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Show • t THE JORDAN IOURNAL, MIDVALE. UTAH AncieDt Timepieces Were !xpensive Affairs IITALY SOON TO :UTAH REfiNERY DISCUSS DEBT VISITED BY FIRE 0'----1 _ _A__,:long=--the_con_cre_te_ ____.10 SEAPLAN[ HUNT HELD HOPELESS Acroia the street lives an ancient I tlmepli!'ee, tall and dark, wltb narrow lJDes of checkered Inlay. It was -·-- In 1806 for one General Mower. COMMANDER IN CHARGE OF ILL citizen of sterling worth, as they SECOND BIG OISASTER VISITS~ ITALIAN DEBT COMMISSION TO FATED FLIGHT THINKS THE PAY VISIT TO WASHINGTON SALT LAKE PLANT AND to say. The ,;eneral bought the FLIERS PERISH<::D NEXT MONTH CLAIMS FOUR LIVES weight and pendulum In Boston, paying $65 for them. Mr. Cheuey of Windsor made the ,Prass works-$25 Probably one Search Will Continue Though All more-and John Dana of Woodstock Loss Is Not Fully Determined M · Capacity To Pay Is Based Entlrel)' reason for the Have Practically Given Up Hope built the case, adding $35 to the cost. Upon Businees, Says Count Volpi Terrific Heat Prevents Examlna· popularity of One hundred and twenty-five dollars Of Ever Findin; Any Of Who Will Head The Deletlon of Ruina; Burnt Portion WRIGLEY'S is that lt lam altogether, you see, a large sum InThe Men Alive gatlon To Be Reconstructed so long and retuJIU such deed for those bygone days, and one great dividends for 10 1mall that 1 couldn't at all account for until an outlay. • It keeps teeth I discovered that brass weights and clean, breath sweet, appetite San Franci~co-Captain Stanford Rome--Italy's capacity to pay, keen, digestion goOd. Salt Lake-Reconstru ction of the works came chlefty from England, and E. Moses, commander of the San Fresh and full .. tavored that the Nicholson resolution of 1806 Utah Oil Refining Company's high- based entirely upon business considFrancisco-to-Ha waii flight project, alway• in its wax-wrapped positively prohibited their Importation. pressure gasoline process unit, dam- erations, will be the sole determining piCkage. sent a radio message to Captain C. S. Still, such clocks must always have aged September fiith by fire in which criterion of the proposals to be made carrier airplane the of ackson ;r IM!en costly; as far back as the less lives were snuffed out, will be- by the Italian war debt commission Langley, asking his opinion as to how expenllive year of 1790, 21 pounds "In four Count month, next Washington to the long search should be maintained hard money" was paid for a grand- gin a8 soon as the flame-ravaged to said minister,. finance the Volpi, permit to sufficiently for the missing seaplane PN-l1 No. 1 cools material that fact father's clock, a financial Press. and her crew. makes you wonder why collectors to- a determination of damages, it was the Associated · Captain Jackson replied: 4ay object to expending only a little announced by company officials. The "Italy desires to conclude, as soon "Not ready to expre:o'5 opinion unmore tor such antique treasures. unit carried so much heat that exam- as possible, a just s-ettlement of her 'l'hey really are bargains ! Last month, !nation was impossible, other than to war debt to the United States, based •i! informed of areas searched by de· at a country auction, one was sold determine through an incomplete j completely upon the realities of her stroyer squadron and other units of for '130, an<i some people thought the inspection that the damage will not · industrial economic and financial srt1 LJattle fleet returning from Somoa." price hlgh. And yet It probably cost be as great as was at first antici· uation," the finance minister said. "We have virtualy given up hope I' nearly as much when lt first was pated. The loSIJ is completely covof rescuing the crew," Captain Moses Commenting on President Coolsaid. "We now have eleven destroy- ; idge's statement that the terms of erect by insurance. You know, It was said that It was the ers fueling at Honolulu for the J::;r- I AI employees of the Utah Oil Re- America's settlement with Belgium •ery high price Gi. these brass works , pose of engaging in a final survey of 1 constitute a precedent, WHEN CONVENTiON AT SALT LAKE IS the waten; were the PN-9 No. 1 ca;:ne which originally Inspired Connecticut fining company were relieved from I would not KILLED ARE AIRMEN • ('lock