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Show • THE JORDAN JOURNAL. MIDVALE, UTAH / But the other merely smiled quietly. "1 admit It," he murmured. "Up to date they had scored a faint mea· sure of success-exagger ated, my friends, greatly exaggerated hy the papers. Tonight came the reckoning, which Incidentally is the reason why I am a little late. Tonlght"-he leaned fonvard lmpt·e:ssively-"t he leader or the gang himself honored me with a visit. And the leader will lead no 1 I I I I I •I 1 I• H I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 l• 1 MY FAVOR ITE STORIE S Free.,.,this Color Char t •: that tells how to decorate any room in the house for less than $1.00 I By IRVIN S. COBB more." Writetoday. Beforeyou spend a single penny for decorating, learn all about King Wall Finish-theremarkable wall finish that is making it easy for home "You killed him,'' snld the girl, I !I !111111111 111lll!l!II!l (Copy for ThiN DP-partment Supplled by tb• helping herself to champagne. American Leaton Newa Serv1ce.) 0 "I did," answered the count. "And (Copyrl~:ht.) owners to decorate. without the leader I think we can IgLow cost-easy to apply-the most at· The Reverend Had a Little nore the gan~." PLANNING TO MEET color combinations-a nd the last tractive "That's all right uq fur us It goes," Lamb! word in sanitation. Those are the things you 1927 IN PARIS IN said the Heverend Theodosius In a get when you decorate with KINO WALL The pastor of a colored church in slig-htly mollifiPd tone, "But have you FINISH. Isn't it worth investigation? was haled before the Holding of the proposed national Tennes!'ee covered all your trncl's? In this coun· board of deacPns on ~erious charges. Write today for name of nearest dealer try the pollee get peevish over HlUr· convention of the Am~rican Legion In married although that FREE Color Chart, ahowini 19 beautiallt>ged and was It Paris, France, in H)27 was brought der.'' A Sequel to Bulldog Drummond. colors to choose from. ful of act the in caught been had he The count gave a sclf·satlslled several e.teps nearer reality, It was Ina comely· female member T"!E ClllCAGO WHITE LEAD &. on. CO. dlcated at national headquarters o! embracing smile. :tAPPER 15th St.. and S. Wcote-rnA.,e.,Chicaao,Ill.. the vestry in tion, congregu the of • "Xot only that," he remarked, "but the Legion at Indianapolis, /ollowing w. N. u. .J>Qri//(?e aphim against evidence The room. the I have made it appear as if he had Important recent developments in peared to be conclusive. Three preListen, my friend~. mutter. kiliNI himself. diamonds.'' precious stones. These are sumu bly unbiased witnesses testified The Trunk Line Passenger assocla;!ive you a brief stalerut>nt will r lot," ancl a worth be must they "But to the fatt. THE CLERGYMAN said Phyllis, picking up the pin!' one. of the events of the pa~t few days. tion bas ofTered to grunt to all LeThe arcu;o;ed was asked whether he round-trip ticket from a 5tonnaires leader the that out found dazedly. surldenly I Toby said lot,'' a "Worth of SYNOPSIS.-To a gathering had anything to say in his own deWorth a lot! Why, !'.1rs. Hugh, they of this gang had discovered my head- any point In America to the port o! fense. He answered at length and anarchist" In Barking, London suburb, Zaboleff, foreign agitaare literally wort!, untold gold in the quarters In IIoxton. I was actually embarkation to::: a one-way fare. John with eloquence. lle led oft by point· tor, tells of the operations of a t·ight market. They are absolutely tal king to Lutter in my office at the J. Wicker, Jr., of Richmond, Va., ing out tliUt the word "pastor" was body of men who have become a priceless. I've never even thougllt of time. when I heard outside the call chairman o! the France convention a Latin word meaning "shepherd." He menace to their activities. such stones. Th&t one that you're of an owl. Now from the lnforma- travel committee, predicts that other Therefore, he properly was a !<hepsays tl.tey arc masked and wear acting are and long black cloaks holding in your hand would be worth tion I hod received, that wns Ute ral- railroad associations will follow suit. Salt I .ake City, Utah hPrd. IIe also culled the attention He Is Interwithout the law. been rece!