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Show I • 2nd Section 2nd Section ~\HDVALE VOL. 1 NO. 18 CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1925. SUBCRIPTION $1.50 YEAR ---~---- lVIIDVALE ·Is RUNNER-UP IN BASE BALL TOURNAMENT Midvale Has the Largest Enrollment In It's History • Murray Society • • • • •• . • • • • • MIDVALE ITEMS I Mrs. D. W. Jessup and children spent Tuesday in Brighton ....~Ir;:;. Jessup hat! as her guests, Mrs. J. A. Jones and Ml·s. R. G. Sherilf of Mur1·ay. .. • * Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Alcorn, Mr. anu Mrs. lJ. A. Drown anti Mr. and l\'lr,. A. A. Larson spent Labor Day in Salt Lake, guests of Mr. and 1\lr~:;. Wm. Mayc1·oft. • • • Mr. and .Mr.s. George C. Tyrell have gone to .::>alt Lake to make their home. • * • Miss Myrtle Watts entertained a number of her young friends at a party Monday evening at her home on ea!t Sixty-fourth South street. • * * M11S. Stephensen has as her gue~t for this wee~her sister, Mrs. Wardle of Idaho. • • • Mrs. C. Stephensen and Mrs. Wardle were the dinner guests of Mrs. A. Peterson of Salt Lake, Monday. • • • Mr. H. Sunstrom and family will leave this week for Myton, Utah for a two week's trip. • • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. William B. Ereckson Mrs. W. B. Joy of Murray and Mis;; and children have returned from a J osaphine Johnson of Sandy were tht:: week's visit with relatives in Vernal. luncheon guests of .1\lirs. H. P. Miller Mrs. Thomas Forman left last week ~l.'hursday of last week. visit relatives in California. Mr:-. to • • • Mrs. J. W. Booth, Mrs. N. J. Carl- Forman expects to be gone a month. • son and Mrs. S. E. Anderson will be Mrs. H. P. Miller was a guest at a the ho;:;tesses at the Ladies Aid meet· Bridge luncheon given Saturday of ing which is being held totlay. last week at the home of Mrs. Robert .. • • • Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mcintosh and Matthews of Salt Lake. * infant son of Salt Lake were guests Mrs. Wayne Deming of Coal ville Sunday at the home of .\-lr. and Mr::,. is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. W. K L. Cropper. Grace. * • • • • Mr. Wm. Sutton of Ketmmene1·, Mrs. Elsa Clark of Rosepa, Utah Wyoming, o;pent the early part of the spent last week-end at the home of week at the home of his uncle and Mr. and Mrs. W.m. Nelson. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Elieson. • • .• • • .. .. • • * Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Wm. WatMiss Hazel Losser of Salt Lake is ers entertained a number of the playa guest at the home of her sister, of her son, Dick on his eighth mates Mrs. Arthur Larson. birthday anniversary. Games and re· Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Lindahl and freshments were enjoyed. Ml"s. Joyce Clarke joined friends from Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Ward of Manti ~enjamin and spent Sunday in Toofriends in Midvale last -week. visited ele. .. • • • * • . .. . * • • The Relief Society met Tuesday. ,¥embers of the Fortnightly Club at The time was spent were entertained Tuesday evening * * in * quiltin<>". ..., lae4home of Miss Honore Stagg. The Monday afternoon Bridge Club • • • meet Monday of next week at will Mrs. Thomas A. Smith, Mrs. Eli the home of Mrs. W. W. O'Brien. Mitchell, Mrs. E. T. Brown and Mrs. Andrew Larson spent Monday at Mrs. John A. Aylett and Mrs. D. Magna, the guests of Mrs. ReC!Sie W. Jessup, members of the Ladies Jones. Literary Club of Salt Lake expect to Mrs. Rollin A. Pallanch entertain- attend the luncheon which will be ed at luncheon Tuesday for Mr. and given Friday at the club rooms. Mrs. E. H. Hamilton; of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. S. Lindsay and Canada, who are here ou a visit. