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Show t I ' THEJORDANJOURNAL,MIDVALE,UTAH ~---- K, RUN-DOWN II 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H I 1 I 1 I I• I f I t I I I I I •H I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I +H I• I• I I I t I I I I t I I I I I !• were trying to k1ll each other with all the !>trength there was In them. "You d-d dirty thlefl" grlttetl Bossick, "If the law won't get you I'll tak@ a hand !" He was a heavy man stocky and square with tremendous thews but the other .:Vas the wiry trpe and ~ounger Lee Suffered From All so tbat ttey were ~ot so uneven!; These Troubles, but Lydia E. matched, and It bade fair to be a llvely affray. Pinkham's Vegetable Com· But Big Basford, temper flaming as { pound Made Her WeD usual, pulled his gun from the holster and flung it down in line. Copyrl~ht by the Mcc .. n Company WNV Service. Terre Haute. Indiana.- "I was weak "Roll over, Sud I" he shouted, "I'll and run-down and in such a nervous conI I I I I I I I I I I I l I 1 I I I I 1 +++ I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 1 1> a I I I £ I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I l 1! fix him 1" ~.....,--__.-..,...dition that I could CHAPTER XV-Continued store at Cordova, beard something un- shy carcasses could lighten the load. hardly do my work. Provine endeavored to roll away -14to'j'ard. It was a rapping that seemed And so It was that presently she from Bossick, but the rancher held him, I was tired all the pounding him the wlli"le with all the time and dizzy, had .And right then, when there was t o come f rom tb e tl oor of the porch fell to laughing In her old light-heart· no appetite and could most need, the good bay who had outside-an odd, irregular stroke, lUI ed way, sitting ba<'k on her heels on fury of outraged right, and the blue not sleep. I tried • gun-muzzle ,·n Ba,.fortl's hand traveled him so long and faithfully, be- If th e h an d th at ma d e it was uncer- the clean white floor and rolling the different medicines served trayed him. tatn. child this way and that. with their convolutions, seeking a for a year but they chance to kill his man. H e rose, d rew on hl s pants and He threw up his bead, flung around did not help me. Screams of delight from Sonny ponetoward the strange horses he was hooking his suspenders over his shoul- tuated the strol,es of his bare feet as Then my husband The huge unkempt body leaned down saw the ad. tor Lydia leaving, and neighed-a sharp, shrill ders as he went, opened the front he kicked in the hysterical ecstasy of from its saddle, the red eyes glittered E. Pinkham's Vege- sound that carried up the slope like door. Nance's fingers "creepmous"-ing up bls and that traveling muzzle stretched table Compound in a bugle. A bay horse, gaunt and bedraggled, little ribs. closer to the men on the ground. It the newspapers and At the mouth o:t the Flange Big Bas- stood at the porch's shoulder-high They did not see Bud standing in looked like <:ertain death for Bossick, bad me take it. I re~ained my strength edge, and hanging half out of Its sad- the door, so absorbed In their game when there came the sudden crack of a and never felt better m my life. ·It com- ford stopped. His own mount answered. pletely restored me to health. I had die, held only by the riglrt spur still were they, until he moved and his gun from the doorway, and the weapon practically no suffering when. my baby Once more came that challenge caught in the hair cinch and one arm shadow fell across them. dropped from Basford's broken hand. boy was born and he is very strong and from below and Sud Provine came around the pommel, was the sheriff. Nance turned her laughing face up The horse he was riding screamed and healthy. I know that the Vegetable back out of the bidden passage on the His ghastly face was red with blood to him-and stared with the laughter reared with a retl ribbon spurting from Compound is the best medicine a woman jump. from the long wound which had split set upon it. its breast where the glancing ball had can take before