·•ed tnve Assurances pounds, dashed I million a and of gang, quarter their a of call over lying of the court to the fact that in picrupted by the men he Is describSure enou~h. through diplomatic channels that the tures Hnd paintings and more freif you could get the right buyer." Into the passage. ing (the Black Gang), who t.reak up the meeting, sentencing some l''or a moment no oue spoke; then standing by the door at the end was French government will welcome quently in stnined-gln:;;s memorial In Other Respects of the partlclpan ts to condign Wireless Motion Pictures laughed cheerily. Hugh a hu;;e man covered from head to Legionnaires with •lncere pleasure, wimlows the Master UlmRelf was punishment and carrying away A lawyer In a New York breach-ofMotion pictures of a windmill in ac· "Bang- goes next month's dresq al- foot in blaek. Whethe1· It was bravado Mr. Wicker has reported. Word bas shown as a shepherd carrying a A n1en1orandum found others. t1on are said to have been projected. promise suit declares that certain lo\vance, old thing!" He swept them t.hut m~rl:. him ;;lve the.cry, ?r whet come from ofiicials of Paris post o! lamb. on Zaboleff gives an address In with the aid of radio, on a screen five part~ of his opponent's aruwer are Hoxton, which thu lellder of the all into the bag, ant.l stood UJl. I'm 1 r it.\\ .t.s .1 rus~ to enable hun to see the Legion that the people and omnatuIt contended, he thPn, !\ow Imof atta<·klng party considet·s layil"g even mont•y that the botnb- lite, IS unmatennl now. :\.s I !'H\- l clals of the city of PariR will co-op- rally followed that when he, as the roUes away. The inventor, Mr. Fran· ·'repetitious, Irrelevant, unnecessary, portance. Sir Bryan Johnstone, thrower Is coughing some and I hen he. Is dent!. But-a~d this IS the po~nt 1 erute to make the gathering a success. sllephet·d. took a member of his fiock cis Jenkins, predicts that his appa- imrer· inent, Improper anrl scan<ialdirector of criminal In vestlga9'>7 ratus wlll be sufficiently refined In a :m~." OtherwL«e \Ve believe he thought b t Tll e 1as t wee' again over his bread·and·milk. 'fhis - 1t nuHle me dPclde that the othce tlun, hears from ln<pector Mc1 1n ,. .:~ep em er, 1 - , in hh arms, he merely was carrying Iver, sent to arrest Z3.boleff the would year's time to make wireless motion they were all rlght.-Arkansa.s Thomwas, it conYenit>nt though hag must have been in the desk." !lis there. has been recommended by the commit- out the scriptural example. ~·. t . night before, of his discomfiture. 1 practical for commercial Ufie. as Cat piclures "llow la \ e to •e , l \ en up. shoultlel':l begun to shake. tee as the be~t time for holding the In the minds of the dPacons there lie had been seized and chlorofrightfully funny!" Final decision in the seemed to he no way of controvertformed and his raid frustrated. "I was completing the final sorting convention. Hugh Drummond, man of leisure, the national conven- ing these arguments. with rests matter out of my papers with my secretary, Accorciln_gly tells Johnstone or seeing the kidLt>gion. the of body governing the tlon, ! VI my on disc. CHAPTER "~arning electric the when and session Pxeeutive into went 1ltPy napers and their victims. He beAt the meeting at which Mr. Wicker drt>w up resolutions exonerating the Permanent desk glow •d red. :t-;ow, the oft1ce was comes an unpaid agent of the \Vllllam e:recunational the pollee, unf!er Mciver. to report his made 1 t~ll\t meant light red the and emvty, proviso. are a a roads added they nut prPacher. In Which There Is a Stormy Atkinson, ostensibly pawnbroker door outs1de. tive committee, Garland \V. Powell, the ,opened. hod sotneone docuthe of clause concluding The good investment and mon~v lend~r. really Count Supper Party at the Ritz I lteard nothing, wluch only made it director of the National Americanism ment, as read by the senior deacon Zadowa, director of anarchy In an upenst --not It was just about the time that all the more sm;plcious. So between co=lssion of the Le~lon, presented England, does business In anbefore the congregation on the folA mysGinger Martin's wife became, all un- us we gathered up e\·.ery important his resignation. Mr. Powell, who be- lowing Run day nig-ht, ran as follows: other London suburb. stranger Invades the terious consciously, a widow that the sittin~ paper, switched oil' all hghts and went came assistant director 'in 1921 and "And he it finally resolvt>d dat In Drummond attempts premises. suite private certain a of bell room camin lead the took 1922 In director Then door. secret out th:ough the future, ef our beloyed paEtor should to burglarize the premises to get in the lUtz was run~. The occ.