makers to whittle their works their employment to attend the fu. : Count Volpi said: WELL ATTENDED BY EASTAIRSHIP FALLS TO EARTH down. We have done all that could We have 75 automobiles that eut of hardwood. Ell Terry deserves nerals of the four victims, company j :·Naturally, I cannot div~lge t~e deTERN MEr.IJBERS PIECES THREE IN must be sold NOW without he done." the cr.:>dit for this lngenloms econ- officials announced, and fellow work- ta1Is o! our pro;>ogals, which will be k be would there said Moses Captain rebe must It reali~iic. and accurate to upon called were probably ers omy, but the method was soon a.1opte you rna Any profit. to regard navy's thr' in however, down, let no membered that the lndividual wealth ed by many craftsmen, so man:", in- serve as pallbearers at the services. Trucks Mining In used. Over Ohi() Great Future 1::; Predicted search for the bodio'S of the sea- want- new or The full story of the heroism of I of Belgium is greater than that of Heavy Wind While Passing deed. that If the old label has beell. Resources State's When Disaster; ()f World Cause be to Said Is plane's crew and the wrerkage of the of all kinds. Priced to sell on lost In the various vicissitudes of r,.. companions, members of the Utah Italy. This must be. con!n~ere~, since For Available Made Are Among is Commander nn attic resl!lence and bandy- Oil Refining company's fire,fighting our plan and any mterpretll.tions of c!'aft. A radio mP.s~a ~e was sent sight. Write us today for com.. k Exploitation the Dead to Captain E. B. Jack •on, commandIng ab!lut from owner to owner, it , force and the Salt Lake Citv fire de- it are based fundamer..tn.lly ot: our e car rna any of . details plete toLangley ' carrier ing the airplant Is a little liifficult to say just who partment, came to light followinwg capacity to pay." day by Captain Moses, directing him you want. tashloned a particular clock.-AIIce : the fire. Frank Stormes, still foreThe finance minister announced McNaugllt's lD Carrick Van Leer Salt Lake-Insight into Utah's to continue the search in a final effort 0aldwell, Ohio-The giant dirigible man, died in line of duty after a that Signor de Jl.Iortino, Italian am! ''.IIIUULUif. vain attempt to save the men em- bassador to the United States, who Shenandoah is no more. It went down ~reat future as an iron and steel pro- to locate some evidence of the s-eaplane's tragic ending. Ogden, Utah Box 326 ployed under him. With the report will he a member of the Italian debt in three pieces here early September ducer, and her present greatness a:> Captain Moses (Xprcssed the opinpost. his resume to sailing is mission, lay Spectacles Should • that one of the tubes had split in still -----------~ third and killed its commandPr. Lieu- the largest smelting center of the ion that Commander John Rodgers, ambassador ia cllarged with in· Be Carefully FitteJ ; No. 21, Stormes went to the seat of The tenant Commander Zachary Lans- world, was vouchsafed by members who piloted thr: ill-fated seaplane, i the trouble in an effort to '\Vert the terviewing members of tho Ameri.can too fast on the projected , Poorly fitted spectacles som'!times disaster. He was caught in the blast government and preparing the ground downe, and thirteen of the officers of the American Institute of Mining traveled and llletallurgical Engipeers who nonstop flight to Honolulu and con- ' ' to cancer, says Hygela, popular of flame tnat burst from the rapidly work for the commis~lon, so us to and men making up her crew. The airshir struck a line sqan-a journeyed to Murray, Midvale and sumed his gasoline reserve supplies. r.,.u""''Ll' magazine published by the widened split in the still tube. &peed up the ·actual .flegotiations. Medical association. Depending upon the attitude of the variety of storm most feared by air- Ironton to view the plants of the Prior to the time the seaplane dropRulon J. (Kelly) Arnold, fireman, Four cases of tumors developing American'!, the Italian commission men-shortly after 5 o'clock near this American Smelting and Refining 1 ped from ;:-ight on the afternoon of where badly-fitted glasses have lrri- was similarly trapped. may publish in book torm ~. complete Noble •county village, while traveling company at :Murray, the United 1 Tuesday, September 1, Commander As the inferno