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Show THE JORDAN I CAN Too f YDU AIN'T MY MUVVER SUCH IS Ll eq SAID YOU CAN'T - 'i'Cu'Rf TOO LITTLE AN' TI-lE GANG DJN'T WAHT I DURECTORY OPERATOR WELL, WELL, l!HLE MAN, WHAT'S ALL mouBLE ? ALONG Al'l' 'fA.' .----- Van 'Z.elm BUDDY JOURNAL - THE SPEEDS UP SERVIC£ COME I'LL BUY YOU AN ICE CREAM CONE. • Bas Important Part in Puttiag Through Long Distance Telephone Calls GETS REVENGE. When a person pl.aces a long dt. at dinner Tuesday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Kuhre. Covers were laid for Members of the Justamere Club, the following guests: Miss Bernice Do-So Club and Bridge Club enterta- Jensen, Miss Ethel Decker, Miss Mary ined Friday evening at the home of Smurthuraite, Miss Clara Walker, , . Miss Partricia Handcock, Mrs. Della :\'lr. and Mrs. L. E. Peterson m honor Stormes of S a It L a k e an d M' Iss R oz.1 of Mr. and Mrs. L. Sherwood and Mr. ella Crosgrove. and Mrs. S. L. Brady who have moved to Salt Lake to make their homes. • Mrs. John Wix and two children of ' Progressive games ~ere played .and Meeker, Colorado are guests of her supper served to thirty four guests. parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stuart. Mrs. • • • Wix was called here on account of the severe illness of her mother who Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson enteris at the L. D. S. Hospital. tained the M. M. S. Club at their home Friday evening. Progressive Mrs. Lowell Chatwin, Mrs. Roy games were played, prizes were awl arded to Mrs. Ernest Jenson and Mr. Laver and Mrs. W. R. Cox of MamG. A. Jenkins of Murray. Supper was moth were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Richards the past week. Mrs. 1 served to sixteen guests. Chatwin and Mrs. Laver are sisters • • • and Mrs. Cox the mother of Mrs. Rich Mrs. Hilda Nelson was hostess to ards. the Pep Club at her home Wednesday ... afternoon of last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Even Jensen had as 1 Mrs. S. J. Larson who left Saturday t11eir guest the past week, Miss Clara 1 to make her home in Los Angeles, Brown of Hollywood, sister of Mr3. ' California. The time was spent in Jensen. \ sewing. Luncheon was served to 12 members. Mrs. J. Oldham was hostess to the Pep Club at her home Wednesday Mr. B. Thomas and Mr. Ernest C. afternoon. The time was spent in Hair of Arizona were guests of Mrs. sewing. Luncheon was served. J. Butterwood last week. Sandy City News I t.ance telephone call and Is unable to furnish tlle telephone number of the party desired ln the distant city or town, the call Is referred to one o:l' the directocy operators. At the directory positions a.re kept the latest telephone directories ror the larger cities of the country and for many of the s..maller places. ••• • • • .. • • • ••• * •• • • • Mr. H. 0. Hendrickson, manager of Mrs. E. Jorgenson and Mrs. W. D. the Sandy Motor has returned fror.t Kuhre entertained the S. S. Club at a business trip to Denver. 1 the home of Mrs. W. D. Kuhre in honor of Mrs. S. J. Larson. ProgresMr. T. F. Brickley former mayor sive games were played and prizes won by Mrs. A. E. Peterson and Mrs. of Sandy visited Sandy the past week. W. 0. Boberg. Luncheon was served Mrs. Marinda Lundberg has purto twenty-four guests. Special guests chased the home of Mrs. S. J. Larson. were Mrs. E. Cushing, Mrs. T. E. Anderberg, Mrs. W. T. Vincent, Mrs. Mrs. Almina Larson had as hei C. C. Jensen, Mrs. Louis Peterson, Mrs. Adamson and Mrs. A. Swenson, guests the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Larson was presented with a Wilmer Young of Tooele, sister of heautiful scarf by members of the Mrs. Larson and Mrs. E. H. White of Brigham, mother <~f Mrs. Larson. clubs. • • • NOW IN FULL SWING. The OPENING DAYS OF THE SALE have already proved to be MIDVALE'S greatest selling EVENT. The SPECIAL prices we have made in all DEPARTMENTS have been a revelation to the buying public. We have had to replenish ,. our STOCK daily in the different departments to keep up with the ENORMOUS SALES \Ve urge you to come in each week and see these new goods for yourself at this great MONEY SAVING EVENT. Buy your winter's supply now. Shoes for about one half what you ver ser \VOttld ex- ' Salt Lake County· s Newest and Greatest Department Store Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eyre are reM d M G H h f ceiving congratulations