and after childbirth for "G-d d-n 1" he shouted, "that ain't his scalp from just above the left ear health and strength. I would be willing The boy was white as milk, his eyes seared lt. Boys-we're across the temple to the end o! the black with terrible portent. to answer letters from women asking a Sky Line horse! "I'm sorry to hurt th~ horse," said about the V Elgetable Compound. " caught! Come quick!'' eyebrow. "Bud," she cried, "what's up? Smith the prospector, watching the Mrs. WM. J. LEE, Route E, Box 648, Selwood, far down the trail, knew The trader leaped forward, jumped What-" group with narrow dark eyes abo,·e the Terre Haute, Indiana. with a surge of rage that the game to the ground and caught him in his '"l'he rustlers were out la~t night," !>t•ady barrel, "but I'm not so par· Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- was up and that he was In for lt. He arms. he said slowly with a fitrung~ hesita- particular with assassins. We'll see pound is a dependable medicme for all knew In the same second. however, "My good G-d, Price!" he cried, tlon-"I met Old Man Conlan going fair play." these troubles. that his own horse was fresh, while "say you ain't dead! You ain't bad down to Cordova-a man was shotAnd they did see fair play, a tense For sale by druggists everywhere. those others from Sky Line were not. hurt-Oh, my G-d 1" they think it is-the prospector·- and silent gathering, the Sky Line men He had a fair !>tart and meant to Selwood looked at him wit>h eyes Smith." sitting their hor,es on the one sitle, 1 make the most of it. that seemed dull as ashes. For a moment Nauce sat stlll on McKane, Smith, the bearded man from And he knew hi~ horse. "-solved-myst ery-" he said thick- her beet;, her mouth open, the sickly. the Uvper Country who hatl witnessed It was dangerous work taking the ly. "-rustlers-raid -caught with the lines of laughter still around lt. another fi ght on the same spot, and slope of l\Iystery at a run, but there goods-they are-" Then she put out a hand that wa~ several more, on the other. was danger behind and he chose the The thic}( voice failed and Sherll'l' beginning to shake-like an aged hand It was stone-nard fair play without lesser evil. Price Selwootl slumped down heavily with palsy. 5oothinq And Hea.linq quarter, and when it was over Bossick As If to make up for its defection on the shoulder of his erstwhile friend. "Smith?" she gasped, "that's-Brand the lean bay stretched and doubled It was to be long before he woultl l"alr! Oh-oh-dear Lord-Brand like a greyhonnd and Selwood leaned finish his cryptic sentence. Fair!" I low on its neck as bE>St he could for For the first time in her Ufe the the pitch-for he was listening tor CHAPTER XVI bright sun faded out and Nance Allead. llson, who had fought so long and hard He knew he was out ot slx·gun /or Constipation, The Ancient Miracle. against tremendous odds, who had held Indigestion and range, but he lwew also that Sud ProNews in the mountains travels fast, her battle line and borne •all things Torpid Liver vine carried a rifle always on his sad- by mysterious ways, and In places with the courage of a strong man Sneeessful for 59 years, dl e. where it seems Impossible. Also it swaye d b ack upon the fi oor. 8Ce and 90e bottlesALL DRuG G 1 STS The roar ot horses runnln;; under has marveloUS· poweril of mutation. Bud sprang forward to Jlft her up, ===========-:;::~=-=--==== difficulty-leapin g, stiff-legged, slidin;; What may start out far down on Lit- but already the weakness was passing Weak, Noble Creatures here and there-came don·n like an tie Beaver dam as an innocent prank, and she put him aside, getting to her In this world there are thousands o1 avalanche ot sound, but there were no Is liable to reach the Upper Sweet feet. weak, noble creatures who fancy that voices mlnglE>tl with lt. The Sky Line water as a full-t!etlged scandal. She forgot the child at her knee. sacrifice always must be the last word I men were riding In a silence so grim So it was on Nameless that drowsy "His enemies-" she was muttering of duty; thousands of beautiful souls that It sent a chill to Selwood's heart. day in August. to herself, "and mine-they got him that know not what should be doUE !They meant death-and were avid Nance Allison was busy about her -at last-just as they tried to get me anrl seek only to yield up their life, for lt. work in the scoured kitchen, with -and Jehoshaphat rose and went holding that to be virtue supreme. 