of flame broke loo.se tated the skin have been reported in Rodgers was believed to have been d M' · statement of Italy's finan~ial and at an altitude of 3000 feet en route Stat s s lti R fi · New Haven, Conn., within recent . shortly before 3 o'clock, the lives of economic situation, regarding which from Lakehurst, N. J., to the west. mmg hunting for the guarJship, Aroostook, me ng~ e mng an e from San Fran7ears. The places where spectacles ' both the night and day workers of the comprehensive data ha-v-e been gathThere was no explosion. The big company at Midvale and the blast : 011 station 1800 miles shift day The endangered. were unit usually produce constant bruising ot A s1onn had come up and the i ered by experts. ~:<hip simply met winds of a strength furnace plant of the Columbia Steel i cisco. the skin are the bridge of the nose, of Clarence Jackson, stillman Wart-hree miles : seaplane was circling around in an Count Volpi concluded his referen- which it was unable to combat. Af, corporation at Ironton, the sides of the bridge near the inner ren Paul, stillman's helper, and the storm at the ~outh of Provo. It marked the third : attempt to locate the Aroostook in ex, 1 angle of the eye, the templea and at Frank Eatcbel, fireman, was being ces to the debt problem by deciaring ter encountering day of the one hundred thirty-second . pectation of affecting a landing along- 1 relieved by the night shift of Otto Italy willing and desirous to pay to high altitude the ship headed heavenback of the enrs. of approximately summer meeting of the institute, , side that vessel. The la~;t message ' There Is no lndlratlon that spec- 1 Laursen s-tillman· Ulmont N Bur- the full extent of he1· capabilities. He ward to an altitude that his po, denied the truth of rumors f'ccently 5000 feet, when it suddenly came which was given over entirely to • from Rodger.> indicated of the "plnch,on" type are any j dick stiilma.n's heiper and Ar~old current in Rome of a possible rcpudl- down again and broke into three sightseeing, ·with a grand banquet : sition was twenty-five miles north · d B d.'k L' more likelv to cause such rubbing . . ur 1c were envc1aursen an at10n of the Italian de!Jt to Great pieces. One piece, 450 feet or more at the Hotel Utah s-cheduled for the 1 and west of the Aroostook. th d f fl d . th than are those that have ear pieces, 'The ~ ~ aplune was last !'een at 1600 ames as ey Britian and confirmed Premier l\lus- in length, fell in a field about one and evening and ball on the hotel roof e. sprea 0 uys Hygela. In any event, the pos· ope m firmwas Italy when it passed to the north of ! that mark a half miles from Ava. The control garden. !llbillty of such Irritations resulting j we.re changmg clothes preparatory to solini's statement her The three hundred members of the the U. S. S. Farragut on the 1600 compartment, in which the • comdisastrously should he borl}e In mind ~mg to work. They were but clothed Iy detennineil to settle with all present at this conventions station. were crew inRtitute navigating and 111-f!ttlng glasses should. be cor- m underclothes, shoes and socks. wartime creditors. mander They dashed away, were caught by ~~ted. If the seaplane hit the ocean in its the and split into two parties, one leaving riding, fell fifty feet away, ------fellow workmen, and rushed to St. descent with-.out the motors forced third section, 150 feet long, drifted for Ironton and the other for 1\Iurray Montana Land Office May Stay Mark'S! hospital, where their injuries running, Captain Moses said, the through the air lil-e a free balloon for and Midvale. Great Falls, 1\Iont.-Abolltion of the proved fatal. The Law'• Delay tweleve miles, landing near Sharon, President J. V. W. R~~'llders of the shock of landing undoubtedly carJackson, Paul, and Eatchel, who Great l<'alls land office, supervising Noble county. The longest 1.