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Miller were guests and Mrs. Hamilton left to return to at a trout dinner given Thursday of their home, Thursday. last week for Stake Genealogical • * • workers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hollis Aylett and Hamilton of Riverton, R. children and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Joy • • and small daughter spent Sunday in Mrs. J. A. Jones of Murray anti American Fork Canyon. Mrs. Sherron of Los Angeles, Cal.. • * ifornia spent Wednf'sday of last week Mns. Amanda Smith returned to with Mrs. D. W. Je~sup. her ·home in Salt Lake Saturday after spending two weeks at the ho.r:.e of her son, Thomas A. Smith. • • • • • • • • • • I * * • Mrs. Hyrum Beckstead and childten returned to Midvale la.~t week, after spending the sunvner in Soldier Summit. Community Club Business Meeting Friday A business meeting of the Commun• • • I ity Club will be held Friday afternoon !'fr. and Mrs.. A. A..Larson enter- at the Community Church, as questamed at a chicken dmner Sunday. tions vital to the growth and organiCovers were laid for sixteen. Out-of zation of the club are to be discussed. town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. a large attendance is desired. Maycroft and daughter, Ruth of Salt iLake and Mr. and Mrs. La n.....e W • S , PETTS , R"IVel' t on, Utah ---h as u•t-u Drown of Magna. for Sale one Home Comfort Range. Seein' Red MIDVALE TAKES SEC OND MONEY IN SALT LAKE BALL FETE Mrs. Sylvester Bradford and baby of Blanding, San Juan County is visiting at the home of her sister, Mt·s. Lovell Washburn. ' Miss Lexie Sundstrom had as her guest Friday, M1·s. L. White of Salt Lake. Mrs. Henry Watts is spending a Age 13 week with relatives at Lehi. Alma Gygie • * * 8th Grade Midvale School Mr. and Mrs. Jene Bringhurst Miss Peterson, Teacher rece1vmg congratulations over Midvale school opened August 31, arrival of a daughter born to them 1925 with an enrollment of 585 pupils, Wednesday of last week. * • • the largest number it has ever had. Mrs. F. Rugg had as her guest on J_'here will be over 600 enrolled beFriday, Mrs. Charles Sorenson of Salt fore the clo.se of the seeond wee.J!:. Lake. Our school is thoroughly organ~ed • and we have been at work from the Miss E1la Dahl daughter of Mr. and first day. formerly of this city, now Mrs. Soren In the Junior High School the teachers an9 subjects are as follows: of West Jordan and Charles Schmidt Mr. Greenwood teaches Science, will be married September 16 in the Miss Peterson, English, music and l:ialt Lake Temple. • penmanship;Mrs. Gregory, History Mrs. W. H. Stauffer entertained at and Civics, Mr. Dewey, Geography and her home Monday evening in honor Reading, Mrs. Sessions, Music, and her birthday anniversat·y. Game,; of MTs. Rapp Arithmetic and Spe!1ing. were enjoyed and prizes were won b;y The other teachers are as follows Mr. Barrett 6B, Mrs. Se:;sions 5B, Mrs. Myrtle Stauffer and Mrs. Mary Miss Buck 5A, Miss Miller 4B, Miss A~n Stauffer. * • Thompson 4A, Miss Dunbar 3B, M1·s. Mrs. G. R. Reading entertained the Isaacson 3B, Miss Padjen lB, Mrs. members of the M. M. B. Club at a Rolph 2A, Mrs. Jensen 1B and 2B, Mrs. Ault 1st and Mrs. Vincent 1st. luncheon Wednesday afternoon of Midvale school is going to have last week at her home on West Fiffour new basket ball courts for the ty-nineth South street. The table 'was boys and two new volley ball coUJrts centered with a basket of • yellow snapdragons. Covers were laid for 1~ for the girls. ' The boys will have eight teams and guests. • the girls will have four. Mr. and Mrs. George Stauffer have We intend to give every p~pil an returned home from a two weeks viopportunity to play. .