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Show THE JORDAN JOURNAL t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7/re BULt:S EYE 'E-ditor and f}eneral.ManagerWI 1.1;: ROOERS • • • The school childt·en went to the fair Friday and especially enjoyed the agricultural exhibit of the Jordan High School. • • • There has been frost at the U. S. Mine so the children went out to pick chokecherries Satu~day. Th?re will be a great deal ()f Jelly making this week. , • • • Supt. Walker and family, manager Hamilton and family ()f the U. S. Mine, took a trip up ~meri-can F()rk Canyon Sunday and enJoyed the beautiful scenery around the Alpine loop. • • • A machine man of the U. S. Mine had his leg badly hurt Sunday. Some {)re fell on him. ------~·--- , "" Another "Bull" Durham adver• tioement by Will Rqgers. Ziet<f'eld FoUies and screen star, and lead. ins American bum.orist. More coming. Watch for: theut. ~ Improving on History I just finished hearing a Politician, one of the Washington Boys, talk on Abraham Lincoln. The only thing I could picture in common between him and Lincoln was that they had both been in Washington. When a Politician aint talking about himself he is talking about Lincoln. Lincoln has had more Public men speak of his good qualities, and fewer copy any of them, than any man America ever produced. His famous address was only about two hundred words long. No Politician has ever been able to even copy his briefness. In fact that is the last one of his qualities that they would try to copy. Lincoln said more in those 200 words than has been said in the entire City of Washington in the last 10 years, and here is a quality that no historian or speaker has: ever brought out before. At the completion of the Gettysburg speech, he wisely refused one of Grant's Cigars, and borrowed a sack of "Bull" Durham from an Ex Southern private, rolled his own, got on his Mule and went back to Washington. ~ l?cr/~ P. S. There will be another piece here two weeks from now, Look for it. • "BuLL' Du H Guaranteed by ~~~~: 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City THALES OF MILETUS Founder of Greek Geometry Astronomy-Philosophy l This sage of anitquity Chief of the seven wise men, Looked far ·beyond the Ken Of his own time, And saw sublime Visions of the Days to be W()r1fuy-Hellas-.of thee. HERODOTUS He was born in Asia Minor, Traveled far in Persia Grep.t; And in Syria, Egypt, Greece Met the Rulers, Sages, Fate! Wrote of Thales, the Founder Of Phil()sophy at tha early, early t date; And the Seers of ancient days. Nine books he wrote That scholars praise, Bearing the Nine Muses names, And tihis man of note How the Great Past flames, With his Writings fine and free He, Father of History. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sharp visited Mrs. Sharp was formerly Miss Friday evening with Mr. Sharp's fa- Olive Swenson. ther, Mr. Charles Sharp of State • Street. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McDonald had • as their guests last week, Mrs. J. N. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Butler and Rock of Salt Lake and Mr. A. J. little son and Mr. W. A. Faulk of Wagstaff of Holliday. Paonia, Colorado were week-end • • • guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester F orMiss Blanch Sharp was a Salt Lake bush. visitor Sunday, guests of Mr .and M1."s. • Roy Kite and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mrs. Polly Procter of Union and Hanson. Mrs. Ellen Cahoon of Murray were • •• Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Beckstead of guests Monday of Mrs. Alice Rock. Mrs. Golda Soffe was a delegate • • • West Jordan visited Sunday with Mr. from Unity Club to the State FederaMr. and Mrs. D. W. McDonald had and M1·s. Maroni Thayne. tion of Womens Clubs held in Logan as theil· guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. • Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of Mr. and Mr.s. Joe Jacobson were P. F. McDonald of Salt Lake. • last week. the dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Rose Alexander was a Midvale • * • Mrs. Ivan Glover. visitor Sunday. Mrs. Jennie McDonald entertained •,• Saturday of last week at a Birthday Mrs. Daisy Swenson of Sandy was Dan Anderson and Junor Nelson party in honor of her little daughter a dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and visited the Fail' Friday of last week. Isabell's fifth birthd-ay. ·fen little