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Show • ' Charley Chaplin • l "The Gold Rush" September 27, 28, 29 and 30, Ill the IRIS eep One Eye Open To The Ads In The Journal And The Other Closed To Catch Penny Schemes Why Spent Your Life In Pedling Bills When The Journal Can Give You More Publicit y For The Money Expend ed OL. 1 NO. 18 ~viiDV ALE 'FORM ER DEACONESS "PASS ESAW AY IN CALIFORNIA Baseball' s Bad Boy CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, SEPrEMB ER 10, 1925: SAILORS AND GOBS VISIT NAVAL TRAIN lNG STATION SUBCRIPTION $1.50 YEAR RENDEZVOUS OPEN- HEALT H CLUB HAS BEEN ORGANIZED lNG DANCE WELL IN BLUFF DALE ATTEN DED Strangling the Monster • ews has just been received of the death of Mrs. Laura Adams Shelley at Berkely, California on Au~u.st :5th follo"\\<ing the birth of a so~ on the same date. For many years before her marriage, Mrs. Shelle~· was deaconess for the Methodist Church. Her duties took her frequently to Mid~ale where she formed a large circle I of friends. Her husband, Mr. Percy Shelley, was formerly agricultural research chemist for the U. S. Smelter. After leaving Midvale, Mr. Shelley entered the University of California at Berkely. Upon graduation he took up the work of Boy Scout executive in that city. Of a quiet retiring disposition, Mrs. Shelley nevertheless ~de many warm frien~s. ~n Midvale because of her self sacrif1cmg chara· eter and genuine refinement of personality. Her passing is therefore a matter of genuine sorrow. ' ' l!M!Rl$ & EWIIS . . ., • • ••• NEW SERVICE STATION GOING IN AT SOUTH JORDA N • ••• • .I • . ' ~: ~ ' .. , l:ah!' ltuth, who was recently tiueu $5,000 11nd suspended Indefinitely, has made his peace with Manager Miller Huggins by publicly apologizing for the things he said about the manRuth Petersron Name ager and for the actions wblcb caused Address his punishment. andy R . D• No . 2 South Jordan School School 12 years of age Age 7th Grade Grade Carolyn Hay Teacll.er A service station near the Red Wood depot is being built. It is expected that the work will progress Since it is to his home that every ;rapidly until completed. The public man instinctively goes in quest of will welcome this new improvemen t ~'- with satisfaction, in as mw:h as this absolute safety there is grim irony, locality is looked upon as an excellent more than a little, in the revelation location for a number of business pro- that somebody's dwelling suffers atjects. We wish Golden Holt much suc- tack by fire every three minutes, apcess in this new enterprise at South proximatel y-that the average yearly destruction of homes approaches $66,Jordan. 000,000. Plainly, the safety that he seeks is not to be found around the average American hearth. It appears from the published record that four of the six leading causes 'of fire in the home-Defec tive Chimneys and Flues; Sparks on· Roofs Manager E. R. Benson of the J. C. Stoves, Furnaces, Boilers and their Penney company at Midvale will Pipes, and Matches--S moking-ind ubleave today for Salt Lake City where itably are preventable by the exercise on Friday and Saturday of this week of proper care and common sense. he will attend a two-day convention The August issue of Safeguardin g at the Hotel Utah of the manager~ Against Fil-e presents complete plans of the institution from the states or for community observance of NationColorado, Ic:!abo. Nevada, New Mex- al Fire Prevention Week. The Natku;· Utah, Wyoming and Oregon. ional Board of Fire Underwriter s, The speakers will be J. I. H. Her- New York, stands ready to do everybert, treasurer of the COIIJ(pany; W. thing within its power to facilitate A. Reynolds, assistant .merchandise the Campaign and will welcome com.manager; E. M. DeMoss, assistant munications from fire chiefs, local employment manager, and Roy H. agents, municipal officials, school Ott, director of personnel. authorities, the membership of busi'or eight days following the con- iness organization s and all others who vention, the managers will remain at will participate in the event. Salt Lake buying holiday and Spring Surely a people virile and far-sightmerchandise from members of the ed enough to found a nation call muscompany's staff of forty New York ter sufficient intelligence and strength buyJ!rs. of will to preserve it from the wasting of fire-startin g with their homes. SOME DWELL ING IS BURNE D EVERY 3 MINUT ES PENNY 'S MANAG ER WILL ATTEN D MEET IN SALT LAKE Tihe old .salty expressiion ";FTom Forecastle to Quarterdeck ," as applied to the promotion of Naval men was vividly illustrated recently when midshipmen f1om the Naval Academ;y .t'ractice Squadron were entertained at the San D1egu Naval