-wsuit I have ever institute headl'd the party to Ironton, ried the craft under the l>'Urface, in • of Is one that was started In was painfully burned, refused to be the Montana and Idaho districts, may • Mo~t of the dead were found in the by reason of the fact that he is one which event the crew probably met Ninth century-and It Is still ~o- , rplieved and were foremost in the not be carried out. This was indi- tangled wreckage of the control cabin, of the largest iron and steel men of death within a few minutes. Any book you want -by mail, C. 0. D. on! It crops up periodically In working of confining the fire to the cated when James W. Roberts, col, where a full crew was on duty at-- the East and acted in a cot.sulting Despite the increasing-ly apparent I tela received here, customs of lector I ' unit. high-pressure Pyrethe In Andorra, of Deseret Boot Co., republic tempting to ride out the buffeting capacity at the inception of the in- hopeless nature of the search, officharge in And~e.w.s, C. L. from egram superinFrank L. Arnold, assistant neell, and relates to some property winds which resulted in the complete dustry in this state. Duncan Mac- cers and men of the U nitcd States 44 East So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah referred to In a contract drawn up tendent, was with Stormes when the , of cu~toms an~ prohibitiOn enforce- destruction of the giant of the air. water con, Hawaiian Vichie, consulting engineer for the 'avy in 1,000 yea1'11 ago. The laws of ~- t word came that trouble was en- ment m the office of secretary of the Ambulances and other conveyances Columbia Steel corporation, and A. G. tinued to seek some trace of Com, t'll . . treasury, saying that recommendation are In a somewhat undecided 5 ing Stormes went t th 1 1 which carried physicians and others Mackenzie acted as a committee in mander Rodgers and his seaplane. and there IJJ no Immediate pros- q estfon and Arnold we~t toe s th ~ had been made to suspend indefincharge of arrangements. The party 'fi-..ey expresf'ed thems·elves as deterth fl see f ~l It ely execution of the presidential or- to the scene immediately following t 1' ' of the case being settled. The t or and abolishing the accident were transporting the was met at Ironto;1 by a committee mined to sa\'e the missing aYiators pumh psthconb~o !ngt'llse howd 0 b 01 11 der closing the. office lalv&u.lt Is thus about a thousand years theroug T loss. . their ee 1 a 1g s 1 e dead and injured to near-by towns. heaced by R. Phibbs, superintendent find ·orne trace confirming Soap to Cleailse stopped. Mr. Arnold found that Jack- ~the Montana district .. Under the exe- Those who met death in the ummc- of the plant; P. W. Jackson and C. T. By day, airplanes and surface ships schedulwas office the order cutlve , t to Heal . . . Ointment Better Bon and P a ul , a lth ough m 1mm1nen pursue the hunt in the waters where . Keigley. • t e W an t ed N o D upI1ca f I ed to be ubohshed September 17, cessful fight against the elements d th . d t peril had erf =~~ ,.~~~::=:;~~ -~,~~-=-~~!l while Mining experts from all parts of the soea?lane last was repor~ed, th P fl or~e th efir u fy tho I Montana consolidating with the North were taken to Belle Valley, while the "My wife says If 1 were to die abe sto '· comb e ace 0t d e j Dakota district and Idaho with Wash- injured were scattered in the various the United States were given their submarmes and mother sh1p5 d ppmg The. ow 1ti~ remain a widow." a ts ac on preven e anger. ' first glimpse of the latest bla~t fur- the waters to the r:orth and west, hospitals of the community. · th' d f lngton. . th t te d ''Evidently sbe thinks there lsn t an· SCHOOL 01' t:ft'ICit:NCY to go into operation in the whe~e the airship migh~ have drifted nace Ir 0 I ~ a rea r anger, In The story of the disdster is ~me of man In the world like you." branchee. Catalo8' fi'M. commercial All "On the contrary, she says she's .he run thr.ough the stills was yet to heroism of the crew, pioneers in the United States and the first unit of , had It mude a safe bndtng. By night 60 N. Mal• St. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAII Coolidge Rewards Elevator Boy af'ralld there IJJ and that It would be be accomplished. interest of the development of lighter- what is destined to be a great indus- the searchlights of the na~y play over Swampscott, Mass.-Preslden t Cool- than.air transportation. It is best try in Utah. They were told of the the cmp~y waves, tracmg :.trange The run was to have been comher luck to get hlm."