Mrs. P. A. Swenson. &:uests enjoyed games and refreshMiss Violette Sharp assisted by her Mr. Elmer Olson left Thursday of sister, Mrs. Rose Walker g ave a ments. last week for a local hospital where Mr. Andrew Bradford and Blanch shower in honor of Olive Sharp a she will submit to an operation for Sharp visited Sunday evening with bride of last week. The g ame of appendicitis Miss Jessie Jolly of Salt Lake. hearts was the main feature of tho • • • Mr.s. M. J. Thomton visited Thurs- evening, prizes going to Miss Rosalie Mr. and Mrs. George Wall and little Olson and Mrs. Olive Sharp. Refresh~ day with Mrs. Rachel Forbush. son, Bert of Superior, Wyoming are ments were enjoyed by the f ollowing: • guests of Mrs. William Charles of Mrs. Ethel Sharp was a guest on Lygia Phillis and Fern Larson, Grace Union Avenue. Monday at the home of Mrs. Wm. Middleton, Hazel and Lavern Lun· berg, Esther Hedberg, Effie Johnson, Orton. That the old time fishermen and • • • Blanche Glover, Mrs. Golda Soffe, Mrs. Sarah Bennett was a guest May Swenson, Lulu Jacobson, Ma;ble hunters are devoting their time to Tuesday at a party in honor ?f M~·s. j Gustavison, . Mar~ie and Gertie For- the other sport that of horse racing, M. T. Goff at the wardhouse m M1d-~ bush, Beatrice Simper, Merla Green- which on S{)me occasions may not prove as lucrative. vale. • wood, Nellie Sharp, Rosalie Olson. U. S. MINE SCHOOL NOTES Fay Bl'OWn ...... Age 13 U. S. Mine Sch()Ol 8th Grade Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Swenson anMrs. Elsie Nelson, Terucher A new family moved up to the U. nounce the marriage of their daughS. Mine. They have one little girl' ter, Olive and Mr. Ruben Sharp, son who will start to school soon. of Mr. and M1·s. S. W. Sharp of State • * "' • StJ.ieet. The marriag1e taking place The children of the U. S. Mine September 29 in Salt Lake City. The school are taking up a collection of clothing to send to some needy fam- young couple are making their home in Sandy. ilies. in the valley. Age 13 8th Grade Carolyn Hay, Teacher Superintendent Jensen visited the South Jordan School Tuesday, September 29. We enjoyed his visit very much and will look forward to another visit from him. Principle Reeves of Harriman and Principal Griffiths of Lark with their teachers visited the South Jordan School Tuesday, September 29. They came as a complete surprise to us, hut we welcomed them. We tried to demonstrate our work just as it goes on every day. Laura Nielsen Sandy R. D. No 2 So. Jordan School • • • • • • • • • JHE West jordan Sugar Factory will begin slicing beets about October 1 5th. • • • • . .. . .. Those who desire employment are requested to call in person at the factory on Monday, October 12th, at 10 a.m. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ----- - -- ,.:J_ _ Utah-Idaho Sug r o. By C. M. MIDDLETON, Supt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~ ,..._ ~~ -~ - - .. . . ...~ .. THE MYSTERIOUS MAN A girl in a high school was answering the question set at a Scripture examination. She came to one whicl} said: "Write what you know about Elijah." 'Dhis was the result: 'Not much is known of this ho:ly man. He once wen for a cruise with a widow." OLD AGE PENSIONS Old age pensions and other forms of social insurance are brought before the attentions of state ~gisla tures continually. The only reason that old age pensoins are not paid in several states is that after enactment of measures authorising their payment, it was found that there must be constitutional amendment before such measures could have the efl'ect of law. There is much speculation or theorising as to how much should be paid, if oLd age pensions were granted. In Pennsylvania thru the eft~ts of the Loyal Order of Moose, a dollar a day was thought a popular sum during the enactment of the pension measure, but that was found to be invalid because of constitutional bars. A new pension act comeli into effect in Great Britain on January 4, 1926. It applies to all persons insured under th-e national health insurance act, as well as to some othel'S. Wives employed by their husbands, and husban<ls employed by their wives are barred from the benefits of the new act, The normal combined rates of contribution under both schemes the old health act, and the new pension act, will be for a man one shilling and six pence weekly, approximately 37 cents; and for a woman 27 cents. The employer pays one half, the employe the other half. Contributions