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Show ' One test of prosperity is when you can always get cr~dit enough to live beyond your means. It's simply contagious Our neighbor spent all summer building a chick en coop in his barn-and now he can't get it out of the barn VOL. 1 l'vliDVALE CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1925. NO. 22 Funeral Services For Mrs. Egbert PROFITABLE FARM YEAR SUSTAINS PROSPERITY SUBCRIPTION $1.50 YEAR Captures Eagle That Attacks Him Community Club. Weekly News from Holds Meeting the Jordan High Funeral services were h~ld Friday Agriculture has been fairly profitSupt. Jensen announced Wednestlas · The Community Club held the first at 2 p. m. in the Union Ward Chapel regular meeting of the season Wed- that Beet Vacation would begin Oct. able this year and the improved pur· for Mrs. Annie Matilda Egbert, nesday. who As the official club home 16th, instead of the 9th as at first anchasing power of farmers will · do was not ready for occupancy the meet- nounced. Late maturing of the beC>t diet! suddenly Tue<;day morning at her muoh to uphold general economiC welling was held at the home of Mrs. D. crop was given as the reason. Official nome on u 1uon Avenue. being through the winter, the United confirmation of this action will be giv W. Jessup. Mus1c was turmshed by a quarStates Department of Agriculture deen, when the School Board meets toAfter a short business session tea tet composed of members ol the cno,l, day. was served to a gratifying atte11dance. clares in its October report on the asisted by Mrs. l!;thel l\hllerberg whc.. • agricultural situation. The departsang a solo. Today, W. Crawford AnderH.on, MUTUAL TO OPEN 'l'Jle speaKers were: Bishop Despai11 ment points out, however, that wh dc: comes to the ·High Schoo' with·the faof Gram~;e, rtans Jensen, Charle,; lJ.ol•· conservative judgment of the recovSEASON WITH SOCIAL mous picture, "The Raising of Lazney, B1shop Hurgon and Mrs. CnLto;nery of agriculture is warranted, farm arus" by Titian. Mr. Anderson will den, President of the Relief .Socteo>. prosperity can be as easily over-rated Tuesday evening of next week Mu- lecture on the picture discussing the All spoke wonts of pra1se .for the as depression. tual Improvement work will begin by picture from an artistic view point. noble life of l\Irs. h;gbert. "It is a splendid harvest," the depa social ?-t the w~rd amusement hall~ He will also give the historical backMr. Frank Berrett oltered the openarlment ~ays. "Not bumper yiel-UJ co~mencn~g- ~t 7:30. An evenmg of ground of the picture, both of the ing prayer and Mrs. John A. Benett but production well adjusted to reasoc1a~ actlvJtles such as games and , time it represents and of the time it pronounced the beuewct10n. .1:' lora. sonable needs. The two great money dancm,g h~s b~e~ arranged and a · was painted. A small fee of five cents offerings were protuse and beautnu •. crops, cotton and wheat, are now .along good tune 1s anticipated. will be charged for admission to the Mrs. Egbert was the w1fe of Johll ,, where some idea can be gained of lecture. C. Egbert. .She was born in .Sweden, their value. Cotton apparently stands CO,L\;JOINT MEETING IS Jordan Students all took intellilike last year, and wheat producers This author-lawyer-soldier, native of November 20, 1874 and came to All1ergence tests Wednesday, second period. ·:::: .· ANNOUNCED 1appa.rently stand to receive abotft New York state and distinguishe<l resident •ca ;:n years ago and has resided in Delmas l'~c·arson, u;:;e seventeen, a These tests are used to help deter$1,000,000,000 which is also near or of Providence, R. I ., brought the lovers Union most of the time . .Survlvlllg art farmer lad of Heiny, :\Id., with the live A . . . h b . I mine the quality of work students are of wild life and romantic fiction pertaining iour sons, Frances M., John W., Wal- bald eagle be captured. Young slightly below last year. Pear· con;omt meetmg as een ai_capable of doing in school, '· to the same, to strict attention with his ter K, and Oscar E. h;gbert of Union; "These two leading crops probably fine ranged by Mutual Improvement of- 1 son while hunting wus attacked hy the ,. • ,. story of the