over the ar- 1Th' rt.l an . rst.. e~rdgef. tugl es .t0h Bordered Flannels · b h mg In e ma e y Wl nval of a son, orn to t em Mon dar. 1• 1ISt' e are dVIS! · d h for Simple Day Frocks • * • rc a 1ves an f nen s ere. •. • Mr. and Mrs. Vern Smith are reMiss Daisey Simons entertained at .. ceiving congratulations !lver the ar- dinner Sunday at her home on Vine Mr. P~ 1 h_P Strmgham of Vernal and · ·u d [' street in compliment to Mr and Mns 'Mrs. Mmme Cox of Salt Lake were nval of a son, born to them •uon ay · · t. Kenneth Conover of Nampa, Idaho, Igu~s s T ue,·d·ay of Mrs. E mma C· of last week. and Miss Clara Ginter and W R Bulgon. . • J Ginter of Salt Lake. Covers were laid Mr. and Mrs. L. Watts has as thell' f t 1 t Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Forbush enterguests, Mr. and Mrs. Chancey. Howe or we ve gue~ s. • • Itained Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Irvin of Fairview. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hughes of Butler and Mr. W. A. Paulk of Paonia • • • I Farmington were the last week-end . Colorado, Mrs. Rac~el Forbush and Mr. William Park of Idaho is the 1 guests of Mrs. Hughes' parents, Mr. ! sons, Orval and 1\htchell, Mr. and guest of his sister, Mrs. E. Watt.os. and Mrs. Charles Farrer and family.! Mrs. Everett Forbush of Salt Lake • • • and Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCleery of The,isses La Rue Simper, Naomi Murray. Sinme , Madel.ine Huegley a~d .Melva j Pug~ entertamed at. a TIUSS1onar?' Mrs. C. V. Erickson, Mrs. Charley shower Saturday evenmg of last. weeK I Mrs. M. L. James will make her Van, Mrs. Sadie Proctor, l\Irs. Charley Van<n·een, Mrs. Peter Van, Sr., a t the h orne Of Mr · and Mr·s· u''corge · B. h this winter. .,. Boyce in honor of their cousin, R. lh ome m mg am Mrs. Jule Proctor, Mrs. Earl HawClaude Boyce, w'ho will leave October * * • I croft, Mrs. Peter Van, Jr., and Mrs. 22, fo.i- a two year's mission to CalMrs. Louie Berrett and little dau- Wm. Johnson, members of the Creek ifornia. Games, musk and dancing ghte1·, Louise of Soldier Summit were Relief Society met at the home of were en~oyed throughout the evening the week-end guests of Mr. and 1\hs. Mrs. Lucy Proctor Tuesday of last and refreshments were served to forty C. F. Cole. week and made a quilt for the fair guests. • • • which will be held in the near future. • • • A party in honor of the retiring Refreshment:> were served. 1 Miss Mary Ann Stauffer was hos- officers of the Primary was held at • • • tess to the members of her club on the home of Mrs. Ellie Berrett WedThe Happy Hour Club met at the Wednesday evening, the occasion be- nesday afternoon of last week. Eigh- home of Mrs. Lucy E. G1·een Thursing her birthday anniversary. Games teen were present and refreshments day of last week and engaged in a were played and prizes won by Miss were served. quilting. Dinner was served and covers As u suc<·essor to the wash silks and Ellen Stauffer and Mrs. Maggie The honored guests: Mrs. Carrie were laid for: Mrs .Bessie Forbush, ·olton broadcloths that made such a Smith. Luncheon was served to twelve Coomber Mrs. Ellie Benett and M1·s. Mary Graham, Ella Fox, Alice Bur- ·;weeping success In simple summer guests. . . Louise Phillips were each one pre- ' gon, Clara Cole, Millie Forbush, De- . rocks notlilng looks more promising MTs. T.homas Marlm entertained sen ted with one-half dozen lovely cut Ilila Beckstead, Irene Parry, Etta ' hnn the bordered flannels-now ofat a children'IS party Wednesday af- glass tumblers as a token of appre-l Green, Maud Forbush, Villie Graham fered for fall. New shades o:l' strong ternoon at her h<~me on East Forty-, ciati<~n for services rendered. . and Erma Bailey. illues, warm browns, Russian and ei~hth South Street in honor of her I •ther greens, in addition to dal'lr, dau~hter, Margaret, on her fifth birth ;taple colors, make a fine background day anniversary. Games were enjoyed for striped borders, in g~y colors, that and luncheon served. 1 ·tre used as a decorat1on on these e • a ~imple flannel frocks. Everything .a: e Grant Ward Relief Society :tbout them spells SllCC!'SS, especially officers entertained in honor of the for schoolgirls' dresses, of whif'h an committees of that organization on example is pictured. The border !.a Murray Society • ... I ., ... 