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Show . THE JO-aDA.l!l JOUltN 4L EAST PhQWERI Mr. Ezra Pate _.. imll!lftt at Mapleton. I.IJ' THO_. AltiCU. CJ,ARK • • William LaQWison .n.. of 11M. ~of Mrs. ent;er.tain~ . JIOaoia. at dinner Sunda,y COm-plimenting ~tl l:b======~====l=::=::::ii mother, Mt·s. E. L. Young of WarneJW: were .,., poor , lni..ake. 1\eed-so poo.- ID taot t)ult some • lime& l am af,raJd the, ba<{:IICilrcel~ Apostle J. Golden Kim6all enough to eat. ~rae tllan tllat, per Lake gave a very fine l~ure ~o hll~ they were~ned. ad~ folks yqung people especlally, a J.. ;o.... J Wbo woultl- have appreclate_4 ftlld en Joyed cotnt'ot'ts :and bealltlbl things crowd of parents who regular .Mutual Improvement more than most of their nfllllitiOrs. taeSSJ(m held in the Ward Georp War:Ri' had work8rll 1diJ way evening. Mi6S Rof;alie through eollep. bad started C)at on 11 gave a pretty piano number, Miues small •alao ILIMf with a b~c:ap of Olive Swenson and Phyllts Larsen Yen- debt. and had •ver gpt tu. Bls wlf~ dered readings. bad proved 1tll ._v,lld, but llbe bad • • • held OD unt1l oae of tile ~ was Miss Blanche Sharp bad ~ her through coll81Je .r&d tlla tiiC!ODd ODt' guests Sunday t>vening, Mrs. was In high sduiol. and then lib& bad u given up the sb...,.. l(nd ...._ Jolly and ,.~r. Herman Litt1e Then one c:alsmlb' follow" another Salt Lake. • • • Georre bad a breakdown ud was re tired on a BIDall 11Q81on bJ the ftrm for which he bad 'been WOIIktD& tiMoldest daughter took to her bed wtU• ~tn Incurable dl.seaae, and the burden of looking after the famflJ fell on Mary Just out -of high IIChool. They had their hOU16; Georp"s pen slon, and the BJDall II1Un tllat Mary could earn by going out a few hours a .. week to help at IOclal fallctloDL Tbe, Miss Lila Carlsen of Mfuray enter- were proud, and the, never dlac1laed ta.iaed last Sunday for Miss Beatliee their situation With tbe nelchbors who Simper. as Ia eommoa. Ia 81lch t'Ue8, were _,. • • pathetic wben tht!J gave a moment's Mr, and Mrs. T. C. Cook. and theif thought to the airaJrs of the Wamen gues , Mr. and Ml's. Ralph Eilis of but who dld oothiq taDilble to help Woodruff visited relatives in Salt out matters. ua,....,._ ~undq. 1 Mary strug«<ed on. 8Jae made ller • • • rather lUI comfortable as she could, abtMrs. M. Thayne spent last Thurs- looked after her lnvaUd llater, and day with her daughter, Mrs. Ray Alf- some way sbe got enoap to k~ soul of Murray. and-bod7 together. Then one da7 Georce Warner (8'\"tMM. Rachel Fo~ joined heir op and died, and the neighbors wake,, sister, Mrs. Marian "M. Hand of Sandy up. They were ..,.r to do wllat the~· and visited Friday with Mrs. Sarah H. could; the7 were overdowlng wttb Atwood of Salt Lake. sympathy for the JOUDg girl who harl ' carried the burdeu ~ the tamtb' for Mrs. Charles E. Trousdale of San so long. PedN California waa a Itouse guest There were Bowen at tile fUDeralduring tb::e week of. :Mi.s.s· Gertie For- roBell and ehi-,aanthe,mUIDII ud c:arna tiona, and Mrs. BortOil ~ent a hugf' bush. wreath of violets and orclllda. ThE' plain little house ![88 fnll of them nnd George had had few Bowers dur lng his lifetime. . "WO'bldn't It have been a Jot bet ter," Jordan said to me aw we were walldn~ back home after the services "It George could have had a llttl• wore attention beton he cUed and 1 little lesa after? Tile moneJ 11pen • • Mr. ud Mrs. Neal L. Olson and on those Bowers would have brough1 accompanied by Miss Helen him a lot ot comfOJt whlle he wa~< Lars,._,.,o••n.