Station. ::>eventeen of the :..VIidshipd:en had formerly been enlisted 111en at tile· Siatwn. The occasion was made po~sJl>le b~ the Pacific Cruise 01 the l\lidshipmen Squadron th1s summer when .:::OOu middies engaged in their ,umrller p1 ac Llce cruise, landed at ::>an Diego •r1 om A..nnapoli.s, l\Id. ' F'or the benefit ui the visiting future Admiral<!, the Naval authonties at San Diego invited the nuddics to witness the week!) battalion drill of apprentice seaJl!en. Seventeen o1' the middies who had received their appointment from the .San Diego Naval Station were invited to the }{eviewing Stand to watch the drills. What a sense of pride must have arisen again to witness the same drilling they had gone thtough, reaHzing their reward for time we'll spent in good old recruit days. What an inspirat~on must have ar"sen among the apprentice seamen as they marched passed their predecessors realizing the reward for hard work at drills and studies. The apprentice seamen drills are always an inspiration to the visitor. The parade ground facing Carol Jensen Sandy; School The la1·gest single order on record the azure blue of the Bay, with the R. F. D. No. 1, Box 263 for women's hosiery was placed by the 8th B Grade glint of fleeting white cloutls reflectJ. C. Penney Company the other day Sand, Utah ed from it's still waters. In the rear, Age 13 to partially take care of the 1926 the mauuve colors of mission archiTeacher-M iss Winn tecture depic-ted in the Station buildMonday evening, August 31, 1925, business of its 676 department stores. The order was for 2,400,000 pairs, ings, nestles in the green blancket in the Second Ward Chapel an interembracing besides the staple colors of well kept lavn1s. esting . talk on the subject of Food many of the attractive shades which To return as college men reviewing and its Relation to Health was given will be in yogue. the scenes which made ad 'ancem.ent by Joseph A. McRae of Salt Lake possible and to realize that to the City. Mr. McRae has made an exmarching men before them, they tensive study of this subject and ilwould be an inspiration for many to lustrated his lecture with many insucceed as tiliey had done, are priv.i- teresting personal exper~encejs. Ml'. ...'[ d M 0 . N . 01 son en t erta'm· th t -f t th · ht n r. an rs. leges denied to many citizens. The MeRae c1am1s a 1 we ea d · h · d · th e ng · ht e a t th e1r ome on Stat e st reet , F nvisit to San Diego, only incidental i11 ki n d f df ~ d prepare m e fng day eve•1ing. Progressive games were the trainihg of Uncle Sam's. future way, an a e proper care o our played and prl·zes won by Mrs D . . .• naval officers, gave opportunity to il- b oc!1es we may eas1"l y l"lYe t o b e one R" ·h G. J en k"1ns of M 1c ar0 s an d -.1 u r. lustrate in an appealing fashion one h un d1·ed years old. . Ul1 ray. Supper was served to s1xte~n of the greatest principles of demoguests. Out of town guests were: Mr. cracy, namely; Promotion and SucMr. ancl Mrs. C. Grant spent Mon- and Mrs. G. Jenkins of Murray and cess by merit, not by family influen- day at Centerville the guests O'f Mr.J Mr. and Mrs. W. W. W.anberg, of ces; not by aristocratic birth. and Mrs. Frank Grant. Midvale. HEALT H TALK GIV- HOW'S THIS FOR A EN AT SANDY SEC HUGE ORDER OF OND WARD HOSIER Y Olsen's Enterta in At State Street Home ° • • • Miss Leola Hand entertained Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mr . p. A. Hand in honor c;f Mis,< Wand! Bateman of West Jordan who was married Wednesday in the Salt Lake Temple. White and mellon was the color scheme. A large heart of white and mellon crepe flowers furnished the canope. Supper was served to twenty five guests. Out e>f te>wn guests were: Mrs. L. 0. Pratt, Mrs. Sandy Foyler, Miss Josephine Pratt, Mrs. C. J. Pratt, Mrs. Lizzie Fowler and Miss Leabell Pratt of Salt Lake. Misses Reta and Laree Bateman of West Jordan, Miss Lavina Wamberg of Midvale, Miss Beatrice Simpers, Miss Daisy Milne and Miss Margaret Forbush of East Midvale. The family of Mrs. S. A. Bateman entertained at her home Saturday in honor of he1· birthday anniversary. Dinner was served to sixty four guests. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Schaedler and son Billie and Mr. Dangey of Salt Lake, Mr. Glen Turner of Midvale, Mrs. G. Haand and Mrs. H. AHse>p. An interesting program was given and many beautiful gifts were received by Mrs. Batelilian. ~ The Second Ward Sunday School entertained Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. W. Hewlett in honor of Miss Thelma Boon, an officer in the Sunday School and who is leaving to make her home in California, and Mrs. W. Hewlett, who has .resigned as Sunday school officer to accept the position as secretary of the Stake Relief Society. Progressive games were played and prizes won by Mrs. A. Gardner. A token of appreciation was given to each of the retiring workers by members of the Sunday school. Refreshmen ts were served. Carload Shipme nts Receiv ed At Smelter Number This Week ·····-·········-···-·-··· ..