1 The treE's ~aliE>d by against the stars, Sonny !<'air following her like a small- against his enemies-and the Lord was They are wrong; supreme virtue con· rushing up from the dim darkness be- sized shadow. with him-I-I-Bud, give me that ' . gun." j si~ts in the knowledge of what should low to d 1sappear into it above, and In the dim regions beyond Mrs. Albe done, in the power to decide fol the wind sang in his ears like a harp. uson was In bed with a "sick headShe took the rlfte out of his hands our elves whereto we should offer om It seemed Incredible that the ted!· aC'he." The balls of tlie -carpet-rags with a savltge motion and went from llfe.-,:\Iaeterllnc k. ously climbed slope could be so quick- bud been sadly put away, all finished the cabin, swaying llke 11 drunkard. Iy descended-for he saw the thicken- and ready for the loom, but farther .At the corner ot the stable she came tng shndows of the mountain's foot away from that desired goal than face to face with Fair, who was just racing up toward him, the pale ~leam ever. It seemed to • -ance that that coming up from the river on I~tmond. of water b<'yonrl which meant the carpet was the last straw, the rldlcuShe stopped and .stared, at 1I1m like river. And then he heard what he hall lous small pressure that had all but one In a daze. bE>en dreading-the ~nap of a rUle, the snapped the thread of her control. "You?'' she said presently. "Youwhine of a ball. Sky Line, giving up Whenever she thought of Kate Cath- Brand?'' It Was Stone-Hard Fair Play Without capture, was trying for destruction. rew she thought not of her pappy, not The man saw at once that there was Quarter. It "·as Provine he felt sure who held of Bud with his sagging shoulder, not something gravely wrong and disthe gun. of her burned stacks and her field of mounted quickly. rose, a bloody and disheveled figure, He dug In his spurs cruelly and the growing corn, but o! the bare floors He came forward and laid a hand and glared at the riders. hay responded with a surge of spee<l of her poor home. on hers where it grasped the weapon. "Take him home," he sald, "to your which seemed certain death, but kept There was a frown bPtween her "Sure-my dear," he said carefully, rustlers' nest, you - - - I " Its feet miraculously. Once more golden browSII!ihese days, a grim set "don't look so, Nance-I'm all right. "That's fighting talk, Bossick,'' said rame the snap and whi:ae-again and to her lips, anJ she spent many hours Let me have this,'' and took the gun Caldwell In a thin voice, "but this again-and again-as fast as the man on her knees beside her bed praying away. ain't th' time or place." behind It could pump the rifle. for guidance, for strength to keep to He put his right arm gently around "You're d-n right It ain't!" said • And then, just as the bay struck thE' her narrow way. But the "stirrings" her and looked over her head at her nossick, "not when there's even numINSIST I Unless you see the wnters of Nameless with a leap and that she felt Inside her in the spring brother. bers and no odds for you! You"ll wait "Bayer Cross" on tablets you a roar, It seemE>d to SPlwood that the had become a seething turmoil of pas"Tell me," his eyes commanded. I for dark and one mun alone-like Price are not getting the genuine heavens opened up, that all the fire ~ion, hard to hold. "I just told her what I heard this Selwood was." [In the universe flamed In his brain. "I'm like the patriarchs of old," she morning,'' said Bud, "that a man was Sud Provine, getting dizzily to his Bayer Aspirin proved safe by He swung far out to the left a ter- thought to her~elf, "tilled with right- shot by rustlers and that It was Smith feet, shot a lightning glance at the millions and prescribed by phy- rlble lever of weight to the gallant eous wrath. If it wasn't that I have -you. She said something about one speaker. His pulped face lost a shade animal floundering beneath him, and the light of the New Testa1.nent I'm of the Bible men who went out and of color. No one spoke and Bossick sicians for 24 years. made the supreme physical effort of , afralcl I'd go forth and slay my ene- slew his enemies-and she was starting went on. ~,..,A Accept only a rules, or try to." for Sky Line, I think." "Wilen f';eJwood comes round I'm lay"Whut you whimpering about, There was no need to ask more, for in' there's going to be such a stir-up as Bayer JS"anC'~? Tell me, too," said the child Nance had eovered her face with her this eonntry never saw-and don't J·ou bugging her knees and looking ador- shaking hands and !Jendin~ forward on forget It!" • which contains proven directions lngly up with his ,soft brown eyes. Fair's lirea!>t was weeping terribly. , "ComE's round?" said Caldwell, as If Uandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets "~fy gracious! Was I whimpering, The man drew her close and held the words were jerl,ed from him against .Also bottles of 24 and 100-Druggista Sonny?" !'he asked aghast, "1 must her, and the dark eyes that gazed do..wn his will. ..bplrln Is !be trade mark ot Baytr Manu· tJtcture ot Monoacettcacl~ater of SallcyUcacld be getting pretty far gone, as Brand at her shining head with its neat "Yes-comes rounrl so he can t.alksays. Xance was thinking. that's all braids, were grave and very tender. can tE>ll what he knows of tt.e rustlers Early Handkerchie f -thinldng about bad thlngs.that make At l!lst he said quietly, "It was our of JS"ameless and who was the dirty Churehmen have been credited witt her heart ache." friend, Sheriff Selwood, but he Is not skunk that sl1ot him In the back. heing the first to use handkerchiefs In "Our enemies?" he asked quaintly. dead. He's at his raneh, but he cannot There's a goorl coil rope ln,ide this Euh>pe, and for a time priests alone She nodded. talk-and no one knows who shot him. storE> that's going to make history for v.: re permitted to carry them. Bven "Yes-they're ours, all right. Yours Sky Line dro\-e down this morning-all the Deep Heart cattle country." they were subjected to certain restricand Brand's and mine." regular and humtlrum. McKune says "H-1 !" JO:aid Caldwell, and laughed tions of use, for the handkerchief There was a vague comfort in this Selwood knowR-that he tried to tell in a high thin trE>ble as he pulled his formed part of the "estments of the associntion, in the common cause that him who the rustlers of Nameless are, horse around, "you're amusin', Bos· cleri't!'s office and as a "facial," by seemed to !Jinfl her and hers to Brand but that he could nnt. When he comes sick." w name it was known, was worn and Sonny Fair. round there'll be something doing In "Y PS," snavped Bossick halefully, by e priest offlclat!ng before the Brant! and ~onny Fair-her thoughts this neck of the woods, or I mi;;s my "your whole bnnch seems quite h!larl· altar. went off on the tangent which those guess. Come, Nance-nren"t sou going ouo. Now, get out of Cordova." two names always started. · to invite me to dinner? I've got four Without another word being passed It was part ot the trouble which prime gray squirrels in my saddle- on either side the Sliy Line men rode Very Sad matle the frown habitual-the frown, bags, and my canteen's full of honey out In a compact bunrh, Provine and lrene-"Did you ever see a mo~qulto so Rlien to the sweet and open face -found a bee tree down the river." Basford nursing their hurts, the rest <'ry?" 1\f!ldred-"No, but once I saw of this girl. And with the gentle tact of deep silent. a moth ball." Always there was under the surface understanding and something more, Bossick turned to the stranger. of her mind the running question- Fair drew Nan<'e back from the etlge "I want to thank you, Mister,'' be What wall Brand Fair to Sonny? And or tragedy to the safe ground of