~-m.otored to Brighton 1ast Sun- allve.,. day and spent an enjoyable afternoon. "We don't think. I mppoee,• I • • • answered. "We 18Dd our Bowers pretty .after a man 18 dead." Mrs. J. P. Terry and Mrs. LOarnalo.J generally W , Eyre of Salt Lake, Mrs. Charles Ooorn e cant do much for our trlend11 ()f IJ.'ayLorsville and Mlrs. Bessie Joy and neighbors any of 111, after tht>y of Midvale were dinner guests last are dead. If •e have any kind words Friday of Mr.s. Ethel T. kiilerberg. to utter, all7 help to ilve, any ftowers • • • to send, It Is a good deal better to gel the thing done wblle tbe people conThe Misses Fern and PhylU.S Larson earned are alive. Alter they are dead with a party of friend& mooored to It doe1111't matter mnch to any one. Springville last Monday and speDt a (0oP7rllrlat b7 W. 0. Qla&pmen ) very enjoyable afternoon and ev.ening. THE • • .. It is st Good Busill8 Sense--No one eve~ that he money. A bank book showing whether it be a few dollars or a "l'.n...9'•, one of the most satisfactory things world to possess•.. It bears evidence of .; ,;:..rTin to succeed and is the finest kind of a port to success. Midvale State Ba MIDVALE. UTAH • tiu 11e bqan .1111 oareer at age gf ee>ien; later he was with a -m~.. teat ootb.dy 1how~ He le p~pular ~th all who enjOy motion picture.. 0 ..Whafs in a Name?" By MfLDR~D MARSHALL CARMEN BBl nr, Spantlh DUae ot Carmen T andthe more or leaa JDDgUab llP" pellatlve .OUPlela are identical. Tboug'h thi!IJ ara Q8ed u diStinct IUUilell. bOth I ::~ "lineJI'rd" Qd CQme to us 1-l ~ Itallaa ~ere Oarmen 11 piled QarmlDe; of tbeH two D&Dlell II ~ ~ boUnd up 1D the blstery of the prophet mttJab whom ~e ~ translator~~ eaHed BlUaL W~ the Jilp)presl!l Bele~~a vlalted PalatJne llhe built a cll~ rote oa !it. ()alia.r, ~ :which a cluster of lu!rm!tyea. ·~ otder flf OarmeUt-. W't.a al4 to ha"-' been foUllded b7 the prophet .blmselt; but when the Latina ()Verdowe'd tnt• Palestllle 1t ~t eMile Into llote nad Ita fame beMJM w1C!e4Jtead tbrQU&hout the West. St. Mary was ~ Its patronetS- and io ItalY aile beciUile known afl tht~ ,MadoiUUl dl Carmela or the Madonna dl Carmine. As a ~t Ute two names of c,rmela ~d Cal.'ftline p.ined ~t popularltJ aJDODJ the nauan women. They are !lflll used there and ID- Spain, where Oannlne was .Into CarJ,Den, the aame became "tton.au faTOrite. The Is -Carmen•• tallamanlc -gem. It Ia saJd that 11'-e who wears a l'Ubt caA dweU without fear In the tnfdat ot en~tnles anll will alwua ~ BJJfeldM frotn adver$e fortune. The ~ mUifl: be worn, however, on the left side. TUe&day Is Carmen's lucky dq and 7 her l!ICkJ number. te 1>7 Wheeler Mew-paper .fi1'1141Date.) ---"tCtO~- • • • Your Friends Eat Here ... STEWART'S CAFE • • • • -·····-··· ...-.. --· ·- Mrs. Easter L. Young of Salt Lake was a guest Sunday of Mrs. S, W. Sha'!'p. • • • E. T!W~n entertain~ on M,rs. P. SUAday for Bi&hop and Mrs. H&fkess of Magna. * • • The Primary ,officers met with Mass Blanclle Sharp last Thursday $iening and &~t a-very enjoyable The regular busiaess and prepar~\ion hour was follOwed by a very daikttY Iunclteon. Tile guests i~luded, lrfm. Terest B. Millerilurg, Mrs. Mima ¥tel-sen, Mrs. Ann Sunsburg, Mrs. ~e G. Thornton, Mrs. Orrel B~an and Mrs. Mareus.Pl~n was a.¢ial ume. DIPPING INTO SCIENCE What Makes the Tide Newton's htw of gravltfttlon explalns that everything In the universe Is attracting all other particle& at all times. This at· tractive foree ot the sun and moon exerted on ..the earth <"auses the water to yield to tb1s pulling movement, whlle the land, being J:lgld. does not so yield. Twelve bours and 28 mfn. utes elapse between bllb tides. • • • ~Relatwe8 ..' from Ne·.v -rork ~t a brief visit witt. M:rs. Jack ·J'Arsen Thursday. • • • Miss Leona NWlsen and JaCk elle of Salt Lake: were dinner guests Sunday of Mm. Nielllen. • • " H;r. and Mrs. A. R. Rock 'returned home Sunday after a W(!eks yisit in Moab. • • • and Mr3! W, A. ~t ~md -est&, Miss Edith Garrett and WanFri.UC:Otllte vi8ited in BoQDtiful on Weldn•lSdl~y of last week. iima rr • • Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Pate:. have as their guests this week, E* Shiilsel of La Barge, ~Ill'· Jifz<B. m-.n Shinsel Wat' formerly ¥iss :Pate. • • • Mr. and Mn. W. A. Garrett were dinDer gu$&ta Sunday ol. Mr. and C. E. Big« of Salt ~ • • "' llr. and Mn. Appolas ~have as their auest, M.