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Show - THE JORDAN --..:= JOURNAL UNION for Grand county where she wilt teach .school in the settlement of Dewey. Mrs. Bessie Richards returned on Sunday evening from Downey, Idaho Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw announce where she has lived for some time. She expeets to make her home in ,the birth of a daughter, September 4. Union. • UR * • * * .. • • • Mr. A. W. Larson of Fh-tly, Idaho Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mackie and famvisited with friends and relatives here ily and Miss Vernie Gregory oi Ta;vlorsville were dinner guests ~unday the past week-end. of Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Gregory. * • * The Justamere Club enjoyed a Mrs. Marian Thompson of Provo water melon buts at McGhee's pa:-1:ure is spending two weeks with her par· in Butlerville, Tuesday evening. eBts, Mr. and Mrs. Da.vid Smat·t. • n1ng .. as a Big Success Our Only Proof is F llow the Crowds They are the judges Extra Specials Wednesdays . And Saturdays Of Each Week Did You Get YOUR Share of the Profits Distributed The Past W ~k H Not, Call Any Day-Save On Each PURCHASE . .. . • • * Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hartvigson of Miss Lucy Anderson is leaving in A.<lhton, Idaho were guests of Mr a few days for the East where she Hartvigson'e:; mother, Mrs. Mina Hal't- will attend the University of Vermont • • • vigson the past week-end. Mr. Lee Anderson arul son, _George • • Misses Myrle and Zelda G-Qff and are reported to be suffeting· 1 wtth Miss Myrtle Muss~r of Rupert, Idaho Typhoid fever. • were Sandy visitors Swtday and MonMrs. Emma Gr~nwood, Mrs. Jenday. nie Burgon and Anna Johnson mem· * * • bers of the Primary S~ake Board met Mr. Jack L. Smith and Mr. Lavell Webster enjoyed a pleasure tr:tp with the Bishopric Sunday and effu:t· ed the .keorganizati()n oi the Primaq through Cedar Park in Southern Utah Association of the Union Ward. Mrs. last week. Carrie Coomber, Ellie Berrett and AI· ~ mira Johnson were honorably re>!.. and MM. C. P. Mkkel""n and Mrs. Mamie Walker, AI· 0 as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs . leased mira Johnson and Katherine Denney .-1 George Whitman and daughter, Leah were called w take their place. '----i of Salt Lake. .. Put new life into the wooden shingles on your house before they start to dry out, curl and rot. A few dollars spent now on Barrett Shinglecoat will add years to their life. Barrett Shinglecoat stops the attacks of .the fungi which cause decay. It improves the appearance of wooden shingles -gives a rich brown effect which harmonizes with any color for trim, shutters and porch. • • SHINGLECOAT • • ~ ~ .. ~aO ~ •• * f Mr. and Mrs. W. Dewey had as their guest the past week-end, Mrs. A. Guyman of Huntington, mother of Mrs. Dewey. J,. . .. Our long experience with roofing specialties has convinced us of the value of Barrett Shinglecoat. Come in and let us tell you more about it. And if it's a question of roofs, ask us. We carry a Barrett Roofing for any type of building. II WEST JORDAN LUMBER COMPANY • Midvale, Utah Phone. Midvale 212 Mrs. G. Tu1·.pin ~as a guest of Mrs. ..,.. P. T. Bateman of West J()J:dan Thurstt:j day. ~ 0 A Few Prices For Comparison Rose Dale Chip Beef, 3 1-2 oz. cans ...... 19c Milk, Tall, all brands .............................. 3 for 29c Malt Syrup, one quart ....................................... 63c Karo Syrup, one gallon can ........................ 79c Oysters, Large size ................. ............................... 32c White King, Large size .................................... 49c Branzos, Large size ............................... ....... ....... 23c .. Act now and save your shingle roof! • ••• • • • Mrs. A. Stuart entertained at a ~ luncheOn Monday. The guests were: tr.j Mrs. A. E. Dailej· of Bingham, Mrs. L. L. Raddon, Mrs. W. Hughes, Mrs. C. Swenson, Mrs. Ann Marriott and Mrs. Niel Monaham. • • • Mrs. Andrew Mickelson and daughter, Mrs. Fern Nelson and Marrion of Shelley, Idaho were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geotge Goff the past weekend. • • • Complete Stock Of Groceries Priced Accordingly First Door West of Sandy City Bank . HELP-YOUR-SELF~TORE WANT ADS FOR RENT-5 room modern house on llaiJl·Street. Inquire Booth Mere. Co., Midvale. Replumbed and remodeled throughout. F.IRE INSURANOE-Dion't Delay. .flee H. C. Aylett, 320 N. Main. Tel. tl Mid'vale 86. FOR SAil 8 t room modern house. 