-u· we watte1l" evidence. While so engaged, with polgns for employment of vaterans in .feel de desire stealin' over him to · two companions, a bomb Is hurled pants of the room were two in numHe turned to the clergyman, who 1921, for restricted Immigration, for tek one of de lambs of de !lock in The e:<:plosion kills at them. and a woman-and they sat .motionless save for . a ceaseless tetter education In all Its phases, tor hls arms, dat he shall tek a ram man ber-a "Ginger :.Iartln," expert burglar. had arrived only that morning from tappmg of his left knee w1th his hand. Americanization work, against Ullter- lamb!" Drummond and his friend escap,, the Continent. The man, whose sigtaking with them a bag they • ''As you know, monsieur," he pro- acy, against revolutionary radicalism find on the floor. nature In the register announced him eeeded, "there is an opening In that and extreme pacifism. He conducted The Least of His Worries to be the Reverend Theodosius Long- door through which one can see Into the American education weeks and the Down In southern Alabama a person moor-looked a splendid specimen or the room. And through that opening Legion's national essay contests. 5,000,COO f"'! America's 18,000,000 motor vehicolor was fetched Into court to be of CHAPTER V-Continue d the right sort of clergyman. Tall, I watched developments. t .. p owe1,.., w h ose h orne 1s a \JuwAfter a J.ur. . 1 . cles are recognized as an economic necessity on broad·shouldered , with a pair of wlule a torch was sw1tched ~n at the berland, Md., and who was a captain arraigm·d for his preliminary bearing -9murder. wilful of charge a on mass great a and the farm. "'Well, there, old lion, at the mo- shrewd, kindly eyes further tloor, and I. heard vo1ces. And p11 o t 1n th e A meri can av 1a ti on f orces, "!\lose Tupper," said the judge, con· th lth d tlfi llJlent you have me beat," conceded of snow-white hair, he was the type then the man holding the torch came id b t d Is your car giving the full efficiency of which e res1gne o ecome en e w H · .1 · templatlng the prisoner over his spec· t ra tl on o.4 Hugh. "I sort of ll,!;ured 1t out this of man who attracted attention whPre- cautwus e was turning It Into organ 1za tl on an d a d m 1n1s y m. capable--and at the lowest cost per mile is it tacles, "you are accused here of one it l · 1 M Wll way. Whoever the bird Is who l.Jun~ed ever he went, and in whatever society every corner, but fi nally he focused W d possible? emona nn vers y son oo. ~ow of the most serious crimes known to that bomb, he recognized me as being he found himself. A faint twang in it on my desk. I heard him speak to hua of taking the our law!s-to wit, Not if you ate jolting over bumps and ruts. the leurler of our little bunch. I mean his speech betrayed his nationality, one of Ills companions, who came Into at 'a dosta, Ga. of man life. Are you properly representfaculty the of Cross, Clay Frank pick to started and light of beam the it. of secret no made he indeecl, nnd, through at staring was he it was me Not if you get stuck in the mud. Mines at Gold- ed by counsel?'' the door, with eyes bubbling over with He was an American, born and bred, the lock. And It was then that I the Colorado School of :Mr. Powell. He In addition to the time you thus lose along the "No, suh," said the darky cheerfully. tenderness and love. It was me that who hac! bt>en seeing first hand for switched on every light, and closed en, Colo., succeeded nationally the fame through way, you also pay from one to four cents a mUe "Well, have you talked to any one bally bomb was intended for-not himRelf some of the dreadful horrors the other door e!('ctri<"ally. They were achieved Denln school" "opportUnity known more in gasoline, tire and repair bills than you -GingN ~.Iartin, though he was uctunl- of the famine which was ravaging caught-raught like rats in n trap." ver. He was chairman of 'the Ameri- about your defense since your arrest?'' shootin' tie 'bout shcruff de told "I Europe. Central would pay on permanendy paved highways. The hunehback paused dramatical:J.y doing the work. And if this cove me bring to cabin my to come he dangh· when his gone had him with And 'is prepurl'd to wrec·k his own office ly, and drainet.l hls champagne. If he ~~n~~~or~~~~~;~:g ~itet~~fl~ei:;;~~~! Think, too, how many so-called improved heah," said the prisoner, "but tha's just to get me out of the way-! ter Janet-that