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Show .. THE JORDAN ....---\ ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW ,4 {VAT/ ON-W/0£ INSTITUTION - FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Sept.11 & 12 "Yakima Canutt" in "SELLEM' COWBOY" Also "Wolves of the North". and a comedy /NC. DEPARTMENT STORES Main St., Midvale, Utah 1~ An Investigation Worth Making! As customers who are familiar with our methols know our stocks do NOT include g-oods of other than thorough ly de*ndable and reliablle quality. Outstanding When, in June, 1909, Mr. Pen!'!~y. aft 1, , se:en y~ars and two months of arduous an :~ pfmstak}?g work, gave,over the man2.gemc n, o .our Mother Store · in Wyoming to a:o assistant whom he had ~rained to merchanche and sell .the Golden Rnle way, he complc.~(~ the ~uttmg of a pattern for efficient storekeepmg. _During all the years that have followed. this now world-fam ~d pattern has stood out as t~e supreme aLnievement in broad st::.1rc service to the public. . People have benefited to the extent of millwns of do!lars saved in the CO'-'t of the r . sites of life. ~ eqm· 1--~ Hub Theatre • A.. Service TL.a t JOURNAL SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY Sept. 13, 14 & 15 - Willi~m Accept nobody's claim in this respect but get the facts for yourself in your own way. In this manner you can determine the Store that deserves your patronage. m y; m ~ PI\ODVCTION I~ AGNES AYRES ANTONiO MORENO "Wif.h i A Romantic Comedy· drama filmed amid the y; York by the director of "Prodigal Daughters." ~ 0 z"t:l~ "'1 ~ C+-1=~ 0 ~ < ~ t:' ::r "'1 ~ SQZ !ii ~ !:fi - -·= i m ~ z ~ ~ ~ < N "''~o 0 ~ . SATURDAY ONLY, SEPT. 12TH .._ .._ rJ.)~ Should it be said by anyone that our low prices are possible because our goods are inferior to those priced higher elsewhere, investiga~te fol' yourself by making your own compansons. ~ fashion world of New f=ox fY"sV'ts ~~ ~1~!:fi!:fi!:fiy;!:fi!fi!:fi!Rfi!:fi!J;Y;!:fi!:fiYiY;!fi!liYi!fi!:FBif/~ '"0 ~...... ~C!I~ ~z :: ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ::r ~ y; ~ ::r (t MONDAY AND TUESDAY ::: ~ ..= = 0 This is the director that produced "THE IRON HORSE'~ WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY September 16th and 17th Edmund Lowe in "GREATER THAN THE CROWN" A Wonderful Picture ~--------,. <!o. oo f·ts! Boy! $5.90 1 For the Everything Complete at This Feature l:.ow Price of Every boy ln town from 7 to 17 years can • enjoy a head~to·foot outfit of" superior que.lity to withstand long, hard wear. All new Fall Styles. And the price means a BIG SAVING to every parent. .... 0 to $10.90 Suits Have Two Pairs of Knicker& --.=.. ~ ~ Contest Entry From • • U. S. Mine School • !· .. • The u. s. Campus is growing. Durmg the summer a number of hou10es have been built. They are nearly all occupied. * * * Fay Brown Age 13 LOST- A brown and black Airdale Bingham Canyon, Utah Grade 8 do g. Answers to the name of Tut. U. S. Mine School Mrs. Elsie Nelson He disappeared about four weeks Teacher. ago. Age two. If found please School started August 31, 1925 with phone Supt . Walker, U. S. Mine, an enrollment of twenty-three. Bingham Canyon, Utah. • * * The people of the U. S. Mine are pleased to have our efficient teacher ~!mo st time somebody officia-lly Mrs. Nelson back again this winter . Idemed the rumor that Darrow, Malone * * * Hays and the rest are organizing the The children of the U. • s. Mine are Societ~ of the Sons of the American very pleased over theit· new school Evolutwn. house. The young Chinese seems to be hos* * * tile to foreigners in their country. Our old school hou se has been Such base ingratitude, after the way turned into a First Aid Hospital fo r we've welcomed Chinese to this counthe U. S. Miners. Itry. - Suit-In seasonable colors and shades. Two pairs knickers. Cap--Well mad.e of suitings and can be had to match suit. Ei'- - Fo~-in·haod Tie--Neatly made in latest Fall shade. A compe!ling s tory that every animal lover will thrill to! A story to brmg tears to the eyes, sobs to the throat, and honor to a great horse! See the ~onderful animal's fig·ht with a mountain lion! Torn b~ the b1g upland cat, she swims the impassible "Devils Draw" m flobd water, and 'races thirty miles to save the man who shot the lion from her back! Yakima Canutt, the greatest horseman in the world· twice winner of the blue ribbon rodeos of the Real West is ~tarred with "Babe," his famous steed! ' Don't miss it! It's a picture you cannot for get! Belt-With fancy buckles. Some of leather, others same material as suits. Shirt or Blouse (you can