172 First Avenue -16-2M • MOVING-Express, Hauling of · all kinlls. -Call Sam, Murray 140-J tlO FOR SALE-Tomatoes. 50 cents per bushel. Burton M. Oliver, Union, Utah. . 8-20-4t CLYDE L. RADDON T-.cher of the Violin. For particuars, phone, Midvale 86-J3 --8-27-4tl FOR RENT-Bept. 1. Five 1100m room Bungalow. Modern. Sleeping ' - - - - - 1 porca, 25 S. Holden St. Call K Cnsbing• Midvale 114o.W The !<'reach exercise tbelr talent for Icy even on the lllmplest and 'U&'eD.U Mr. and Mrs. C. Grant, Miss Lola, FO~ SALE-Barney Google Store at est utility clothes. and now that lain Mr. Carter and B-yron Grant attended M1dvale JUDCtion. Good Location. lt ashlo n approves elaboration they are the funeral services of Horace Grant iiiDV ALE HoTEL and Apartments. In tb elr element. Here Ia a crepe de of South Bountiful sunday. President Rooms $10.00 monthly a.nd up. chine blouse which Paris contributes for wear with tailored skirts or suits .Cle&JD aRd good service. and tb e desf&"Der has taken advantage ~T!wo Building Lots- of tbe vope for plaltlnp In 11dornlng 89-4th Avame, Midvale. lt. A rronp of plalu at each side and a troDt panel In the "shh'f-front" manHoME FOR SAI8 Strictly modern, ner, outllned by the platted crepe, are with good Garage. 84 LinCOiln St., clever detans. Lace medallions are Midw.Ie. Must movi) to Salt JAke. IJJ the panel and plaited eul'fs finish Make me an ofier, mia'ht consider tbe slee'fee In harmony wltb the renti~~g furnished. biOUie. . • • • ' All Kinds Of Printing LOST OR STOLEN-<:apital Bieyele, black frame; taken from front of Oo:&'s Market. Party who has it, lt .. please return to this offtce. sANDY SAYINGS· M embers of the Elite Club and partChicago plans a 39-sto~ building, nera e njoyed a Bal'beeue at the Out· the ~ropolie, with a convtmtion hlioli Side Inn, Friday night. Danci'~g and Hating 25,000; 21 stories of ofiiees; games were enjoyed. aDd 4,000 hotel rooms: the whole to Mrs. L. Sherwood ai Salt Lake en· cost $40,000,000. tertained the Bridge club. at her LOST-Key ring with five keys in home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were Midvale on Main Street, Tuesday. won b y: MM. L. E. Peterson and Mrs. Finder, return to Journal otrJCe. E. Beck. Dinner was served to six· teen g11ests. ''Coolidge diBCOunts coal panic .Mrs. 0. E. Bailey enteriained the eca.re," says a news item. Yes, and Aid Society at her home on Lad~ we aJ,I keep eooi with Coolidge State Street, Thursday afternoon at :aext -winter, too, for that very reason. their opening meeting for the season. " After the business hour, luncheon was American hearts fed Belgium, but served the loan to them that enabled them to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Badley of Cal· ~~ on fighting our enemy must be .if()rnia 'Paid back in full, by gosh. were guests of Mrs. S. A. Now that China has decided to keep Batem an, grandmother of Mrs. Badaliens, there shou.ld be a good open ley. hi&' for a Klan organization over Miss Ada Magnusson left Sunday SPEED DANCE SPUNTEX HOSE FRIDAY September 1 1 AT The Something Different. Free Candy for All P~enty Fun. Dance To The Paramount ... Dance Orehestra, the Best Dance Music in the Country • • • • • • We also carry a full line of Midvale Ball Room • • • m Cullen Candy Co.'s Big RcDzvous • • • mal Be there Show your Speed You'll Find Your Friends There Call Midvale 178 A full GUARANTEE goes with each pair. If you are not satisfied with them, we will give you a new pair. We have a line of ELECTRIC CURLING IRONS priced 69c pair. A close out on Boys' Hi-Kicks and Scout SHOES at Prices you never heard of before. One Lot High Kicks Sizes 9 - 2 ....................................... $1.35 Sizes 2 - 6 ....................................... $1.75 One Lot Scout Shoes Sizes 9 - 13 1-2 ........................ $1.45 Sizes 2 - 6 ..................... ·-·······-······· $1.95 All Others Below Cost Always The Best Buys In The State Of Utah in our Basement. SHOETERIA GROCERY DEPARTMENT THIS WEEK ONLY White King, Large ......-................ 46c Vinegar, Bilk, white or dark, per gallon ........................ 33c Tomatoes, Large, 2 for ............ 25c Regular Prices Sweet Corn .......................-................. 15c White Fawn Flour .................. $2.00 Comb Honey ....................................... 23c Sweet's Snow Flake Marshmellows, large cans ..... -..... 48c Booth Sardines ................................. 15c Tuna Fish, 2 for ............................. 45c Loose Potato Chips, lb 35c Reason" _''There's _ _A_ _ __._~-~~Yi!fiY?:r~COOPER'S Yi!RfiY;!RJ;Y;!Rfiy;y;Yi!fi!fi!liYi |