faithful, constant was expecting any laudatory remarks served overseas for 14 months. roads have gone to pieces within the past few all.'' gue•s I mu~t be somewhat unpopular.'' companion of his, who since her moth- on the pnrt of his audience he was proadequate meetlnJt At the same years, thereby piling up huge maintenance a..11d "And have you taken no steps what"The reasoning Reems extraordi- t>r's death hac! never left him. She diRnppointed. Jleyerent.l vision In the federal budget for mainthe But lawyer?" a engage to eTPr rebuilding costs. was a good-looking girl, too--though Theotlo ius ant! his little .Janet ml~ht narily profound," murmured I'eter. fixed 5-5-3 of ratio naval the tain!ng got ain't "I Mo~e. said suh," "No, point i~-doN; he perhaps unkind people ntl;:ht haYe have been earved out of marhle, Rave "l "ow the k,'Teat Contrast all this with the record of Ccncrete had re<'ed· for that eenseless tapping by the man by the Washington conference was no monfly to be wastin' on lawyers. know who I Hill?" continued Hugh. ~;ui(l girlhood's happy days roads that have repair built out and Roads-the the past. Thirty, of his left knee. in fact, had Count urged. ProYislon <for the proper de- ncy tell me IawJ't>rs Is mighty costive.'' •·our great dlfiiculty before Zabolefr ell somewhat into maintenance built in. Firm, rigid and unyielding, "If you have no fun1ls," insisted the gh her Zaclowu beetf\tess pleased with him- fenRe of the Hnwallun Islands by l'ortlwas kind enough to pre;o;ent us with per imps -e\·en thirty-the--thou free of bumps, ruts, holes, mud and dust, they always alluded to her as "lly ~elf nud leRs sure of the effPct he fylng them and improving Pearl Har- j\Jdge, "It lies within the power of the the a<l!lress of their headquarters was father 4,000 of increase an for also and bor are, in every way, the most economical roads. court to appoint an attorney to reprewas about to cause he might have had to get in touch ,,·ith the man nt the little girl." There was something very sweet and a premonition of coming danger. Thera In the enlisted per~onnel of the navy sent you without expense on your Tell your highway officials you want more top. And now the headquarter:> are his was something almost tPrrifylng In the 1 was r~commPnded by the na;al affairs part." relationship; their ahout touching ofRoads. Such an investment will pay on in work Concrete no more. No man (•an be hotherin' yo'se'!, loving hig clergymnn's immobility. . ~~mtmt~ee of the Legion, ended by needn't simple, her ''You and her in pricle fallingfice with periodicnl bowlders you big dividends year after year. E. E. l:;patford of New York. t d th .. Undoubtedly a t 1 jeclge,'' answered Mo!<e. "I 'I adoration for dad. on his head from the roof. nnd a large a re ort submitted b Reed G. In e e repea trap, a n s ru 'e ,) "Well, what do you propose to do couple, had been the verdict hunchback gloatingly. "Two men J Y p . • bole in the wall just behind him. I charming Let us give you all the factubout Cone~ Roads, including the aeronautics the for Chkago of Land1q k RO d. k 't acquaintances"I" this case1" demanded his honor. chance nbout of their now ·now, an -we 11 , you " un mean there's no privacy about it. of other commnniri"" Ask for our free booklec, R -3. experience simple, so fresh, so unassuming in who the other was. True he had his t'ommlttee and adopted by the execu- "You must be properly defended-the And so--unless he knows me--he these days of complexity and double- mask on by way of disguise, but I tlve committee, support was pledged law so provides.'' won't be able to carry on the good Postmaster General Harry S. New ".Tedgt>," said Mose. "ez fur ez l'se dealing. '1, 1ta t 11uge to hi f t d recogn 1ze d hi m ba t once. work when he finds that neither of 1 to con t ra C' t f or concerned you kin jest let de matter 1 usn re P or rep s n . i k t Janpt fl 't ld little his . because dinner, After e m 1s a en- t \1. us a 1rp 1nne rna u serv1ce b e t ween th e 1gm e cou n my hoots has reached the top of St. 111 West Washington Street drap !" was tired, the Reverend Theodosius f t Ile B l ack G ang him0 with Paul's. \Ve shall be parted againAmerica South and States United leader the CHICAGO and his daughter remained In their self." which Is dreadful to think of. Why, any company financed by foreign caplsuite. Borrowed Plumage we might even pass one another In the A National Organization "And what did you do, Zadow a? tal