1 UNJ ON ••• I I ~~M~l~!n.a~ t~~o~:~ ::asM;f~e~l~~ I ter wflich refreshments were served t o th 1·rt y guests. • • • I Mrs. Frank Shafer of Los Angeles ' arrived here a few days ago to visit relatives and friends for several weeks. FIrs • t Cl ass servi•ce Ml·dvalpU Barber Shop Most Up-to-Date Shop in Town < • • • Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Boberg entertained the following guests at supper Wednesday evening of last week: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bird, Mr. and Mrs. C. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. T. Christian, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sorenson, Mrs. Florence Stuart and Mrs. J. Butterwood. • • • pect to pay. / • • • • • • -AND NO WONDER;• I ~ u~!~dstralght-lme i:o b~~~~n~n aco~~it:~~o~n;;o:: model with girdle of the material. • That women may be the weaker vessel, but the poor man is the one that's usually b1·oke, • • • Mrs. Marvin Despain of Wasatch was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bateman Thursday. • • • Mrs. W. L. Bateman had as her guests the past week, Mrs. Wm, Turner of Star Valley, Mr. and Mrs. John Watkins and daughter Ester and Mrs. Ray Christensen and son Ray of Beaver Dam. • • • DIRECTORY OPERATORS The directory operator first consults <her bulletin to learn which one of her numerous binders contains the telephone directory of the place being ealled. It is o!ten difficult for her to 1ind the telephone number tor which she a looking because the calling party may have spelled the name dllier· ently than it appears in the directory. or the street atldres5 may be a little different. 1n such cases and also wherever she is unable t~ find a number which appear~ to be the one she is after. she calls the party back again and triell to get further lnfocmation which will •help her in locating the number. After she has located the number and entered it on the ticket record of the subscriber's ull. or ha;O"ing made a careful search and failed to find it, she ~rends the ticket along to the outward operator to complete the call. The furnishIng of t.he telephone number by the directory operators helps the outward operator and speeds up the service the subscriber receives, for the outward operator is then able to vass her call directly by number to the inward operator ln the city or town the subscriber t. calling. In those cases where the directory operator has been unable to locate a number, the outward operator must frequently use up value.ble time on the toll line by ~etting the information operator in the dlatant place and try!n& to secure the nll.lllber trom her. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Withers of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Smith of Grant Riverton announce the birth of a dauward were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hendrickson ghter. Mrs. Withers was formerly Vern Smith It the home of Mr. and had as their guests Friday, Mr. Gar· Miss Bessie Stuart of Sandy. Mrs. C. L. Kenney. land Hendrickson of Magna. • • • Mr .and Mrs. Earl Morris announce • • Mrs. Ellen Goff met with a painful the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Glen Hogan of West Jordan accident by falling and breaking her • spent several days of last week visitMembers of t'he Christian Endeavor arm. ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum • • Fellowship were guests Tuesday evBrown. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Schofield spent ening of the Sandy Alumni council at • t'he past week end at Kaysville. the home of Mrs. W. T. Vincent on Mrs. Hazel Larson and daughters, • Pioneer avenue. Guests from WestMr. and Mrs. Vern Smith announce Ruth and Bernice of Spanish Fork minster College and the Phillips Conthe birth of a son. Mrs. Smith was were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. gregational church were present. AlDay, Saturday. formerly Miss Marvel Kenney. umni plans for the C. E. Convention • • in Logan, October 16 were made. ActMiss Charlotte Nielsen spent last Mr. Martin Anderson has purchasivities for the comig year were disweek at Garland the guest of her cussed. R. S. Mathews, president of ed the Schmidt Drug Store corner. sister, Mrs. Leslie Nelson. the Salt Lake fellowship, L. H. Page, Mr. Lester Bybee of Kaysville has • former treasurer, Dr. Roy Woolsey purchased the Mr. and Mrs. James Gilbert of MurJ. P. Jones farm in the and others gave interesting talks on third ray were guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. ward. the work of the organization. Light F. Andrus, Monday. • • refreshments were served. Mrs. Ethel Hay of Salt Lake was a • Mr. and Mrs. LeGrande Smith of dinner guest of Mrs. Charles FenDr. and Mrs. R. W. Born enterta- stermaker Spanish Fork visited relatives here Sunday. ined at dinner Friday evening in honthree days of this week. or of Mrs. Walter W. Born, who win • leave soon to join her husband in San Mrs. A. R. McGuire has as her Francisco to make their home. Covers guests this week, her daughter, Mrs. were laid for Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cecil Tate of Tooele and Mrs. Lloyd Kuhre, Mrs. Walter W. Born, Mr. and Jensen of Levan. Mrs. Cleone NieL en of Idaho Falls Mrs. M. G. Kuhre of Salt Lake, Udell • Kuhre and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Creger is visiting at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Terry had as of Chicago, parents of Mrs. M. G. Mrs. N. W. Johnson. their guests Saturday, Mrs. Eunice Kuhre. W albeck and Mrs. John Banks pf • Mr. N. B. Enniss had as his dinner Salt Lake, Mrs. Zina Parkinson of The Ladies Aid Society of Sandy Congregational Church met at the guests last Sunday, Mr. R. M. Roger:=; Beaver and Mrs. M. Pulsifer of Provo. home of Mrs. John Anderson Thurs- and Miss Crosby Huff of Lindon, Mrs. Simon Jenson and daughter day afternoon. Luncheon was served Utah. Anna left Sunday for their home in ;: to twenty-three guests. Special guests Ogden after spending a week at th€ were: Mrs. J. Oldham, Mrs. Even JenMr. and Mrs. Alma Terry had aR home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Rasmussen and Mrs. 0. Dastrup. their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. sen. • • Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Brady, Mr. "and F. Laughlin and sons of Salt Lake. Mrs. B. Thomas, Miss Mary Brady, Last Tuesday evening the officers MRS. DUCK AND THE TURTLE Mr. P. Peterson, Mr. Kenneth Brady, Lynal Brady, Mr. Bob Oniel of Bing- of the Mutual held a get-acquainted Clifta Green Bluff Dale School ham were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. party in the Draper amusement hall. Age 13 7th Grade Special guests were the membeers of M. Nance, Sunday. Mr. A. C. Olson, Teacher the Bishopric and Stake Officers. • Mrs. Duck seemed to be very proud Thursday evening, October 15 in Thirty guests enjoyed the affair. of herself. One afternoon she put on the Congregational Church, Rev. Van her glasses and bonnet, put her basMrs. Bert L. Smith was hostess to ket on her wing and started to the Gorkum of Westminster College will give a preaching service. All are in- her club Thursday afternoon at a store. As Mrs. Duck wobbled along Kensington. Lunch was served to six the path Mrs. Turtle slipped up bevited to attend. members. side her and asked, 'Why do you • •Mrs. A. J. RobMrs. J. H. Brown, • • think you are so much nicer than I ertson and Mrs. R. W. Born attended Mrs. Lamont Crosgrove and Mrs. am, when I have such a beautiful an Eastern Star Card party at the R. Osborne of Bingham were guests shell on my back?" Elks club of Salt Lake, Saturday af- of Mr. and Mrs. Josep'h Fitzgerald on "Well," said Mrs. Duck, "Haven't Thursday. ternoon you noticed my wonderful feathers, • • • their not only beautiful but they are Mr. and Mrs. Evan Jensen enterMr. and Mrs. Soren Rasmussen en- useful. In the winter they keep me tained the Justamere Club at their tertained at dinner Tuesday eveening. warm." home Monday evening. Progressive Covers were laid for Mrs. S. Jen~en "I don't think you should think games were played. Officers w~ and daughter, Anna of Ogden, Mr. yourself so much nicer anyway." Mrs. elected as follows. Mrs. D. Richards, and Mrs. P. C. Rasmussen of Midvale Tu1-tle declared. president; Mrs M. Bird, secretary. and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Rasmussen. "Well I always will think I am Supper was served to eighteen mem• * • much better looking than you anybers. Miss Leda Smith of Salt Lake was way, but you can have your opinion • • • the guest of her parents, Mr. and and I will have mine." Mrs. Walter W. Born entertained Mrs. David ~mith, Wednesday. And they both went on their way. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ••• • • • • • • • • DRAPER DOINGS • • • • • • .. • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • |