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Show ,, • THE JORDAN $3.00 Wash Boilers ........................ $1.69 $4.50 Wash Boilers ........................ $2.39 One Lot Nails-Make Us An Offer One Lot Bolts And Washers-Make Us An Offer $3.00 Khaki Pants For Men ... $1.98 Kitchen Ware, Aluminum Ware, Granite \¥are, Tin Ware and Lots Of Crockery at the lowest prices in fifteen years, . .yet others are raising Men's WORK GLOVES, Leather Front and Backs ..... 29c ,. JOURNAL Sugar at ·3C Per Pound lOe Wash Rags .......................................... 5c 10e Snap Fasteners ............................. 5c 10c Hooks and Eyes ........................... 5c 1Oc Novelty Braids ............................. 5c 1Oc Steel .Pins ..................... .................... 5c 10c Bone Hair Pins ............................. 5c lOc Briand Per bolt ...........~................ 5c 10c Darning Cotton .......................... 5c lOc Hair Nets .......................................... 5c 5c Handke~chiefs, 2 for -~---········· 5c 5 Gallons of Gas at Sc per Gallon EACH PURCHASE OF $5.00 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE ENTITLES YOU TO A CHANCE OF BUYING SUGAR AND GAS AT ABOVE PRICES LIMIT~5 Gal. Gas-20 lb. Sugar BLANKETS $2.00 Blankets ...................................... 69c $3.50 Blankets ................................ $1.69 $5.00 Blankets ................... ............. $2.98 $8.00 Blankets ··················· ···"'········ $~.98 ~~~0B~~~~~T·s-·:No\v."iF ~~~ 75c Wash Boards ............................ 29c $1.25 Wash Boards ........................ '69c SHOES Hundreds Of Pairs Sold For Less Than· The Cost Of Half Soling · CAN $9.00 l\'Iotorcycle Tires .............. $4.95 Free with every genuine Goodyear Tire bought at this sale, we will give you a tube free. When you consider that we give you a casing that is new from the factory and priced lower than any other store in the valley you will realize what a bargain you ar~ getting. 30 by 31j2 casing for $8.25 $3.50 TUBE FREE • est argalns ears in2 u (D -. ~ (") (b Men's Rubber Boots, up to and including the ~5.00 grade ............ $3.69 Boys' Rubber Boots up to and including· the $4.50 grade go at 2.69 SOc Vinegar, pure malt, gal. ... 39c Salt Pork, per lb. ... ...................... 10c Lean Bacon, J>er lb.................... 19c 35c Grade Lemons, doz................ 19c 8c OH Sardines. 2 for ...................... 7c 20c N. B. C. Soda~. per lb............ 13c 20c N. B. C. Soda 3 lb. for .... 39c ::s ~ a..... 00 '1 en JELLO JIPF"Y JELL, Ice Cream Powder, AU go at 7 pkgs........ 50c p_. 6RING YOUR OWN CAN$ 5 Gallons 90c Motor Oil, Vico or Others, per gallon ....................... 59c 5 gallons to a customer 0~ BIGGER SAVINGS 500 Pair 1\'Ien, \Vomen, and Children SHOES at pair ..... 50c 200 Pair l\1en. Women and Children SHOES, at pair .. . 98c 300 Pair Men's Shoes and Oxfords, at pair .......... .. ...... $1.98 250 Pair l\r'Ien's S~koes aud Oxfords at pair .... ...... . ........ $2.98 100 Pair ftlen':s Shoes and Oxfords at pair .... . . . ..... $3.69 1\'Ien's $4.75 to $6 00 Rubber Boots, at 11air ..................... $3.69 Boys' ~3.30 ,ubber Boots pr $2.69 From 30 per cent to 70 per cent off on o.i~heg, hardware, harness, paint, glas~q etc. Lux Soap Flakes and Dish Cleaners 12 1-2 cent packages go three for 20c while the sale lasts Men's $1.00 Shirt ................................. 69c Men's $2.00 Shirt .......................... $1.37 Men's $5.00 Shirt .............................. $2.98 35c Towels ................................................... 19c 50c Towels ................................................... 39c $1.00 Towels .............. ............................ 69c 18c Crash Toweling ........ .................. 9c 25c Toweling .......................................... 19c 36 in. Romper Cloth .,...................... 23c Linen Toweling ...............................,. 17c ~ (I) All under 25 per cent to 75 per cent discount during this sale. 0I Cl • 0 WHITE KING WASHING POWDER SPECIAL White King and Peets Washing Powder sells everywhere at 55c per package. At this sale you get - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $2.20 worth for ................................. $1.60 Corn Starch ····························-·············· 7%c Shoe Polish ............................................. 7%c Macaroni ................. ,................................. 7%c Cocoanut ................................................... 7%c en ::r (I) $1.25 Union Suits .......................... 69c $2.00 to $2.50 Union Suits ...... $1.39 63c Black Knitted Bloomers ... 19c Tires, Boots, and everything in rubber goods advanced fifteen per cent lately on account of the · tariff · ' ~ :c c Men's fine athletic unions ......... 39c No. 3 Cans Pierces Pork & Beans ......................................................... 16c 20c Cans Tall Salmon, 7 for $1.00 M J B Coffee, per can .................. 49c 75c Mill Bastard Files .................. 49c $2.35 Hay Forks ........................... $1.69 Remington Shot Gun Shells, New Club, per box ........................ 69c I 0 ~ ~ (I) 0 0ll> '-< en 0 :r· ("0 ~ 00 PJ ..-.: 00 CJQ '-< 0 - ~ ....... 00 Only One Lot To A Customer LAUNDRY SOAP 10 Bars Kirks Flake White, One Bar Jap Rose, One Chopping Bag a II go f or ...................................................... 45c Two Bags' for ....................................... 89c TOILET SOAP Mission Belle, Maxine Elliot, and Creme Oil and others, 4 bars ...25c 8 Bars for ............................................... 47c . MIXED NAILS, All sizes. Handy to have around the house alway"' 4 pounds for ............................................ 25c Sell for 50c everywhere ~ ~2c ckgsDThedo ..... c::S ..... UN >.lt1I{V\r~AR Sold For Less Than Cost Of \VASH RAGS 25c GING .L\\IS ...................... 14c 15c G.&.NGZ1Ai,.-.S --········· ..................... 9c lOc GIL '"GH \1 iS .............................. 5c 6ne PJ.LLO\V 1 UBING ............... 49c 45c PILLO\V TUBING ........ 29c · Once Here You Will hate To Go ~~-~~~~~~;JbN.~------·-·.·_·_~·-··_· 50c 90c 65c 65c :~c · _·_·_·_ ·_ ·_·_· .·.·~- ~~~ SHEETING ...................... TICKING ... ... ........... ..... . .... TICKING ................................ BLACK SATEEN ............... ~~~ :~~~~ ~'~~~~~-· 2lc 59c 34c 39c :.·:. !:~ ~sA --~~----~~------~~--·_:-..~- -_-~- -_-_:-.:~·-· :. 69 ~ 15c Shirting .. ........ ........ .. .... . . . .. . 9c , 6 Epsom Salts, per lb........ ___ .......... lOc 40c Oil Cloth ....................................... 29c Men's $2.75 Union Suits, Beans, 14 lbs. for ·········· ...... .......... 95c 2$~c500~l(lothi.S···h····;···t································· 8189c . · h PI · C d S anne Ir s .. .. ..... .. .. c .. Heavy we1g t ... , ......................... $1.90 a1n ups an aucers ............ 9c F. F' Ladies' $2.60 Heavy Union Fancy Cups and Saucers ............ 15c ;lust Ifty Ladies Attending 'l'he. Suits ...................................................... $1.48 Best Grade Cups and Saucers 19c Sale, Fifty House Dresses ...... 25c Boys' Underwear 19c to 89c, $1.19 60c Vegetable Dishes, 3 for $1.00 Only 0 ne Dress To A Customer ~==================~JL~60~c~M~e~a~t~P~la~t~te~rs~,~3~f~or_____ ...._.....~$~1_.0_0~__ B_E_S_T_B_A_R_(_;A_I_N_S_I_N_2_'5_Y_E_~A~RS Boys' and Men's Gloves, all kinds .................................... 15c and up • ome I • UIC I 35th South 52 West, Salt Lake, Hunter, Utah |