or otncered hy subjects of foreign And for two hours unt!l he got up once In so often I hear one About and street us com pi ete strangers.'' financing are Germans countries. all or one of dispose you and Extend the Uses of Concrete dlo.l How Impro-re to and rang the bell, the Reverend Theo"I get you," said Peter. "And you doslus was engrossed in work; while those men so that no suspicion Is like- operating a concern which has been which has the dou!)le merit of being 1 I personally Officea In 30 Citiu attempting to obtain such a contrac~ good and being true. don't know hlm." his little Janet, lying on the sofa. dis- ly to rest on you?" olfer· the of authenticity the for The hunchback rubbed his hands to- between Key West, Fla., and South vouch "Not well enou;!h to call him Bertie. played considerably more leg than one America, according to information laid ing which follows: There's a humpbacked blighter up would have expected a vicar's daug-h-, ~ether gleefully. I know a Kentucky lawyer, a br!l· there who calls himself a count, and ter even to possess. And oc<'nsional "By an act which, I think you will tefore the committee. llant man, who outgrew the small town on whom I focused the old optic for gurgles of laughter seemed to prove agree, Is \'ery nearly wortky of your· Not Necessary Not Far Away where he was reared and where he beabout two seconds the other evening. that Guy de Maupassant appeals to self, monsieur. To shoot was lmpos· An gan the practice of his profession. Mother-" I'll teach you to steal'cooll:• "Ar!' foodstuffs allowed In the But whether he's the humorist who a more catholic audience than he s!ble--becouse I am not sufficiently Chi<'ago to go to him to came Foe otrer Former Honored In the pnntry." Willie--"Xo, Q! 't. I~ a or deliver lot we "\Veil, malls?" xpert with a revolver to be sure of bunged the homh or not is a different would have suspected. lumbig a for attorney the become and I know how already.'' tnother! postman. the answered mush," For the first time In the hlsmatter." He !!;lanced up as the door She was knitting decorously when kllllng them. No--nothing so ot•dinary famhis taking went, He concern. ber tocy of the country, it Is beopened. "What is it, Denny?" the walter came ln, and her father as that. They saw me watching them: Ily with him. That which Is C'alled ftrmne~s In a I haY!' heen too much ocC'upled with one said Hugh,' eyes, hls see can 'I l!eved, American Legionnaires "I found this bag, sir, in the pocket ordered a llttle supper to be sent t1p. but comfortably ll'l'ed had he Always is called obstinacy in a donkey.king of. either think to themselves things recently burled with full miliof the coat you were wearing tonight." "Some chicken, please, and a little of them to the leader, and I remembefittin~t their beginning or their end.-Gilethe. Lord Erskine. was as fashion ! simple a In tary honors a German soldier His servant came into the room car· foie gras. I am expecting a friend bered suddenly that In the passage not felt he But environment. original his who fought against them in rying the chamois leather bug, which very soon-so lay for three. Some far from where l stood were half a the position he now occupied called for monsieur?" It, is What bombsdozen 1918 on the battlefields of be handed to Drummond. Perrier Jouet '04 champagne--yes . more display than fonuerly. So ll..e He pausPd in alarm at the look on I,'rance. This took place at The door closed hehind him, and wlll do. I'm afraid I don't know much rented a large house and Installed a Fairmont, Minn. M:llltary rites, Hugh stared thoughtfully at the bag about wl)le. And a little Vichy water the clergyman's face as he slowly rose. stuff of servant:;, inc! uding n colored a firing squad ant! taps were in his hand. for my daughter." butler. On his first day of senice the accorded to Irvin Hoffman, who The waiter withdre\Y. "l'd forgotten about this. Saw it butler came to his new master for ingentlereverend the Evidently was drafted by the kaiser in a?" Zadow expect "What time do you lying on the tlonr, just before we struction~. man Is quite wrought up over 1918 when he was attending Janet asked. hopped it. Hullo! it's sealed." "Mister Blank," be asked in ]!is most something. What's going to hapschool at the age of fourteen. "He should have heen here by now. "l,'or goodnP. s' sake be careful, butlertled manner, "does you desire me pen? Tuberculosis resulting from priboy!" cr!Pd l'hyllls. ''It