the said, "for being here." always there lurked in the dim back· commonplace. "It was a very great pleasure," said ground the word-l•'ather. Was It She straighteneu up, wlpetl her Brand Fair, alias Smith. "I thought HOSTE'M'ER'S Celebr•ted Stomach "Smith," She Gasped, "That'• Brand true-wher~ and who was the mother? hantls down across hE'r cheel>s and perhaps I'd forgotten how to shoot." Bitterala a wholesome tonic. Keeps the stomach Ill Fair!" A dE>ep and terrible ache seemed to looked at him with eyes In which the With that he mounted Diamond and good condition and take her very bom•s at this thought- tears stlll glistened. roue away, hut two hours later he was bnprovea the his life to get back Into his saddle. a misery which sbe could not under"I thought," she said unsteadily waiting for Boss!ck on his home trail, appetite. His fingers dug into the wet mane like stand. "that Kate Cathrew had had you shot.': whe1·e he intercepted him. talons. he clawed desperately with his She shook hersE>If anti sighed and ''She'll have to get up earlier than I "lllr. Bossick,'' he said, "I think right hPcl and felt the spur hook. tried to smile down at the boy, but do If she pulls that trick," he laughed, you're solid, so I take this liberty. I For what reason he could not have the effort was a faliure. "l''•e been too long on guard.'' want to tell you that Sheriff Selwood said, be opened hie mo"uth and "Nance," he asked soberly, "don't • • • • • and myself have picketed Sky Line tor • • screamed-a hoarse, wild sound, like you love me any moreT Two days later Nameless was ring- some weeks, alternately-so it was a the 8oul's farewell to its flesh. Per- • The ~:irl dropped on her knees and ing with the news of the raid and Bos- Cathrew man who shot him, ~yond hapi! he thou;;ht it wns. gathered him to her breast in a fierce sick was grim and silent. question. ~ow let's tnlk." Sud Provine, sitting his shivering gesture. When the Sky Line riders came back (TO BE CONTINUED.> horse where he had drawn It to a slid"Love you? Honey child, Nance from their drive they rattled into Cor------lng stop on tile trail above, deliber· loves every inch or your little body! dova for the mail and stood on the Always Something Beyond ately shoved his gun mta Hs saddle- She loves you so well she's scared to porch. Every human feeling is greater and strapl!l. death Brand will come along some day "Still watchin' your range?" queried larger than the exciting cause--a "I guess that's th' last of you, my and want to take you away again!" Provine Insolently as he swung out of proof, I think, that man Is designed buck:Co,' he gritted, "that's your last She sat back on her heels and his saddle and without a word the tor a higher state ot existen<'e, and HINDERCOR NS Bemovee Ool'DI, Cal· rl!'le, d-n you l See how you like th' smiled at h!m, this time successfully. rancher leaped for him. He caught this Is deeply Implied in music, 1a louee, etc., ~a~l pala, eaaarea comfort to Ult It there was one spot ot light ln the him by the neck and they both fell un- which there Is always somethln~: more teet., ID&kee ...1'.- l6o bJ m&\1 or &t .llJ1IC' j water." ...... W.OO.: Obeml<al Woru, P~,JIL r. Antl be turned back up the slope. darkness of her troubles it wu the der Sllvertlp's :teet. The horse spra.n~: and beyond the Immediate expreSSIO& .&.t clawn HcKa.ne, who slept 1D the child. Always his pleadlnc e7e1o h1l away and in a second the two mea -Colerldie, NERVOU , DIZZY v r rL By VING IE E: ROE 0 I for Rashes a.nd Chafinq Green's August Flower Say "Bayer Aspirin" c.Jt,4f ~ I t• - 10 oca ron 0 res Revealed by Smoke 0 ver the entrance to the principal mine of a lead company in Arizona bangs _a portrait of "Antonio, the Cave Fmder," an employee who roams about. the underground passage purrlng Cigarettes, says Popular Mechanlcs llfngazlne. He keeps close watch of the smoke as lt drifts away, and It he sees It disappearing through tiny breaks In the rock formation, the worl.."ings are extended in that d1rectlon, which often leads to Inner caves, rich in ore. Minerals In this region seem to have been deposited in cavities which He in an appro:rlmately horizontal plane. The mine sald to have been enlar-'" by 6 "" more than half a mile In thJs manner. Tunnels are driven under the caves Is A new full set of Champions every 10,000 miles will greatly improve en~ gine performance and for themselves in oi and gas saved. and the ore !s dropped directly Into the cars that curry It out o:t. the mine. The Cutloura Toilet Trio. Having cleared your skin keep 1t clear by ms.king Cntlcura your everyday toilet preparations. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and beat. the Talcum to powder and perfume. No toilet table is complete Without them.-Advertlse ment. · pai Bte Library a Memorial Champion Spark Plug Co. Toledo, Ohio The Miller aplcnltural library at the Wisconsin College of Agriculture contnlns more 1 than 1,100 hooks and bulletins rel.11ttng to bee culture. After the death of Dr. Charles 0. Miller at l\Iarengo, Dl., In 1920, fellow beE>keepers sought s'ome means of perpetuuting his memory. A memorial llbrary was finally decided on, which was endowed by the beekeepers and others, Because of the interest which the Wisconsin CollE"ge of Agriculture displayed In beekeeping the M11ler library was establlshed there. The library is nn International monument to beekeeping, says a bulletin hy II. F, Wilson, in charge of the agriculture department of \Visconsin college. wm.t-. Ont.., London, Pull . Life's Span Extending In spite of the fact that the con- tinned betterment of health and llv1ng conditions In this century has given Americans the expectancy o:t. lon_ger and longer lives, the average American had his "expectancy of life" reduced from 58.01 years ln 1921 to 57.32 years in 1923, or a loss of about eight months. According to statisticians of a leading l!fe insurance company, who complied the figures, greater prevalence of Influenza und pneuruonia In 1922 cau~ed the reduction, but from advance lndlcutlons for Hl24 and 1925 the expected span from birth to death w!ll be a larger number of years than it was In 1921 n banner yea~ ' Has Brains to Spare Six brains in one are said to be possessed by Mr. Harry Kahne, an American now visiting in London. Simultaneously he wlll rend a newspaper, write the headlines upside down and bac!..-wnrds on a blackboard, at the same time spelling the words the right way; :;;peak continuously to his audience; answer questions giving the exact populations anrl Industries of the biggest towns of Great Britain Canada and the United States; writ~ backward and upside down columns of figures which totaled 7,123,546,937, n fig-ure previously agreed upon by the audience. .A.w stoey in ,.one wordNof is "~ the wholo story safe lubrication in one word. Oil must endure-and ~ does. Your search for the most dependable oil is ended and longer service from your car is a certainty-when yOQ team this one word for perfect lubri~ tioo, "~.'' MvnaMolor Qil @mp!UlJ Los Angeles, Cal San Francisco, Cal. MonaMo or. Oils & Greases Preserving Wild Game Those who want to see our big g-ame protected comment! the state authorities of South Dakota for their conservation of several valuable species of fast-perishing fauna tn tho !"tate park set apart in the Black hills. Here there are 110 buffalo. 1,000 elk, 2,000 deer, 300 beaver, 400 coons and thousands ot game birds. The nominal value of the creatures is $105,000, but as teachers of natural history they are worth incalculably more. In tropical countries the sound of thunder is RO common that weather It doesn't matter lf beauty Is only men often forget to register all the skin deep as long us the skin Is worn storms. on the outside. p~ie .JlHenlth Bullder I =r. lL I Stdan $7751 f. o. o, Lansing, Mil h. MOR E POW ER! MOR E PUL L! MOR E PEP! Low·cos t 11 portatio n Sta r Cars $425 $525 $525 $595 $675 $695 $7n DURANT MOTORS, Inc. 250 West 57th Street, New York General Sales Dept.-1819 Broadway, New York Dealers and Servia StatrQnJ througJrquf the lhitttl Canada And Mexito Elizabeth, N. J. Lansing, Mich. O:tk.l.and, Cal 8/11/11 Toronto, Ont. |