'll tell yon ..Jn•t \\' t'l'<.: uot Iuine; they had b~en U.e111 Y o fllee un~ rePd .Jerningh atu . qnite ehtnr. my with Louis True.,·. the Take care of your stomach. A. Nationa l Organization to Impro,'e amJ for the next five ntinui·c~ "·c're gt}In•: ' 1 •>Sit~..l ill the ()nsl.: in 1 ~ mutreturnll'r: sny'!'' was you "He en lied a t:txi, Engli 1 novpllst, \\lHJ Extetzd the Uses of Concrete It is the be~t friend you have. to pr<'IP!l<l that tlu ~e t\Hi astOIIiS1ling JdtoWl 111 rue. Tlil'n this fool - whom r•tuue wl10 Amerlcn. to man ,·,sit ,t "The rl. nftl'r homP Drmnuum erul t threw lll)Se.fwa,; thiuk !'uolishly uu d .' IIOSTET TERS Celebrate s!atemen ts which the pqli<'e ~tupid ._ One lllOl'Itil g in the !'IU!.'kinr.· room il" ,,,Ill h into the o!iir:e to kill ~·ou. l hPre eallecl a hxi '!" OFFIC ES IN 30 CITIE S fl·l,lows- won't he!ievJ arP true. We're Stomach Bitters taken before entlt><l, "He almost wus Denny. vo,l'age answt•reu the :;ir," "·liEn l'S, "l' lie it. about all me told he it; going to pret<•nrl only JH'C 't'IJJ], mind ·•U.P_.L meals-im proves the appetite, 1 \\':Jil leal'i:.!g the hoUSt! at the s:u1o Tracy pas..;e<l nnrl howell to :Ue· t I am the lf'a<lPr of thP did not l•ill Y011 • fJr which fact, if ~·ou-tlla imparts and sigllt digestion In aid3 Cardell. A l!erious-l ooldng l'Jn;;lish· und a'J there was none Blnck G11ll;\': and we'rf' ~:oin.:J: to pre· ma} say so, I am YeQ· ghul. You're a t'ille, man witnes~ed this exchange ot he'd Sl'!Hl one nlong at onee." a feeling of robust health. t"n!l that yo11 are thf' man who tlun;..: ' 1 ~·rtswun, and you've fought like a ],P. sait1 the grl'<'ting s and, aftf'r thinking the "Anu 1\frs. Drummo nd went in Just f111· live "l• 1rt>'HlUH -but our fi;..:ht, Captaiu the bomb lti:<t nig-ht. thing O\'!lr fur a time, approach ed I he Sl'Ut?'' At All Druggi sts SCHOOL 01' EFfiCif'N CY minutes onl~·. u1en \Ye go lin!•k to real- 1h'lllllloiOnd, has been over other mat- t.txi surin Dl'nny ll. snld 1\IcCanle :;ir," ly, "Certnin ,;iue-show a l brancheo. Catalog free. ure s commercia All diamond t·"L':<. 'J'he ity unci unheii('Y ing poli<·f'men." I ~·our purdon,'' he Rnlcl, "but you. heg Rashes "I foin SA.LT U\KIE CITY, UTAH to Itching St. Hitz, the Muln With N. "To 60 rise. l'll me. und you The Hedetter Compu7 11 And if during. t hf' following tln• min· •lfld luu·dly eom·ern n gentlema that know you SPem to l'ilbbar,h, Pa. e .frank. '~itll r.ou; th~y .. are the s:ule gave the or<lcr my~elf to thf' rlrivf'r." utes stranl!e sound.~ WPL'!' he:JI'rl 11,1' on out din~ who just passed. lie and I are shar::tan were 1 v.-ins Tile tn .. nohlen •m 1 Hu"'" a e:.dth s.t 1!. d by Df'nny in t{,e room below, lr~ \\'liS f.ll' Ing the same sta1eroom , and this l'~ foreheacl , :mil fot· a mo· Soap, Ointment. Taleum 110ld evf!rywhere. Sam~Jle&l too uc!·ustorn etl to the ~omHls of f1·o:n the Bolshe\·i st outrages . lle de· Drmmnont mishy :mll tlrst free of Qqttcura. Ll.bomtories , D'!J'It. M:, Maldm, J.IaD. up got lie to rnin:;: going m< was 11e if a~ seemed. it ment my 1 durin;: It vosit ell t ht>m in my olliee hreal;ing furniture to won·~·. his ~cn·ant. Then wlth an effort tal<e put on my hoots. He's wearing wasn't until the hunehbn ck ]llliiP!l a lhSC'lH:e, with the i!ll'a of my s• liiug hit .l himself, and sank buek in them now. Do you know him?" knife thnt Drummo nd wnrme•l to l1i~ · hem for hirn-und now he an•l his he controlle< "That's snid 1\IcCarde ll. "Yes,'' chair with a groan. RCOR NS Remo'l'es Corr.;. Cal· HINDE work, but fro'm that nwme:Jt ht• lo~t ramily must starve. And. ,;o \\·hat I his Any b 00k YOU Want lonoes, etc., StopS all pain, "nSIIr<'S comfort t<l tb& Trnc~·." Louis wD.) cowrrNu DEl (TO his tempe1·. Anrl lic>c•nu(.e the hllllC'It- propose is-" teet, makes walking f'tu..By. 1bu by ma.tl or at Drug• -by ni.ail, C. O. D. !fists. '''l'raC'y, the novelist? " said the Illscox Cbemiea.J. Worn, Pac.:ho;ruo, N. Y. "[ clon't think I want to h~ar your hack wa,-; n hnnl'h' nl'k-thou~-:h en _ Deseret Book Co., _ works hls admire an d "I an, develope have Englishm chemists nd French Drummo snld Snooks," dowe!l withnl hy ,·aturP with singulr,;r proposal, City, No. 41 .• 1~2~ Lake Salt U., N. W. Utah City, milr:'ht I Lake if Salt 44 East So. Temple. lmmense ly. 1 wonder ''Dotihtle ss I look & fool; artlncial resin from which panels tor ;;•nmgth -it Janet] on Dnunmo nd l.o ki<Hlly. meet him!" a uoroal doubtles s I a.m a fool, but I like to radio sets are to be made. tlgh: 11hn 11s ff he had ill' GAINED 1 MY FAV ORI TE STO RIE S NEEDED POU DS / BYCYRIL JfcAf£/L£ ~ TA N LA C I ---- - l I the next time you bake - givo hones t and fair trial. it just that there will other brand -that for and unifor m and wholesome ing has lt." · Sales Z1/ Time s Those ol . I Otbe rBran d ! Hot water ELL· - S As kD a FOR IND;GESTION ....... Se e II He - I I ' ·' • • • • Prom ote goo d Hea lth I I I I ! Do n't Suf fer U seC utic ura f D0 0 KS L. D. S. Business College |