may be an- I don't know why he's lntc." to wear my full dress suit eYer' night_ wounds shrapnel nn!l vations afternoon?" this him see you "Did other bomh.'' at dinner?" caused Hoffman to come to this ". ·o. I was down at the o1lice, but Hugh laughed ami ripped open the "\Vel!, no,'' said the Kentuckian. "on (TO BE COXTINUED.) He ago. months !'Orne country while." short a for only in wi<!Pnprl slowly nights when we have company l'd likE' bag; then his eye~ twenty-one. of age the at died door the out;:oide voi<·es of ~ound 'l'he for you to lend it to mo>." amazement us h•~ saw the contents. Variation in Story "Any man who gave his life "GrPilt ~cott !" he cried. "What the <'auserl Janet to resume her knitting, Leon Bloy, to whose memory a for his country, no matter what anrl the next monll'nt Count .7.adowa devil hu ve we got here?" Neither Here Nor There France, in erected heen has monument co?.Jntry, Is entitled to the appreciable an For announced. was He emptied the bag out on to the Two French Canadians were travOne tr1hute accorded a soldier," detable, and for a moment Ol' two th~ time after the waiter had withdrawn was a deep student of Ingratitude. eling down a Quehec river in a houseclared 0. M. Merry, Fairmont others !ltared ~!lently at half a t.lozen he stood staring at them: then a day a lady usked him if the children I.Joat. One of them knew the river of this era were usually Ingrate. "Yes, post commander, who arranged objects that flashed anol glittered with smile crossed his face. MOTHER: - Fletcher's ~ and the 1•ther did not. "l\Iagn!ficent," he murmured. "Su- madame. Allow me to tell you a story, ~ the mllltary funeral. a thousand fires. Fin> of them wet·e a on night the for anchoPed '!'hey wantwho villager young a was. There \Veil you. felieitate ·I • white; hut the sixth-appreciab ly perb. llludarue, Castoria is especially prewho ~~~~ har. During the night the river rose larger than the others, and they wcrP though I !mow ~·our powers, this time ed to leave the parental root, and pared to relieve Infants in and o long toward daylight the craft dividing up the size of \\alnuts-was a wonderful you have excelled your!>elf. I have pestered his father into went adrift. Three hours later the • the romily llve stock and giving him To Plan lor Convention arms and Children ali ages the most wonderful news for you." rose pink. trave!Prs. the of one awoke motion Instory,'' that know "I share--" his Reverend '.l'heodosius hit the end A.. H. Rlcll'Rrdsnn, presidl'nt of a of Constipation, Flatulency, "What on earth are they? LumpR terrupted the lady. "It Is the parable prominent oil company in "'ehraska, Is He poked hls hPad out of the door. visitor his st sta1·ed and cigar a off of glass?" \Vind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness ansmg there-' Pl'odigal Son. St~bsequently he the new general chairman of the com- An entire!~· strange section of scenery With a hand that shook a little, with eyes from which every trace of of the returned, rt>pentunt, to his father's 1 mittee planning for thP Hl~;; nntlonul was passing. from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the Toby Slndair picked one of them 1111 kindliness had vanished. yelled. he Baptiste!" ! "In "Baptiste rlloy. said madame.'' "No, "It's ahout time you did have some home!" convention o! the AnH'rican Irt'~ion to assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. ana examined lt. "Get up! \Ve ain't here no more.'' pigs that return.'' the Is it story my snapped. he 7-adow:t,'' news, !l to good fi October Omaha, In held be No, you fellows," he muttered, "No, by gar!" said his companion "Anything more d-d disgraceful than Rlcha·rdson was dto><l'n to ~ncc'N'tl thr "'tbey're diamonds!" Japat In higher To avoid imitations, always look fol" the signature of Is rate after a quick glance at the surruundThe birth the way you've let this so·culled late Everett Bucl:,t.;;llaw :\l :1 l'u·e "Rot!" cried Hugh incredulously. which trom in than In any other country ings-''we are twelve mile Absolute!~- llarmless -~ Opiates, P!!¥sicians everywhe:e recommend ~ ....tlnl: ot the conTentlfll! •o•Hm'. • "They're cliamondH," repeated Toby. Black Gang do you In, I've aever vital statistics are kept. here!" ..1 happen to know somethln~ about heacd of." BYCY/ll l )fcAf£11£ Wall Fin Salt Lake Glass & Paint Co. h-I I I Bo-w- Much Are Poor Road s Cost· ng You? I I • • • PORTLAN D CEMENT ASSOCIA TION CHI LOREN CRY FOR i ~ |