-Boston pleted at 9 o'clock Saturday night. fdge has sent $5 to an elevator boy told by Colonel C. C. Hall, United vast deposits of rich iron ore in Iron patterns m the clouds. .'l"JI'BtiiSClrlpL Under the hlgh-pres'Sure process, a who cleaned up the executive offices States army observer aboard the ill- !lounty, from which is now being Clean Shi:t C:l~ses Argument requires thirty hours, and the In Lynn without being asked to do so. fated ship. broug-ht 650 tons of crude ore per day No Problem at A.ll that saw 18, Nelson, Crow' a Little Hoard Arthur boy, The started run the Tucson, Anz.--\\ hether the South· fires were lighted and 'We were traveling west at an ahi- a distance of 240 miles. From the Q.-"How do you support your a d',lring cleaning a large tree at Stow, between 3 and 4 o'clock Friday after- the offices neede<'l of about 4000 feet when we en- previ-ous estimates of the deposit in ern Pacific railroad can require a , ·while c·uttlll!! A.-"On the monq abe earu." noon. visit of the president on July 4th. tude Jlerhert Andrews wns surcountereci a storm," Colonel Hall iron in southern Utah in the miner- male passenger to wear his coat l\Iaine, , ~ """'Loltld<J'n N ewa. With the plant a seething mass of Sweeping is not part of his job, but said in describing the accident. "By alized territory a mile and a half wide w~ile being served in the dining car pri~e!l to "f'l' a piece of money fall ;,~t flames, efforts were made to rescue he did it anyway. Mr. Coolidge has changing our course a dozen or more by twenty miles long, which were Will be pa[lsed u~o~ by the Arizona his feet. Upon picking it up, it proved tte bodies of Stormes and Arnold just sent him a letter of apt~reciatlon time, we dodged it, only to encounter placed by early government geolo- corporati~n eommi~sion as a result of to he a bright dime, which was p rtly A. Pen- c·overed with flecks of tree mold. (A Co«ly Doll'• Hou•e t e fi reman. W ork men and members' Inclosing a five,dollar bill. the line squaw! which sent US7 to an gists at 40,000,000 tons, the visitors a. complamt made by Nealy 0 rom, j eareful search of the tree, after it was The late ex-Empress Eugenle of of the company's fire-fighting force altitude of 5506 feet before we real, were told that estimates have now m~g~on. In a long letter ~ the on<"e gave her godchild, the wrapped their h-eads and hands> in increased to ore in sight at 164,00G,- ~I~Sion Pennln;o;to~ c~arges that fellell, disclosed the place from which Korean Coal Blast Kills Many ized what had happened. qul'f'n of Spain. an exact mod- heavy burlap, coaked in water, and '' hlle en route to. 1 hoemx from Tuc, ) the coin had fallen. Ai< the tree~ was Tokio.-One hundred and fifty perthe v11lves to let out gas 000 tons probable ore, 300,000.000 o( the famous Tullerles, In Paris, dashed in to the very center of the sons were killed in an explosion at "We opened tons, and possible ore l,OOO,OOO,COO son, T. L. Woodmg, a steward, re· , well back In the woods from any hlgh''t a doll's house. It coat $7,500 to conflagration. The beat was so in- the Teihaku coal mines, near Ping- and lowered the ship and were draw- tons. This ore is of high grade and is qu ired h1'm to don hi-s coat before J way, ft 1s b e 11 eved th n t u cro astorm at fifty the from away ing !me, the of gleam the bv tracted lt. letter he ex- I tense that the water-saturated burlap pang, Korea, dispatches to the Nip- miles on hour when the storm envel- producing a superior pig iron which serving him. In his shirt which I picker! It .up and carried It to a safe new a wore he that p.lains coast the on market ready a finding is The owork po Jiji Shimpoo received here said. oped us and broke the ship into thrre dried almost instantly. fact as · hldln g place· this offering $4.98, cost him . PhilNOpher• View ol Life with iron from any was further hampered by the density pieces. I exclaimed to Commander m competitionthe -------evidence that he was properly dressworld. other part of Deem not life a thing of conse- of the black oil smoke. Diplomatic Relations Resumed Lansdown: ed. vold For look at the yawning· Hoped It Did Victoria, B. C.-C. Ii. Branston, the future, and at that other llm· Kindly Old Ln<ly (whlsperlng)consul for Mexico at VIctoria and German Colors Removed Hope Abandoned For Submarine Operators Aak Strike Guard space. the past.-Marcus AI!Mexithat announced has Vancouver Parls.-The ribbon of German col- ~earle, one of your garters ls showRome--Discover y by aviators of a Oklahoma City, Okla.