-. SeQ!qe~n of Idaho. • • • Miss F}ditA Garrett and Fl'lmeom. returned to their h01111e l(lo~a.y after a week's visit with and Mra. W. G:Xr:tt· M·r . Osee Garrett of Provo spent and Tuesday with Mr. and W. A. Garrett. • • • Mrs. Emma Greenwood and Mrs. Eunice Jensen were Salt Lake visitors Tueeday. A; ~ _. ¥aOIIIN "-•PAIIW 8)'n41oate. l 11 N. Main St., Midvale •••• Mrs. Bessie Epe of Salt :L4II was week-end guellt -&f Mrs. Geoiie T. l nlJJ, or It I loee, 7.t l JI&Ye won or tailed. 'Tie aoo4 to vie with other crewa, A1!4 . JW'~~Y II)J' ~ul tmbaell 'f~- lt'i19w U!.•t I b&ve ealled! Satisfied stomachs are eur best advertisement. Mrs. Ada Pate entertained at a mis· MIDVALE BAKERY The Home of Home Made Bread _ and French Pastry 43 N. Main Phone 47 -J , - 25c - 20c .. Bread, 3loaves for Cinnamon Rolls and Dough.. nuts, per doz. - Over All LEVI ST USS - eellaneous shower eoonplimeuting her daugl,lter, Mrs. Ruth P. Shinsel of. La Barge, Wyoming, Tuesday evening Games were played, music enjoyed and refreshments were served. Mrs. 8hinsel received many beauti.~l presents. • • • / Mrs. Lygia Larsen was an Ogden 2_air if 'risitor SIBlday • • • • Mr. and Mrs. T. C. (look returned last week after a tea day visit with 1 played and re.fritshments served to ' fifteen little guests. ·relatives in Woodruft'. · • • • I~ may be interestblg to friends of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bills .of Little Earl S11,bey is able to be out Mrs. Mariner Brown, formerly Miss Riverton were dinner gQeets of Mr again after suffering for two weeks May Richards to bow that she sue· with blood poisoning caused through underwent a ve.v urious opand Mrs. Samual Cundick, Sunday· -~ being eut with a rusty barbed wire. for the removal of J>Oisonous goite~ at a loeaJ hoapital Tuesday Hr. and MJ"S. J. ~rM" of ~th • • • 11l0!1llDJ:• CottoDwoed entertained at a ~msee-1.. Mrs. Leland Hibbard eame home • .* • · laaeous B'hower in compliment to Miss Tuesday from the st. Marks hospital ltfrs.. :Robert Mllu, Br., and Mrs. El:la Dahl, a popular September bride. where .she has. been rec:overing from a By, M!~ w~re IUtata . Sunday of Games were pl.a.yed and a buffet lunch severe operation. ~ VlVIan Hilton of Umon. eon was served to sixty guests. • • • • • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Wllford Sik»x and .MilS V«'Jl Larsen was a. Salt Lake lllr. Charles Jorgenson and mother- daughters Uton.a and Edna. Mrs. Vimlor Tuesday aftBrnoon. of Ogden were guests of Mr. and Lavina Bills of Riverton were guests • • • Mrs. Soren Dahl Saturday. of Mrs. Ernest SilCCUt WedneBday. Mr. and Mrs. Newen Kuhre of Mur• • • • • • t~y epent last Wednesday ev~ng Mrs. James Anderson and children, Mrs. Oharles Cundick entertained • 'Wlth Mr. md l&s. Joseph D. Miller- Marion and :&_lain were dinner guests twelve little guests at a children's berg. • • • of J411L Fraak Cundick Sunday. party Monday in honor of her 1ittle . • • • aon, Gayl005 seventh birthday anniMiss ~ellie Sharp .andb~~Marjorie and Lila Shulsen and Myr· versary. Games were played and re.. ~~n 'tha e.DJRosalya. 01 n tle CJmdick went to Wyoming Friday freshn).ents served. ,.,..........,. W1 s 0 te son. _. Ja... __.,_ to . 't f . --'· d • • • """ . .._ w--. Vl8l nellUlll an re---------Mrs. Will Palmer of Bingham spent latives at Evan:to! ~ Lymon. History's most pitiful exhibition of the week-end with her parents, Mr. . a brave fight against insurmoUDtaad Jrln W E Cox Mrs. E. M. Olsen enterta1lled Mon- able odds is General Dawes' frantic • • ;. • . • day at a children's party in honor of effort to escape the Vice-PresidentMN. Edith Glover was a club guest ,h~r little d~ghter, AnueHu eighthj' ial obscurity that is so slowly but of Mrs. llarJ Graham last Thursday. buthday anmveraary. Games were surely envelopiDg him. Waist Overalls for Men and Youth.s .A new FREE They Rip Look lor the Two Bones West Jerdaa . .F: . . v:J: • • • |