-;it to Yellowstone Park and Idaho. The prospeets for a most suceess• * ful year are excellent. Mr. and Mrs. C. Shaw and family were the dinner guests of Mrs. A. Peterson of Salt Lake Monday. DRAPER DOINGS Edward F. Dithmar • • • Midvale made m1 enviable record in the reeent Base Ball Tournament staged at Salt Lake. With pages of newspaper publicity and playing up to the last hitch, when the Jew~~cn finally put over the deciding run, easily accords them a niche in the •roll of honor as local boo,.,tErs. Cushman played "ith the l tah Power & Light t€'am but they were soon put on the sheli. Five of the MidYal(' plarers, BE .:k• • stead and Larsen, pitchers; Whitn ore1 Mrs. Elmer Yates .and children of first base; Reading, right fiEld; Smith Salt Lake were guests of .M17s. Yate" • utility, were picked as tournament mother, Mrs. Sarah Crane, last Wedall-star. nesday. Climaxing a series of \ ictories ·with • • * :a sensational <!-to-1 w n ovt:r Mid·Mrs. Thomas Sadler of Bingham vale, the Salt Lake .JewelE-r>:< took spent several days last week vLsiting first honor in tl>e state aMateur ba,;eher parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dow. ball tournament Monduy. • • • I The contest CO'npleted the first state Mrs. S. C. Bailey entertained at a I amateur baseball tournam~nt in Utr.h family dinner last Suuday in honor! , history. The tourney, unaer the au,._ of her birthday anniversary. Fifteen· pices of the Salt Lake Amateur Athguests were present. , letic federation, wus held suceessful, * • • bringing forth some excellent base-Miss Frances Rasmussen has reball and fu1thermg the aim of the turned to her home in .\lagna after a dancing party _Saturday ev~ning in 1 competition, that of furthering amaLtl \\Ill t1 I· IJ!thtuut·. lormet Jieu- visiting with relatives here for the honor of her birthday anmvero:ars. teur sports throughout the state. tenant.governor of Wisconsin, who hns past month. 1Supper was served at eleven o'~lockl It seerrs h.ghl;y probable that simiannounced bhnself as "emergency lar tourneys will be held in future to twenty four* gu;st~ eandldate" for the United States Mrs. Elizabeth Way>m~>Uth and dauyears. The rectnt tow·ney :surpassed senate for the seat of the late Robert ghter M-able, Miss Olive Jenkins, Miss expectations of the officials as to fihas gone to Mr. Mervin Walbeck M. La Follette. He will run as an · Gladys Jenkins and Mis-s Pretia Walsh Officers of the Lawes Community nancial success, and they wish to exCaliforma where he will play ·ball 1ndependent Itepubllcan if Robert M. of Salt Lake were guests of Mr. and Club have for some time pa::;t been i pre::;s to the public their thanks for with the Vernon Baseball Club. La Follette, Jr., is nominated. Mrs. S. C. Bailey Sunday. ' preparing for the meetings of th ' support of the amateur compet.tion. • • * • program of ch.b • Pitchers' Battle coming season. A .Mr. John Burnhan1 and Mrs. Mattie THE FANNUIG BEE HIVE Mrs. B. F. Andrus entertained at McRay of Salt Lake were guests of acti...'ities has been pa:;scd upon and a The fmal contest was by far the George M. Walbeek, the Midvale a children's party Friday afternoon. Mrs. Sarah Burnham Sunday. place of meeting 1s now under con most brililant of the tournament deyoungste1·, is plaring a bang-up gwme Twelve little guests were present. sideration. Now is the time for the vetoping into a pitcher<.' battle' be• • * • at shortstop for the Vernon Kitten);. Mrs. Ben Burnham was hostess to ladies of Midvale to decide that thit• tween Page of the Jewelers and LarMiss Leda Sm,lth of Salt Lake was her club Thur.sday afternoon. Lunch. organization with its manifold arl- sen of Midvale. The w.nning run wa,; Besides his fine w'brk in the field the Utahn is getting his quota of base a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. was served to sixe members. vantages to members is going to be scored in the mnth 1nning. hits. Walheck was recommended to David Smith last Wednesday. a permanent irutitution of our city. BJl Page'IS remarkable hurling was • • * Howard Lorenz about the same time It exists as a unit of commumty ser- thesensatwn of the game. Page atTommy Fitzpatrick, former UniverMr. and Mrs. Arthur Sraw and vice only to the extent of its member- wwed l1Idvale only three hits, one a sity of Utah coach, advbed Judge children of Bingham were guests of ship. In this day when every field of scratch and the .,melterm~n were able Robert, who is a great friend of "Uea- Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Smith, Friday. Mr. and Mr>:<. R. S. Hamilton, Ml'. modern activity is open to women, can to hit only six balls to the o1.1tfield. con" Van Buren, the Tiger scout that • and Mr_.;. I. E. Stocking, Mr. and Mrs. you let this opportunity for individ- Page whiffed seven battu~; and. walKual progress and advanceJm.ent pass eel one. Walbeck would make a good man for Members of the Rasmussen family the Vernon team. Judge Porter and held a reunion in the Draper Ward Ma:honri B lltterfield, .\li;;s Hattie you by? Watch for the announcement Only an unfortunate break when Bills and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hamilton Lorenz sent Van Buren on the tmil Amusement Hall, Monday at 5 o'of the time and place of meeting and Gelly Miller :;lipped while receiv.ng while the famous ivory hunter was clock. Supper was served followed by formed a party and went to Saratoga give the Commumty Club your sup- a throw, sl.lved ~lldvale from a coat here teeently and Walbeck got his games. At seven o'clock a program Springs Tuesday evening and enjoy: port. of whitewash. ed lunch. contract. (Br) Officers of the Community Larsen, Midvale hurler, aLso \\as was given by members of the dif• Club brillant, allowing six h-.ts and str,,kferent families, after which dancing concluded the day's entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Huggins had as --------ing ou. nine. He walked only one JORDAN NOTES their dinner geusts Sunday, Miss Lois babnian, but cut loo~e with three wnd At a speeial election called Wed- About one hundred a~d fifty were Draper, Miss Ethel Hugg\ns, Mr. . C pitches, one of which cau1:.ed his downpresent. h nesday to elect a student body pres• .. * Joseph Reed of Salt Lake, Mr. and fall. Mrs. C. P. Madsen and family of ident to succeed James Lunnen, who did not return to school, Eal'i James Miss Jean Brown left Monday for South Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. MelSalt Lake where she will attend school War was declared by Sheriff Ben was chosen over John Slater and Irvin Hug-g.ins. After ilinner 1\Ir. and this winter. vin Swenson. '!'he final vote was Earl • * • Mr~. J. E. Huggins accompanied Mis;:; R. Haress Wednesday on watermelon I ,HE James 248, John Slater 154, Irvin Mrs. Nora Stringfellow had as her Lois Draper, Mi~:;s Ethel Huggins thieves following the arrest Tue~day li 1 night of F. E. Schroader, Jr., E. Whit.L' Swenson 22. guests Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Le! a,nd Mr. Joseph Reed to . Pleasant James Jen;;en and Lowell Green Grand Ter and baby of Magna. · <_;~·ove and spent the evenmg with head and Orland Trapp and three girls. '!'he annuai election of officers for withdrew their names from the race • * • fnends. The men are being charged with the various classes at Jordan took • because of conflicting activities. Mrs. B. M. Crosgrove and daughter petty larceny in complaints being preplace Friday. The following WHe elMr. and Mrs. Lancelot Bills, anThe otricers of the ;;tudent body Hulda and Mrs. Harry Heward werepared in the county attorney's oflico. ected: for the ensuing year now are: gue.:;ts at a dinner party Monday at nounce the birth of a baby girl FriThe arrests were made by Deput~ Freshmen-Spencer BurkinshawP.resident-Earl James, Vice Pre~i- the home of Mrs. Enno Drown of day. sheriffs T. A. Callieott and George President, Leda Whitmore--Vice Pres• * dent-Esther Whitmore, Secretary- Magna. Beekstead at the melon patch of Btu- ident, Myrtle Monaham-&crrtary, Mrs. I. E. Stocking entertained at John Slater, Chief Justice of Student • • • dett Bagley of Union. Bagl<!y is a Revell Swenson-Yellmaster. · a surprise party Friday evening in Body Court-Walter Jennings. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rasmussen of student at the university and raise3 Sophomores--Theo Dwight-Prt:siAssociate Justices-Lamar Burkin- Heber City were gue:>t11 of Mrs. Agne~ honor of Mrs. Joseph Green. The evening was spent in a :social way and melons in the summer time to eD<J.blo dent, John Adolph:son-Vice-Pl·esident shaw and Clive Tapp, Proseeuting At- Fitzgerald Tuesday. Isabelle Smith-Secretary, Delpha luncheon was served to eighteen rela- him to go to school. torney-Fred Oliver, Yellmaster• * • He said that a number of people Nieben-Yellmaster. Don Dunyon. . . Mr. Pete Dow of Bingham visit- tives. have come to ~is f!eld with large Juniors-Byron Grant-Pre;,;,ident • '&he new officers are deftermthmedtto ed during the week with his parents, Mr. Max Christensen ente1tainecl at trucks and carried his melons awn~ I Helen Stokes-Vice-President Zelda make this a banner year or e s u-' Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dow. He said he has i Lloyd--Secretary, Junior 11-ieltona surprise part~· Saturday everung in by the • truckload. dent b ody. • • • honor of Mrs. Chri.:;tensen's birthday threatened to shoot some of them and: Yellmaster. ----==========----~ Miss Dezzie Farmer left during the and wedding anniccrsies. Supper was that they mereiJ-- replied, "Go. ahead Senior~ames Jen:;en-JPresident week for Bliss, Idaho where she will and shoot," and went on stealmg the! Bertha Lind-Vice-President, John served to: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Pett..~, • • • spend the winter. :Slater-Secretary, Earl -James2\llr. and Mrs. W. R. Stevens, Mr. and melons. Mrs. Hodges, Mr. Dal't Chiono, Mrs. dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.l Yell~a..~er. . . Mrs. Eunice Walbeek of Salt Lake Frank Teller and Mrs. Johanna Lar- Thomas B. Slater of Salt Lake. ; Pr.U:cipal N1eh;en appomted the is visiting relatives in Draper this sen of Salt Lake. • * * i followmg teachus to act as advisor~; ·week. • • Mrs. William Mason and children~ to ~he classes for the conung year: * • Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hodges had spent the week-end with her mother F res~men-Mr. Price, Mr. EpperMrs. James Taylor entertained , at ~on, l.VIlss Garuner and Mis.; Heywood. as their guests Wednesday and Thurs Mrs. Chris Lovendahl. • • • Soph0imi0res.---il\1r. Bal:ard, Mi,ss day, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Hodges and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wood of Mrs. A. C. All~n.- of Los Angeles 1Rawson, Miss Jennings and Miss Cand Fielding. and two small ch11dren were guests land. . of her daughter, ~Irs. W. R. Stevens Jumors-Mr. Nelson, Mr. Dorius, • • • Mrs. T. P. Page, Mrs. Z. T. Butter- for three days during the week. Miss Riach, and :Miss Rose. • * • Semors-Mr. Jensen, Miss Clark, field and Mr. Meredith Page visited at Spanish Fork on Tuesday. Mr. and 1\:Irs. W. 0. Page visited at Mr. Dewey and Mrs. Robinson. The school has at last got into good • • • Mayfield Sunday and Monday. • • • running order through new students Miss Mada Shelley of Al!Mrican . Fork spent the week end as guest of 1 .Mr. LeRoy Densley and Miss Louise are continually registering. A pleasMiss Vera webb. ing attitude toward the work is noted . NIels. en were married Saturday. • • • • .. • everywhere. )T(e inviu llou to tee out". new 1 Relatives of Mrs. Roland Page en-,' Miss Ru~h Mortensen entertained A tug-of-war over tht! canal between Chriatm.u linetertained at a party Friday afternoon.' her Bee HIVe_ clacc at a melon bust the Freshmen and Sophomores will lend color to the week-e·nd activities. Games were played and refreshments Tuesday evenmg at her home. Our Greeting Card stock wu nevaThe Seniors and Junior will do were served to. Mrs. T. P. Page, Mrs. so fi~. J. A. Bateman, l\1rs. Florence Page, I their bit wi~h a c~a":;. football game Mrs. John I. Wiberg, Mrs. :c., L. Den·today: Th_e nvalry 1s bitter. The play'Ghere' s distinction, qualitB and sley, Mt1S. Guymne Page, Mrs. w. 0. ers will fight hard ns coaches Ballard good value her~ 1and Gardner will make their selectPage, Miss Edna Bateman, Mrs. Geo. W~etman, Mrs. Preston Bateman, ~l's Mrs. Pearson, driving a E'ord Se- ions for the fir::.t squad largely on In evel"B card ~ are offering tht. ~dith Peterson,. Mrs. z. T. Butter- , dan, with Ella Nielsen, her mother, the showing in the class games. Bear; field, Mrs. Melvm Peterson, Miss La- 179, and another aged la!.ly, 82 year" 'Dhe Sophomore•Fr., hmen team vern Bateman, Mrs. Hana ~iel,;;en, l of age, were hit by a Dodge driven combined will endeavor to take the And Bour own special taste we can Mrs. Jet Bills, Mrs. Louis Peterson' by a doctor from Reno Nevada at mleasure of the winner of the upper · · ' gratifH, too, and Mrs. George Wh etnJan of Salt ' th e mterseet10n of Redwood Road •and c assmen · the Bingham highway yesterday. . ------.Lake. 'Go ca"'B Bour Chriatmat ~"8' • • • Mrs. Nielsen's collar bone was bro:\hss Bet~ ~teadman, ~I~S Ella Mor Miss Vera Webb will leave Friday ken and others were severely cut with 1 ?'an and .Miss Lola Hamilton entertafor Bou. for Preston, Utah where she expects flying glass. No fatalities, however. med their Sunday school class at a Dr. Quick was called and assisted 1. party last Wednesday at the ward to teach school this winter. • • • · · fi rst a1d · and removing the pan house · &:1vmg Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Petts were din- tients to the hospital. The Page Reunion was held Ia>:<t ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thursday where all enjoyed dinner at Davis of Salt Lake, Sunday. Corne Shay's Cafeteria after which all went • ~o the Wilkes Theatre and had an enMr. and Mrs. Z. T. Butterfield were JOyable evening. The girls of the P. F. Club sur-1 prised Miss Doris Stay Tuesday ev-. ening at the home of Miss Maurine I Nielsen, it being her birthday anniversary. Games were played and lunch served to: Miss Ruth Rasmussen, Miss Mary Dow, Miss Zola Beck, Miss Ew~ lyn Smith, Miss Jane Nielsen, Miss Gladys l{asmussen, Miss Caroline Kimball, Miss Maurine Nielsen alH: Miss Doris ~tay. • I • COMl\fUNITY CLUB IS READY FOR SUCCESFUL YEAR • • • • • Riverton Items • I • • Drive Launched On Melon T Ieves By o. Sheri± CLASS OFFICERS AT JOl-lDAN CHOSEN L,OR YEAR • • • • • W 0 W DANCE UNION AMUSEMENT HALL Watch For Date I • • • • . \11 Ford and Dodge Clash A t \Vest Jordan Corner • • • Early and Get Your Pick • • Why not paint the Midvale fire truck? |