········-·· 210 Carloads. Number Last Week ·····-·-·-···········-··········-·- 217 Carloads. Same Period Year Ago ·····-····-······-····--··· 201 Carloads. ~~-·- KJ aJII!_f_- ,,. iJI .. , ~·~~~~ I • fl ~ ' -. ,,- - ....\ • ' J • .,'! l' ~ , il AJIIIIY- ···-1-IV?I_I_I II_C.,li•KI IIIII~ Director John Ford, who visited New York recently to attend the Broadway prelniere of his gig~antic William Fox special production "The Iron Horse" and saw it hailed as the greatest motion picture ever filmed smiled characteristi cally. Mr. Ford claims that "Hearts of Oak" is one of the best pictures he ever directed. There are many who will agree with the director when they see the scree.n version of James A. Herne's play which opens at the HUB Theatre in Midvale, Sunday for a 3 day run. Wanda Batema n West • ' Jordan G1rl, To Marry Miss Margaret Forbush, Mr. Harold Bishop of Murray, Miss Leola Hand of Sandy, Mr. George Hilton of Salt Lake, Miss Reita Bateman of West Jordan, Mr. Gean Turner of Midvale entertained at a swimming party last Friday evening at Beck's complimenting Miss Wanda Bateman of West J OTdan and Mr. Lorus Pratt o£ Salt Lake who are to be married on Wednesday in the Salt Lake Temple. Miss Margaret Forbush assisted by Miss Leola Hand of Sandy in giving Miii.S Bateman a miscellaneou s shower at her home in Sandy Monday evening at which twenty five guests were present. GOOD TIME CLUB TO HOLD DANCE ON SEPTEM ER 12th FORD TRUCK S TO BE DEMONSTRATED ON FRIDA Y AT MIDVALE Salt Lake Temple Worker s Enterta ined '. ·' v. 'ill·~·~· ~ "HEAR TS OF OAK" AT THE HUB THEAT RE SUNDA Y, SEPT. 14 Argina Turner Riverton, Ut. Bluff Dale School Age 13 A. C. Olson, Teacher 8th Grade This club is a health club which has been organized several montlJ.s. The club is organized under the dir~tion of Mis.,; Lowry, the state extension work er. Our main object is health work. We have our meetings weekly and every month we have our daily programs. In these meetings we learn how to care for the hair and skm. We also learn how to care for our feet. We learn what foods are best for our bodies. This club isn't only a club of value but we get lots of recreation, that is, we go on hikeJ> and have weenie roasts. We have had an achievement day program which was at Taylorsville . There are four clubs in Salt Lake county which had their achievement day program with ours. Our adviso-r goes to Logan each year, to the A. C. for instructions to carr;~: on this work. That's why our work is successful. The "Good Time Club" will hold a dance and, reunion on Saturday night, September 12 at West Jordan. If you want to meet dancing comrades of twenty years ago, come and trip che light fantastic to the strains of On Friday of this week, Septem- Morris Orchestra. ber 11, a caravan of trucks will visit all cities in south Salt Lake City exhibiting Ford Motor trucks of the :f'ollowing types: Closed Cab and Stake body, Open Cab and express body, canopy top Mrs. John Larson entettained at and screens, Closed cab, Rowe extendinner Saturday. Covers we1·e laid sion frame and special camp body, Open cab, Lee lump body, Johnson for Mrs. Zina Card, Mrs. Lulu Green Richards, Mrs. Jessie Bean, Mrs. school bus body. Louie Davis, Mrs. Winfred Latham, In addition to the cab and body Mrs. Thora Young, Mrs. Jessie Maxequipment, each unit will be equipped well, Mrs. Eliza Adams, Mrs. Emma with a starter and Ruckstell Axel. Arnup, Mrs. Catherine Russell, Jl.h's. The C. J. Ridd Motor company of Agnus Merrell, Mrs. Mary M. WillMidvale, loool Ford dealers will have iams, Mrs. Jeanette Reynolds, Mrs. charge of the demonstrati on in MidChristina Miller, Mrs. Zina Wilson, vale and any and all persons interMrs. Emma Jensen, Mrs. I. !vi. Schoested in Ford trucks of the variou,; field, Mrs. Lillie F. Sperry, Mrs. Edith types are urged to avail themselves Ri<:hards and Mrs. Alice Laycock all of this opportunity to inspect the;;e Salt Lake Temple workers. In the afcars. ternoon a program was given and members of the Relief Society were were present. Refreshmen ts were served to fifty guests. Ward Confere nce Make Change s In Offices t Sandy 2nd Ward Entertains Retiring Officers At last Henry Ford has found a The Ananies Club: "Barnum was all car that will i'O smoothly over the wrong, said the con man. "No matter bumpiest roads. He's gone into the how attractive I make the bait, I can't ai;'~! bus~s.: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __!get a single sucker to bite_."_ __ .. I 1 Grange r Couple Married Wednes day In Temple Birthda y Annive rsary Is Occasion for Hilarity Miss Hilda Ruegg of Granger and Mr. Raymond Dowding were marrie<l Wednesday in the Salt Lake Temple. A reception was given at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ruegg of Granger Wednesday evening. The grooms mother, Mrs. D. Dowding and sister, Miss Blanche Dowding, Mr. Dewey Sundberg, Mr. and Mrs. T. Davies, Mr. and Mrs. W. Tompson, Mr. and Mrs. C. GalesPi% Mr. and Mrs. J. Oldham and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. NeLson were guests. k The large crowd that attended the Fall Opening of the Rendezvous, Midvale's Ball Room last Friday were very well pleased with the introduction of the latest dance craze the "Chat,leston ." Mr. Clay certainly impressed every one present and they were well re· paid. The Paramount Dance Orchestra made a tremendous lot of friends and everything proved that Midvale'·s Dances are going to be more popular than ever. This was the largest crowd that has attended the Midvale dances for the past two years and everyone pressent is looking forward to the dance Friday night and it is very evident the ci owd will be larger than ever. A special feature for this Friday night is the Cullen Candy Company's Speed Dance. This is something entirely new and original and with the Free Souvenirs, Free Candy, and Special arranged program everyone attending will certainly be assured a great time. The Paramount Dance Orch'*'tra will be on hand to furnish more of their wonderful music and songs. ) ' \ - . __ ..,......._..,.~.~-- BE ''OWL'' WISE Always keep one eye open to the many advanta ges of advertis ing in the Jordan JOURN AL-and keep the other eye shut to the catch penny schemes of the sharp salesma n who tries to get you to spend your money on a plan of question able worth. A year or more of consistent use of our columns will convince you beyond any possible doubt that it is a paying investm ent-and as you continu e to advertise the results obtaine d constan tly increase . We are ready to help you with the prepara tion of your copy. The First Ward held their Ward Conference Sunday at 2 p. m. The presidency of the Stake were present. Some changes were made in the organizations on account of some officers moving away and others being released. The following changes were made: Mr. James D. Rossen was selected !liS second councelor to Bishop Nelson succeding Mr. Earl Allsop who has moved out of the ward. The Y. L. M. I. A. was reorganized. Miss Ruby Graves, Pres; Mrs. Estella Tompson fh·st and Mrs. Ruth Rasmussen second councelors succeeding Mrs. L. E. Peterson Pres; Mrs. A. E. Peterson Councelor and Miss Ruby Graves Councelor. The Primary was also reorganized: Mrs. Lora To!~·. Pres; Mrs. Almina Larson, 1st Councelor and Mrs. D. Bateman 2nd Councelor, Miss Donna Boulter secretary; succeeding Mrs. S. L. Brady Pres., who is moving away Mrs. Lora Tolman 1st Councelor and Mrs. M. Allsop, Secretary. Mr. Ike Sorenson and Mr. J. Tolman were selected as councelors to Mr. W. Tompson of the Y. M. M. I. A. in the place of Mr. Perry Tolman who is on a lnission and Mr. Leo Sundberg who has moved away. Local People Celebra te Weddin g Annive rsary Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hansen entertained in honor of their wedding anniversary Saturday of la:;t week. Supper was served to the folle>wing guests Mr. and Mrs. James Silvey, Mr. and M1·s. F~ed Spinde1·, Mr. Jack Harmish Mr. James Hansen, Mr. Thomas. Renlinds, Mr. and Mus. Wm. Cummings. Popular Murray Couple United In Temple Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Mildred Hudson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hudson of Salt Lake and Glen Howe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hany Howe of this city. The wedding will take place on September 9 in the Salt Lake Temple. The wedding will be followed by a reception in the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Howe on Vine Street. The Firemen will give another Street Dance Saturday evening, the 12th of September. This may be the Too Much Co-mpetition. "Honest Ted- last Street Dance of the season. Don't dy," cross-examin ed by his big sister, miss it. who had given him a dime to stay away from the parlor while her heau Chicago ought to cut out all this was there, "didn't you even peak nonsense in the proceedings to deterthrough the keyhole?" "Naw," was mine whether Russell Scott is insane the disgusted reply, "Pa an' Ma was or not and get down to facts--how in the way." much money has he got? |