select either) -Neat patterns and colors. Hose--Good, serviceable grade withstand boy!!' hard wear. I ~ IALWA!S A GOOD SHOW I • Here's Our Offering ~ WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ~o • Shoes-Excellent values. IN Only the 676-Store buying power of our Company makes this offering possible. By taking advantage of it you effect a big economy, and get an ex_kejlent outfit in one trip to the Store. tiAllDPINS YEIISEAIICI• 4) ,.c; See Our Window l)isplays! ~, ~; Mr. Charles Ohwiler and Mr. and/ · Mr. and M1~s. Bert Bateman, Mr. Mrs. Arthur Jensen and family mo- and Mrs. Kirk Hansen and family of p ll d r tored to Heber City Saturday to vi- Midvale were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M R rs. ay . owe . an . _1tt1~ . son, 1 sit relatives. George Goodrich Friday evening. * * * * • Dale of Stratton, M1ssoun 1s v1s1ting here fo~ several weeks. She is the Mrs. Alzina Tuttle spent ThuTsday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardner left guest of her mother, Mrs. Arminta : in Munay as guests of Mrs. Edna f.or Idaho Falls Thursday to visit Egbel·t. * * * Call. Miss Amelia Buckley of Provo relatives. v1siter her mother, Mrs. A. Tuttle "' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett and Friday. She left Saturday to attend Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bateman, baby Dona are visiting relatives at the Women's Convention at Logan. Noram, Nora and Ed1th spent Sunday Santaquin this week. * * * at Tooele. * .. * Miss Retta, Erma and G$-evive * • * Beatrice and Donald Bateman went Gardrer, Mr. Clyde and Howard GardMay Whittle of Murray spent Sunto Salt Lake M.onday to spend the ner left for a trip to California Monday as guests of Pearl Margetts. day with their grand parents, Mr. day. Mi::;s Erma and Retta will make • • • and Mrs. Thomas Elliott of St. An- their home in Los Angeles, California. A number of fr iends entertained at thony, Idaho. * * * a shower Monday evening at the * * * Mrs. Henry Egbert and Mrs. Clyde home of Miss Lola Hand of Sandy in Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Goats was dinhonor of Miss"! Wanda Bateman a ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. I'..acldon spent Friday in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. James Farmer and near bride. A color scheme of mellon Karlson of Midvale Saturday of last family of Bliss, Idaho visited with and white was carried out throughweek. • "' "' l\'Irs. Farmer's parents, M1·. and Mrs. out th~ house. Refreshments ware Beula Yates underwent an oper- Nordberg and other 1·elatives last served to twenty-five guests. • • * ation for the removal of her tonsils week. Miss Ebb a Nordberg left for Mr. E. M. Olsen and sons, Orland at the L. D. S. Hospital Tuesday. Richfield Satut·day wJtere she will and Howard spent the week-end at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elliott of St. teach school this winter. Logan and Smithfield visiting friends Anthony, Idaho visited Mr. and Mrs. • * * D. Leroy Bateman Sunday. Mrs. Harry Bird, Mrs. Ray Mc- and relatives. • * • Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bateman and Arthur and daughter, Alice McAJ:thur Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Christenfamily returned horne Friday after motorerl to Bountiful Sunday and son and family motored to Heber City visiting their son, Robert at Panquitch were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sunday of last week and visited with for ten days. Miss N orrna Bate.:man Pierce. 'l'he :\Esses Reta and Wanda Bate friends. carne home with them after spending • the summer there. Mrs. James A. man joined a party of friends and moMr. and Mrs. Earl Bateman and Batterr.an attended a party at River- tored to Becks hot springs Friday evdaughter, Leola visited with Mrs. ton Friday in honor of Mrs. Roland ening after which luncheon was enCharles Hogan Sunday and Monday. Page. _. joyed by twelve guests • y; I West Jordan I • !:fi I .. • • -~ -···· - :._.:. _:. . • ~..\\ t'M;'~·~ ....0 !:fi m i i BOOTH m MER c. c0•~ ::· • !:fi OUR BETTER GOODS A ~JCH BETTER WILLPNJ~:REST YOU !:fi !:fi M_E~~-ME BOOTH'S --------------- ~ !J! ~ A screaming poundingcycle Western an autumn gale! A crashing of bi.,. scenic effects-the dam explosion with tons !>f water ~uri~ ~pon a sleeping villag~ the rescue on the cl1gs-the w1thermg chase across the blazing bad-lands! With the handsome new Texan Bob Custer in a ::t wm ....., him to thon"nd~ • Of ~urse IRIS THEATRE "The Rouse of Quality" §S ~/l=tefi!fiYi!:fi!:fi!:fiYi!:fi!:fi!:fi~!:fi!:fiYi!:fiYiYi!:fiYi!:fiYi~l\~ |