of those who are not required by law to take the insurance but may do so, are from 22 to 37 cents per week. The benef~ts that ac<:rue consists of pensions for widows and orphans and two kinds of old age pensi{)ns. The widow of an insured man under 70 on January 4 next, will be entitled to $2.50 a week. Pensions for orphans are to be $1.87 for each child under 14 years. The principal features of the old age pensions contrihutory and non contributory, and payable regardless of sex, are that in some circumstances one will be issuable at the age of 65, and that on attaining 70 it will be contributed under the old original pension act. Do the people of the great U. S. A. realize the benefits ac<:rued? If so then why not get busy and alppoint to office the party who will look after our personal interests. EPAMINONDAS Famous Theban General, Statesman, Orator as well, At Montinea he fell • • • Founded Megalopolis bright; Victor of many a well fought fight. This brave Champion of the Right. THE FAITHFUL The Patriarches, And the Bishop&'And. the Pastors of the Flock Are teaching the Helhmes to seek The everlastin2' KingdomWhose doors l.;ove doth unlock. ARISTOPHANES Aristophanes, Bard o~ Humor Wise Socrates oft assailed; And at New Theorists, he ra1le<l And struck his blows, deftly and hard, A carnival of fun brought he This Hellene, King of Com~dy; He clung unto the Glorious Past And keen as light. the shafts he cast. MORES RES OF Utah Power & Light Company Cumulative Preferred StOck . ·ARE NOW FOR SALE This Stock pays dit~idends every 3 months, on January ht, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st. In a year the dividends amount to These Local Men are Directors of Utah Power &Light Cotnpany ~ H. S. AUERBACH Preaideot, Aaerbach Co....-y Salt Lake City, Utah A. P. BIGELOW nearly on your tnoney O.d.a State Buak Otden. Utah Preddent, L lL FARNSWORTH Chairmaa of Boud Walker Brothen, BaaJr.. . Salt Lab Oty, lJt:.k .· Utah Power & Light Company Preferred Stock is not a risky speculation or get-rich-quick scheme. It is a SAFE, DEPENDABLE, INVESTMENT. It is not an uncertainty; it is not a mere possibility. You will have no waiting for mines to be dug or wells drilled or factories built before you begin to get dividends. This stock has passed the acid..test of TIME. Here is a record that we are mighty proud of: Our stock has paid dividends REGULARLY AND PRO~LY, every three months, WITHOUT A BREAK, for OVER TWELVE AND A HALF YEARS! Supervision by The Public Sesvice Commissions of Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Colorado serves to protect the interests alike of Customers, lnTestors and the Company. We have oalv a limited number of ~~hare. ro.. nt.. Orden ue being filled, fi.rat come - 6nt w i"6CL Cut out and mail to order stock or for complete information ru;:;H-Pom"'i~roiiT-co.0 Buy your shares from any em· ploye of the Company-they areoew salesmen 0 0 0 (Mark X in 0 me.tinc your r*<Jnlremen•) I would W.e further information about your Prelened Stoc:k and the Company. I wi8h to subscribe for••_ ..•••. BharH your PC.Cerred Stock at price of $101.00 and accrued dividend per ehare. Sand bill to me ahowinJJ exact amount du•. I wiah to subscribe for.........•.. aharN yonc Prelerred Stadt on Rasy Payment Plan of $10 per ahare down and $10 per ahare per month until ttOl.OO and accraed dividend per ahara baa bien paid. PJ...e ahlp ..•.•...•.••aharH ;pour Prelerred Stock at $101.00 and accrued divid•nd per ahare with draft attached tluol:i&h Nam• of Your Bank I I I We maiatain a I Resale Dept. at I Merchao.t Richmond, Utllb. D.C. GREEN VU:e Pretfden.t and General ).fa••t•r Utah Power &. Lllht Compu.r Salt Lake City, Utah • LAFAYETIE HANCHETI Preaid.ent, Intermo~tain Elcaric: Co. Salt Lake City, Utah J.C. HOWARD PNII.doot, Utah 00 Rdioln• Co. Salt Lake Oty, 1..1tllb. C. E. LOOSE vte..Pre~ldent, Pro.o c-8lrrinp Baak. ' '*' • Prooro, Utah STEPHEN lL LOVE S.J. Wanaaer and DinoecNr Utalt.·ldaho Supr Compaay 8alt Lake ctty. Utah P.J.MORAN ------, PTefcned Stock D.pt., Salt Lake Clty, Utah J. W. FUNK oflicu /CYt tM benefit of local I stockholden who may wish to sell their .hares OUT Pneldeot, Moran Pa...U., 0.. Salt Lab cttv.Uall C. W. NIBLEY Prafdlnl Bbbop of w.o.m.oa Cit• cia Salt Lake City, Uab. . BULKELEY WEU.S ~.New EQgla...t BzploruioD. Co. Pralldut.t, We«ern Coaondo Powa C.. Telluride. CoJondo G. G. WRIGHT Geoaoal lhn 1 • Coaloltdated Wacon .. Machine OD. ldaho PaD., Jdabo • |