northland, entitled "The one brother, Carl Anderson, Grants- huge hinl, who~e wings spr<'ad 6 feet. index the general crop income. Agri- ~Vheips of the Wolf." Prior to that he fleers to be held Su~day eve?ing, Oct. 1 Mr. Price and his "Ag" boys are cultural income wHI not be greatly had written a number of un1111ual short ville, one sister, Mrs. Mary Hendrick- A quick shot disabled it. Pearson will 11, 1925. Commencmg at 7 ::'SO oclock~ celebrating their success at the Fair. in excess of last year, but the points stories of the Hudson Bay district and the son of Murray. Interment was rna<1t 1\eep It alive and pre~;ent It to the Bal. Axel Madsen, of the General Bo_ar.:. Jordan had the largest agricultural is that this is the secon<l fairly pro- tugged, adventurous people who dwell m the Gramte Ward Ce.netery. timore zoo. will be the speaker. A good mus1cal exhibit of any school in tne state. The there. He has recentlv registered his fitable year. The seasoi will go a greatest program has also been prepared. boys received many compliments on success with "The Valley of Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Ballard enterlon~ way to level up ergional condi- Yoices," a truly remarkable tale of farthest its excellence. tained the members of the J. H. S. tions. The Corn Belt along with the outposts of the fur trade. DAUGHTER OF COUNTY Jordan's exhibit won eleven blue ?.fr. Marsh is a graduate of Yale uni· Club at the1r horne l<'riday evening. dairy and diversified East have been ribbons, eleven second places, and sevCOMMISSION ER MARRIES 'r.:r~ity and of Harvard Law school, and !'rogressive five-hundred wa,; playeu slaw to feel the stimulating curren, en be thirds, can write; and cash prizes totalling indeed, he can! Durini the of revival, but now the rising prices war he served as an officer both in the Supper was served to: Mr. ana 1~us. Some of the business firms in )1idMiss Dolly over $100. Burgon, daughter o:! of hogs, together with a reasonably hfantry and the air service, principally L. W. Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. Alm:. vale, and especially the residents of Mr. Price says the boys can do even Commissioner and Mrs. E. L. Burgon, Play Lady of Scouts good corn crop means some profit ' • the Meuse-Argonne campa-ign. He wa3 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jensen, Mr. Sixth Avenue, from the Denver and better with more assistance in the and Glad'l'.in Woodhead were married in the Corn Belt. Tl1e slowly streng- E member for the U. S. A. of the aero and ••lrs. Hoyden, Mr. and .Mrs. Vr- Rio Grande Tracks to the eastern f''nvention selection of the of the exhibits. Next year Thursday of last week at the home conference. But thening prices for dairy products plus his great forte is peace novelist, and we are son S.nith, Mr. and Mrs. ltay Beek, limits of Midvale, are desirous of g~t of the Bridgegrooms parents, Mr. and he plans to give much more time to higher potatoes and minor cash crcps leased to have the privilege of introduc· lHr. and Mrs. Ardith Price, Mr. anu ting the water system extended so Mrs. W. J. Woodhead. this work. promises somewhat better income for 1g him to our readers through "The Val •\irs. Isaac B. Humphnes and Mrs. ·that they can connect to it. Bishop lw of John Voices," A. • Aylett which will performed run as a seriP ~ the East. The whole agricultural map in this paper. Agnes Fitzgerald. Also at the present time the cost of · Dramatic Interest Keen the ceremony. A supper was given thus slowly emerges from economic putting in electric lights is prohibiOver one hundred enthusiasbc stufor members of the respective famshadow.' Last Tuesday, Mrs. C. M. Hendrrck- tive. accordi:Qg to the statement of LONDON'S SLUMLAND REdents answered Coach Nell Clark's call ilies following the ceremony. Discussing the situation by key resen was hostess at a dinner party in the residents of that section. I for try-outs FUSES for the school play. It TO BE DESLUMMED The rooms and dining table were gions, the department says: honor of her mother, Mrs. Anme If you are caJled on to sign a petiwas supposed that the final selections beautifully decorated with autumn ''The East is busy with silo, potato I read in the papers that London ~ Terry, it being 'h er birthday anniver- tion regarding this matter, think it for the cast would be made th1s week leaves and fall flowers. The young digging, fruit harvest and fall work slumland refuse;; to be deslumme<• sary. The decorations were carried out over, and be ready with your answer couple left later in the evening for a but so many eager aspirants have apgenerally. Potato yields are disappoin~ When government authorities, in th in autumn colors. The following guesb in a few days. ~-~ trip to Grand Junction, Denver, and peared and the competition between . . ,.· ing. Corn growth is excellent helped This is probably the most logical mterests of health and sanitation, in- were present: Mrs. C. P. Mickelsen them is so close that additional time other points of interest in Colorado. by late rains. Beans, buckw!-. at ~nd vaded the East End armed with de - of Sandy and Mrs. Annie Terry, Mrs. section of the city for residential purwill be necessary to get the best ca:;t. other crops in harvest were damaged molition orders and blue prints, Liine Marie Hendricksen, Mrs. W. C. Fitz- poses and some houses have been erect The play chosen by .l\1iss Clark is SENATORS ANNEX FIRST by heavy rains in the north. Winter house rose its wrath and serious dis- gerald, Mrs. J. E. Mickelsen, Mrs. J. ed there already but people do 110t Booth Tarkington's "Penrod" a real grain is mostly needed. The Dairy SCALP 0.1<' 'I'HE SE1U1!::3 classic with a large cast, readily locate where water and light order prevented the <.arrying out o. H. Garfield and Mrs. Alma Terry. makmg it situation is rather :r.tatic but im- the clean-up is not available. campaign. an ideal school play. Washington, with the \·etcran Wal·• proves rather than otherwise. Mr. and Mrs. George Sadler and The Minister of Health is making ter Johnson, on the mound, take the "The South is genera.Jly under the every effort to wipe out every dilap family, Mrs. Carrie Sadler and II-<~·». RATES TO BUTTE ARE PROV0-9 JORDAN-0 fu·st of the 1925 world seriou~. Pittsban of dry weather. Drought and •tate, didease-infesteJ structure in Sarah Burnham were guests at a Jordan opened the regular football CHEAPER THAN GAS burg annexed the second game and heat have been a real catastrophe in the various boroughs of old London party given in honor of Mrs. Sarah season with Provo, Thurs<tay, October the race is off to a good start with an northern Geor&-ia and portions of the Limehouse ad Stepney are notm·iou, Sadler of Magna, formeryl of Draper, The Oregon Short Line Railroad, 1st, meeting defeat by the score of 9 eYen break. Carolinas. The whole Piedmont reg- for their un:leanliness It is planneo Tuesday evening, the occasion being according •to their advertisement apto 0. There was little to cnose beion is hard hit. The cotton crop 'is to raze the old buildings and erec;, her seventy-third birthday anniver- pearing in another part of the JOUNtween the two teams both scores comspotted but generally fairly good. Force of Habit modern accomodations for the teem- sary. Dinner was served to thirty NAL, offer a round trip fare to Butte, ing as a result of br~aks. Picking is well along and ginning has Thepurchasing agent was walking ing population of this district. Th guests. A birthday cake with 73 can- Montana, for the sum of $8.70. This Provo scored a drop kick as a rebeen heavy. Feed crops l'1ve been area with his sweetheart in the moonligl1t. under consideration is mm·e tha1. dles formed the centerpiece for the is cheaper than the cost of the gas sult of recovering a blocked attempt shortened by dry weather. General nine It was June anti the roses were m acres, obout 2% per cent ol table. Games and music were enjoyed. to drive that distance. Tickets on of a previous drop kick on Jordan s conditions are fairly good except in which consists bloom. The soft kiss of the zephyr of streets. One-fifth sale October 9th, return five limit yard line. Provo's last score came Oct. 12. drought areas. stole the fragrance from the petals Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brady, Mr. and of the district is given over to fishin the last minute of play on a Jor'The Corn Belt has the corn harvest curing, the remainder and filed the air with the delicate being devot(W Mrs. Edison Denney and Mrs. Geo. MORE CONTRIBUTIONS dan fumble. I Miss Oleda Schrottky director ot perfume. well along with the crop matured to little hole-in-the-wall shops and A. Green Jr., left Friday, October 2, The Beetdiggers missed their best 'fO MIDVALE JR. BAND· plays and pageants of 'the National safely ahead of frost. There is some dingy, dirty hovels 'Ah!" said the beautiful girl," what whose resident. for an auto trip through Southern chance to score when they lost the chaffy corn in area$ hit by dry wea- live among I Girl Scout!!, who is better known as a perfect night and what lovely their pigeons and chick- Utah, where they will visit Bryce's ball on the two yard line after carryDue to an oversight in last week's tbe "Girl Scout Play Lady," w111 pre>- moon!" tlaer ubt the bulk of the erop is ap- ens . Canyon and the Grand Canyon and ing it sixty yards on straight football. JOURNAL we failed to mention the duce a play called "Be'Tllnd the Khaki parently good grain. The region 1s "Yes," said the purchasing agent The resistance shown by the in- on to the Kaibab Forest in Arizona. fact that the • of Scouts," at the Girl Scout regional busy with the late harvest and fall habitants illustrates the British pri l · While at the Kaibab, they will spend West Jordan Lumber Co. --·-··--··· $20.00 conference to be held at Louisville, squinting aloft, "it's a fine moonJordan's second team played Grants work. Winter grain has been plant- ..:iple but it's altogether too high." that "Every Man's Horne Is His a few days with Forest Ranger, Geo . H. E. Phelps Floral Co. ·····--·-···- $25.00 Ky., from October 28 to October 31. ville First team, Friday, October 2nd. ed under favorable conditions. The Castle." A. Green, who is stationed at the Being defeated 37 to 0. Badly outA. R. Cahoon, Mayor - --···--- $5.00 h(ig and cattle s.ill;ua.'tion g.enerJ;i,ll~ It is possible in these days to treat Rayme Ranger Station where he i~ When King George and Queen Mary weighed and lacking experience the We desire to apologize to these !a.vor optirniirn. PICK UPS a district full of hard-working people ass1sting the Forest service with the gentlement and firms for the over· vh;ited the British Empire Exhibi- dinglings put up a stubborn defense "The Wheat Belt has winter wheat as if it were a howling menagerie. Kiabab deer hunt. tion at Wernbley recently the official to no avail. Grantsville scored twice sight and assure them that it was not Orders are out to paint the Mid· seeding about finished. Local esti- Home ties are sacred-in the slums time card prepared by the King's in the first four minutes of play and intentionally by any matter or means. vale Fire Truck. Fred Hyke will do mates of acreage vary but gene1·al or on Notting Hill. IUIDY ALE SCHOOL NOTES If we have now omitted any con- the job in his usual efficient manner. advisors permitted a five minutes' were always on the offensive. 1hey indications are ot some increase over stay at the Ford Motor Company's found it increasingly difficult to score Ruby Malstrom Age 13 tributions, let them come forth. • • • last fall. Spring wheat yields are only exhibit, bu~ when the l'oyal couple on the visitors as the game progressMidvale, Utah Eighth PEOPLES' Grade PARTY ISSUE There is some undercurrent talk fair but grain is excellent quality and reached Midvale the exhibit they became so ed. Coach Gardner, who accorr·panSchool Miss Peter:;on SUGAR FACTORY SEASON CALL FOR CONVENTION Friday September prices are stimulating. Threshing is 1 to the effect that an effort will be interested that 30 was clean-up TO 0 they remained for a ied the team, found some good men in 0 practically finished. The general reday at the Midvale School. Ml'. Green PEN CTOBER 15th made to run Robt. S. Lindsay for half hour. Jaoobsen, Hagander, Johnson, and sult of the season is favorable to the The Peoples' Party announce a con- wood led the shovel, hoe and rake A d" t Each asked eager t b questions C Mayor arul of Midvale Sanders, at who will be given a chance the corning el. d . . f h region as a whole. ccor mg o announcemen y . Th k manifested deep interest both in manu on the first team vention in th"' Hub Theatre, Thursday br1ga e, cons1stmg o t e boys of the 'M M'ddl t S t f th W t J ._ ect10n. in the near future. e Journal doe~ nQt thin "The Range Country has the cattle evening, October the 15th, for the pur· upper grades, to the north end of the d . 1 01 much of the idea, and facturing methods and demonstrab \ onf t~P U~ h I~ hesS • • • we have always and sheep movement to market well pose of nominating a Mayor, four school grounds. Here an attack was Can ranc tho f cte a .11 ba 0 . ug1_ar voted the Peoples' Party ticket, at tions of Ford car quality. An assembly The Jordan Seconds and the newly ompany, e a ory WI along. Stock is moving down from councilmen, a Trea~urer and Reconle• egm s 1c- th m.ad e on t h e wee ds an d soon a II were . line, similar to the one which drew b organized t b t Bingham t b lSth High School team 1 at. high range to winter pastures. There to be elected at the City Election on s at toud 0 c o cr . t an d p1·1e d h"1gh , so th a t M r. 0 rton mgA ee • • • ou somuch attention in New York dur· waged a merry battle on the Jordan · th d t· t is a "heavy demand for ewes. Many November the 3rd. Politics w the could burn them. All the rubbish on . 5 1t 5h s a et_ ln f tehia :ver Jsefmt&hn ing T• he the city Automobile has notified show the occupants season last Campus Tuesday, Jordan finally wmpw lambs are being held back on city seems to be a dead issue and 1 0 it the grounds was raked up and burn- ~~t~N1I, se~ IOdn ~ January, t~ ~u1: particularly e of attracted the two their frame ning buildings from her Bingham rivals 13 to on the range and many old ewes shipped to is extremely hard to find capable men ed. Theboys reported an enjoyable ki·. ' e pelsires ta_ atnhy pfer- , prope~ty at the corner of Main and ~}esties. . . 12, as a result of an extra point from , farm filocks for breeders. Some cat- who care to take a job that carries a f ternoon. em oymen m e ac- C h 0 tsons see11 ng • t Wonderful, exclaimed t enter the to Kmg vacate as not Jacobsen's later t good an cright toe. 10 0 tlernel_l; are stocking up where re- nothing particularly except :.bu~e. Tuesday after school, the Grammar ~r~, t~a ~~h perso: d a m. c tober y;, when a completed these buildings _ear was will d_riven be off the • Bingham scored a touch down j\}st 1 • nex o_n ay. sources are favorable, and the whole Grade teachers of the Midvale school 0 et e torn d'Own and a sidewalk put end in of the hne and skilfull~' turned at the close of the first half on some :regi<t is improving in tone. 1good line entertained the Primary Grade tea- JORDAN TEACHERS ARE around in the narrow space along available. the east line of the plunging by Wilson Miner property as "On the Pacific Coast the apple tl======= ======== i1· chers with a weenie roast and a waterBoth the King and Queen asked fullback. ALL IN ASSOCIATION ' far south as the city property runs. and grape harvests are well along. melon feast at the Old Paper Mill in S()me numerous day we questions ought to about have the a nice we!Jordan came DIPPING back stNng INTO in the Prunes. Fall seeding is about finishthe mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon. new fare city of hall the on employes. this comer. Working condisecond half and scored two touchthreshed. Fall seeding is about finishSCIENCE Many games were played and they Oie hundred per cent of the supt~o_ns • of the • "' men and their livin~ condowns in short order, Hagander st'lred in the north, though hindered by had some rolickmg fun. ervisors of tbe Jordan school dictrict J The picture sho\~ lice~se was ?ItJOns and wages were of partJcu~ar ring with some bdlliant runs. dry weather. The same is true of winThe Seventh Grade Civics Club un- Sandy, Utah, are enrolled in the Nat- changed at the council meetwg Tucs- u~terest to the Queen, as was t~e rnBingham completed a pass for the Fountain Pem Are Old ter trucks in the south. Cotton is beder the direction of Mrs. Gregory tional Education association, accord- I ~a~· evening. It has been placeci at c1dent of a laborer who started m the last score just before the close of the A writer In 1876 refened to a ing picked in the south. Rice and hiked to the flats last Saturday. The ing to a report received by J. W. $50.00 but after further considera- Ford plant at Manchester at the mini- game, but lost when the attempted "fountain pen," the description citrus fruit ar.developing well. The boys and girls had much fun play- Crabtree, secretary of the association. tion it was decided to make it $10.00 mum wage and rose to a salary of drop-kick was blocked. ot whlrh fits very much the pen general &entirnent is moderately oping games and toasting and eating This is the second year that all the~e per hundred seats. This seems to be 5,00? p~uncls a. year. of today-ut least In principle. . . Brady, Wilson, and Patton played timistic." weenies. Such things as these help supervisors have been members of the a fair decision. S1ghtmg th_e 250,000th ~r1ttsh made . An well E:arly for Coach McMullen, Wilson esdictionary-before 1800 The department'.a fnde~ of the reto make school days more happy anti National Education association. Ford car, • * which • was 011 d1~pla~> -contuineu King 1 pedally a definition showing the marks of a footof such lative purchasing power of 30 falim pleasant. In a letter acknowledging the George re"Josh" was prompted Hill, veteran to mqmre gate the keeper ball player a pen. A certain amount of pro<lucls is placed at 93 fo:r August port Mr. Crabtree says: "We are and smelter man, at the U. S. Smelt- yearly pr~duction figures in England. trouble was cxrJerieneed In using Hagande~, Allen and Sanders showcompared with 91 in July, the five WEST JORDAN proud of your 100 per cent member- er, is detained at his home in Sand~· He was mfori_Ued that 40,0Q.O Ford ed up best for Jordan. .MAN HURT the early pens, the writer rdates. year 1909-14 average of 100 being WHEN AUTO HITS HORSE ship in the National Education asso- on account of his wife's health. cars are made m England annually by used as a base. Floyd Cook of Weest Jordan suf- ciation. It means that you realize the British workmen. • • • ~-------"No wonder the roads are so crowd- FAREWELL PARTY AT fered several cuts and bruises Mon- necessity of solidifying the profession. Mr. W. W. Rager, Chief Accountday evening at 7:30 o'clocq when the You are to be congratulated on thi,: ant and Mr. Cortez, of the Salt Lake ed," was his Royal observation. GRANT WARD CHAPEL touring car he was driving collided record. You will ~oon receive the cer- City office of the U. S. Smelter, visitBefore leaving, both the King and A Farewell Party will be given in with a horse on the state road abottt tificate granted by the executive com- ed the Midvale plant Wednesday on Queen signed the visitor's 1·egister. honor of Elder Willard Olson who a mile north of Lehi. rnittee." business. The impact threw Cook through the P. S. Roberts attended the Annual leaves shortly for the Swedish Missio)'l • • • There will be a regular lunoheon of Banquet of the Utah State PJ.·ess As- at Grant Ward Chapel, Glst South windshield and the horse was fatally The convention number of "Meggy" I the injured. Midvale Lions Club at the Me- sociation at the Hptel Utah last Sat- State Street, Wedne:day evening Octofficial publication of the Utah ChrisNumber This Week --···--·-·----------~ ·····-····· 257 Carloads. thodist Community Church gymnas- 11/l'day evening..JDI'- Curran of the ober 14th, 1925, at 8.15 o'clock. tian Endeavor was printed in tile umber Last Week -···--·-·--- -·· ·····- ....... 234 Carloads. At the same place and hour Elder The mosquito sings, then stings, Journal Plant this week. It was ium tonight. U. S. Marshal Ward will Curran school 'jf Better Busines~. of Same Period Year Ago ·····---·-- .................... 216 Ca1:Ioads. which reminds us of some of the r double it's ornidary size and was an speak on Narcotics. Mr. E. Allen ~ate 'New York wa;, the speaker of the ev- Arthur Olson will be welcomed home o .....___...__,..__, _,..__, __..___.., ____.,,..,_,__.,,..__•__.,,,.__, _____,,.__, __,,.__,........--·--~.,:· salesmen of blue-sky stock. from the Swiss and German Mission. man will also be a guest. ideal publication of it's kind. ening. ' • • .~· Agitation for Conveniences on Sixth Avenue r • • .. .. • • I r: i ·=----------------------.. . Carload Shipments Received At Smelter . ·· .. I |