-Mlne operarelations co had resumed diplomatie n~la er-Well 1 ho e It does.-Tha tors from Pittst'Urg and Lattimer large patch of oil and naptha on the ors. bearing a German inscripti?n. wlth Canada. p G ' pp . counties have appeared before Act- water between Syracuse and Cape which was found on a wreath lymg 1 p rogressive rocer. ing Governor W. J. Halloway and de- Pas'Sero, Sicily, near which the sub- on the tomb of France's unknown 1 Permits Demanded manded troops be sent to that section marine Sebastano Veniero was last soldier under the Arc de Triumphe,, SeJf,defense is nature's oldest law.Jerusalem.-All Immigrants to Pal- of the strike area. The delegation re- seen, has caused virtual abandonment has disappeared. - • __ , Dryden · I estine must obtain from Jerusalem portecl part of the equipment of Dow of her crew of fifty officers and men. Macedonian Chiefs Killed permits to enter the holy land. 1'hls Mine No. 5 had been destroyed. The search was continued. The suhSofia. Bulgaria.-Two Macedonfan ~=============== order bas been issued by the Pa,es- Other disturbances such as shots be- marine disappeared during the naval chief(. Hurlic and Karkalasheff, have ~e 1, tine government in accordance with ing fired at a mine guard were re- maneuvers off the Sicilian coast last ben killea i::: a fight at Kingstendil, week. ported. the new immigration ordinance. near the Jugo-Slavian frontier. ENGINEERS GIVE I SH ENANUOAH IS WRECKED BY WIND .UTAH BIG BOOST Fa.rn 1.ers Att e ntl• 0 n '• Buy Your Car Now Save Money l Inland finance Co•. I I . I 1 I I HOOKS I I 1 ! I I L. D. S. Business College I run 1. Su The most modem aad economical home heatia& JI]&Bt (Pipe or Pipeless). Caa illstalled in practically any hou... rite for P:REE booklet oa "Scieatiflo I - • Heatlac." AttractlYe propolidoa for dealers Ia eYtrF tows. $50,000 Suit For Permanent Wave England's Threats Are Resented Chicago.-llllss Christine Rabbitt, lloacow.-M. Karakhan, soviet aJBo baslador to China, who Is on leave 23, wanted a permanent wave. Now liD Russia, reports that the position she wa.nta $50,000 because all her hair was burned ott in the process 1 of the Homfndan government at Can· , ton, Ia more serious than e•er due and she Is forced to wear a wig. In a suit against the Star Hair Goods to what he described as "E ' ngllah company, Miss Rabbitt, who operates ti prepara on to overthrow lt. HODg· a beauty shop, alleges that she purkong Ia fooling Itself when It thblta chased a permanent wavln~ machine 1lCnciand can do what ahe llkea With j,trom the company, which offered to Cantcm &Del that Intervention there 1 demonstrate by putting a wave bl her intervention ba .U hair. The demonstration was Dot a woald mean 1 auooesa, she eharled. Ch M," eaY Jtara»•n I I ~----~--~--------~ 1 1 Hundreds Homeless By River Rise El Paso, Tex.-Five hundred perso..a are temporarily homeless In El Paso and vicinity as a result of the Rlo Grande river breaking through Its levees after a rise which exceeded that of la11t month. A side current three fee,t d~p was rounding through the Mexlcall. quarter here, five blocks from the river's bed. The American Red Croea, the Mexican Blue Cross, city and county officials and rental agenciea are providing relief f-or the laatterera. Gi"' Slayer Held Insane Would Force Rail Merger New York.--Harrison w. Noel, 20 Sw11mpscott, Mass.-Legislatl on to force railroad consoll~ntlon after a years old, who confessed that it was period of several years will be sought he who kidnapped and murdered by the administration In the next sea- Mary Daly, slew Raymond Pierce, a slon of congress. Amendment of the . negro taxl driver, and wounded Jon:u Esch·Cummins act to this effect was 1 Sandlne, a chauffeur who pursued agreed upon at a conference between . hlm, was formally charged with two President Coolidge and Senator Wat-1 of the four major crimes laid on him. son, Republican of Indiana, assistant He was arrafnged on the charge of leader of the senate an4 chairman of kidnapping Mary, 6 years old, aa ahe the senate lnteTstate commerce c:om-1 played at noon on a lawn uear Jaer hoae bl Montclafr. mlttee. Rel·e I f BELL·ANS Hot water Ll ,,AN s Sure Rllief I.·~ FOR INDIGESTION 25¢ and 75$ Pkfs.Sold Iw. Evell'Where N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 37-11121 • .. |